#include "sv_rules.qh"
+#include <common/scores.qh>
#include <server/spawnpoints.qh>
#include <server/teamplay.qh>
return PlayerTeamScore_Add(client, sp, st, value);
+// Mayhem score functionality
+void Mayhem_FragLimit_Override()
+ if (!autocvar_g_mayhem) return;
+ if (autocvar_fraglimit_override != 0)
+ GameRules_limit_score(autocvar_g_mayhem_visual_score_limit);
+ else
+ GameRules_limit_score(9999);
+void FFAMayhemCalculatePlayerScore(entity scorer)
+ if (!autocvar_g_mayhem) return;
+ if (autocvar_fraglimit_override > 0) autocvar_g_mayhem_fraglimit = autocvar_fraglimit_override;
+ switch (autocvar_g_mayhem_scoringmethod)
+ {
+ default:
+ case 1:
+ {
+ //calculate how much score the player should have based on their damage dealt and frags gotten and then add the missing score
+ //give a different weight for suicides if scoring method 1 doesn't have selfdamage2score enabled to harshly punish for suicides to avoid exploiting
+ float suicide_weight = 1 + (autocvar_g_mayhem_scoringmethod_1_disable_selfdamage2score * (1/autocvar_g_mayhem_scoringmethod_1_frag_weight));
+ //total damage divided by player start health&armor to get how many lives worth of damage they've dealt, then how much that is out of the fraglimit, then calculate new value affected by weight
+ float playerdamagescore = (((((scorer.total_damage_dealt/(start_health + start_armorvalue)) * 100)/autocvar_g_mayhem_fraglimit) * autocvar_g_mayhem_scoringmethod_1_damage_weight) );
+ // * 100 to avoid float inaccuracy at that decimal level
+ //playerdamagescore rounded
+ float roundedplayerdamagescore = ((rint(playerdamagescore*10))/10);
+ //kills minus suicides, total out of fraglimit, calculate weight
+ float playerkillscore = ((((PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_KILLS) - (PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_SUICIDES) * suicide_weight)) * 100) / autocvar_g_mayhem_fraglimit) * autocvar_g_mayhem_scoringmethod_1_frag_weight);
+ // * 100 to avoid float inaccuracy at that decimal level
+ //only used for debug print, add killscore and damagescore together
+ float playerscore = (roundedplayerdamagescore + playerkillscore);
+ //add killscore and damagescore together to get total score and then adjust it to be total out of the visual score limit
+ float playerscorevisual = ((roundedplayerdamagescore + playerkillscore) * autocvar_g_mayhem_visual_score_limit);
+ //calculated how much score the player has and now calculate total of how much they are supposed to have
+ float scoretoadd = (playerscorevisual - (PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_SCORE) * 100));
+ // * 100 to avoid float inaccuracy at that decimal level
+ //adjust total score to be what the player is supposed to have
+ GameRules_scoring_add_team(scorer, SCORE, floor(scoretoadd / 100));
+ // / 100 to move back to the decimal level
+ if(0){
+ //debug printing
+ if(!IS_BOT_CLIENT(scorer)){
+ print(sprintf("%f", scorer.total_damage_dealt), " scorer.total_damage_dealt \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", playerdamagescore), " playerdamagescore \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", roundedplayerdamagescore), " rounded playerdamagescore \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", playerkillscore), " playerkillscore \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_KILLS)), " PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_KILLS) \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", playerscore), " playerscore \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", playerscorevisual), " visual playerscore \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", scoretoadd), " scoretoadd \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_SCORE)), " PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_SCORE) \n \n");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ //calculate how much score the player should have based on their frags gotten and then add the missing score
+ float playerkillscore = (((PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_KILLS) - PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_SUICIDES)) * 100)/ autocvar_g_mayhem_fraglimit);
+ float playerscorevisual = (playerkillscore * autocvar_g_mayhem_visual_score_limit) / 100;
