// 0-4 are based on health (in 20 increments)
// 0 is static, 1 is temporary animation
cachepic_t *sb_faces[5][2];
+cachepic_t *sb_health; // GAME_NEXUIZ
cachepic_t *sb_face_invis;
cachepic_t *sb_face_quad;
cvar_t showdate_format = {CVAR_SAVE, "showdate_format", "%Y-%m-%d", "format string for date"};
cvar_t sbar_alpha_bg = {CVAR_SAVE, "sbar_alpha_bg", "0.4", "opacity value of the statusbar background image"};
cvar_t sbar_alpha_fg = {CVAR_SAVE, "sbar_alpha_fg", "1", "opacity value of the statusbar weapon/item icons and numbers"};
+cvar_t sbar_hudselector = {CVAR_SAVE, "sbar_hudselector", "0", "selects which of the builtin hud layouts to use (meaning is somewhat dependent on gamemode, so nexuiz has a very different set of hud layouts than quake for example)"};
cvar_t cl_deathscoreboard = {0, "cl_deathscoreboard", "1", "shows scoreboard (+showscores) while dead"};
sb_ammo[2] = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/sb_rocket", true);
sb_ammo[3] = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/sb_cells", true);
+ sb_armor[0] = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/sb_armor", true);
+ sb_armor[1] = NULL;
+ sb_armor[2] = NULL;
+ sb_health = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/sb_health", true);
sb_items[2] = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/sb_slowmo", true);
sb_items[3] = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/sb_invinc", true);
sb_items[4] = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/sb_energy", true);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&sbar_hudselector);
+void Sbar_DrawStretchPic (int x, int y, cachepic_t *pic, float alpha, float overridewidth, float overrideheight)
+ DrawQ_Pic (sbar_x + x, sbar_y + y, pic, overridewidth, overrideheight, 1, 1, 1, alpha, 0);
void Sbar_DrawPic (int x, int y, cachepic_t *pic)
DrawQ_Pic (sbar_x + x, sbar_y + y, pic, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, sbar_alpha_fg.value, 0);
// AK to make DrawInventory smaller
static void Sbar_DrawWeapon(int nr, float fade, int active)
- // width = 300, height = 100
- const int w_width = 300, w_height = 100, w_space = 10;
- const float w_scale = 0.4;
+ if (sbar_hudselector.integer == 1)
+ {
+ // width = 300, height = 100
+ const int w_width = 32, w_height = 12, w_space = 2, font_size = 8;
+ DrawQ_Pic((vid_conwidth.integer - w_width * 9) * 0.5 + w_width * nr, vid_conheight.integer - w_height, sb_weapons[0][nr], w_width, w_height, (active) ? 1 : 0.6, active ? 1 : 0.6, active ? 1 : 0.6, (active ? 1 : 0.6) * fade * sbar_alpha_fg.value, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ DrawQ_String((vid_conwidth.integer - w_width * 9) * 0.5 + w_width * nr + w_space, vid_conheight.integer - w_height + w_space, va("%i",nr+1), 0, font_size, font_size, 1, 1, 0, sbar_alpha_fg.value, 0, NULL, true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // width = 300, height = 100
+ const int w_width = 300, w_height = 100, w_space = 10;
+ const float w_scale = 0.4;
- DrawQ_Pic(vid_conwidth.integer - (w_width + w_space) * w_scale, (w_height + w_space) * w_scale * nr + w_space, sb_weapons[0][nr], w_width * w_scale, w_height * w_scale, (active) ? 1 : 0.6, active ? 1 : 0.6, active ? 1 : 1, fade * sbar_alpha_fg.value, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- //DrawQ_String(vid_conwidth.integer - (w_space + font_size ), (w_height + w_space) * w_scale * nr + w_space, va("%i",nr+1), 0, font_size, font_size, 1, 0, 0, fade, 0, NULL, true);
+ DrawQ_Pic(vid_conwidth.integer - (w_width + w_space) * w_scale, (w_height + w_space) * w_scale * nr + w_space, sb_weapons[0][nr], w_width * w_scale, w_height * w_scale, (active) ? 1 : 0.6, active ? 1 : 0.6, active ? 1 : 1, fade * sbar_alpha_fg.value, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ //DrawQ_String(vid_conwidth.integer - (w_space + font_size ), (w_height + w_space) * w_scale * nr + w_space, va("%i",nr+1), 0, font_size, font_size, 1, 0, 0, fade, 0, NULL, true);
+ }
else if (gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ)
- sbar_y = vid_conheight.integer - 47;
- sbar_x = (vid_conwidth.integer - 640)/2;
if (sb_showscores || (cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 && cl_deathscoreboard.integer))
+ sbar_x = (vid_conwidth.integer - 640)/2;
+ sbar_y = vid_conheight.integer - 47;
Sbar_DrawAlphaPic (0, 0, sb_scorebar, sbar_alpha_bg.value);
Sbar_DrawScoreboard ();
+ else if (sb_lines && sbar_hudselector.integer == 1)
+ {
+ int i;
+ float fade;
+ int redflag, blueflag;
+ sbar_x = (vid_conwidth.integer - 320)/2;
+ sbar_y = vid_conheight.integer - 24 - 16;
+ // calculate intensity to draw weapons bar at
+ fade = 3.2 - 2 * (cl.time - cl.weapontime);
+ fade = bound(0.7, fade, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < 8;i++)
+ if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (1 << i))
+ Sbar_DrawWeapon(i + 1, fade, (i + 2 == cl.stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON]));
+ if((cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (1<<12)))
+ Sbar_DrawWeapon(0, fade, (cl.stats[STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON] == 1));
+ // flag icons
+ redflag = ((cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS]>>15) & 3);
+ blueflag = ((cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS]>>17) & 3);
+ if (redflag == 3 && blueflag == 3)
+ {
+ // The Impossible Combination[tm]
+ // Can only happen in Key Hunt mode...
