if (hitent)
*hitent = 0;
- if (cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->TraceBox)
- cl.worldmodel->TraceBox(cl.worldmodel, 0, &trace, start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID);
+ if (cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->TraceLine)
+ cl.worldmodel->TraceLine(cl.worldmodel, 0, &trace, start, end, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID);
if (normal)
VectorCopy(trace.plane.normal, normal);
ent = &cl.entities[n].render;
if (!BoxesOverlap(ent->mins, ent->maxs, tracemins, tracemaxs))
- if (!ent->model || !ent->model->TraceBox)
+ if (!ent->model || !ent->model->TraceLine)
if ((ent->flags & RENDER_EXTERIORMODEL) && !chase_active.integer)
if (maxrealfrac < trace.realfraction)
- ent->model->TraceBox(ent->model, ent->frameblend[0].subframe, &trace, starttransformed, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, endtransformed, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID);
+ ent->model->TraceLine(ent->model, ent->frameblend[0].subframe, &trace, starttransformed, endtransformed, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID);
if (maxrealfrac > trace.realfraction)
+trace_t CL_TracePoint(const vec3_t start, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask, qboolean hitnetworkbrushmodels, qboolean hitnetworkplayers, int *hitnetworkentity, qboolean hitcsqcentities)
+ int i, bodysupercontents;
+ int passedictprog;
+ prvm_edict_t *traceowner, *touch;
+ trace_t trace;
+ // bounding box of entire move area
+ vec3_t clipboxmins, clipboxmaxs;
+ // size when clipping against monsters
+ vec3_t clipmins2, clipmaxs2;
+ // start and end origin of move
+ vec3_t clipstart;
+ // trace results
+ trace_t cliptrace;
+ // matrices to transform into/out of other entity's space
+ matrix4x4_t matrix, imatrix;
+ // model of other entity
+ dp_model_t *model;
+ // list of entities to test for collisions
+ int numtouchedicts;
+ prvm_edict_t *touchedicts[MAX_EDICTS];
+ if (hitnetworkentity)
+ *hitnetworkentity = 0;
+ VectorCopy(start, clipstart);
+ VectorClear(clipmins2);
+ VectorClear(clipmaxs2);
+ Con_Printf("move(%f %f %f)", clipstart[0], clipstart[1], clipstart[2]);
+ // clip to world
+ Collision_ClipPointToWorld(&cliptrace, cl.worldmodel, clipstart, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ cliptrace.bmodelstartsolid = cliptrace.startsolid;
+ if (cliptrace.startsolid || cliptrace.fraction < 1)
+ cliptrace.ent = prog ? prog->edicts : NULL;
+ if (type == MOVE_WORLDONLY)
+ goto finished;
+ if (type == MOVE_MISSILE)
+ {
+ // LordHavoc: modified this, was = -15, now -= 15
+ for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
+ {
+ clipmins2[i] -= 15;
+ clipmaxs2[i] += 15;
+ }
+ }
+ // create the bounding box of the entire move
+ for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
+ {
+ clipboxmins[i] = clipstart[i] - 1;
+ clipboxmaxs[i] = clipstart[i] + 1;
+ }
+ // debug override to test against everything
+ if (sv_debugmove.integer)
+ {
+ clipboxmins[0] = clipboxmins[1] = clipboxmins[2] = -999999999;
+ clipboxmaxs[0] = clipboxmaxs[1] = clipboxmaxs[2] = 999999999;
+ }
+ // if the passedict is world, make it NULL (to avoid two checks each time)
+ // this checks prog because this function is often called without a CSQC
+ // VM context
+ if (prog == NULL || passedict == prog->edicts)
+ passedict = NULL;
+ // precalculate prog value for passedict for comparisons
+ passedictprog = prog != NULL ? PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(passedict) : 0;
+ // precalculate passedict's owner edict pointer for comparisons
+ traceowner = passedict ? PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(passedict->fields.client->owner) : NULL;
+ // collide against network entities
+ if (hitnetworkbrushmodels)
+ {
+ for (i = 0;i < cl.num_brushmodel_entities;i++)
+ {
+ entity_render_t *ent = &cl.entities[cl.brushmodel_entities[i]].render;
+ if (!BoxesOverlap(clipboxmins, clipboxmaxs, ent->mins, ent->maxs))
+ continue;
+ Collision_ClipPointToGenericEntity(&trace, ent->model, ent->frameblend[0].subframe, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, 0, &ent->matrix, &ent->inversematrix, start, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ if (cliptrace.realfraction > trace.realfraction && hitnetworkentity)
+ *hitnetworkentity = cl.brushmodel_entities[i];
+ Collision_CombineTraces(&cliptrace, &trace, NULL, true);
+ }
+ }
+ // collide against player entities
+ if (hitnetworkplayers)
+ {
+ vec3_t origin, entmins, entmaxs;
+ matrix4x4_t entmatrix, entinversematrix;
+ if(gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ)
+ {
+ // don't hit network players, if we are a nonsolid player
+ if(cl.scores[cl.playerentity-1].frags == -666 || cl.scores[cl.playerentity-1].frags == -616)
+ goto skipnetworkplayers;
+ }
+ for (i = 1;i <= cl.maxclients;i++)
+ {
+ entity_render_t *ent = &cl.entities[i].render;
+ // don't hit ourselves
+ if (i == cl.playerentity)
+ continue;
+ // don't hit players that don't exist
+ if (!cl.scores[i-1].name[0])
+ continue;
+ if(gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ)
+ {
+ // don't hit spectators or nonsolid players
+ if(cl.scores[i-1].frags == -666 || cl.scores[i-1].frags == -616)
+ continue;
+ }
+ Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&ent->matrix, origin);
+ VectorAdd(origin, cl.playerstandmins, entmins);
+ VectorAdd(origin, cl.playerstandmaxs, entmaxs);
+ if (!BoxesOverlap(clipboxmins, clipboxmaxs, entmins, entmaxs))
+ continue;
+ Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&entmatrix, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
+ Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&entinversematrix, -origin[0], -origin[1], -origin[2]);
+ Collision_ClipPointToGenericEntity(&trace, NULL, 0, cl.playerstandmins, cl.playerstandmaxs, SUPERCONTENTS_BODY, &entmatrix, &entinversematrix, start, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ if (cliptrace.realfraction > trace.realfraction && hitnetworkentity)
+ *hitnetworkentity = i;
+ Collision_CombineTraces(&cliptrace, &trace, NULL, false);
+ }
+ ;
+ }
+ // clip to entities
+ // because this uses World_EntitiestoBox, we know all entity boxes overlap
+ // the clip region, so we can skip culling checks in the loop below
+ // note: if prog is NULL then there won't be any linked entities
+ numtouchedicts = 0;
+ if (hitcsqcentities && prog != NULL)
+ {
+ numtouchedicts = World_EntitiesInBox(&cl.world, clipboxmins, clipboxmaxs, MAX_EDICTS, touchedicts);
+ if (numtouchedicts > MAX_EDICTS)
+ {
+ // this never happens
+ Con_Printf("CL_EntitiesInBox returned %i edicts, max was %i\n", numtouchedicts, MAX_EDICTS);
+ numtouchedicts = MAX_EDICTS;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0;i < numtouchedicts;i++)
+ {
+ touch = touchedicts[i];
+ if (touch->fields.client->solid < SOLID_BBOX)
+ continue;
+ if (type == MOVE_NOMONSTERS && touch->fields.client->solid != SOLID_BSP)
+ continue;
+ if (passedict)
+ {
+ // don't clip against self
+ if (passedict == touch)
+ continue;
+ // don't clip owned entities against owner
+ if (traceowner == touch)
+ continue;
+ // don't clip owner against owned entities
+ if (passedictprog == touch->fields.client->owner)
+ continue;
+ // don't clip points against points (they can't collide)
+ if (VectorCompare(touch->fields.client->mins, touch->fields.client->maxs) && (type != MOVE_MISSILE || !((int)touch->fields.client->flags & FL_MONSTER)))
+ continue;
+ }
+ bodysupercontents = touch->fields.client->solid == SOLID_CORPSE ? SUPERCONTENTS_CORPSE : SUPERCONTENTS_BODY;
+ // might interact, so do an exact clip
+ model = NULL;
+ if ((int) touch->fields.client->solid == SOLID_BSP || type == MOVE_HITMODEL)
+ {
+ unsigned int modelindex = (unsigned int)touch->fields.client->modelindex;
+ // if the modelindex is 0, it shouldn't be SOLID_BSP!
