]> git.rm.cloudns.org Git - xonotic/xonotic-maps.pk3dir.git/shortlog
2011-12-03 cbrutailCouple of things I've might forgotten, but reworked...
2011-12-02 cbrutailMerge branch 'master' into cbrutail/map-8bit_arena
2011-12-01 Rudolf Polzerreduced bot count on xoylent laser sumo to 2. Harmata...
2011-11-25 Rudolf Polzerforbid using spawnpoint.target as a trigger target...
2011-11-22 Rudolf Polzerrecompile for bug-be-gone
2011-11-20 Rudolf Polzerphilipk1x and philipk2x texture sets
2011-11-19 Rudolf Polzerupdate entities.ent
2011-11-19 Rudolf Polzernow with appropriate sound :)
2011-11-19 Rudolf Polzeradd yet another way to open sesame
2011-11-19 Rudolf PolzerTUBA spawnflag for trigger_magicear
2011-11-19 Rudolf Polzerxoylent: add some stuff
2011-11-19 Rudolf Polzersplit up the rain entities
2011-11-19 Rudolf Polzerremove three brushless rain entities. Maybe they cause...
2011-11-17 Rudolf Polzertry using -fast vis to see if this fixes the skybox...
2011-11-16 Rudolf Polzerg-23: first map to get sRGB updated
2011-11-15 Rudolf Polzermore lightspeed compiles please
2011-11-15 Rudolf Polzeroops, shader was called different
2011-11-15 Rudolf Polzeradd a few clips to make the map more laser friendly
2011-11-15 Rudolf Polzerdefine the "lcd_map" shader
2011-11-05 cbrutailMerge branch 'master' into cbrutail/map-8bit_arena
2011-10-28 cbrutailchnaged sensation3 to cdtrack 14
2011-10-28 cbrutailChosen a soundtrack, and fixed a minor stuff in mapinfo.
2011-10-28 cbrutailMerge branch 'master' into cbrutail/map-lightspeed
2011-10-28 cbrutailTrying to get the warpzones right.
2011-10-27 Rudolf PolzerMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/atheros/secret'
2011-10-25 cbrutailWarzones now don't network data, this should reduce...
2011-10-24 cbrutailHints. Lot's of. Still needs some more items probably...
2011-10-24 cbrutailFinally. Details of neutral zone finished.
2011-10-24 Rudolf PolzerMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/atheros/item_keys'
2011-10-23 cbrutailSome fixes here, merging there...
2011-10-23 cbrutailMerge branch 'master' into cbrutail/map-8bit_arena
2011-10-23 cbrutailI've forgotten lol, but surely some fixes and new stuff
2011-10-22 cbrutailFixed a lot of stuff, and optimised func_bobbings....
2011-10-19 cbrutailWorst visual problems fixed.
2011-10-18 cbrutailReady for testing of nexball and ctf modes. ONS might...
2011-10-18 Przemysław... Updated func_door entity
2011-10-18 Przemysław... generic item_key and changes to old key related entities
2011-10-18 Rudolf PolzerMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cbrutail/textures...
2011-10-16 Przemysław... trigger_secret entity
2011-10-15 cbrutailHalf neutral zone now really done.
2011-10-14 cbrutailMerge branch 'cbrutail/textures-facility114inx-addition...
2011-10-14 cbrutailMerge branch 'master' into cbrutail/map-8bit_arena
2011-10-14 cbrutailRed and green jumppad textures + shaders.
2011-10-14 cbrutailFixing the warpzone issue. Half of the neutral zone...
2011-10-13 przemekChanged GOLDEN to GOLD key in map entities
2011-10-12 cbrutailexperimental commit +build. might eat your kitten.
2011-10-09 Rudolf PolzerMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cbrutail/texturese...
2011-10-09 cbrutailMerge branch 'cbrutail/warpzone-green' into cbrutail...
