#include <GL/glx.h>
#include "quakedef.h"
-#include "dpsoftrast.h"
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#include <X11/xpm.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
#ifdef USEDGA
#include <X11/extensions/xf86dga.h>
#include <X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
-#include <sys/shm.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
// get the Uchar type
#include "utf8lib.h"
static Window win, root;
static GLXContext ctx = NULL;
static GC vidx11_gc = NULL;
-static XImage *vidx11_ximage[2] = { NULL, NULL };
-static int vidx11_ximage_pos = 0;
-static XShmSegmentInfo vidx11_shminfo[2];
-static int vidx11_shmevent = -1;
-static int vidx11_shmwait = 0; // number of frames outstanding
Atom wm_delete_window_atom;
Atom net_wm_state_atom;
-static qboolean BuildXImages(int w, int h)
- int i;
- if(DefaultDepth(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen) != 32 && DefaultDepth(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen) != 24)
- {
- Con_Printf("Sorry, we only support 24bpp and 32bpp modes\n");
- VID_Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- // match to dpsoftrast's specs
- if(vidx11_visual->red_mask != 0x00FF0000)
- {
- Con_Printf("Sorry, we only support BGR visuals\n");
- VID_Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- if(vidx11_visual->green_mask != 0x0000FF00)
- {
- Con_Printf("Sorry, we only support BGR visuals\n");
- VID_Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- if(vidx11_visual->blue_mask != 0x000000FF)
- {
- Con_Printf("Sorry, we only support BGR visuals\n");
- VID_Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- if(vidx11_shmevent >= 0)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid = -1;
- vidx11_ximage[i] = XShmCreateImage(vidx11_display, vidx11_visual, DefaultDepth(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen), ZPixmap, NULL, &vidx11_shminfo[i], w, h);
- if(!vidx11_ximage[i])
- {
- Con_Printf("Failed to get an XImage segment\n");
- VID_Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- if(vidx11_ximage[i]->bytes_per_line != w * 4)
- {
- Con_Printf("Sorry, we only support linear pixel layout\n");
- VID_Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, vidx11_ximage[i]->bytes_per_line * vidx11_ximage[i]->height, IPC_CREAT|0777);
- if(vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid < 0)
- {
- Con_Printf("Failed to get a shm segment\n");
- VID_Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- vidx11_shminfo[i].shmaddr = vidx11_ximage[i]->data = shmat(vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid, NULL, 0);
- if(!vidx11_shminfo[i].shmaddr)
- {
- Con_Printf("Failed to get a shm segment addresst\n");
- VID_Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- vidx11_shminfo[i].readOnly = True;
- XShmAttach(vidx11_display, &vidx11_shminfo[i]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i = 0; i < 1; ++i) // we only need one buffer if we don't use Xshm
- {
- char *p = calloc(4, w * h);
- vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid = -1;
- vidx11_ximage[i] = XCreateImage(vidx11_display, vidx11_visual, DefaultDepth(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen), ZPixmap, 0, (char*)p, w, h, 8, 0);
- if(!vidx11_ximage[i])
- {
- Con_Printf("Failed to get an XImage segment\n");
- VID_Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- if(vidx11_ximage[i]->bytes_per_line != w * 4)
- {
- Con_Printf("Sorry, we only support linear pixel layout\n");
- VID_Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-static void DestroyXImages(void)
