VectorMA( light->origin, 1.0f, light->normal, light->origin );
light->dist = DotProduct( light->origin, normal );
-#if 0
- /* optionally create a point backsplash light */
- if ( si->backsplashFraction > 0 ) {
- /* allocate a new point light */
- splash = safe_malloc0( sizeof( *splash ) );
- splash->next = lights;
- lights = splash;
+ if ( si->backsplashFraction > 0 && !( si->compileFlags & C_SKY ) ) {
+ /* optionally create a backsplash light */
+ if ( !backsplashMode ) {
+ /* allocate a new point light */
+ splash = safe_malloc0( sizeof( *splash ) );
- /* set it up */
- splash->flags = LIGHT_Q3A_DEFAULT;
- splash->type = EMIT_POINT;
- splash->photons = light->photons * si->backsplashFraction;
+ splash->next = lights;
+ lights = splash;
- splash->fade = 1.0f;
- splash->si = si;
- VectorMA( light->origin, si->backsplashDistance, normal, splash->origin );
- VectorCopy( si->color, splash->color );
+ /* set it up */
+ splash->flags = LIGHT_Q3A_DEFAULT;
+ splash->type = EMIT_POINT;
+ splash->photons = light->photons * si->backsplashFraction;
- splash->falloffTolerance = falloffTolerance;
- splash->style = noStyles ? LS_NORMAL : light->style;
+ splash->fade = 1.0f;
+ splash->si = si;
+ VectorMA( light->origin, si->backsplashDistance, normal, splash->origin );
+ VectorCopy( si->color, splash->color );
- /* add to counts */
- numPointLights++;
- }
+ splash->falloffTolerance = falloffTolerance;
+ splash->style = noStyles ? LS_NORMAL : light->style;
-#if 1
- /* optionally create area backsplash light */
- //if ( original && si->backsplashFraction > 0 ) {
- if ( si->backsplashFraction > 0 && !( si->compileFlags & C_SKY ) ) {
- /* allocate a new area light */
- splash = safe_malloc( sizeof( *splash ) );
- memset( splash, 0, sizeof( *splash ) );
- ThreadLock();
- splash->next = lights;
- lights = splash;
- ThreadUnlock();
- /* set it up */
- splash->flags = LIGHT_AREA_DEFAULT;
- splash->type = EMIT_AREA;
- splash->photons = light->photons * 7.0f * si->backsplashFraction;
- splash->add = light->add * 7.0f * si->backsplashFraction;
- splash->fade = 1.0f;
- splash->si = si;
- VectorCopy( si->color, splash->color );
- VectorScale( splash->color, splash->add, splash->emitColor );
- splash->falloffTolerance = falloffTolerance;
- splash->style = noStyles ? LS_NORMAL : si->lightStyle;
- if ( splash->style < LS_NORMAL || splash->style >= LS_NONE ) {
- splash->style = LS_NORMAL;
+ /* add to counts */
+ numPointLights++;
+ else
+ {
+ /* Alternate experimental backsplash implementation by Jelvan,
+ commit ed4c8c204443726e852a4c8927b3f8d2571cc522:
+ > new area lights backsplash algorithm ( by Jelvan ),
+ > hijacking temp area lights ( to simulate volumetric
+ > behavior of source ones )
+ This implementation suffers from many bugs
+ and only a few maps may benefit from it,
+ see: */
+ /* allocate a new area light */
+ splash = safe_malloc( sizeof( *splash ) );
+ memset( splash, 0, sizeof( *splash ) );
+ ThreadLock();
+ splash->next = lights;
+ lights = splash;
+ ThreadUnlock();
+ /* set it up */
+ splash->flags = LIGHT_AREA_DEFAULT;
+ splash->type = EMIT_AREA;
+ splash->photons = light->photons * 7.0f * si->backsplashFraction;
+ splash->add = light->add * 7.0f * si->backsplashFraction;
+ splash->fade = 1.0f;
+ splash->si = si;
+ VectorCopy( si->color, splash->color );
+ VectorScale( splash->color, splash->add, splash->emitColor );
+ splash->falloffTolerance = falloffTolerance;
+ splash->style = noStyles ? LS_NORMAL : si->lightStyle;
+ if ( splash->style < LS_NORMAL || splash->style >= LS_NONE ) {
+ splash->style = LS_NORMAL;
+ }
- /* create a regular winding */
- splash_w = AllocWinding( rw->numVerts );
- splash_w->numpoints = rw->numVerts;
- for ( i = 0; i < rw->numVerts; i++ )
- VectorMA( rw->verts[rw->numVerts - 1 - i].xyz, si->backsplashDistance, normal, splash_w->p[ i ] );
- splash->w = splash_w;
+ /* create a regular winding */
+ splash_w = AllocWinding( rw->numVerts );
+ splash_w->numpoints = rw->numVerts;
+ for ( i = 0; i < rw->numVerts; i++ )
+ {
+ VectorMA( rw->verts[rw->numVerts - 1 - i].xyz, si->backsplashDistance, normal, splash_w->p[ i ] );
+ }
- VectorMA( light->origin, si->backsplashDistance, normal, splash->origin );
- VectorNegate( normal, splash->normal );
- splash->dist = DotProduct( splash->origin, splash->normal );
+ splash->w = splash_w;
-// splash->flags |= LIGHT_TWOSIDED;
+ VectorMA( light->origin, si->backsplashDistance, normal, splash->origin );
+ VectorNegate( normal, splash->normal );
+ splash->dist = DotProduct( splash->origin, splash->normal );
+ }