cvar_t r_shadow_texture3d = {0, "r_shadow_texture3d", "1", "use 3D voxel textures for spherical attenuation rather than cylindrical (does not affect OpenGL 2.0 render path)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid", "0", "perform particle tracing for indirect lighting (Global Illumination / radiosity) using a 3D texture covering the scene, requires r_shadow_realtime_world 1"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_bounceanglediffuse = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_bounceanglediffuse", "0", "use random bounce direction rather than true reflection, makes some corner areas dark"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_directionalshading = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_directionalshading", "0", "use diffuse shading rather than ambient, 3D texture becomes 4x as many pixels to hold the additional data"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dlightparticlemultiplier = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dlightparticlemultiplier", "0", "if set to a high value like 16 this can make dlights look great, but 0 is recommended for performance reasons"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_hitmodels = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_hitmodels", "0", "enables hitting character model geometry (SLOW)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_intensity = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_intensity", "4", "overall brightness of bouncegrid texture"};
rtexture_t *r_shadow_bouncegridtexture;
matrix4x4_t r_shadow_bouncegridmatrix;
vec_t r_shadow_bouncegridintensity;
+qboolean r_shadow_bouncegriddirectional;
static double r_shadow_bouncegridtime;
static int r_shadow_bouncegridresolution[3];
static int r_shadow_bouncegridnumpixels;
r_shadow_bouncegridhighpixels = NULL;
r_shadow_bouncegridnumpixels = 0;
r_shadow_bouncegridtexture = NULL;
+ r_shadow_bouncegriddirectional = false;
r_shadow_attenuationgradienttexture = NULL;
r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture = NULL;
r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture = NULL;
r_shadow_bouncegridpixels = NULL;
r_shadow_bouncegridhighpixels = NULL;
r_shadow_bouncegridnumpixels = 0;
+ r_shadow_bouncegriddirectional = false;
r_shadow_attenuationgradienttexture = NULL;
r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture = NULL;
r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture = NULL;
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_directionalshading);
vec_t photonresidual;
float m[16];
float texlerp[2][3];
- float splatcolor[3];
+ float splatcolor[16];
float pixelweight[8];
+ float w;
+ int c[4];
int pixelindex[8];
int corner;
- int x, y, z;
+ int x, y, z, d;
qboolean isstatic = r_shadow_bouncegrid_updateinterval.value > 1.0f;
+ qboolean directionalshading = r_shadow_bouncegrid_directionalshading.integer != 0;
rtlight_t *rtlight;
if (!r_shadow_bouncegrid.integer || !
r_shadow_bouncegridhighpixels = NULL;
r_shadow_bouncegridnumpixels = 0;
+ r_shadow_bouncegriddirectional = false;
if (r_refdef.scene.worldmodel && isstatic)
m[10] = 1.0f / size[2];
m[11] = -mins[2] * m[10];
m[15] = 1.0f;
+ if (directionalshading)
+ {
+ m[10] *= 0.25f;
+ m[11] *= 0.25f;
+ }
Matrix4x4_FromArrayFloatD3D(&r_shadow_bouncegridmatrix, m);
numpixels = resolution[0]*resolution[1]*resolution[2];
+ if (directionalshading)
+ numpixels *= 4;
+ r_shadow_bouncegriddirectional = directionalshading;
// reallocate pixels for this update if needed...
if (r_shadow_bouncegridnumpixels != numpixels || !r_shadow_bouncegridpixels || !r_shadow_bouncegridhighpixels)
+ if (r_shadow_bouncegridtexture)
+ {
+ R_FreeTexture(r_shadow_bouncegridtexture);
+ r_shadow_bouncegridtexture = NULL;
+ }
r_shadow_bouncegridpixels = (unsigned char *)Mem_Realloc(r_main_mempool, r_shadow_bouncegridpixels, numpixels * sizeof(unsigned char[4]));
- r_shadow_bouncegridhighpixels = (float *)Mem_Realloc(r_main_mempool, r_shadow_bouncegridhighpixels, numpixels * sizeof(float[3]));
+ r_shadow_bouncegridhighpixels = (float *)Mem_Realloc(r_main_mempool, r_shadow_bouncegridhighpixels, numpixels * sizeof(float[4]));
r_shadow_bouncegridnumpixels = numpixels;
pixels = r_shadow_bouncegridpixels;
highpixels = r_shadow_bouncegridhighpixels;
- memset(pixels, 0, numpixels * sizeof(unsigned char[4]));
- memset(highpixels, 0, numpixels * sizeof(float[3]));
+ if (directionalshading)
+ memset(pixels, 128, numpixels * sizeof(unsigned char[4]));
+ else
+ memset(pixels, 0, numpixels * sizeof(unsigned char[4]));
+ memset(highpixels, 0, numpixels * sizeof(float[4]));
// figure out what we want to interact with
if (r_shadow_bouncegrid_hitmodels.integer)
maxbounce = bound(1, r_shadow_bouncegrid_maxbounce.integer, 16);
+ // clear variables that produce warnings otherwise
+ memset(splatcolor, 0, sizeof(splatcolor));
// iterate world rtlights
range = Mem_ExpandableArray_IndexRange(&r_shadow_worldlightsarray); // checked
range1 = isstatic ? 0 : r_refdef.scene.numlights;
tex[2] = (int)floor(texlerp[1][2]);
if (tex[0] >= 1 && tex[1] >= 1 && tex[2] >= 1 && tex[0] < resolution[0] - 2 && tex[1] < resolution[1] - 2 && tex[2] < resolution[2] - 2)
- // it is within bounds...