+ if (modelindex > 0 && modelindex < MAX_MODELS)
+ model = cl.model_precache[(int)touch->fields.client->modelindex];
+ }
+ if (model)
+ Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, touch->fields.client->origin[0], touch->fields.client->origin[1], touch->fields.client->origin[2], touch->fields.client->angles[0], touch->fields.client->angles[1], touch->fields.client->angles[2], 1);
+ else
+ Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&matrix, touch->fields.client->origin[0], touch->fields.client->origin[1], touch->fields.client->origin[2]);
+ Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&imatrix, &matrix);
+ if ((int)touch->fields.client->flags & FL_MONSTER)
+ Collision_ClipToGenericEntity(&trace, model, (int) touch->fields.client->frame, touch->fields.client->mins, touch->fields.client->maxs, bodysupercontents, &matrix, &imatrix, clipstart, clipmins2, clipmaxs2, clipstart, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ else
+ Collision_ClipPointToGenericEntity(&trace, model, (int) touch->fields.client->frame, touch->fields.client->mins, touch->fields.client->maxs, bodysupercontents, &matrix, &imatrix, clipstart, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ if (cliptrace.realfraction > trace.realfraction && hitnetworkentity)
+ *hitnetworkentity = 0;
+ Collision_CombineTraces(&cliptrace, &trace, (void *)touch, touch->fields.client->solid == SOLID_BSP);
+ }
+ return cliptrace;
+trace_t CL_TraceLine(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t pEnd, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask, qboolean hitnetworkbrushmodels, qboolean hitnetworkplayers, int *hitnetworkentity, qboolean hitcsqcentities)
+trace_t CL_TraceLine(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask, qboolean hitnetworkbrushmodels, qboolean hitnetworkplayers, int *hitnetworkentity, qboolean hitcsqcentities)
+ int i, bodysupercontents;
+ int passedictprog;
+ prvm_edict_t *traceowner, *touch;
+ trace_t trace;
+ // bounding box of entire move area
+ vec3_t clipboxmins, clipboxmaxs;
+ // size when clipping against monsters
+ vec3_t clipmins2, clipmaxs2;
+ // start and end origin of move
+ vec3_t clipstart, clipend;
+ // trace results
+ trace_t cliptrace;
+ // matrices to transform into/out of other entity's space
+ matrix4x4_t matrix, imatrix;
+ // model of other entity
+ dp_model_t *model;
+ // list of entities to test for collisions
+ int numtouchedicts;
+ prvm_edict_t *touchedicts[MAX_EDICTS];
-trace_t CL_Move(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t pEnd, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask, qboolean hitnetworkbrushmodels, qboolean hitnetworkplayers, int *hitnetworkentity, qboolean hitcsqcentities)
+ vec3_t end;
+ vec_t len = 0;
+ if(!VectorCompare(start, pEnd))
+ {
+ // TRICK: make the trace 1 qu longer!
