import os
import shutil
import socketserver
+from html.parser import HTMLParser
from http import HTTPStatus
from http.client import HTTPMessage
from threading import Thread
-from typing import Dict, Awaitable, NoReturn, cast, Any, Optional
+from typing import Dict, Awaitable, NoReturn, cast, Any, Optional, List, Tuple, AsyncGenerator
+from urllib.parse import unquote
from urllib.request import urlopen
+UTF_8 = "utf-8"
+IO_BLOCK = 16 * 1024
class Config:
__slots__ = \
def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None:
self.config = config
os.makedirs(config.dlcache, exist_ok=True)
- self._files: Dict[str, Awaitable[None]] = {}
+ self._files: Dict[str, Awaitable[bool]] = {}
async def file_get(self, name: str) -> None:
url = self.config.upstream + name
- f = self._files.get(url)
- if not f:
+ future = self._files.get(url)
+ if not future:
print("cache miss")
- f = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_future()
- self._files[url] = f
- await self._fetch(url, name)
- f.set_result(None)
+ future = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_future()
+ self._files[url] = future
+ out = os.path.join(self.config.dlcache, name)
+ with open(out, "wb") as f:
+ async for buf in fetch(url):
+ f.write(buf)
+ future.set_result(True)
print("using existing")
- await f
+ await future
async def file_wait(self, url: str) -> None:
await self._files[url]
- async def _fetch(self, url: str, out: str) -> None:
- out = os.path.join(self.config.dlcache, out)
- res = cast(Any, urlopen(url))
- with open(out, "wb") as f:
- msg: HTTPMessage =
- file_size = int(str(msg.get("Content-length")))
- print(f"downloading {file_size} bytes...")
- progress = 0
- block = 16 * 1024
- while True:
- buf: bytes =
- if not buf:
- break
- progress += len(buf)
- print(f"downloaded {progress}/{file_size} bytes")
- f.write(buf)
- await asyncio.sleep(0)
+ async def ls(self) -> List[str]:
+ class Parser(HTMLParser):
+ __slots__ = "paks"
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ self.paks: List[str] = []
+ def handle_starttag(self, tag: str, attrs: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None:
+ if tag == "a":
+ file: Optional[str] = next((unquote(v) for (k, v) in attrs if k == "href"), None)
+ if file and file.endswith(".pk3"):
+ self.paks.append(file)
+ parser = Parser()
+ arr = bytearray()
+ async for buf in fetch(self.config.upstream):
+ arr.extend(buf)
+ buf = arr
+ parser.feed(buf.decode(UTF_8))
+ return parser.paks
def main() -> None:
def router() -> Router:
return RouterCombinator(
- fetch=Fetch(),
+ fetch=FileFetch(),
+ ls=FileList()
- class Fetch(Router):
+ class FileFetch(Router):
async def __call__(self, path: str, req: Request) -> Response:
await app.file_get(path)
- return None
+ return {
+ "ready": True,
+ }
+ class FileList(Router):
+ async def __call__(self, path: str, req: Request) -> Response:
+ return {
+ "list": await,
+ }
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
start_server(config, loop, router())
async def __call__(self, path: str, req: Request) -> Response:
while True:
- name, rest = path.split("/", 1)
+ args: List[str] = path.split("/", 1)
+ name = args[0]
+ rest = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
if name:
+ if not rest:
+ return None
path = rest
route = self._routers.get(name, None)
if not route:
return None
- return await route(rest, req)
+ return await route(rest or "", req)
+async def fetch(url: str) -> AsyncGenerator[bytes, None]:
+ res = cast(Any, urlopen(url))
+ msg: HTTPMessage =
+ print("msg", msg)
+ length = msg.get("Content-length")
+ file_size = int(str(length)) if length else None
+ print(f"downloading {file_size or '???'} bytes...")
+ progress = 0
+ while True:
+ buf: bytes =
+ if not buf:
+ break
+ progress += len(buf)
+ print(f"downloaded {progress}/{file_size or '???'} bytes")
+ yield buf
+ await asyncio.sleep(0)
def start_server(config: Config, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, router: Router) -> None:
ret = {}
req.send_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
- s = json.dumps(ret, indent=2).encode("utf-8")
+ s = json.dumps(ret, indent=2).encode(UTF_8)
req.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(s)))
f = io.BytesIO()