missile.projectiledeathtype = WEP_DEVASTATOR.m_id;
setsize(missile, '-3 -3 -3', '3 3 3'); // give it some size so it can be shot
- setorigin(missile, w_shotorg - v_forward * 3); // move it back so it hits the wall at the right point
+ bool rocketFlying = boolean(fire & 2);
+ if (rocketFlying) {
+ setorigin(missile, w_shotorg);
+ } else {
+ setorigin(missile, w_shotorg - (v_forward * 3)); // move it back so it hits the wall at the right point
+ }
W_SetupProjVelocity_Basic(missile, WEP_CVAR(devastator, speedstart), 0);
missile.angles = vectoangles(missile.velocity);
setthink(missile, W_Devastator_Think);
missile.nextthink = time;
missile.cnt = time + WEP_CVAR(devastator, lifetime);
- missile.detonate_later = (fire & 2); // allow instant detonation
missile.flags = FL_PROJECTILE;
IL_PUSH(g_projectiles, missile);
IL_PUSH(g_bot_dodge, missile);
// common properties
MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(EditProjectile, actor, missile);
- if (time >= missile.nextthink)
- {
- getthink(missile)(missile);
+ if (rocketFlying) {
+ W_Devastator_RemoteExplode(missile, weaponentity);