+ VectorSubtract(pEnd, start, end);
+ len = VectorNormalizeLength(end);
+ VectorAdd(pEnd, end, end);
+ }
+ else
+ VectorCopy(pEnd, end);
+ if (VectorCompare(start, end))
+ return CL_TracePoint(start, type, passedict, hitsupercontentsmask, hitnetworkbrushmodels, hitnetworkplayers, hitnetworkentity, hitcsqcentities);
+ if (hitnetworkentity)
+ *hitnetworkentity = 0;
+ VectorCopy(start, clipstart);
+ VectorCopy(end, clipend);
+ VectorClear(clipmins2);
+ VectorClear(clipmaxs2);
+ Con_Printf("move(%f %f %f,%f %f %f)", clipstart[0], clipstart[1], clipstart[2], clipend[0], clipend[1], clipend[2]);
+ // clip to world
+ Collision_ClipLineToWorld(&cliptrace, cl.worldmodel, clipstart, clipend, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ cliptrace.bmodelstartsolid = cliptrace.startsolid;
+ if (cliptrace.startsolid || cliptrace.fraction < 1)
+ cliptrace.ent = prog ? prog->edicts : NULL;
+ if (type == MOVE_WORLDONLY)
+ goto finished;
+ if (type == MOVE_MISSILE)
+ {
+ // LordHavoc: modified this, was = -15, now -= 15
+ for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
+ {
+ clipmins2[i] -= 15;
+ clipmaxs2[i] += 15;
+ }
+ }
+ // create the bounding box of the entire move
+ for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
+ {
+ clipboxmins[i] = min(clipstart[i], cliptrace.endpos[i]) + clipmins2[i] - 1;
+ clipboxmaxs[i] = max(clipstart[i], cliptrace.endpos[i]) + clipmaxs2[i] + 1;
+ }
+ // debug override to test against everything
+ if (sv_debugmove.integer)
+ {
+ clipboxmins[0] = clipboxmins[1] = clipboxmins[2] = -999999999;
+ clipboxmaxs[0] = clipboxmaxs[1] = clipboxmaxs[2] = 999999999;
+ }
+ // if the passedict is world, make it NULL (to avoid two checks each time)
+ // this checks prog because this function is often called without a CSQC
+ // VM context
+ if (prog == NULL || passedict == prog->edicts)
+ passedict = NULL;
+ // precalculate prog value for passedict for comparisons
+ passedictprog = prog != NULL ? PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(passedict) : 0;
+ // precalculate passedict's owner edict pointer for comparisons
+ traceowner = passedict ? PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(passedict->fields.client->owner) : NULL;
+ // collide against network entities
+ if (hitnetworkbrushmodels)
+ {
+ for (i = 0;i < cl.num_brushmodel_entities;i++)
+ {
+ entity_render_t *ent = &cl.entities[cl.brushmodel_entities[i]].render;
+ if (!BoxesOverlap(clipboxmins, clipboxmaxs, ent->mins, ent->maxs))
+ continue;
+ Collision_ClipLineToGenericEntity(&trace, ent->model, ent->frameblend[0].subframe, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, 0, &ent->matrix, &ent->inversematrix, start, end, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ if (cliptrace.realfraction > trace.realfraction && hitnetworkentity)
+ *hitnetworkentity = cl.brushmodel_entities[i];
+ Collision_CombineTraces(&cliptrace, &trace, NULL, true);
+ }
+ }
+ // collide against player entities
+ if (hitnetworkplayers)
+ {
+ vec3_t origin, entmins, entmaxs;
+ matrix4x4_t entmatrix, entinversematrix;
+ if(gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ)
+ {
+ // don't hit network players, if we are a nonsolid player
+ if(cl.scores[cl.playerentity-1].frags == -666 || cl.scores[cl.playerentity-1].frags == -616)
+ goto skipnetworkplayers;
+ }
+ for (i = 1;i <= cl.maxclients;i++)
+ {
+ entity_render_t *ent = &cl.entities[i].render;
+ // don't hit ourselves
+ if (i == cl.playerentity)
+ continue;
+ // don't hit players that don't exist
+ if (!cl.scores[i-1].name[0])
+ continue;
+ if(gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ)
+ {
+ // don't hit spectators or nonsolid players
+ if(cl.scores[i-1].frags == -666 || cl.scores[i-1].frags == -616)
+ continue;
+ }
+ Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&ent->matrix, origin);
+ VectorAdd(origin, cl.playerstandmins, entmins);
+ VectorAdd(origin, cl.playerstandmaxs, entmaxs);
+ if (!BoxesOverlap(clipboxmins, clipboxmaxs, entmins, entmaxs))
+ continue;
+ Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&entmatrix, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
+ Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&entinversematrix, -origin[0], -origin[1], -origin[2]);
+ Collision_ClipLineToGenericEntity(&trace, NULL, 0, cl.playerstandmins, cl.playerstandmaxs, SUPERCONTENTS_BODY, &entmatrix, &entinversematrix, start, end, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ if (cliptrace.realfraction > trace.realfraction && hitnetworkentity)
+ *hitnetworkentity = i;
+ Collision_CombineTraces(&cliptrace, &trace, NULL, false);
+ }
+ ;
+ }
+ // clip to entities
+ // because this uses World_EntitiestoBox, we know all entity boxes overlap
+ // the clip region, so we can skip culling checks in the loop below
+ // note: if prog is NULL then there won't be any linked entities
+ numtouchedicts = 0;
+ if (hitcsqcentities && prog != NULL)
+ {
+ numtouchedicts = World_EntitiesInBox(&cl.world, clipboxmins, clipboxmaxs, MAX_EDICTS, touchedicts);
+ if (numtouchedicts > MAX_EDICTS)
+ {
+ // this never happens
+ Con_Printf("CL_EntitiesInBox returned %i edicts, max was %i\n", numtouchedicts, MAX_EDICTS);
+ numtouchedicts = MAX_EDICTS;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0;i < numtouchedicts;i++)
+ {
+ touch = touchedicts[i];
+ if (touch->fields.client->solid < SOLID_BBOX)
+ continue;
+ if (type == MOVE_NOMONSTERS && touch->fields.client->solid != SOLID_BSP)
+ continue;
+ if (passedict)
+ {
+ // don't clip against self
+ if (passedict == touch)
+ continue;
+ // don't clip owned entities against owner
+ if (traceowner == touch)
+ continue;
+ // don't clip owner against owned entities
+ if (passedictprog == touch->fields.client->owner)
+ continue;
+ // don't clip points against points (they can't collide)
+ if (VectorCompare(touch->fields.client->mins, touch->fields.client->maxs) && (type != MOVE_MISSILE || !((int)touch->fields.client->flags & FL_MONSTER)))
+ continue;
+ }
+ bodysupercontents = touch->fields.client->solid == SOLID_CORPSE ? SUPERCONTENTS_CORPSE : SUPERCONTENTS_BODY;
+ // might interact, so do an exact clip
+ model = NULL;
+ if ((int) touch->fields.client->solid == SOLID_BSP || type == MOVE_HITMODEL)
+ {
+ unsigned int modelindex = (unsigned int)touch->fields.client->modelindex;
+ // if the modelindex is 0, it shouldn't be SOLID_BSP!
