// optional: size mins_x mins_y mins_z maxs_x maxs_y maxs_z
// optional: hidden
-// we need to give bots all the tools they need
-settemp_for_type all g_weaponarena all
-settemp_for_type all g_jetpack 1
-// don't make bots fight bots, it's not nice
-settemp_for_type all bot_ignore_bots 1
// bot AI tweaks needed for this map: make bots unable to block other bots
settemp_for_type all _independent_players 1
settemp_for_type all bot_navigation_ignoreplayers 1
-// adjusted sound radius
-clientsettemp_for_type all snd_soundradius 3200
-clientsettemp_for_type all r_shadows 2
-clientsettemp_for_type all r_shadow_shadowmapping 1