TRANSMUTE(Client, this);
CS(this).version_nagtime = time + 10 + random() * 10;
- entity store = IS_CLIENT(this) ? CS(this) : this;
- store.cmd_floodtime = -999999;
Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_JOIN_CONNECT, this.netname);
if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ClientCommand_FloodControl, this, strtolower(argv(0)), argc, command))
break; // a mutator has prevented flood control
- entity store = IS_CLIENT(this) ? CS(this) : this; // unfortunately, we need to store these on the client initially
// this is basically the same as the chat flood control
- if (time < store.cmd_floodtime)
+ entity store = IS_CLIENT(this) ? CS(this) : this; // unfortunately, we need to store these on the client initially
+ // NOTE: we use mod_time instead of time to allow using .cmd_floodtime initialized to 0
+ float mod_time = time + autocvar_sv_clientcommand_antispam_count * autocvar_sv_clientcommand_antispam_time;
+ if (mod_time < store.cmd_floodtime)
- sprint(this, strcat("^3CMD FLOOD CONTROL: wait ^1", ftos(store.cmd_floodtime - time), "^3 seconds, command was: ", command, "\n"));
+ sprint(this, strcat("^3CMD FLOOD CONTROL: wait ^1", ftos(store.cmd_floodtime - mod_time),
+ "^3 seconds, command was: ", command, "\n"));
return; // too much spam, halt
- store.cmd_floodtime = max(time - autocvar_sv_clientcommand_antispam_count * autocvar_sv_clientcommand_antispam_time, store.cmd_floodtime) + autocvar_sv_clientcommand_antispam_time;
+ // micro-optimization: replaced mod_time - max_delay with time here as they are equal
+ store.cmd_floodtime = max(time, store.cmd_floodtime) + autocvar_sv_clientcommand_antispam_time;
break; // continue, as we're not flooding yet