+ if (modelindex > 0 && modelindex < MAX_MODELS)
+ model = cl.model_precache[(int)touch->fields.client->modelindex];
+ }
+ if (model)
+ Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, touch->fields.client->origin[0], touch->fields.client->origin[1], touch->fields.client->origin[2], touch->fields.client->angles[0], touch->fields.client->angles[1], touch->fields.client->angles[2], 1);
+ else
+ Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&matrix, touch->fields.client->origin[0], touch->fields.client->origin[1], touch->fields.client->origin[2]);
+ Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&imatrix, &matrix);
+ if (type == MOVE_MISSILE && (int)touch->fields.client->flags & FL_MONSTER)
+ Collision_ClipToGenericEntity(&trace, model, (int) touch->fields.client->frame, touch->fields.client->mins, touch->fields.client->maxs, bodysupercontents, &matrix, &imatrix, clipstart, clipmins2, clipmaxs2, clipend, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ else
+ Collision_ClipLineToGenericEntity(&trace, model, (int) touch->fields.client->frame, touch->fields.client->mins, touch->fields.client->maxs, bodysupercontents, &matrix, &imatrix, clipstart, clipend, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ if (cliptrace.realfraction > trace.realfraction && hitnetworkentity)
+ *hitnetworkentity = 0;
+ Collision_CombineTraces(&cliptrace, &trace, (void *)touch, touch->fields.client->solid == SOLID_BSP);
+ }
+ if(!VectorCompare(start, pEnd))
+ Collision_ShortenTrace(&cliptrace, len / (len + 1), pEnd);
+ return cliptrace;
+trace_t CL_TraceBox(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t pEnd, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask, qboolean hitnetworkbrushmodels, qboolean hitnetworkplayers, int *hitnetworkentity, qboolean hitcsqcentities)
-trace_t CL_Move(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask, qboolean hitnetworkbrushmodels, qboolean hitnetworkplayers, int *hitnetworkentity, qboolean hitcsqcentities)
+trace_t CL_TraceBox(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask, qboolean hitnetworkbrushmodels, qboolean hitnetworkplayers, int *hitnetworkentity, qboolean hitcsqcentities)
vec3_t hullmins, hullmaxs;
VectorCopy(pEnd, end);
+ if (VectorCompare(mins, maxs))
+ {
+ vec3_t shiftstart, shiftend;
+ VectorAdd(start, mins, shiftstart);
+ VectorAdd(end, mins, shiftend);
+ if (VectorCompare(start, end))
+ return CL_TracePoint(shiftstart, type, passedict, hitsupercontentsmask, hitnetworkbrushmodels, hitnetworkplayers, hitnetworkentity, hitcsqcentities);
+ else
+ {
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(shiftstart, shiftend, type, passedict, hitsupercontentsmask, hitnetworkbrushmodels, hitnetworkplayers, hitnetworkentity, hitcsqcentities);
+ VectorSubtract(trace.endpos, mins, trace.endpos);
+ return trace;
+ }
+ }
if (hitnetworkentity)
*hitnetworkentity = 0;
void CL_LinkEdict(prvm_edict_t *ent);
int CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(const prvm_edict_t *edict);
-trace_t CL_Move(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask, qboolean hitnetworkbrushmodels, qboolean hitnetworkplayers, int *hitnetworkentity, qboolean hitcsqcentities);
-#define CL_PointSuperContents(point) (CL_Move((point), vec3_origin, vec3_origin, (point), sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels.integer ? MOVE_NOMONSTERS : MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents)
+trace_t CL_TraceBox(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask, qboolean hitnetworkbrushmodels, qboolean hitnetworkplayers, int *hitnetworkentity, qboolean hitcsqcentities);
+trace_t CL_TraceLine(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask, qboolean hitnetworkbrushmodels, qboolean hitnetworkplayers, int *hitnetworkentity, qboolean hitcsqcentities);
+trace_t CL_TracePoint(const vec3_t start, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask, qboolean hitnetworkbrushmodels, qboolean hitnetworkplayers, int *hitnetworkentity, qboolean hitcsqcentities);
+#define CL_PointSuperContents(point) (CL_TracePoint((point), sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels.integer ? MOVE_NOMONSTERS : MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents)
for (i = 0;i < NUMOFFSETS;i++)
VectorAdd(offsets[i], s->origin, neworigin);
- if (!CL_Move(neworigin, cl.playercrouchmins, cl.playercrouchmaxs, neworigin, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false).startsolid)
+ if (!CL_TraceBox(neworigin, cl.playercrouchmins, cl.playercrouchmaxs, neworigin, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false).startsolid)
VectorCopy(neworigin, s->origin);
return true;
// low ceiling first
if (s->crouched)
- trace = CL_Move(s->origin, cl.playerstandmins, cl.playerstandmaxs, s->origin, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(s->origin, cl.playerstandmins, cl.playerstandmaxs, s->origin, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
if (!trace.startsolid)
s->crouched = false;
// set onground
VectorSet(origin1, s->origin[0], s->origin[1], s->origin[2] + 1);
VectorSet(origin2, s->origin[0], s->origin[1], s->origin[2] - 1); // -2 causes clientside doublejump bug at above 150fps, raising that to 300fps :)
- trace = CL_Move(origin1, s->mins, s->maxs, origin2, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(origin1, s->mins, s->maxs, origin2, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
s->onground = trace.fraction < 1 && trace.plane.normal[2] > 0.7;
// set watertype/waterlevel
VectorSet(origin1, s->origin[0], s->origin[1], s->origin[2] + s->mins[2] + 1);
s->waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_NONE;
- s->watertype = CL_Move(origin1, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK;
+ s->watertype = CL_TracePoint(origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK;
if (s->watertype)
s->waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_WETFEET;
origin1[2] = s->origin[2] + (s->mins[2] + s->maxs[2]) * 0.5f;
- if (CL_Move(origin1, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK)
+ if (CL_TracePoint(origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK)
s->waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING;
origin1[2] = s->origin[2] + 22;
- if (CL_Move(origin1, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK)
+ if (CL_TracePoint(origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK)
for (bump = 0, t = s->cmd.frametime;bump < 8 && VectorLength2(s->velocity) > 0;bump++)
VectorMA(s->origin, t, s->velocity, neworigin);
- trace = CL_Move(s->origin, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(s->origin, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
if (trace.fraction < 1 && trace.plane.normal[2] == 0)
// may be a step or wall, try stepping up
// first move forward at a higher level
VectorSet(currentorigin2, s->origin[0], s->origin[1], s->origin[2] + cl.movevars_stepheight);
VectorSet(neworigin2, neworigin[0], neworigin[1], s->origin[2] + cl.movevars_stepheight);
- trace2 = CL_Move(currentorigin2, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin2, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
+ trace2 = CL_TraceBox(currentorigin2, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin2, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
if (!trace2.startsolid)
// then move down from there
VectorCopy(trace2.endpos, currentorigin2);
VectorSet(neworigin2, trace2.endpos[0], trace2.endpos[1], s->origin[2]);
- trace3 = CL_Move(currentorigin2, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin2, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
+ trace3 = CL_TraceBox(currentorigin2, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin2, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
//Con_Printf("%f %f %f %f : %f %f %f %f : %f %f %f %f\n", trace.fraction, trace.endpos[0], trace.endpos[1], trace.endpos[2], trace2.fraction, trace2.endpos[0], trace2.endpos[1], trace2.endpos[2], trace3.fraction, trace3.endpos[0], trace3.endpos[1], trace3.endpos[2]);
