MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_CAPTURE_TIME_, 2, 1, 1, XPD2(s1, f1/100), XPD2(s1, ""), "notify_%s_captured", _("^BG%s^BG captured the ^TC^TT^BG flag in ^F1%.2f^BG seconds\n"), "") \
MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_CAPTURE_BROKEN_, 2, 2, 2, XPD4(s1, f1/100, s2, f2/100), XPD2(s1, ""), "notify_%s_captured", _("^BG%s^BG captured the ^TC^TT^BG flag in ^F1%.2f^BG seconds, breaking ^BG%s^BG's previous record of ^F2%.2f^BG seconds\n"), "") \
MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_CAPTURE_UNBROKEN_, 2, 2, 2, XPD4(s1, f1/100, s2, f2/100), XPD2(s1, ""), "notify_%s_captured", _("^BG%s^BG captured the ^TC^TT^BG flag in ^F2%.2f^BG seconds, failing to break ^BG%s^BG's previous record of ^F1%.2f^BG seconds\n"), "") \
- MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_FREEZETAG_ROUND_WIN_, 4, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, XPD2("", ""), "", _("^TC^TT^BG team wins the round, all other teams were frozen\n"), "") \
- MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_FREEZETAG_REVIVE, 2, 0, XPD2(s1, s2), XPD2("", ""), "", _("^BG%s^K3 was revived by ^BG%s\n"), "") \
- MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_FREEZETAG_FREEZE, 2, 0, XPD2(s1, s2), XPD2("", ""), "", _("^BG%s^K1 was frozen by ^BG%s\n"), "") \
- MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_FREEZETAG_SELF, 1, 0, s1, XPD2("", ""), "", _("^BG%s^K1 froze themself\n"), "") \
MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_DEATH_TEAMKILL_, 4, 2, 1, XPD3(s1, s2, SPREE_END), XPD2(s1, s2), "notify_teamkill_%s", _("^BG%s^K1 was betrayed by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_FIRSTBLOOD, 2, 0, s2, XPD2("", ""), "", _("^BG%s^K1 drew first blood\n"), _("^F1%s^K1 got the first score\n")) \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_CUSTOM, 2, 1, XPD3(s1, s2, SPREE_LOST), XPD2(s1, ""), "notify_void", _("^BG%s^K1 %s^K1%s\n"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_TOUCHEXPLODE, 2, 1, XPD3(s1, s2, SPREE_END), XPD2(s1, s2), "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 died in an accident with ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_CHEAT, 2, 1, XPD3(s1, s2, SPREE_END), XPD2(s1, s2), "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was unfairly eliminated by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_FIRE, 2, 1, XPD3(s1, s2, SPREE_END), XPD2(s1, s2), "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was burnt up into a crisp by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), _("^F1%s^K1 felt a little hot from ^BG%s^K1's fire^K1%s\n")) \
+ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_FREEZETAG_ROUND_WIN_, 4, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, XPD2("", ""), "", _("^TC^TT^BG team wins the round, all other teams were frozen\n"), "") \
+ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_FREEZETAG_REVIVE, 2, 0, XPD2(s1, s2), XPD2("", ""), "", _("^BG%s^K3 was revived by ^BG%s\n"), "") \
+ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_FREEZETAG_FREEZE, 2, 0, XPD2(s1, s2), XPD2("", ""), "", _("^BG%s^K1 was frozen by ^BG%s\n"), "") \
+ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_FREEZETAG_SELF, 1, 0, s1, XPD2("", ""), "", _("^BG%s^K1 froze themself\n"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_KEEPAWAY_DROPPED, 1, 0, s1, XPD2(s1, ""), "notify_balldropped", _("^BG%s^BG has dropped the ball!\n"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_KEEPAWAY_PICKUP, 1, 0, s1, XPD2(s1, ""), "notify_ballpickedup", _("^BG%s^BG has picked up the ball!\n"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_RACE_FAIL, 2, 0, XPD2(s1, s2), XPD2(s1, ""), "race_newfail", "", "") \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_STALEMATE_CARRIER, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, CPID_STALEMATE, XPD2(0, 0), _("^BGStalemate! Enemies can now see you on radar!"), "") \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_STALEMATE_OTHER, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, CPID_STALEMATE, XPD2(0, 0), _("^BGStalemate! Flag carriers can now be seen by enemies on radar!"), "") \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_FLAG_THROW_PUNISH, 0, 1, f1, CPID_CTF_LOWPRIO, XPD2(0, 0), _("^BGToo many flag throws! Throwing disabled for %d seconds."), "") \
- MULTITEAM_CENTER(CENTER_FREEZETAG_ROUND_WIN_, 4, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^TC^TT^BG team wins the round, all other teams were frozen"), "") \
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_SPAWN_LATE, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K1You spawned after the round started, you'll spawn as frozen"), "") \
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_REVIVE, 1, 0, s1, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K3You revived ^BG%s"), "") \
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_REVIVED, 1, 0, s1, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K3You were revived by ^BG%s"), "") \
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_SELF, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K1You froze yourself"), "") \
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_FREEZE, 1, 0, s1, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K3You froze ^BG%s"), "") \
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_FROZEN, 1, 0, s1, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K1You were frozen by ^BG%s"), "") \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_CUSTOM, 2, 0, s2, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K1You were %s"), "") \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K1You killed your own dumb self!"), _("^K1You need to be more careful!")) \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_VOID, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K1Watch your step!"), "") \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED_FIRST_VERBOSE, 1, 3, s1, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K1First victim! You were typefragged by ^BG%s"), _("^K1First casualty! You were scored against by ^BG%s^K1 while typing!")) \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_TEAMKILL_FRAG, 1, 0, s1, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K1Moron! You fragged ^BG%s^K1, a team mate!"), _("^K1Moron! You went against ^BG%sK1, a team mate!")) \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_TEAMKILL_FRAGGED, 1, 0, s1, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K1You were fragged by ^BG%s^K1, a team mate"), _("^K1You were scored against by ^BG%s^K1, a team mate")) \
+ MULTITEAM_CENTER(CENTER_FREEZETAG_ROUND_WIN_, 4, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^TC^TT^BG team wins the round, all other teams were frozen"), "") \
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_SPAWN_LATE, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K1You spawned after the round started, you'll spawn as frozen"), "") \
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_REVIVE, 1, 0, s1, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K3You revived ^BG%s"), "") \
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_REVIVED, 1, 0, s1, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K3You were revived by ^BG%s"), "") \
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_SELF, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K1You froze yourself"), "") \
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_FREEZE, 1, 0, s1, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K3You froze ^BG%s"), "") \
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_FROZEN, 1, 0, s1, NO_CPID, XPD2(0, 0), _("^K1You were frozen by ^BG%s"), "") \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_KEEPAWAY_DROPPED, 1, 0, s1, CPID_KEEPAWAY, XPD2(0, 0), _("^BG%s^BG has dropped the ball!"), "") \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_KEEPAWAY_PICKUP, 1, 0, s1, CPID_KEEPAWAY, XPD2(0, 0), _("^BG%s^BG has picked up the ball!"), "") \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_KEEPAWAY_WARN, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, CPID_KA_WARN, XPD2(0, 0), _("^BGKilling people while you don't have the ball gives no points!"), "") \