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- if(vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid >= 0)
- {
- XShmDetach(vidx11_display, &vidx11_shminfo[i]);
- XDestroyImage(vidx11_ximage[i]);
- vidx11_ximage[i] = NULL;
- shmdt(vidx11_shminfo[i].shmaddr);
- shmctl(vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
- vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid = -1;
- }
- if(vidx11_ximage[i])
- XDestroyImage(vidx11_ximage[i]);
- vidx11_ximage[i] = 0;
- }
static int in_mouse_x_save = 0, in_mouse_y_save = 0;
static void HandleEvents(void)
Con_Printf("NetWM fullscreen: actually using resolution %dx%d\n", vid.width, vid.height);
Con_DPrintf("Updating to ConfigureNotify resolution %dx%d\n", vid.width, vid.height);
- if(vid.renderpath == RENDERPATH_SOFT)
- {
- if(vid.softdepthpixels)
- free(vid.softdepthpixels);
- DestroyXImages();
- XSync(vidx11_display, False);
- if(!BuildXImages(vid.width, vid.height))
- return;
- XSync(vidx11_display, False);
- vid.softpixels = (unsigned int *) vidx11_ximage[vidx11_ximage_pos]->data;
- vid.softdepthpixels = (unsigned int *)calloc(4, vid.width * vid.height);
- }
case DestroyNotify:
// mouse left window
- if(vidx11_shmevent >= 0 && event.type == vidx11_shmevent)
- --vidx11_shmwait;
XFreeGC(vidx11_display, vidx11_gc);
vidx11_gc = NULL;
- DestroyXImages();
- vidx11_shmevent = -1;
- vid.softpixels = NULL;
- if (vid.softdepthpixels)
- free(vid.softdepthpixels);
- vid.softdepthpixels = NULL;
if (win)
XDestroyWindow(vidx11_display, win);
vid_usevsync = vid_vsync.integer && !cls.timedemo && qglXSwapIntervalSGI;
- if(vidx11_shmevent >= 0) {
- vidx11_ximage_pos = !vidx11_ximage_pos;
- vid.softpixels = (unsigned int *) vidx11_ximage[vidx11_ximage_pos]->data;
- DPSOFTRAST_SetRenderTargets(vid.width, vid.height, vid.softdepthpixels, vid.softpixels, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- ++vidx11_shmwait;
- XShmPutImage(vidx11_display, win, vidx11_gc, vidx11_ximage[!vidx11_ximage_pos], 0, 0, 0, 0, vid.width, vid.height, True);
- // save mouse motion so we can deal with it later
- in_mouse_x = 0;
- in_mouse_y = 0;
- while(vidx11_shmwait > 1)
- HandleEvents();
- in_mouse_x_save += in_mouse_x;
- in_mouse_y_save += in_mouse_y;
- in_mouse_x = 0;
- in_mouse_y = 0;
- } else {
- // no buffer switching here, we just flush the renderer
- DPSOFTRAST_Finish();
- XPutImage(vidx11_display, win, vidx11_gc, vidx11_ximage[vidx11_ximage_pos], 0, 0, 0, 0, vid.width, vid.height);
- }
- break;
if (vid_usingvsync != vid_usevsync)
qglXSwapBuffers(vidx11_display, win);CHECKGLERROR
- case RENDERPATH_D3D10:
- case RENDERPATH_D3D11:
- break;
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Input: -nomouse disables mouse support (see also vid_mouse cvar)
if (COM_CheckParm ("-nomouse"))
mouse_avail = false;
- vidx11_shminfo[0].shmid = -1;
- vidx11_shminfo[1].shmid = -1;
static void VID_BuildGLXAttrib(int *attrib, qboolean stencil, qboolean stereobuffer, int samples)
*attrib++ = None;
-static qboolean VID_InitModeSoft(viddef_mode_t *mode)
- int i, j;
- XSetWindowAttributes attr;
- XClassHint *clshints;
- XWMHints *wmhints;
- XSizeHints *szhints;
- unsigned long mask;
- int MajorVersion, MinorVersion;
- char *xpm;
- char **idata;
- unsigned char *data;
- XGCValues gcval;
- const char *dpyname;
- char vabuf[1024];
- vid_isfullscreen = false;
- vid_isdesktopfullscreen = false;
- vid_isvidmodefullscreen = false;
- vid_isoverrideredirect = false;
- if (!(vidx11_display = XOpenDisplay(NULL)))
- {
- Con_Print("Couldn't open the X display\n");
- return false;
- }
- dpyname = XDisplayName(NULL);
- // LordHavoc: making the close button on a window do the right thing
- // seems to involve this mess, sigh...