// accept the new trace if it made some progress
if (fabs(trace3.endpos[0] - trace.endpos[0]) >= 0.03125 || fabs(trace3.endpos[1] - trace.endpos[1]) >= 0.03125)
AngleVectors(yawangles, forward, NULL, NULL);
VectorMA(s->origin, 24, forward, spot);
spot[2] += 8;
- if (CL_Move(spot, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, spot, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsolid)
+ if (CL_TracePoint(spot, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsolid)
spot[2] += 24;
- if (!CL_Move(spot, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, spot, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsolid)
+ if (!CL_TracePoint(spot, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsolid)
VectorScale(forward, 50, s->velocity);
s->velocity[2] = 310;
VectorSet(neworigin2, s->origin[0] + s->velocity[0]*(16/f), s->origin[1] + s->velocity[1]*(16/f), s->origin[2] + s->mins[2]);
VectorSet(neworigin3, neworigin2[0], neworigin2[1], neworigin2[2] - 34);
if (cls.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD)
- trace = CL_Move(neworigin2, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin3, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(neworigin2, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin3, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
- trace = CL_Move(neworigin2, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, neworigin3, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(neworigin2, neworigin3, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, false);
if (trace.fraction == 1 && !trace.startsolid)
friction *= cl.movevars_edgefriction;
cl.movecmd[i].canjump = s.cmd.canjump;
+ CL_ClientMovement_UpdateStatus(&s);
// get the first movement queue entry to know whether to crouch and such
s.cmd = cl.movecmd[0];
- CL_ClientMovement_UpdateStatus(&s);
if (cls.demoplayback) // for bob, speedometer
VectorCopy(cl.mvelocity[0], cl.movement_velocity);
trace_t trace;
matrix4x4_t tempmatrix;
Matrix4x4_Transform(&e->render.matrix, muzzleflashorigin, v2);
- trace = CL_Move(origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, v2, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(origin, v2, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false);
Matrix4x4_Normalize(&tempmatrix, &e->render.matrix);
Matrix4x4_SetOrigin(&tempmatrix, trace.endpos[0], trace.endpos[1], trace.endpos[2]);
Matrix4x4_Scale(&tempmatrix, 150, 1);
part->typeindex = pt_spark;
part->bounce = 0;
VectorMA(part->org, lifetime, part->vel, endvec);
- trace = CL_Move(part->org, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, endvec, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK, true, false, NULL, false);
part->die = cl.time + lifetime * trace.fraction;
part2 = CL_NewParticle(pt_raindecal, pcolor1, pcolor2, tex_rainsplash, part->size, part->size * 20, part->alpha, part->alpha / 0.4, 0, 0, trace.endpos[0] + trace.plane.normal[0], trace.endpos[1] + trace.plane.normal[1], trace.endpos[2] + trace.plane.normal[2], trace.plane.normal[0], trace.plane.normal[1], trace.plane.normal[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, pqualityreduction, 0, 1, PBLEND_ADD, PARTICLE_ORIENTED_DOUBLESIDED, -1, -1, -1);
if (part2)
vec3_t endvec;
trace_t trace;
VectorMA(part->org, lifetime, part->vel, endvec);
- trace = CL_Move(part->org, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, endvec, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY, true, false, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(part->org, endvec, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY, true, false, NULL, false);
part->delayedcollisions = cl.time + lifetime * trace.fraction - 0.1;
return part;
VectorMA(org, maxdist, org2, org2);
- trace = CL_Move(org, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, org2, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, &hitent, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(org, org2, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, &hitent, false);
// take the closest trace result that doesn't end up hitting a NOMARKS
// surface (sky for example)
if (bestfrac > trace.fraction && !(trace.hitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOMARKS))
VectorMA(org, 128, v2, v);
- trace = CL_Move(org, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, v, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(org, v, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false);
if (trace.fraction >= 0.1)
VectorMA(p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org);
if (p->bounce && cl.time >= p->delayedcollisions)
- trace = CL_Move(oldorg, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, p->org, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | ((p->typeindex == pt_rain || p->typeindex == pt_snow) ? SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK : 0), true, false, &hitent, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(oldorg, p->org, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | ((p->typeindex == pt_rain || p->typeindex == pt_snow) ? SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK : 0), true, false, &hitent, false);
// if the trace started in or hit something of SUPERCONTENTS_NODROP
// or if the trace hit something flagged as NOIMPACT
// then remove the particle
if (IS_NAN(v1[0]) || IS_NAN(v1[1]) || IS_NAN(v1[2]) || IS_NAN(v2[0]) || IS_NAN(v2[1]) || IS_NAN(v2[2]))
PRVM_ERROR("%s: NAN errors detected in traceline('%f %f %f', '%f %f %f', %i, entity %i)\n", PRVM_NAME, v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], move, PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(ent));
- trace = CL_Move(v1, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, v2, move, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), CL_HitNetworkBrushModels(move), CL_HitNetworkPlayers(move), &svent, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(v1, v2, move, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), CL_HitNetworkBrushModels(move), CL_HitNetworkPlayers(move), &svent, true);
CL_VM_SetTraceGlobals(&trace, svent);
if (IS_NAN(v1[0]) || IS_NAN(v1[1]) || IS_NAN(v1[2]) || IS_NAN(v2[0]) || IS_NAN(v2[1]) || IS_NAN(v2[2]))
PRVM_ERROR("%s: NAN errors detected in tracebox('%f %f %f', '%f %f %f', '%f %f %f', '%f %f %f', %i, entity %i)\n", PRVM_NAME, v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], m1[0], m1[1], m1[2], m2[0], m2[1], m2[2], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], move, PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(ent));
- trace = CL_Move(v1, m1, m2, v2, move, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), CL_HitNetworkBrushModels(move), CL_HitNetworkPlayers(move), &svent, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(v1, m1, m2, v2, move, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), CL_HitNetworkBrushModels(move), CL_HitNetworkPlayers(move), &svent, true);
CL_VM_SetTraceGlobals(&trace, svent);
VectorMA (tossent->fields.client->angles, 0.05, tossent->fields.client->avelocity, tossent->fields.client->angles);
VectorScale (tossent->fields.client->velocity, 0.05, move);
VectorAdd (tossent->fields.client->origin, move, end);
- trace = CL_Move (tossent->fields.client->origin, tossent->fields.client->mins, tossent->fields.client->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, tossent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(tossent), true, true, NULL, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(tossent->fields.client->origin, tossent->fields.client->mins, tossent->fields.client->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, tossent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(tossent), true, true, NULL, true);
VectorCopy (trace.endpos, tossent->fields.client->origin);
if (trace.fraction < 1)
VectorCopy (ent->fields.client->origin, end);
end[2] -= 256;
- trace = CL_Move(ent->fields.client->origin, ent->fields.client->mins, ent->fields.client->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, true, NULL, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(ent->fields.client->origin, ent->fields.client->mins, ent->fields.client->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, true, NULL, true);