+ Sbar_DrawPic (10 - sbar_x, -179, sb_items[14]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (redflag)
+ Sbar_DrawPic (10 - sbar_x, -109, sb_items[redflag+10]);
+ if (blueflag)
+ Sbar_DrawPic (10 - sbar_x, -169, sb_items[blueflag+14]);
+ }
+ // armor
+ if (cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR] > 0)
+ {
+ Sbar_DrawStretchPic (0, 0, sb_armor[0], sbar_alpha_fg.value, 24, 24);
+ if(cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR] > 100)
+ Sbar_DrawXNum(24,0,cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR],3,24,1,1,0,1,0);
+ else if(cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR] > 25)
+ Sbar_DrawXNum(24,0,cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR],3,24,0.6,0.7,0.8,1,0);
+ else
+ Sbar_DrawXNum(24,0,cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR],3,24,0.7,0,0,1,0);
+ }
+ // health
+ if (cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] != 0)
+ {
+ Sbar_DrawStretchPic (112, 0, sb_health, sbar_alpha_fg.value, 24, 24);
+ if(cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 100)
+ Sbar_DrawXNum(136,0,cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH],3,24,1,1,0,1,0);
+ else if(cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 25)
+ Sbar_DrawXNum(136,0,cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH],3,24,0.6,0.7,0.8,1,0);
+ else
+ Sbar_DrawXNum(136,0,cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH],3,24,0.7,0,0,1,0);
+ }
+ // ammo
+ if ((cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & (NEX_IT_SHELLS | NEX_IT_BULLETS | NEX_IT_ROCKETS | NEX_IT_CELLS)) || cl.stats[STAT_AMMO] != 0)
+ {
+ if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & NEX_IT_SHELLS)
+ Sbar_DrawStretchPic (224, 0, sb_ammo[0], sbar_alpha_fg.value, 24, 24);
+ else if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & NEX_IT_BULLETS)
+ Sbar_DrawStretchPic (224, 0, sb_ammo[1], sbar_alpha_fg.value, 24, 24);
+ else if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & NEX_IT_ROCKETS)
+ Sbar_DrawStretchPic (224, 0, sb_ammo[2], sbar_alpha_fg.value, 24, 24);
+ else if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & NEX_IT_CELLS)
+ Sbar_DrawStretchPic (224, 0, sb_ammo[3], sbar_alpha_fg.value, 24, 24);
+ if(cl.stats[STAT_AMMO] > 10)
+ Sbar_DrawXNum(248, 0, cl.stats[STAT_AMMO], 3, 24, 0.6,0.7,0.8,1,0);
+ else
+ Sbar_DrawXNum(248, 0, cl.stats[STAT_AMMO], 3, 24, 0.7,0,0,1,0);
+ }
+ if (sbar_x + 320 + 160 <= vid_conwidth.integer)
+ Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (sbar_x + 320, sbar_y);
+ }
else if (sb_lines)
int i;
float fade;
int redflag, blueflag;
+ sbar_x = (vid_conwidth.integer - 640)/2;
+ sbar_y = vid_conheight.integer - 47;
// calculate intensity to draw weapons bar at
fade = 3 - 2 * (cl.time - cl.weapontime);
if (fade > 0)
if (sb_lines > 24)
- }
- //if (vid_conwidth.integer > 320 && cl.gametype == GAME_DEATHMATCH)
- // Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (0, 17);
+ if (sbar_x + 600 + 160 <= vid_conwidth.integer)
+ Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay (sbar_x + 600, sbar_y);
+ }
else if (gamemode == GAME_ZYMOTIC)