2011-10-09 cbrutailGreenedge warpzone
2011-10-09 cbrutailMapping towards multy-gametype support
2011-10-09 przemekentities definitions for data branch atheros/item_keys...
2011-10-06 cbrutailMerge branch 'cbrutail/texturesex2x-greentrims' into...
2011-10-06 cbrutailHAH! I LIED! These are not trim recolors, but light...
2011-10-06 cbrutailnew branch, as I don't want to fuck up already working...
2011-10-06 cbrutailAdded bot waypoints. Modified blocksize, and added... cbrutail/map-arena
2011-10-05 cbrutailAdded mapimage, mapinfo, few fixes here and there,...
2011-10-05 cbrutailBrush / texture cleanup.
2011-10-05 cbrutailMerge branch 'master' into cbrutail/map-arena
2011-10-04 cbrutailfixing ma' branch
2011-10-04 cbrutailMerge branch 'master' into cbrutail/map-lightspeed
2011-10-03 cbrutailThere. I've switched back spawnpoints to old, booooring...
2011-10-03 cbrutailMerge branch 'master' into cbrutail/map-lightspeed
2011-10-03 cbrutailHints. Lot's of.
2011-10-03 Rudolf PolzerMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cbrutail/newtextur...
2011-10-03 cbrutailAdded armor pickups, and details.
2011-10-03 cbrutailMerge branch 'cbrutail/newtexture-facility114inxtrim_gr...
2011-10-03 cbrutailNew green trim textures + shaders.
2011-10-03 cbrutailone new file I've forgot in previous commit
2011-10-03 cbrutailtrying to add armors
2011-10-03 Rudolf PolzerMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cbrutail/leavefix2...
2011-10-03 cbrutailAdded some items, weapons, spawnpoints, minor changes.
2011-10-03 cbrutailsmall map fixes
2011-10-03 cbrutailshader fix
2011-10-03 cbrutailBasically finished map hull. Map name: 8bit_arena....
2011-10-02 Rudolf PolzerMerge branch 'master' of git://git.xonotic.org/xonotic...
2011-10-02 Rudolf Polzeradd "botclip" shader
2011-10-01 cbrutailgone coocking
2011-10-01 cbrutailMapping along, also, bugreport push.
2011-09-30 cbrutailA start of a new map, with strong "tron" vibes
2011-09-30 cbrutail Added deformVertexes wave function to slime coming...
2011-09-30 cbrutailFixed a texture
2011-09-27 Jakob MGRemove courtfun-t1.map (http://dev.xonotic.org/issues...
2011-09-19 Rudolf Polzerlast q3map2 compile failed, revert to previous one
2011-09-16 Rudolf Polzeroops, forgot this
2011-09-16 Rudolf PolzerUse a different way of surface merging (-meta) to get...
2011-09-13 Rudolf Polzerleave em behind: 22 sec
2011-09-13 Rudolf Polzermake messages more consistent
2011-09-13 Rudolf Polzerhide warnings for cases where we know it's fine
2011-09-13 Rudolf Polzerrefactor erroring/warning
2011-09-13 Rudolf Polzerimprove texture blend handling
2011-09-13 Rudolf Polzermore fixes. All EE are fixed now.
2011-09-13 Rudolf Polzershader audit: another fix
2011-09-13 Rudolf Polzershader audit script fixes (don't report same shader...
2011-09-13 Rudolf Polzersome shader fixes again
2011-09-13 Rudolf Polzermake the laser sumo level easier
2011-09-13 Rudolf PolzerMerge branch 'master' of git://de.git.xonotic.org/xonot...
2011-09-13 Rudolf Polzercampaign: adjust difficulty of the rc levels
2011-09-04 Rudolf Polzerupdate shaderlist.txt xonotic-v0.5.0
2011-09-03 Rudolf Polzeroffsetmapping baselines for xoylent
2011-09-03 Rudolf Polzerfix another too weak offsetmapped texture