]> git.rm.cloudns.org Git - xonotic/netradiant.git/shortlog
2012-05-15 Rudolf Polzeruncrustify this file for better merging
2012-05-15 Rudolf PolzerMerge commit '203343b01a7ad87cb3d136689c9936ff5bc23c01...
2012-03-27 Rudolf Polzerremove an useless vcproj
2012-03-27 TTimouncrustify config - not applying until more sync with...
2012-03-27 Rudolf PolzerMerge commit '515673c08f8718a237e90c2130a1f5294f966d6a'
2012-03-27 Rudolf PolzerMerge commit '48410b113dd2036e69dbf723a39ec9af02fc9b12'
2012-03-17 Timothee TTimo... trash a bunch of outdated and confusing things
2012-03-17 git-svn-migrateConvert svn:ignore properties to .gitignore.
2012-03-03 Rudolf Polzerquery the online, not total, CPUs in case some were... xonotic-v0.6.0
2012-03-03 Lauri Kasanenq3map2: Small cleanups
2012-03-03 Lauri KasanenAutomatically determine the number of threads on linux
2012-03-03 Lauri KasanenAdd gitignore
2012-03-01 Rudolf Polzerfix how glib is included
2012-03-01 Rudolf PolzerMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ailmanki/et-engine...
2012-03-01 Rudolf Polzeralso include libjpeg8 here
2012-03-01 Rudolf Polzerno longer use an included libjpeg copy. Use the system...
2012-03-01 Rudolf Polzerremove internal libjpeg6 copy (patch by monad)
2012-02-26 ailmankiFix for the fix
2012-02-26 ailmankiFixed map not starting after compile in Enemy-Territory.
2012-02-21 Rudolf PolzerQuakePack seems to be GPL now
2012-02-19 Rudolf PolzerMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/divVerent/leak...
2012-02-19 Rudolf Polzerfix another import bsp bug
2012-02-19 Rudolf Polzerfix import decompiling
2012-02-14 rambetterSwitching order of picoModuleLWO and picoModuleOBJ...
2012-02-14 Rudolf Polzeralso select the best entity when a leak was found
2012-02-14 Rudolf Polzer.lin files: find optimal path from leak entity
2012-02-14 Rudolf Polzeranother experimental change: better handle leaky maps
2012-02-13 Rudolf Polzerfix drawindexes crash when loading BSP files
2012-02-13 Rudolf PolzerMerge branch 'divVerent/MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES'
2012-02-13 Rudolf Polzerfix crash in -bsp
2012-02-12 Rudolf Polzerunlimit MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES
2012-02-11 ailmankibobtoolz fixes to patch merging
2012-02-09 Rudolf Polzeradd option -nofastpoint; make old buggy behaviour defau...
2012-02-09 Rudolf Polzerslow down non-fast operation but make it more accurate...
2012-02-09 Rudolf PolzerFIXME comment because falloffTolerance is checked in...
2012-02-09 Rudolf Polzerfix falloff tolerance for sRGB
2012-02-09 Rudolf Polzerswap values 0 and 1 for -exposure (now -exposure 0...
2012-01-23 Rudolf Polzerleave out 4 files
2012-01-23 Rudolf PolzerOS X: support homebrew by MACLIBDIR=/usr/local/lib
2012-01-23 Rudolf Polzersimplify code
2012-01-23 Rudolf Polzerfix type cast
2012-01-23 Rudolf Polzerfix deprecation with libpng 1.4
2012-01-14 Rudolf PolzerNOW I do it right: #woxblox#
2012-01-14 Rudolf PolzerSee http://nl.git.xonotic.org/?p=xonotic/netradiant...
2012-01-14 Rudolf PolzerA new NetRadiant build is available on
2012-01-13 Rudolf PolzerMerge branch 'master' of git://de.git.xonotic.org/xonot...
2012-01-13 Rudolf Polzerfix dependency check causing recompile of all .c files
2012-01-13 Rudolf Polzeradd two missing dlls
2012-01-13 Rudolf Polzeranother compile fix for win32 on arch linux
2012-01-13 Rudolf Polzerbetter fit mingw on Arch Linux
2012-01-13 Rudolf Polzersupport for separators in build menu
2012-01-04 rambetterMoved windows build paks from Zerowing to icculus.org.