- splatcolor[0] = shotcolor[2] * 255.0f;
- splatcolor[1] = shotcolor[1] * 255.0f;
- splatcolor[2] = shotcolor[0] * 255.0f;
+ // it is within bounds... do the real work now
+ // calculate first order spherical harmonics values (average, slopeX, slopeY, slopeZ)
+ if (directionalshading)
+ {
+ VectorSubtract(clipstart, cliptrace.endpos, clipdiff);
+ VectorNormalize(clipdiff);
+ splatcolor[ 0] = shotcolor[0] * clipdiff[2];
+ splatcolor[ 1] = shotcolor[0] * clipdiff[1];
+ splatcolor[ 2] = shotcolor[0] * clipdiff[0];
+ splatcolor[ 3] = shotcolor[0];
+ splatcolor[ 4] = shotcolor[1] * clipdiff[2];
+ splatcolor[ 5] = shotcolor[1] * clipdiff[1];
+ splatcolor[ 6] = shotcolor[1] * clipdiff[0];
+ splatcolor[ 7] = shotcolor[1];
+ splatcolor[ 8] = shotcolor[2] * clipdiff[2];
+ splatcolor[ 9] = shotcolor[2] * clipdiff[1];
+ splatcolor[10] = shotcolor[2] * clipdiff[0];
+ splatcolor[11] = shotcolor[2];
+ w = VectorLength(shotcolor);
+ splatcolor[12] = clipdiff[2] * w;
+ splatcolor[13] = clipdiff[1] * w;
+ splatcolor[14] = clipdiff[0] * w;
+ splatcolor[15] = 1.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ splatcolor[ 0] = shotcolor[2];
+ splatcolor[ 1] = shotcolor[1];
+ splatcolor[ 2] = shotcolor[0];
+ splatcolor[ 3] = 1.0f;
+ }
// calculate the lerp factors
texlerp[1][0] -= tex[0];
texlerp[1][1] -= tex[1];
// update the 8 pixels...
for (corner = 0;corner < 8;corner++)
+ // calculate address for first set of coefficients
+ w = pixelweight[corner];
pixel = pixels + 4 * pixelindex[corner];
- highpixel = highpixels + 3 * pixelindex[corner];
+ highpixel = highpixels + 4 * pixelindex[corner];
// add to the high precision pixel color
- highpixel[0] += (splatcolor[0]*pixelweight[corner]);
- highpixel[1] += (splatcolor[1]*pixelweight[corner]);
- highpixel[2] += (splatcolor[2]*pixelweight[corner]);
+ highpixel[0] += (splatcolor[ 0]*w);
+ highpixel[1] += (splatcolor[ 1]*w);
+ highpixel[2] += (splatcolor[ 2]*w);
+ highpixel[3] += (splatcolor[ 3]*w);
// flag the low precision pixel as needing to be updated
pixel[3] = 255;
+ if (directionalshading)
+ {
+ // advance to second set of coefficients
+ pixel += numpixels;
+ highpixel += numpixels;
+ // add to the high precision pixel color
+ highpixel[0] += (splatcolor[ 4]*w);
+ highpixel[1] += (splatcolor[ 5]*w);
+ highpixel[2] += (splatcolor[ 6]*w);
+ highpixel[3] += (splatcolor[ 7]*w);
+ // flag the low precision pixel as needing to be updated
+ pixel[3] = 255;
+ // advance to third set of coefficients
+ pixel += numpixels;
+ highpixel += numpixels;
+ // add to the high precision pixel color
+ highpixel[0] += (splatcolor[ 8]*w);
+ highpixel[1] += (splatcolor[ 9]*w);
+ highpixel[2] += (splatcolor[10]*w);
+ highpixel[3] += (splatcolor[11]*w);
+ // flag the low precision pixel as needing to be updated
+ pixel[3] = 255;
+ // advance to fourth set of coefficients
+ pixel += numpixels;
+ highpixel += numpixels;
+ // add to the high precision pixel color
+ highpixel[0] += (splatcolor[12]*w);
+ highpixel[1] += (splatcolor[13]*w);
