From aba7fc5f3c0312c531238ca57a5cae6d1bb0a5c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mirio Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 12:27:00 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] (Commit created by redmine exporter script from page "Maps" version 26) --- Maps.textile | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-) diff --git a/Maps.textile b/Maps.textile index ceab5fa..4cdb95f 100644 --- a/Maps.textile +++ b/Maps.textile @@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ h2. Abandoned *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Key Hunt]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "kuniu the frogg": -*Describtion*: Abandoned orbital station +*Description*: Abandoned orbital station h2. Accident @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ h2. Accident *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "Morphed": -*Describtion*: Symetrical CTF map +*Description*: Symetrical CTF map h2. Aggressor @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ h2. Aggressor *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Domination]]; [[Keepaway]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Race]]; [[Rune|Runematch]] *Author*: "FruitieX":, Tyrann, "Strahlemann": -*Describtion*: +*Description*: h2. Aneurysm @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ h2. Aneurysm *Gamemodes*: [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "Strahlemann":, "atheros": -*Describtion*: A multiple arena map with complex flow +*Description*: A multiple arena map with complex flow h2. Aqueous @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ h2. Aqueous *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Freeze Tag]]; [[Keepaway]]; [[Key Hunt]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Race]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "theShadow": -*Describtion*: Your watery grave +*Description*: Your watery grave h2. Arahia @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ h2. Arahia *Gamemodes*: [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Domination]]; [[Freeze Tag]]; [[Keepaway]]; [[Key Hunt]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Onslaught]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "Morphed": -*Describtion*: Battleground on forgotten planet +*Description*: Battleground on forgotten planet h2. Azure @@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ h2. Azure *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Key Hunt]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "kuniu the frogg": -*Describtion*: First map dude +*Description*: First map dude h2. Condemned Castles @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ h2. Condemned Castles *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "Moo": -*Describtion*: A castle-based CTF map +*Description*: A castle-based CTF map h2. Constructed @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ h2. Constructed *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Last Man Standing]] *Author*: "Cortez": -*Describtion*: Under construction +*Description*: Under construction h2. Darkzone @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ h2. Darkzone *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Keepaway]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]] *Author*: "SavageX":, "DiaboliK": -*Describtion*: The Dark Zone returns +*Description*: The Dark Zone returns h2. DarkzoneCTF @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ h2. DarkzoneCTF *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "vede": -*Describtion*: Remake of DarkzoneCTF for Xonotic +*Description*: Remake of DarkzoneCTF for Xonotic h2. Death51 @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ h2. Death51 *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Key Hunt]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Nexball]]; [[Onslaught]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "FiShMaN": -*Describtion*: Um, a map for most gametypes. Mainly ONS. HAVE FUN! +*Description*: Um, a map for most gametypes. Mainly ONS. HAVE FUN! h2. Dominate Santa @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ h2. Dominate Santa *Gamemodes*: [[Deathmatch]]; [[Domination]]; [[Freeze Tag]] *Author*: "C.Brutail": -*Describtion*: X-Mas Themed holiday fun map +*Description*: X-Mas Themed holiday fun map h2. Downer @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ h2. Downer *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]] *Author*: "Cortez":, "SavageX":, Munyul Verminard -*Describtion*: Downer from Nexuiz remade +*Description*: Downer from Nexuiz remade h2. Downward @@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ h2. Downward *Gamemodes*: [[Deathmatch]] *Author*: "Cortez": -*Describtion*: Home sweet home +*Description*: Home sweet home h2. Duster @@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ h2. Duster *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "SavageX": -*Describtion*: +*Description*: h2. Escher @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ h2. Escher *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "Vael": -*Describtion*: +*Description*: h2. Euclidean FAIL @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ h2. Euclidean FAIL *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "divVerent": -*Describtion*: WarpZone example map +*Description*: WarpZone example map h2. Evilspace2 @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ h2. Evilspace2 *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "Cortez": -*Describtion*: +*Description*: h2. Facility 114 @@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ h2. Facility 114 *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Last Man Standing]] *Author*: "Moo": -*Describtion*: +*Description*: h2. Further In The Past @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ h2. Further In The Past *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Last Man Standing]] *Author*: "C.Brutail": -*Describtion*: +*Description*: h2. Gforce @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ h2. Gforce *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "Cortez": -*Describtion*: A big ground complex +*Description*: A big ground complex h2. Great Wall Revamped @@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ h2. Great Wall Revamped *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "Mario": -*Describtion*: Greatwall_remix with Xonotic feel +*Description*: Greatwall_remix with Xonotic feel h2. Hypercube @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ h2. Hypercube *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]]; [[Clan Arena]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "accident": -*Describtion*: Exploded view Hypercube w/o any 4-D nonsense :-) +*Description*: Exploded view Hypercube w/o any 4-D nonsense :-) h2. Imogen @@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ h2. Imogen *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "Kay": -*Describtion*: A small/medium sized space DM map +*Description*: A small/medium sized space DM map h2. Jenseits @@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ h2. Jenseits *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "accident": -*Describtion*: A reimagining of "trans" +*Description*: A reimagining of "trans" h2. Lab 610 @@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ h2. Lab 610 *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Domination]]; [[Key Hunt]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "Mircea Kitsune": -*Describtion*: A lab with heavy machinery and stuff +*Description*: A lab with heavy machinery and stuff h2. Laino-The Bridge @@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ h2. Laino-The Bridge *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Last Man Standing]] *Author*: "monad": -*Describtion*: +*Description*: h2. Little Mexico @@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ h2. Little Mexico *Gamemodes*: [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "Grasshopper": -*Describtion*: Medium 2v2 +*Description*: Medium 2v2 h2. Martian Bases @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ h2. Martian Bases *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]]; [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Freeze Tag]]; [[Keepaway]]; [[Key Hunt]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "Mario": -*Describtion*: Simple Arena Map +*Description*: Simple Arena Map h2. Minideck @@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ h2. Minideck *Gamemodes*: [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Race CTS]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "lda17h": -*Describtion*: A huge deck 16-inspired map +*Description*: A huge deck 16-inspired map h2. Neutron @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ h2. Neutron *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "MintOX": -*Describtion*: +*Description*: h2. Perkele @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ h2. Perkele *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]] *Author*: "bundy":, "Cortez": -*Describtion*: +*Description*: h2. Phillipk1x_test @@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ h2. Phillipk1x_test *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Keepaway]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]] *Author*: "FruitieX": -*Describtion*: +*Description*: h2. PushMe @@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ h2. PushMe *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]] *Author*: "divVerent":, "C.Brutail":, "Cortez":, "Mircea Kitsune": -*Describtion*: Push Me! No, me! ME!! +*Description*: Push Me! No, me! ME!! h2. Relent @@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ h2. Relent *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Domination]]; [[Freeze Tag]]; [[Keepaway]]; [[Key Hunt]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "Rad Ished": -*Describtion*: This floating food factory smells of death, what are they making it out of? +*Description*: This floating food factory smells of death, what are they making it out of? h2. Rhombicuboctahedron @@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ h2. Rhombicuboctahedron *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]]; [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Freeze Tag]]; [[Keepaway]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "sev": -*Describtion*: A WarSpehere?! +*Description*: A WarSpehere?! h2. Shell Station @@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ h2. Shell Station *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Domination]]; [[Freeze Tag]]; [[Keepaway]]; [[Last Man Standing]] *Author*: "atheros": -*Describtion*: Small closed space map +*Description*: Small closed space map h2. Snow @@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ h2. Snow *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "Morphed": -*Describtion*: After the mines collapsed, two tribes fight over the scraps +*Description*: After the mines collapsed, two tribes fight over the scraps h2. Speedy Lane @@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ h2. Speedy Lane *Gamemodes*: [[Race CTS]] *Author*: "FruitieX": -*Describtion*: +*Description*: h2. Starship Fear @@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ h2. Starship Fear *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "Minkovsky": -*Describtion*: An arena originally built by an ancient alien civilization, which now is an arena you have to fight on... +*Description*: An arena originally built by an ancient alien civilization, which now is an arena you have to fight on... h2. Stepping Forward Easy @@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ h2. Stepping Forward Easy *Gamemodes*: [[Race CTS]] *Author*: "Revenant":, "Cortez": -*Describtion*: A clean, medium difficult map +*Description*: A clean, medium difficult map h2. Strength @@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ h2. Strength *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Domination]]; [[Keepaway]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]] *Author*: "Strahlemann": -*Describtion*: Medium sized industrial arena with a lot vertical action under the hot desert sun +*Description*: Medium sized industrial arena with a lot vertical action under the hot desert sun h2. Temple City @@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ h2. Temple City *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "_para": -*Describtion*: Big Simple textured Space floater +*Description*: Big Simple textured Space floater h2. The Sewer @@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ h2. The Sewer *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]] *Author* "theShadow": -*Describtion*: Violent conflict in the cramped waterworks +*Description*: Violent conflict in the cramped waterworks h2. The Yard @@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ h2. The Yard *Gamemodes*: [[Deathmatch]]; [[Key Hunt]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "Cortez": -*Describtion*: q3dm17ish +*Description*: q3dm17ish h2. Tomb @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ h2. Tomb *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]]; [[Clan Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Domination]]; [[Key Hunt]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Onslaught]]; [[Rune|Runematch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "Mircea Kitsune": -*Describtion*: A small arena +*Description*: A small arena h2. Trust Reloaded @@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ h2. Trust Reloaded *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "dublpaws":, "Debugger": -*Describtion*: Lost in nothingness +*Description*: Lost in nothingness h2. Vector Wars @@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ h2. Vector Wars *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]] *Author*: "fabzor3":, "Cuinnton": -*Describtion*: 8th gen aussie CTF map +*Description*: 8th gen aussie CTF map h2. Warfare @@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ h2. Warfare *Gamemodes*: [[Arena]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Keepaway]]; [[Last Man Standing]]; [[Rune|Runematch]] *Author*: Tymo -*Describtion*: Medium sized map with a central area +*Description*: Medium sized map with a central area h2. Xtinyworld @@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ h2. Xtinyworld *Gamemodes*: [[Capture the Flag|Capture The Flag]]; [[Deathmatch]]; [[Team Deathmatch]] *Author*: "Creation": -*Describtion*: Fast paced newbie map +*Description*: Fast paced newbie map h3. _Map list maintained by "Mirio_": -- 2.39.2