<?xml version="1.0"?>
<point name="_skybox" color="0.77 0.88 1.0" box="-4 -4 -4 4 4 4">
-Compiler-only entity that specifies a the origin of a sky box (a wholly contained, separate area of the map), similar to some games' portal skies. When compiled with Q3Map2, the sky box surfaces will be visible from any place where sky is normally visible. It will cast shadows on the normal parts of the map, and can be used with cloud layers and other effects. As it is compiler-only, it can't "scale up" entities in its box.
-To use this, carve a small box in some larger structure on your map, place this entity inside that box hole, and make a small version on what should be seen in the sky there.
+Compiler-only entity that specifies the origin of a sky box (a wholly contained, separate area of the map), similar to some games' portal skies. When compiled with Q3Map2, the sky box surfaces will be visible from any place where sky is normally visible. It will cast shadows on the normal parts of the map, and can be used with cloud layers and other effects. As it is compiler-only, it can't "scale up" entities in its box.
+To use this, carve a small box in some larger structure on your map, place this entity inside that box hole, and make a small version of what should be seen in the sky there.
-------- KEYS --------
<direction key="angle" name="angle">rotation angle of the sky surfaces.</direction>
<angles key="angles" name="angles">Individual control of PITCH, YAW, and ROLL (default 0 0 0).</angles>
<point name="dom_controlpoint" color=".3 .3 1" box="-16 -16 -16 16 16 16">
-Domination control point
+Domination control point
In order to get Domination working well in your map, you need to place dom_team and dom_controlpoint entities. You *must* have at least 3 dom_team entities - 2 minimum teams and one blank one (empty netname and no team). You can have up to 4 teams (5 dom_team entities).
-------- KEYS --------
<string key="message" name="message">message to be displayed to all players when this point is captured, preceded by the team's name. This defaults to " has captured a control point". You can specify different names for each point, for example " has captured the Lava Room".</string>
<real key="phase" name="phase">sets the start offset of the oscillation cycle. Values must be 0 < phase < 1. Any integer phase value is the same as no offset (default 0).</real>
<sound key="noise" name="noise">path/name of .wav or .ogg file to play. Use looping sounds only (e.g. sound/world/drone6.wav - See Notes).</sound>
<real key="dmg" name="dmg">damage a player who gets crushed by it receives</real>
-<real key="dmgtime" name="dmgtime">interval to apply dmg to a player who is s in the way</real>
+<real key="dmgtime" name="dmgtime">interval to apply dmg to a player who is in the way</real>
<string key="message" name="message">death message when a player gets crushed</string>
<string key="message2" name="message2">death message when someone gets pushed into this (default: "was thrown into a world of hurt by"). The # character is replaced by the attacker name if present (and it instead does not get appended to the end)</string>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
<real key="phase" name="phase">sets the start offset of the oscillation cycle. Values must be 0 < phase < 1. Any integer phase value is the same as no offset (default 0).</real>
<sound key="noise" name="noise">path/name of .wav or .ogg file to play. Use looping sounds only (e.g. sound/world/drone6.wav - See Notes).</sound>
<real key="dmg" name="dmg">damage a player who gets crushed by it receives</real>
-<real key="dmgtime" name="dmgtime">interval to apply dmg to a player who is s in the way</real>
+<real key="dmgtime" name="dmgtime">interval to apply dmg to a player who is in the way</real>
<string key="message" name="message">death message when a player gets crushed</string>
<string key="message2" name="message2">death message when someone gets pushed into this (default: "was thrown into a world of hurt by"). The # character is replaced by the attacker name if present (and it instead does not get appended to the end)</string>
Trains are moving solids that follow a cycle of path_corner entities. Origin brushes are NOT supported; they use the "mins" corner as reference (that is, lowest x, y, and z coordinates).
At each node, the train's mins corner hits exactly the path_corner.
Trains always start on in the game.
-Trains do not damage the played when blocked.
+Trains do not damage the player when blocked.
Trains cannot emit sound.
Trains are not trigger-able or toggle-able.
Trains cannot be block-stopped just by getting in their way, the player must be wedged between the train and another obstacle to block it.