+ float scoretoadd = (playerscorevisual - PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_SCORE));
+ GameRules_scoring_add_team(scorer, SCORE, floor(scoretoadd));
+ if(0){
+ //debug printing
+ if(!IS_BOT_CLIENT(scorer)){
+ print(sprintf("%f", playerkillscore), " playerkillscore \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_KILLS)), " PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_KILLS) \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", playerscorevisual), " visual playerscore \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", scoretoadd), " scoretoadd \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_SCORE)), " PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_SCORE) \n \n");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ //calculate how much score the player should have based on their damage dealt and then add the missing score
+ float playerdamagescore = (((scorer.total_damage_dealt/(start_health + start_armorvalue)) * 100)/autocvar_g_mayhem_fraglimit);
+ float roundedplayerdamagescore = ((rint(playerdamagescore*10))/10);
+ float playerscorevisual = (roundedplayerdamagescore * autocvar_g_mayhem_visual_score_limit);
+ float scoretoadd = (playerscorevisual - (PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_SCORE) * 100));
+ GameRules_scoring_add_team(scorer, SCORE, floor(scoretoadd / 100));
+ if(0){
+ //debug printing
+ if(!IS_BOT_CLIENT(scorer)){
+ print(sprintf("%f", scorer.total_damage_dealt), " scorer.total_damage_dealt \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", playerdamagescore), " playerdamagescore \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", roundedplayerdamagescore), " rounded playerdamagescore \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", playerscorevisual), " visual playerscore \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", scoretoadd), " scoretoadd \n");
+ print(sprintf("%f", PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_SCORE)), " PlayerScore_Get(scorer, SP_SCORE) \n \n");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void Mayhem_Scoring_Method(entity frag_attacker, entity frag_target, float dmg_taken, float dmg_saved, float frag_deathtype, float frag_damage)
+ if (!autocvar_g_mayhem) return;
+ if (autocvar_g_mayhem_scoringmethod == 2) return;
+ if (StatusEffects_active(STATUSEFFECT_SpawnShield, frag_target)
+ && autocvar_g_spawnshield_blockdamage >= 1)
+ return;
+ float damage_take = bound(0, dmg_taken, GetResource(frag_target, RES_HEALTH));
+ float damage_save = bound(0, dmg_saved, GetResource(frag_target, RES_ARMOR));
+ float excess = max(0, frag_damage - damage_take - damage_save);
+ float total = frag_damage - excess;
+ if (total == 0) return;
+ if (StatusEffects_active(STATUSEFFECT_SpawnShield, frag_target) && autocvar_g_spawnshield_blockdamage < 1)
+ total *= 1 - bound(0, autocvar_g_spawnshield_blockdamage, 1);
+ entity scorer = NULL; //entity which needs their score to be updated
+ if (IS_PLAYER(frag_attacker))
+ {
+ //non-friendly fire
+ if (frag_target != frag_attacker)
+ frag_attacker.total_damage_dealt += total;
+ //friendly fire aka self damage
+ if (frag_target == frag_attacker && !autocvar_g_mayhem_scoringmethod_1_disable_selfdamage2score)
+ frag_attacker.total_damage_dealt -= total;
+ scorer = frag_attacker;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //handle (environmental hazard) suiciding, check first if player has a registered attacker who most likely pushed them there to avoid punishing pushed players as pushers are already rewarded
+ //deathtypes:
+ //kill = suicide, drown = drown in water/liquid, hurttrigger = out of the map void or hurt triggers inside maps like electric sparks
+ //camp = campcheck, lava = lava, slime = slime
+ //team change / rebalance suicides are currently not included
+ if (!autocvar_g_mayhem_scoringmethod_1_disable_selfdamage2score && (
+ frag_deathtype == DEATH_KILL.m_id ||
+ frag_deathtype == DEATH_DROWN.m_id ||
+ frag_deathtype == DEATH_HURTTRIGGER.m_id ||
+ frag_deathtype == DEATH_CAMP.m_id ||
+ frag_deathtype == DEATH_LAVA.m_id ||
+ frag_deathtype == DEATH_SLIME.m_id ||
+ frag_deathtype == DEATH_SWAMP.m_id))
+ frag_target.total_damage_dealt -= total;
+ scorer = frag_target;
+ }
+ FFAMayhemCalculatePlayerScore(scorer);