if (trace.fraction != 1)
start[0] = stop[0] = (mins[0] + maxs[0])*0.5;
start[1] = stop[1] = (mins[1] + maxs[1])*0.5;
stop[2] = start[2] - 2*sv_stepheight.value;
- trace = CL_Move (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, stop, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, true, NULL, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(start, stop, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, true, NULL, true);
if (trace.fraction == 1.0)
start[0] = stop[0] = x ? maxs[0] : mins[0];
start[1] = stop[1] = y ? maxs[1] : mins[1];
- trace = CL_Move (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, stop, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, true, NULL, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(start, stop, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, true, NULL, true);
if (trace.fraction != 1.0 && trace.endpos[2] > bottom)
bottom = trace.endpos[2];
start[0] = stop[0] = (mins[0] + maxs[0])*0.5;
start[1] = stop[1] = (mins[1] + maxs[1])*0.5;
stop[2] = start[2] - 2*sv_stepheight.value;
- trace = CL_Move (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, stop, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, false, NULL, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(start, stop, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, false, NULL, true);
if (trace.fraction == 1.0)
return false;
start[0] = stop[0] = x ? maxs[0] : mins[0];
start[1] = stop[1] = y ? maxs[1] : mins[1];
- trace = CL_Move (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, stop, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, false, NULL, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(start, stop, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, false, NULL, true);
if (trace.fraction != 1.0 && trace.endpos[2] > bottom)
bottom = trace.endpos[2];
if (dz < 30)
neworg[2] += 8;
- trace = CL_Move (ent->fields.client->origin, ent->fields.client->mins, ent->fields.client->maxs, neworg, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, true, &svent, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(ent->fields.client->origin, ent->fields.client->mins, ent->fields.client->maxs, neworg, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, true, &svent, true);
if (settrace)
CL_VM_SetTraceGlobals(&trace, svent);
VectorCopy (neworg, end);
end[2] -= sv_stepheight.value*2;
- trace = CL_Move (neworg, ent->fields.client->mins, ent->fields.client->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, true, &svent, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(neworg, ent->fields.client->mins, ent->fields.client->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, true, &svent, true);
if (settrace)
CL_VM_SetTraceGlobals(&trace, svent);
if (trace.startsolid)
neworg[2] -= sv_stepheight.value;
- trace = CL_Move (neworg, ent->fields.client->mins, ent->fields.client->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, true, &svent, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(neworg, ent->fields.client->mins, ent->fields.client->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), true, true, &svent, true);
if (settrace)
CL_VM_SetTraceGlobals(&trace, svent);
if (trace.startsolid)
VectorLerp(start, trace->fraction, end, trace->endpos);
+void Collision_ClipLineToGenericEntity(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, int frame, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ float starttransformed[3], endtransformed[3];
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
+ trace->fraction = trace->realfraction = 1;
+ VectorCopy(end, trace->endpos);
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(inversematrix, start, starttransformed);
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(inversematrix, end, endtransformed);
+ Con_Printf("trans(%f %f %f -> %f %f %f, %f %f %f -> %f %f %f)", start[0], start[1], start[2], starttransformed[0], starttransformed[1], starttransformed[2], end[0], end[1], end[2], endtransformed[0], endtransformed[1], endtransformed[2]);
+ if (model && model->TraceLine)
+ model->TraceLine(model, bound(0, frame, (model->numframes - 1)), trace, starttransformed, endtransformed, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ else
+ Collision_ClipTrace_Box(trace, bodymins, bodymaxs, starttransformed, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, endtransformed, hitsupercontentsmask, bodysupercontents, 0, NULL);
+ trace->fraction = bound(0, trace->fraction, 1);
+ trace->realfraction = bound(0, trace->realfraction, 1);
+ VectorLerp(start, trace->fraction, end, trace->endpos);
+ // transform plane
+ // NOTE: this relies on plane.dist being directly after plane.normal
+ Matrix4x4_TransformPositivePlane(matrix, trace->plane.normal[0], trace->plane.normal[1], trace->plane.normal[2], trace->plane.dist, trace->plane.normal);
+void Collision_ClipLineToWorld(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontents)
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
+ trace->fraction = trace->realfraction = 1;
+ if (model && model->TraceLine)
+ model->TraceLine(model, 0, trace, start, end, hitsupercontents);
+ trace->fraction = bound(0, trace->fraction, 1);
+ trace->realfraction = bound(0, trace->realfraction, 1);
+ VectorLerp(start, trace->fraction, end, trace->endpos);
+void Collision_ClipPointToGenericEntity(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, int frame, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ float starttransformed[3];
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
+ trace->fraction = trace->realfraction = 1;
+ VectorCopy(start, trace->endpos);
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(inversematrix, start, starttransformed);
+ Con_Printf("trans(%f %f %f -> %f %f %f)", start[0], start[1], start[2], starttransformed[0], starttransformed[1], starttransformed[2]);
+ if (model && model->TracePoint)
+ model->TracePoint(model, bound(0, frame, (model->numframes - 1)), trace, starttransformed, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ else
+ Collision_ClipTrace_Point(trace, bodymins, bodymaxs, starttransformed, hitsupercontentsmask, bodysupercontents, 0, NULL);
+ // transform plane
+ // NOTE: this relies on plane.dist being directly after plane.normal
+ Matrix4x4_TransformPositivePlane(matrix, trace->plane.normal[0], trace->plane.normal[1], trace->plane.normal[2], trace->plane.dist, trace->plane.normal);
+void Collision_ClipPointToWorld(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontents)
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
+ trace->fraction = trace->realfraction = 1;
+ VectorCopy(start, trace->endpos);
+ if (model && model->TracePoint)
+ model->TracePoint(model, 0, trace, start, hitsupercontents);
void Collision_CombineTraces(trace_t *cliptrace, const trace_t *trace, void *touch, qboolean isbmodel)
// take the 'best' answers from the new trace and combine with existing data
void Collision_Init(void);
void Collision_ClipTrace_Box(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t cmins, const vec3_t cmaxs, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask, int boxsupercontents, int boxq3surfaceflags, texture_t *boxtexture);
+void Collision_ClipTrace_Point(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t cmins, const vec3_t cmaxs, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask, int boxsupercontents, int boxq3surfaceflags, texture_t *boxtexture);
typedef struct colpointf_s
// passedict is excluded from clipping checks
void Collision_ClipToGenericEntity(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, int frame, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask);
+void Collision_ClipLineToGenericEntity(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, int frame, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask);