2012-01-02 rambetterUpdating some links in the Windows compile guide.
2012-01-02 rambetterUpdating Windows compile guide with new SVN repo location.
2012-01-01 rambetterChanging the SVN respository of game packs to correct...
2011-12-31 Rudolf PolzerXonotic: make sRGB compiles default
2011-12-30 Rudolf Polzerdon't care for singular/plural in -shaderasbitmap vs...
2011-12-27 Rudolf Polzer-onlyents: keep gridsize as stored in the bsp
2011-12-25 Rudolf Polzeradd shorthand option -nosRGB to turn off all sRGB modes
2011-12-21 Rudolf PolzerMerge branch 'master' of /var/cache/git/xonotic/netradiant
2011-12-21 Rudolf Polzer256 surfaceparms
2011-12-18 Rudolf Polzeralways use color normalization, vector normalization...
2011-12-14 Rudolf Polzeralso support -sRGBcolor for floodlight
2011-12-14 Rudolf PolzersRGB convert all shader specified colors
2011-12-14 Rudolf Polzersupport -sRGBcolor for all _color keys
2011-12-14 Rudolf Polzersupport -sRGBcolor for flares
2011-12-14 Rudolf Polzeroption: -sRGBcolor (unused yet)
2011-12-09 Rudolf Polzermark two shader checks nullable
2011-12-09 Rudolf Polzerno, we do NOT want to ignore caulk
2011-12-09 Rudolf Polzerproperly ignore caulk
2011-12-09 Rudolf PolzerPROPERLY ignore sky brushes for minimap
2011-12-09 Rudolf Polzer-autolevel for minimap
2011-12-08 Rudolf Polzerfix lightstyle compare (SIGBUS on SPARC)
2011-12-08 Rudolf PolzerAllocWinding: fix handling of compiler enforced alignme...
2011-12-04 Rudolf Polzermake dependencies check work even with -j make invocation
2011-12-01 Rudolf Polzerproperly support -keeplights option. Current implementa...
2011-11-23 Rudolf Polzeraudit all uses of ClipWindingEpsilon and choose the...
2011-11-22 Rudolf Polzertry to fix the "-np surfaces disappear" bug
2011-11-20 Rudolf Polzerfix an obvious q3map2 bug that causes BSP leafs to...
2011-11-12 Rudolf Polzerfix a typo in auto map type detection
2011-11-12 Rudolf Polzerexplain BP mode
2011-11-10 Rudolf Polzernew gamepack URLs
2011-10-29 Rudolf Polzeralso new option: -sRGBtex, and renamed -sRGB to -sRGBlight
2011-10-29 Rudolf Polzerfix spotScale implementation
2011-10-29 Rudolf Polzeradd separate spotlight scale -spotscale
2011-10-22 Rudolf Polzeradd also a -nosRGB option to turn sRGB off
2011-10-21 Rudolf Polzerexperimental q3map2 command line option: -sRGB (store...
2011-10-18 Rudolf Polzeralphashadow/lightfilter: bound the texcoords after...
2011-10-18 ThornA tiny patch for the brushexport2 obj exporter that...
2011-10-18 Rudolf Polzeradd a missing memset
2011-10-17 Rudolf Polzertotally unlimit entities
2011-10-17 Rudolf PolzerMerge branch 'master' of git://de.git.xonotic.org/xonot...
2011-10-17 Rudolf Polzerallow more entities
2011-10-07 Rudolf PolzerMerge branch 'divVerent/xact'
2011-10-07 Rudolf Polzermake dialogs for all "Xact" spheres/cones/cylinders
2011-10-07 Rudolf Polzerrefactor DoNewPatchDlg
2011-10-07 Rudolf Polzeralso support XactCone and XactSphere
2011-10-07 Rudolf PolzerExperimental: add "XactCylinder" to make a better patch...
2011-10-01 Rudolf Polzerwhy was this commented out - broke modelscale
2011-09-16 Rudolf Polzerfix two obvious typos