* content of brush is determined now not by 1st side in brush definition (inconsistency!)
but on priority: liquid > fog > playerclip > nonsolid > solid
ex.: nodraw solid shader works now for hiding liquid or fog volume splits / unwanted faces
solid or nonsolid shader + face(s) of playerclip = playerclip
solid shader + face(s) of nonsolid = nonsolid (b4 could happen: 5nonsolid sides + 1solid = solid brush )
* make structural - alt+s
* shift+n - cycle patch tex projection
* ctrl+f - fit texture
* bind a, d in no mlook mode - CameraStrafeLeft/Right
* smartified content basically
* hidden killconnect for games, which are not nexuiz
* view-orthographic+: center 2d on selected (ctrl+shift+tab)
* removed parent from menu, regroup does work + isn't bugged
* edit+: SelectAllOfType (shift+a)
* view->show+: ToggleCrosshair, show size info, show grid
* view menu: +patch inspector
* curve->texture+: flip patch tex ( {ctrl}shift+i ), naturalize, cycle projection
* cleaned, updated help menu links,+: Mouse Shortcuts, recent offline&fixed Shader Manual,
netRadiant specific docs, lists of q3map2 switches/entity keys/shader directives
* removed note to save before going to preferences, project settings
* fog is automatically transparent
* Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius - spammy msg removed
* 1.5x bigger light ents (8->12u)
* longer list of recently opened (4->9)
* crosshair display: is saving in prefs
* defaulted Maya theme
* removed question to override current compile monitoring