+ highpixel[2] += (splatcolor[14]*w);
+ highpixel[3] += (splatcolor[15]*w);
+ // flag the low precision pixel as needing to be updated
+ pixel[3] = 255;
+ }
// generate pixels array from highpixels array
// skip first and last columns, rows, and layers as these are blank
// the pixel[3] value was written above, so we can use it to detect only pixels that need to be calculated
- for (z = 1;z < resolution[2]-1;z++)
+ for (d = 0;d < 4;d++)
- for (y = 1;y < resolution[1]-1;y++)
+ for (z = 1;z < resolution[2]-1;z++)
- for (x = 1, pixelindex[0] = (resolution[1]*z+y)*resolution[0]+x, pixel = pixels + 4*pixelindex[0], highpixel = highpixels + 3*pixelindex[0];x < resolution[0]-1;x++, pixel += 4, highpixel += 3)
+ for (y = 1;y < resolution[1]-1;y++)
- // only convert pixels that were hit by photons
- if (pixel[3])
+ for (x = 1, pixelindex[0] = ((d*resolution[2]+z)*resolution[1]+y)*resolution[0]+x, pixel = pixels + 4*pixelindex[0], highpixel = highpixels + 4*pixelindex[0];x < resolution[0]-1;x++, pixel += 4, highpixel += 4)
- pixel[0] = (unsigned char)min(highpixel[0], 255);
- pixel[1] = (unsigned char)min(highpixel[1], 255);
- pixel[2] = (unsigned char)min(highpixel[2], 255);
+ // only convert pixels that were hit by photons
+ if (pixel[3] == 255)
+ {
+ // normalize the bentnormal...
+ if (directionalshading)
+ {
+ if (d == 3)
+ VectorNormalize(highpixel);
+ c[0] = (int)(highpixel[0]*128.0f+128.0f);
+ c[1] = (int)(highpixel[1]*128.0f+128.0f);
+ c[2] = (int)(highpixel[2]*128.0f+128.0f);
+ c[3] = (int)(highpixel[3]*128.0f+128.0f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c[0] = (int)(highpixel[0]*256.0f);
+ c[1] = (int)(highpixel[1]*256.0f);
+ c[2] = (int)(highpixel[2]*256.0f);
+ c[3] = (int)(highpixel[3]*256.0f);
+ }
+ pixel[0] = (unsigned char)bound(0, c[0], 255);
+ pixel[1] = (unsigned char)bound(0, c[1], 255);
+ pixel[2] = (unsigned char)bound(0, c[2], 255);
+ pixel[3] = (unsigned char)bound(0, c[3], 255);
+ }
+ if (!directionalshading)
+ break;
if (r_shadow_bouncegridtexture && r_shadow_bouncegridresolution[0] == resolution[0] && r_shadow_bouncegridresolution[1] == resolution[1] && r_shadow_bouncegridresolution[2] == resolution[2])
- R_UpdateTexture(r_shadow_bouncegridtexture, pixels, 0, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1], resolution[2]);
+ R_UpdateTexture(r_shadow_bouncegridtexture, pixels, 0, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1], resolution[2]*(directionalshading ? 4 : 1));
VectorCopy(resolution, r_shadow_bouncegridresolution);
if (r_shadow_bouncegridtexture)
- r_shadow_bouncegridtexture = R_LoadTexture3D(r_shadow_texturepool, "bouncegrid", resolution[0], resolution[1], resolution[2], pixels, TEXTYPE_BGRA, TEXF_CLAMP | TEXF_ALPHA | TEXF_FORCELINEAR, 0, NULL);
+ r_shadow_bouncegridtexture = R_LoadTexture3D(r_shadow_texturepool, "bouncegrid", resolution[0], resolution[1], resolution[2]*(directionalshading ? 4 : 1), pixels, TEXTYPE_BGRA, TEXF_CLAMP | TEXF_ALPHA | TEXF_FORCELINEAR, 0, NULL);
r_shadow_bouncegridtime = realtime;