<target key="target" name="target">targetname of first path_corner to move to at the default speed; ideally, this path_corner shall be exactly where the train starts</target>
<sound key="noise" name="noise">path/name of .wav or .ogg file to play while moving. Use looping sounds only (e.g. sound/world/drone6.wav - See Notes).</sound>
<real key="dmg" name="dmg">damage a player who gets crushed by it receives</real>
-<real key="dmgtime" name="dmgtime">interval to apply dmg to a player who is s in the way</real>
+<real key="dmgtime" name="dmgtime">interval to apply dmg to a player who is in the way</real>
<string key="message" name="message">death message when a player gets crushed</string>
<string key="message2" name="message2">death message when someone gets pushed into this (default: "was thrown into a world of hurt by"). The # character is replaced by the attacker name if present (and it instead does not get appended to the end)</string>
<real key="phase" name="phase">sets the start offset of the oscillation cycle. Values must be 0 < phase < 1. Any integer phase value is the same as no offset (default 0).</real>
<sound key="noise" name="noise">path/name of .wav or .ogg file to play. Use looping sounds only (e.g. sound/world/drone6.wav - See Notes).</sound>
<real key="dmg" name="dmg">damage a player who gets crushed by it receives</real>
-<real key="dmgtime" name="dmgtime">interval to apply dmg to a player who is s in the way</real>
+<real key="dmgtime" name="dmgtime">interval to apply dmg to a player who is in the way</real>
<string key="message" name="message">death message when a player gets crushed</string>
<string key="message2" name="message2">death message when someone gets pushed into this (default: "was thrown into a world of hurt by"). The # character is replaced by the attacker name if present (and it instead does not get appended to the end)</string>
<string key="netname" name="netname">list of <frequencymultiplier> <phase> <x> <y> <z> quadruples, separated by spaces; note that phase 0 represents a sine wave, and phase 0.25 a cosine wave (by default, it uses 1 0 0 0 1, to match func_bobbing's defaults</string>
<real3 key="target4normal" name="target4normal">if set, the fourth reference entity's location is first projected onto a plane with that normal</real3>
<sound key="noise" name="noise">path/name of .wav or .ogg file to play. Use looping sounds only (e.g. sound/world/drone6.wav - See Notes).</sound>
<real key="dmg" name="dmg">damage a player who gets crushed by it receives</real>
-<real key="dmgtime" name="dmgtime">interval to apply dmg to a player who is s in the way</real>
+<real key="dmgtime" name="dmgtime">interval to apply dmg to a player who is in the way</real>
<string key="message" name="message">death message when a player gets crushed</string>
<string key="message2" name="message2">death message when someone gets pushed into this (default: "was thrown into a world of hurt by"). The # character is replaced by the attacker name if present (and it instead does not get appended to the end)</string>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
<point name="relay_activate" color="0 1 0" box="-8 -8 -8 8 8 8">
-Activates all .target's
+Activates all targets
List of currently supported target ents:
<point name="relay_deactivate" color="1 0 0" box="-8 -8 -8 8 8 8">
-Deactivates all .target's
+Deactivates all targets
List of currently supported target ents:
<point name="relay_activatetoggle" color="0 1 1" box="-8 -8 -8 8 8 8">
-Toggles all .target's de/active
+Toggles all targets de/active
List of currently supported target ents:
-A nasty mechanical critter that will engage longrange target with missiles, midrange with its minigun and meele things up close and personal.
+A nasty mechanical critter that will engage longrange target with missiles, midrange with its minigun and melee things up close and personal.
<point name="turret_checkpoint" color="1 0 1" box="-32 -32 -32 32 32 32">
-<target key="target" name="target">.targetname of next wapoint in chain.</target>
+<target key="target" name="target">targetname of next wapoint in chain.</target>
<real key="wait" name="wait">Pause at this point # seconds.</real>
If the checkpoint chain in not looped, the unit will go "Roaming" when the last point is reached.
<point name="vehicle_racer" color="0 0 1" box="-48 -48 0 48 48 32">
-Fast moving hover type vehicle, with low shiled & health.
+Fast moving hover type vehicle, with low shield & health.
Primary weapon is a rapid fire energy cannon, secondary lockable rockets.
-------- KEYS --------
<integer key="team" name="team">5=red, 14=blue</integer>
<point name="vehicle_spiderbot" color="0 0 1" box="-48 -48 0 48 48 32">
-A slow moving 6 legged mech type vehile that has plenty of health and shiled.
+A slow moving 6 legged mech type vehicle that has plenty of health and shield.
Primary weapon is twin miniguns, secondary eight rockets that can be guided by the pilot.
-------- KEYS --------
<integer key="team" name="team">5=red, 14=blue</integer>
<point name="vehicle_raptor" color="0 0 1" box="-48 -48 0 48 48 32">
-The raptor is primaerly a air to ground frighter, its quite lightly armoured or shilded.
+The raptor is primarily an air to ground fighter, it's quite lightly armored or shielded.
Its main weapon is four rapid fire energy cannons, wich can be locked to track a target by aming at it for some time.
-Secondary is a pair of vert powerfull clusterbombs.
+Secondary is a pair of very powerful clusterbombs.
-------- KEYS --------
<integer key="team" name="team">5=red, 14=blue</integer>