- wm_delete_window_atom = XInternAtom(vidx11_display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", false);
- net_wm_state_atom = XInternAtom(vidx11_display, "_NET_WM_STATE", false);
- net_wm_state_fullscreen_atom = XInternAtom(vidx11_display, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", false);
- net_wm_state_hidden_atom = XInternAtom(vidx11_display, "_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN", false);
- net_wm_icon = XInternAtom(vidx11_display, "_NET_WM_ICON", false);
- cardinal = XInternAtom(vidx11_display, "CARDINAL", false);
- // make autorepeat send keypress/keypress/.../keyrelease instead of intervening keyrelease
- XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat(vidx11_display, true, NULL);
- vidx11_screen = DefaultScreen(vidx11_display);
- root = RootWindow(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen);
- desktop_mode.width = DisplayWidth(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen);
- desktop_mode.height = DisplayHeight(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen);
- desktop_mode.bpp = DefaultDepth(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen);
- desktop_mode.refreshrate = 60; // FIXME
- desktop_mode.pixelheight_num = 1; // FIXME
- desktop_mode.pixelheight_denom = 1; // FIXME
- // Get video mode list
- MajorVersion = MinorVersion = 0;
- if (!XF86VidModeQueryVersion(vidx11_display, &MajorVersion, &MinorVersion))
- vidmode_ext = false;
- else
- {
- Con_DPrintf("Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version %d.%d\n", MajorVersion, MinorVersion);
- vidmode_ext = true;
- }
- if (mode->fullscreen)
- {
- if(vid_desktopfullscreen.integer)
- {
- // TODO detect WM support
- vid_isdesktopfullscreen = true;
- vid_isfullscreen = true;
- // width and height will be filled in later
- Con_DPrintf("Using NetWM fullscreen mode\n");
- }
- if(!vid_isfullscreen && vidmode_ext)
- {
- int best_fit, best_dist, dist, x, y;
- // Are we going fullscreen? If so, let's change video mode
- XF86VidModeModeLine *current_vidmode;
- XF86VidModeModeInfo **vidmodes;
- int num_vidmodes;
- // This nice hack comes from the SDL source code
- current_vidmode = (XF86VidModeModeLine*)((char*)&init_vidmode + sizeof(init_vidmode.dotclock));
- XF86VidModeGetModeLine(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen, (int*)&init_vidmode.dotclock, current_vidmode);
- XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen, &num_vidmodes, &vidmodes);
- best_dist = 0;
- best_fit = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < num_vidmodes; i++)
- {
- if (mode->width > vidmodes[i]->hdisplay || mode->height > vidmodes[i]->vdisplay)
- continue;
- x = mode->width - vidmodes[i]->hdisplay;
- y = mode->height - vidmodes[i]->vdisplay;
- dist = (x * x) + (y * y);
- if (best_fit == -1 || dist < best_dist)
- {
- best_dist = dist;
- best_fit = i;
- }
- }
- if (best_fit != -1)
- {
- // LordHavoc: changed from ActualWidth/ActualHeight =,
- // to width/height =, so the window will take the full area of
- // the mode chosen
- mode->width = vidmodes[best_fit]->hdisplay;
- mode->height = vidmodes[best_fit]->vdisplay;
- // change to the mode
- XF86VidModeSwitchToMode(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen, vidmodes[best_fit]);
- memcpy(&game_vidmode, vidmodes[best_fit], sizeof(game_vidmode));
- vid_isvidmodefullscreen = true;
- vid_isfullscreen = true;
- // Move the viewport to top left
- XF86VidModeSetViewPort(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen, 0, 0);
- Con_DPrintf("Using XVidMode fullscreen mode at %dx%d\n", mode->width, mode->height);
- }
- free(vidmodes);
- }
- if(!vid_isfullscreen)
- {
- // sorry, no FS available
- // use the full desktop resolution
- vid_isfullscreen = true;
- // width and height will be filled in later
- mode->width = DisplayWidth(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen);
- mode->height = DisplayHeight(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen);
- Con_DPrintf("Using X11 fullscreen mode at %dx%d\n", mode->width, mode->height);
- }
- }
- // LordHavoc: save the visual for use in gamma ramp settings later
- vidx11_visual = DefaultVisual(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen);
- /* window attributes */
- attr.background_pixel = 0;
- attr.border_pixel = 0;
- // LordHavoc: save the colormap for later, too
- vidx11_colormap = attr.colormap = XCreateColormap(vidx11_display, root, vidx11_visual, AllocNone);
- attr.event_mask = X_MASK;
- if (mode->fullscreen)
- {
- if(vid_isdesktopfullscreen)
- {
- mask = CWBackPixel | CWColormap | CWSaveUnder | CWBackingStore | CWEventMask;
- attr.backing_store = NotUseful;
- attr.save_under = False;
- }
- else
- {
- mask = CWBackPixel | CWColormap | CWSaveUnder | CWBackingStore | CWEventMask | CWOverrideRedirect;
