Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 11:25:00 +0000 (14:25 +0300)]
* fix: texbro m2 drag in 2x2 layout
* fix: crash in (texbro + freezePointer)
* fix: all sorts of problems with freezePointer drags near widget borders
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 11:07:22 +0000 (14:07 +0300)]
* tex bro: left double click loads directory, containing active shader + focuses on it
right double click loads 'common' directory
* shader editor gets focus after been hidden behind main window and called again
* patch thicken: significantly more fail safe; correct handling of cycled patches
* fix: was parsing vfs twice; pk3s were being opened twice during runtime
* fix: shortcuts work after startup (plugins bar buttons were stealing focus)
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 11:06:41 +0000 (14:06 +0300)]
* local gtk2 themes support; cfgs are .gtkrc-2.0.radiant,; +~100 themes included;
MS-Windows theme is one, inheriting current appearence on Windows
* GTK2 theme & font selector (Misc->Colors->Gtk theme...) (need restart after pair of naughty engines tho)
* openGL implementaion of rubberband selector (w/o rerendering whole scene) (fixes visual issues with Aero)
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 11:00:58 +0000 (14:00 +0300)]
* texbro: left double click loads directory, containing active shader
* texbro: left triple click loads 'common' directory
* updating texture browser height after thumbnail scale, min/max size, show shaders options changed
* tex bro: show textures option (to leave only shaders)
* tex bro: Show all (ctrl + a) toggles 'Hide unused' (typically: ctrl+a: get all used, once more ctrl+a: get all loaded)
* tex bro: 'flush and reload shaders' autoloads last selected dir
* tex bro: show alpha transparency option; def = yes
* tex bro: white+black stipple around shader thumbnails + is visible, while being selected
* filter toobar is not part of plugin one
* fixed warning on import (q3map2_type not found)
* patch thicken
* removed douplicate accelerators registering
* trigger_* entities get textures/common/trigger tex on creation
( unless different is set in .game file via shader_trigger key )
* opening *.map, sent via cmd line (can assign *.map files in system to be opened with radiant)
* -aero cmd line key to enable aero transparency
* opening maps with bad tex defs (.#QNAN, .#IND, .#INF)
(happens sometimes after rotating & often scaling with tex lock (in BP mode)); error->warning
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 10:59:31 +0000 (13:59 +0300)]
* decompiling: fix: broken brushes, empty brush definitions; shut down too usual warnings; with -force tries to decompile model autoclip too
* decompiling: -fast mode for BSPToMap conversion
* _setmaxstdio(2048): tested max pk3s count: 1021
* curve: deform (randomize Z points coord at given amount)
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 10:58:52 +0000 (13:58 +0300)]
* fix: number of problems, found by Visual Studio's static code analyser
* fix of: convert group entity to diff one = entity w/o objects
* asking for game path at 1st start, even if one, specified in .game exists (auto picking could make confused)
* disabled game autodetecting: (~2min awaiting on w7 in non admin mode was confusing)
* entity inspector: Tab enters Key field, toggles between key/value fields; Del deletes keys; Esc quits
* improved mwheel 2d zoom by Neumond
* +makeRoom: like hollow, but extrudes faces outwards; for making rooms
* deactivating tex dirs tree after loading dir, so SPACE and ENTER aren't broken for 2D after that
* Regular, RegularLeft layouts: smaller console, bigger tex browser
* Rotate, Scale dialogs: values aren't erased on Enter, OK, Apply (are on cancel, esc)
* Rotate dialog: fix: new value in focused field wasn't taking in account on Enter
* +updating texture directories list on 'flush and reload shaders' (reloading shaderlist aswell)
* NumLock perspective window fix
* ctrl+k(ConnectEntities): friendlier to complex connections, takes in account existing keys
(priority: target > targetname > none)
* +'all Supported formats' default option in open dialogs
* defaulted show light radii
* camera fov: 90->110
* cubic clip: off by default; bigger def dist; fixed button's shortcut tip
* prefs: Min & Max texture thumbnail size + dependant on scale;
def = *scale .5, min 48, max 160 (makes range 96-320 visually differentiated)
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 10:56:25 +0000 (13:56 +0300)]
* packer: +warnings on implicitMaps, mapNoComps
* packer: known problem: minizip crash, when trying to get file with 2039 year date from disk
* -repack: repacks multiple maps, strips out only required shaders; main argument is single bsp path or txt with full pathes to bsps
switches: -dbg: talkative mode; -png: include pngs, at highest priority; -complevel: -1..10, def 0, compression level
uses additional exclusions file repack.exclude with different logic
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 10:54:01 +0000 (13:54 +0300)]
* packer: rewrote logic to make sure not to include excluded stuff
* packer: preserves file date, if grabbing file from .pk3 too
* packer: in case of missing *ingame* resources pk3 gets _FAILEDpack suffix
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 10:51:52 +0000 (13:51 +0300)]
* -pk3: autopackager mode(complete Q3 support); bsp path as input; switches: -dbg - talkative mode, -png - include pngs, at highest priority
is using file 'gamename.exclude' to exclude vanilla game resources
tip: ioq3, netradiant, compiler (and packager) treat *.pk3dir directories as separate pk3 files
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 10:50:06 +0000 (13:50 +0300)]
* shot down spammy warning about samplesize for lmsize<=128; -debugsamplesize to show
* numBspModels ('brusmodels') stat emitting
* filters toolbar (disableable)
* fix: shift + m1 click in tex browser to open shader in internal/external editor;
defaulted internal; focuses on wanted shader; correct opening/saving
* fix: angles "0 x 0" autoconvert to angle "x" on transform (was getting deleted w/o a trace)
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 10:36:40 +0000 (13:36 +0300)]
* content of brush is determined now not by 1st side in brush definition (inconsistency!)
