From: Jan D. Behrens
- % if fav_server is not None:
- Favorite Servers:
- <% srv_list = fav_server[:3] %>
- % for srvinfo in srv_list:
- % if srvinfo != srv_list[-1]:
- <% delim = ", " %>
- % else:
- <% delim = "" %>
- % endif
- ${srvinfo['name']}${delim}
- % endfor
- % endif
- % if fav_map is not None:
- Favorite Maps:
- <% map_list = fav_map[:3] %>
- % for mapinfo in map_list:
- % if mapinfo != map_list[-1]:
- <% delim = ", " %>
- % else:
- <% delim = "" %>
- % endif
- ${mapinfo['name']}${delim}
- % endfor
- % endif
- % if fav_weapon is not None:
- Favorite Weapons:
- <% wpn_list = fav_weapon[:3] %>
- % for wpninfo in wpn_list:
- % if wpninfo != wpn_list[-1]:
- <% delim = ", " %>
- % else:
- <% delim = "" %>
- % endif
- ${wpninfo['name']}${delim}
- % endfor
- % endif
Playing Time: ${total_stats['alivetime']}
% if total_stats['alivetime_month'] and total_stats['alivetime'] > total_stats['alivetime_month']:
% if total_stats['alivetime_week'] and total_stats['alivetime_month'] > total_stats['alivetime_week']:
@@ -246,14 +201,29 @@ Player Information
<% games_breakdown_str = ', '.join(["{0} {1}".format(ng, gt) for (gt, ng) in total_stats['games_breakdown'].items()]) %>
Games Played: ${total_stats['games']}
+ % if fav_server is not None:
+ Favorite Server: ${fav_server[0]['name']}
+ % endif
- % if total_stats['games'] > 0 and total_stats['wins'] is not None:
- Win Percentage: ${round(float(total_stats['wins'])/total_stats['games'] * 100, 2)}% (${total_stats['wins']} wins, ${total_stats['games'] - total_stats['wins']} losses)
- % endif
+ % if fav_map is not None:
+ Favorite Map: ${fav_map[0]['name']}
+ % endif
- % if total_stats['kills'] > 0 and total_stats['deaths'] > 0:
- Kill Ratio: ${round(float(total_stats['kills'])/total_stats['deaths'], 3)} (${total_stats['kills']} kills, ${total_stats['deaths']} deaths, ${total_stats['suicides']} suicides)
- % endif
+ % if fav_weapon is not None:
+ Favorite Weapon: ${fav_weapon[0]['name']}
+ % endif
+ % if total_stats['games'] > 0 and total_stats['wins'] is not None:
+ Win Percentage: ${round(float(total_stats['wins'])/total_stats['games'] * 100, 2)}% (${total_stats['wins']} wins, ${total_stats['games'] - total_stats['wins']} losses)
+ % endif
+ % if total_stats['kills'] > 0 and total_stats['deaths'] > 0:
+ Kill Ratio: ${round(float(total_stats['kills'])/total_stats['deaths'], 3)} (${total_stats['kills']} kills, ${total_stats['deaths']} deaths, ${total_stats['suicides']} suicides)
+ % endif