- attr.override_redirect = True;
- attr.backing_store = NotUseful;
- attr.save_under = False;
- vid_isoverrideredirect = true; // so it knows to grab
- }
- }
- else
- {
- mask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask;
- }
- win = XCreateWindow(vidx11_display, root, 0, 0, mode->width, mode->height, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, vidx11_visual, mask, &attr);
- data = loadimagepixelsbgra("darkplaces-icon", false, false, false, NULL);
- if(data)
- {
- // use _NET_WM_ICON too
- static long netwm_icon[MAX_NETWM_ICON];
- int pos = 0;
- int i = 1;
- while(data)
- {
- if(pos + 2 * image_width * image_height < MAX_NETWM_ICON)
- {
- netwm_icon[pos++] = image_width;
- netwm_icon[pos++] = image_height;
- for(i = 0; i < image_height; ++i)
- for(j = 0; j < image_width; ++j)
- netwm_icon[pos++] = BuffLittleLong(&data[(i*image_width+j)*4]);
- }
- else
- {
- Con_Printf("Skipping NETWM icon #%d because there is no space left\n", i);
- }
- ++i;
- Mem_Free(data);
- data = loadimagepixelsbgra(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "darkplaces-icon%d", i), false, false, false, NULL);
- }
- XChangeProperty(vidx11_display, win, net_wm_icon, cardinal, 32, PropModeReplace, (const unsigned char *) netwm_icon, pos);
- }
- // fallthrough for old window managers
- xpm = (char *) FS_LoadFile("darkplaces-icon.xpm", tempmempool, false, NULL);
- idata = NULL;
- if(xpm)
- idata = XPM_DecodeString(xpm);
- if(!idata)
- idata = ENGINE_ICON;
- wmhints = XAllocWMHints();
- if(XpmCreatePixmapFromData(vidx11_display, win,
- idata,
- &wmhints->icon_pixmap, &wmhints->icon_mask, NULL) == XpmSuccess)
- wmhints->flags |= IconPixmapHint | IconMaskHint;
- if(xpm)
- Mem_Free(xpm);
- clshints = XAllocClassHint();
- clshints->res_name = strdup(gamename);
- clshints->res_class = strdup("DarkPlaces");
- szhints = XAllocSizeHints();
- if(vid_resizable.integer == 0 && !vid_isdesktopfullscreen)
- {
- szhints->min_width = szhints->max_width = mode->width;
- szhints->min_height = szhints->max_height = mode->height;
- szhints->flags |= PMinSize | PMaxSize;
- }
- XmbSetWMProperties(vidx11_display, win, gamename, gamename, (char **) com_argv, com_argc, szhints, wmhints, clshints);
- // strdup() allocates using malloc(), should be freed with free()
- free(clshints->res_name);
- free(clshints->res_class);
- XFree(clshints);
- XFree(wmhints);
- XFree(szhints);
- //XStoreName(vidx11_display, win, gamename);
- XMapWindow(vidx11_display, win);
- XSetWMProtocols(vidx11_display, win, &wm_delete_window_atom, 1);
- if (vid_isoverrideredirect)
- {
- XMoveWindow(vidx11_display, win, 0, 0);
- XRaiseWindow(vidx11_display, win);
- XWarpPointer(vidx11_display, None, win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- XFlush(vidx11_display);
- }
- if(vid_isvidmodefullscreen)
- {
- // Move the viewport to top left
- XF86VidModeSetViewPort(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen, 0, 0);
- }
- //XSync(vidx11_display, False);
- // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Unix GLX: -noshm disables XShm extensioon
- if(dpyname && dpyname[0] == ':' && dpyname[1] && (dpyname[2] < '0' || dpyname[2] > '9') && !COM_CheckParm("-noshm") && XShmQueryExtension(vidx11_display))
- {
- Con_Printf("Using XShm\n");
- vidx11_shmevent = XShmGetEventBase(vidx11_display) + ShmCompletion;
- }
- else
- {
- Con_Printf("Not using XShm\n");
- vidx11_shmevent = -1;
- }
- BuildXImages(mode->width, mode->height);
- vidx11_ximage_pos = 0;
- vid.softpixels = (unsigned int *) vidx11_ximage[vidx11_ximage_pos]->data;
- vidx11_shmwait = 0;
- vid.softdepthpixels = (unsigned int *)calloc(1, mode->width * mode->height * 4);
- memset(&gcval, 0, sizeof(gcval));
- vidx11_gc = XCreateGC(vidx11_display, win, 0, &gcval);
- if (DPSOFTRAST_Init(mode->width, mode->height, vid_soft_threads.integer, vid_soft_interlace.integer, (unsigned int *)vid.softpixels, (unsigned int *)vid.softdepthpixels) < 0)
- {
- Con_Printf("Failed to initialize software rasterizer\n");
- VID_Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- XSync(vidx11_display, False);
- vid_usingmousegrab = false;
- vid_usingmouse = false;
- vid_usinghidecursor = false;
- vid_usingvsync = false;
- vid_hidden = false;
- vid_activewindow = true;
-#ifdef USEDGA
- vid_x11_dgasupported = XF86DGAQueryVersion(vidx11_display, &MajorVersion, &MinorVersion);
- if (!vid_x11_dgasupported)
- Con_Print( "Failed to detect XF86DGA Mouse extension\n" );
- VID_Soft_SharedSetup();
- return true;
static qboolean VID_InitModeGL(viddef_mode_t *mode)
int i, j;
qboolean VID_InitMode(viddef_mode_t *mode)
- if (vid_soft.integer)
- return VID_InitModeSoft(mode);
- else
- return VID_InitModeGL(mode);
+ return VID_InitModeGL(mode);
void Sys_SendKeyEvents(void)