but on priority: liquid > fog > playerclip > nonsolid > solid
ex.: nodraw solid shader works now for hiding liquid or fog volume splits / unwanted faces
solid or nonsolid shader + face(s) of playerclip = playerclip
solid shader + face(s) of nonsolid = nonsolid (b4 could happen: 5nonsolid sides + 1solid = solid brush )
* make structural - alt+s
* shift+n - cycle patch tex projection
* ctrl+f - fit texture
* bind a, d in no mlook mode - CameraStrafeLeft/Right
* smartified content basically
* hidden killconnect for games, which are not nexuiz
* view-orthographic+: center 2d on selected (ctrl+shift+tab)
* removed parent from menu, regroup does work + isn't bugged
* edit+: SelectAllOfType (shift+a)
* view->show+: ToggleCrosshair, show size info, show grid
* view menu: +patch inspector
* curve->texture+: flip patch tex ( {ctrl}shift+i ), naturalize, cycle projection
* cleaned, updated help menu links,+: Mouse Shortcuts, recent offline&fixed Shader Manual,
netRadiant specific docs, lists of q3map2 switches/entity keys/shader directives
* removed note to save before going to preferences, project settings
* fog is automatically transparent
* Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius - spammy msg removed
* 1.5x bigger light ents (8->12u)
* longer list of recently opened (4->9)
* crosshair display: is saving in prefs
* defaulted Maya theme
* removed question to override current compile monitoring
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 10:34:48 +0000 (13:34 +0300)]
* -clipdepth F, def 2, _clipdepth
* fixed model autoclip (64u thick brushes/no collision at all in some cases)
* pyramidal etc zillion (20!) of autoclip modes
* removed stuctural caulk in models, was broken anyway
* hollow: produces not intersecting brushes
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 10:33:37 +0000 (13:33 +0300)]
* -bounceColorRatio 0..1 (ratio of colorizing sample by texture)
* -debugclip: autoclip debug, uses shaders debugclip, debugclip2
* >2GB makefile option, allows up to 3GB ram on 32bit, 4GB on 64bit
* speedup patch to use fast sqrt at some points of light phase, where precision is not needed
* paste to camera - shift+v (alt+v was leading to texBro-View menu)
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 10:32:31 +0000 (13:32 +0300)]
fix * q3map_remapshader remaps anything fine, on all stages (effect is: postrenaming shader when things are have been done)
* typo at -dirtmode
* translucent textures are visible, while selected, too; +matching trans polys are visible simultaneously
Garux [Tue, 1 Aug 2017 10:26:50 +0000 (13:26 +0300)]
* native surfaceparm noob support (no -custinfoparms needed)
* -noob in bsp phase: assign surfaceparm noob to all map surfaces
* surfaceparm ob: skip assigning surfaceparm noob with -noob on that
* farplane modes: radius+radius, origin2origin, exact (add r/o/e to the number to enable), < 0 works too
* samples+filter - enabled again, makes sense
* -vertexscale
* fixed -novertex, (0..1) sets
* quick q3map_novertexlight (?)
* fixed _clone _ins _instance (_clonename)
* -nolm - no lightmaps
* ent keys aliases:_sa - shadeangle;_ss - samplesize
* -shift N -shift X Y Z: shift whole map to some coords
* more fogs (256) (ingame appearence lots of ones might be bugged due to engine arrangement, needs testing)
* q3map_remapshader remaps anything fine, on all stages (effect is: postrenaming shader when things are have been done)
* fixed 'unknown argument 1' at -lightanglehl
* -nocmdline writting to worldspawn
* wasd camera binds, c - deSelect, z - delete
* ExpandSelectionToEntities - shift+e
* make detail - alt+d
* arbitrary rotation - shifr+r
* arbitrary scale - ctrl+shift+s
* fit width, fit height butts in surf inspector (for trims) (saves scales ratio)
add old TODO with ideas
Rudolf Polzer [Tue, 24 Sep 2013 10:45:12 +0000 (12:45 +0200)]
HAHA. Fix a bug that prevented ANY non-sRGB builds with the current default build menu. For ages now. Also addd some attempt to track down a bounce issue.