+void Collision_ClipPointToGenericEntity(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, int frame, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask);
// like above but does not do a transform and does nothing if model is NULL
void Collision_ClipToWorld(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontents);
+void Collision_ClipLineToWorld(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontents);
+void Collision_ClipPointToWorld(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontents);
// combines data from two traces:
// merges contents flags, startsolid, allsolid, inwater
// updates fraction, endpos, plane and surface info if new fraction is shorter
-static void Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox(dp_model_t *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t boxmins, const vec3_t boxmaxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+static void Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine(dp_model_t *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
int i;
- vec3_t shiftstart, shiftend;
float segmentmins[3], segmentmaxs[3];
frameblend_t frameblend[MAX_FRAMEBLENDS];
msurface_t *surface;
maxvertices = (model->surfmesh.num_vertices + 255) & ~255;
vertex3f = (float *)Z_Malloc(maxvertices * sizeof(float[3]));
+ segmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) - 1;
+ segmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) - 1;
+ segmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) - 1;
+ segmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + 1;
+ for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces;i < model->num_surfaces;i++, surface++)
+ {
+ model->AnimateVertices(model, frameblend, vertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace, start, end, model->surfmesh.num_triangles, model->surfmesh.data_element3i, vertex3f, 0, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | (surface->texture->basematerialflags & MATERIALFLAGMASK_TRANSLUCENT ? 0 : SUPERCONTENTS_OPAQUE), 0, surface->texture, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ }
+static void Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox(dp_model_t *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t boxmins, const vec3_t boxmaxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ int i;
+ vec3_t shiftstart, shiftend;
+ float segmentmins[3], segmentmaxs[3];
+ frameblend_t frameblend[MAX_FRAMEBLENDS];
+ msurface_t *surface;
+ static int maxvertices = 0;
+ static float *vertex3f = NULL;
+ colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, *thisbrush_end;
+ vec3_t boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs, boxendmins, boxendmaxs;
if (VectorCompare(boxmins, boxmaxs))
- // line trace
VectorAdd(start, boxmins, shiftstart);
VectorAdd(end, boxmins, shiftend);
- segmentmins[0] = min(shiftstart[0], shiftend[0]) - 1;
- segmentmins[1] = min(shiftstart[1], shiftend[1]) - 1;
- segmentmins[2] = min(shiftstart[2], shiftend[2]) - 1;
- segmentmaxs[0] = max(shiftstart[0], shiftend[0]) + 1;
- segmentmaxs[1] = max(shiftstart[1], shiftend[1]) + 1;
- segmentmaxs[2] = max(shiftstart[2], shiftend[2]) + 1;
- for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces;i < model->num_surfaces;i++, surface++)
- {
- model->AnimateVertices(model, frameblend, vertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace, shiftstart, shiftend, model->surfmesh.num_triangles, model->surfmesh.data_element3i, vertex3f, 0, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | (surface->texture->basematerialflags & MATERIALFLAGMASK_TRANSLUCENT ? 0 : SUPERCONTENTS_OPAQUE), 0, surface->texture, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- }
+ Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine(model, frame, trace, start, end, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ VectorSubtract(trace->endpos, boxmins, trace->endpos);
+ return;
- else
+ // box trace, performed as brush trace
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
+ trace->fraction = 1;
+ trace->realfraction = 1;
+ trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask;
+ memset(frameblend, 0, sizeof(frameblend));
+ frameblend[0].subframe = frame;
+ frameblend[0].lerp = 1;
+ if (maxvertices < model->surfmesh.num_vertices)
- // box trace, performed as brush trace
- colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, *thisbrush_end;
- vec3_t boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs, boxendmins, boxendmaxs;
- segmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) + boxmins[0] - 1;
- segmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) + boxmins[1] - 1;
- segmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) + boxmins[2] - 1;
- segmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + boxmaxs[0] + 1;
- segmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + boxmaxs[1] + 1;
- segmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + boxmaxs[2] + 1;
- VectorAdd(start, boxmins, boxstartmins);
- VectorAdd(start, boxmaxs, boxstartmaxs);
- VectorAdd(end, boxmins, boxendmins);
- VectorAdd(end, boxmaxs, boxendmaxs);
- thisbrush_start = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs, 0, 0, NULL);
- thisbrush_end = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, boxendmins, boxendmaxs, 0, 0, NULL);
- for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces;i < model->num_surfaces;i++, surface++)
+ if (vertex3f)
+ Z_Free(vertex3f);
+ maxvertices = (model->surfmesh.num_vertices + 255) & ~255;
+ vertex3f = (float *)Z_Malloc(maxvertices * sizeof(float[3]));
+ }
+ segmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) + boxmins[0] - 1;
+ segmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) + boxmins[1] - 1;
+ segmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) + boxmins[2] - 1;
+ segmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + boxmaxs[0] + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + boxmaxs[1] + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + boxmaxs[2] + 1;
+ VectorAdd(start, boxmins, boxstartmins);
+ VectorAdd(start, boxmaxs, boxstartmaxs);
+ VectorAdd(end, boxmins, boxendmins);
+ VectorAdd(end, boxmaxs, boxendmaxs);
+ thisbrush_start = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs, 0, 0, NULL);
+ thisbrush_end = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, boxendmins, boxendmaxs, 0, 0, NULL);
+ for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces;i < model->num_surfaces;i++, surface++)
+ {
+ if (maxvertices < model->surfmesh.num_vertices)
- if (maxvertices < model->surfmesh.num_vertices)
- {
- if (vertex3f)
- Z_Free(vertex3f);
- maxvertices = (model->surfmesh.num_vertices + 255) & ~255;
- vertex3f = (float *)Z_Malloc(maxvertices * sizeof(float[3]));
- }
- model->AnimateVertices(model, frameblend, vertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- Collision_TraceBrushTriangleMeshFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, model->surfmesh.num_triangles, model->surfmesh.data_element3i, vertex3f, 0, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | (surface->texture->basematerialflags & MATERIALFLAGMASK_TRANSLUCENT ? 0 : SUPERCONTENTS_OPAQUE), 0, surface->texture, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ if (vertex3f)
+ Z_Free(vertex3f);
+ maxvertices = (model->surfmesh.num_vertices + 255) & ~255;
+ vertex3f = (float *)Z_Malloc(maxvertices * sizeof(float[3]));
+ model->AnimateVertices(model, frameblend, vertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ Collision_TraceBrushTriangleMeshFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, model->surfmesh.num_triangles, model->surfmesh.data_element3i, vertex3f, 0, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | (surface->texture->basematerialflags & MATERIALFLAGMASK_TRANSLUCENT ? 0 : SUPERCONTENTS_OPAQUE), 0, surface->texture, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
+ loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
loadmodel->PointSuperContents = NULL;
loadmodel->num_surfaces = 1;
loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
+ loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
loadmodel->PointSuperContents = NULL;
if (LittleLong(pinmodel->num_tris) < 1 || LittleLong(pinmodel->num_tris) > 65536)
loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
+ loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
loadmodel->PointSuperContents = NULL;
loadmodel->synctype = ST_RAND;
// convert model flags to EF flags (MF_ROCKET becomes EF_ROCKET, etc)
loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
+ loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
loadmodel->PointSuperContents = NULL;
loadmodel->numframes = pheader->numscenes;
loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
+ loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
loadmodel->PointSuperContents = NULL;
// model bbox
loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
+ loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
loadmodel->PointSuperContents = NULL;
loadmodel->synctype = ST_RAND;
loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
+ loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
loadmodel->PointSuperContents = NULL;
// parse the OBJ text now
+static void Mod_Q1BSP_TracePoint(struct model_s *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ RecursiveHullCheckTraceInfo_t rhc;
+ memset(&rhc, 0, sizeof(rhc));
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t));
+ rhc.trace = trace;
+ rhc.trace->fraction = 1;
+ rhc.trace->realfraction = 1;
+ rhc.trace->allsolid = true;
+ rhc.hull = &model->brushq1.hulls[0]; // 0x0x0
+ VectorCopy(start, rhc.start);
+ VectorCopy(start, rhc.end);
+ Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheckPoint(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode);
+static void Mod_Q1BSP_TraceLine(struct model_s *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ RecursiveHullCheckTraceInfo_t rhc;
+ if (VectorCompare(start, end))
+ {
+ Mod_Q1BSP_TracePoint(model, frame, trace, start, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ return;
+ }
+ memset(&rhc, 0, sizeof(rhc));
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t));
+ rhc.trace = trace;
+ rhc.trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask;
+ rhc.trace->fraction = 1;
+ rhc.trace->realfraction = 1;
+ rhc.trace->allsolid = true;
+ rhc.hull = &model->brushq1.hulls[0]; // 0x0x0
+ VectorCopy(start, rhc.start);
+ VectorCopy(end, rhc.end);
+ VectorSubtract(rhc.end, rhc.start, rhc.dist);
+ Con_Printf("t(%f %f %f,%f %f %f)", rhc.start[0], rhc.start[1], rhc.start[2], rhc.end[0], rhc.end[1], rhc.end[2]);
+ Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode, 0, 1, rhc.start, rhc.end);
+ {
+ double test[3];
+ trace_t testtrace;
+ VectorLerp(rhc.start, rhc.trace->fraction, rhc.end, test);
+ memset(&testtrace, 0, sizeof(trace_t));
+ rhc.trace = &testtrace;
+ rhc.trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask;
+ rhc.trace->fraction = 1;
+ rhc.trace->realfraction = 1;
+ rhc.trace->allsolid = true;
+ VectorCopy(test, rhc.start);
+ VectorCopy(test, rhc.end);
+ VectorClear(rhc.dist);
+ Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheckPoint(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode);
+ //Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode, 0, 1, test, test);
+ if (!trace->startsolid && testtrace.startsolid)
+ Con_Printf(" - ended in solid!\n");
+ }
+ Con_Print("\n");
+ if (VectorLength2(rhc.dist))
+ Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode, 0, 1, rhc.start, rhc.end);
+ else
+ Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheckPoint(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode);
static void Mod_Q1BSP_TraceBox(struct model_s *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t boxmins, const vec3_t boxmaxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
// this function currently only supports same size start and end
double boxsize[3];
RecursiveHullCheckTraceInfo_t rhc;
+ if (VectorCompare(boxmins, boxmaxs))
+ {
+ if (VectorCompare(start, end))
+ Mod_Q1BSP_TracePoint(model, frame, trace, start, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ else
+ Mod_Q1BSP_TraceLine(model, frame, trace, start, end, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ return;
+ }
memset(&rhc, 0, sizeof(rhc));
memset(trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t));
rhc.trace = trace;
+void Collision_ClipTrace_Point(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t cmins, const vec3_t cmaxs, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask, int boxsupercontents, int boxq3surfaceflags, texture_t *boxtexture)
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t));
+ trace->fraction = 1;
+ trace->realfraction = 1;
+ if (BoxesOverlap(start, start, cmins, cmaxs))
+ {
+ trace->startsupercontents |= boxsupercontents;
+ if (hitsupercontentsmask & boxsupercontents)
+ {
+ trace->startsolid = true;
+ trace->allsolid = true;
+ }
+ }
static int Mod_Q1BSP_TraceLineOfSight_RecursiveNodeCheck(mnode_t *node, double p1[3], double p2[3])
double t1, t2;
mod->soundfromcenter = true;
mod->TraceBox = Mod_Q1BSP_TraceBox;
+ mod->TraceLine = Mod_Q1BSP_TraceLine;
+ mod->TracePoint = Mod_Q1BSP_TracePoint;
mod->PointSuperContents = Mod_Q1BSP_PointSuperContents;
mod->brush.TraceLineOfSight = Mod_Q1BSP_TraceLineOfSight;
mod->brush.SuperContentsFromNativeContents = Mod_Q1BSP_SuperContentsFromNativeContents;
-static void Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBox(dp_model_t *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t boxmins, const vec3_t boxmaxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+static void Mod_Q3BSP_TracePoint(dp_model_t *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ int i;
+ static int markframe = 0x80000000;
+ q3mbrush_t *brush;
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
+ trace->fraction = 1;
+ trace->realfraction = 1;
+ trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask;
+ if (model->brush.submodel)
+ {
+ for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)
+ if (brush->colbrushf)
+ Collision_TracePointBrushFloat(trace, start, brush->colbrushf);
+ }
+ else
+ Mod_Q3BSP_TracePoint_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, start, ++markframe);
+static void Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine(dp_model_t *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
int i;
- vec3_t shiftstart, shiftend;
float segmentmins[3], segmentmaxs[3];
- static int markframe = 0;
+ static int markframe = 0x40000000;
msurface_t *surface;
q3mbrush_t *brush;
+ if (VectorCompare(start, end))
+ {
+ Mod_Q3BSP_TracePoint(model, frame, trace, start, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ return;
+ }
memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
trace->fraction = 1;
trace->realfraction = 1;
trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask;
+ segmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) - 1;
+ segmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) - 1;
+ segmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) - 1;
+ segmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + 1;
+ if (model->brush.submodel)
+ {
+ for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)
+ if (brush->colbrushf)
+ Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(trace, start, end, brush->colbrushf, brush->colbrushf);
+ if (mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions.integer)
+ for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface;i < model->nummodelsurfaces;i++, surface++)
+ if (surface->num_collisiontriangles)
+ Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace, start, end, surface->num_collisiontriangles, surface->data_collisionelement3i, surface->data_collisionvertex3f, surface->num_collisionbboxstride, surface->data_collisionbbox6f, surface->texture->supercontents, surface->texture->surfaceflags, surface->texture, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ }
+ else
+ Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, start, end, 0, 1, start, end, ++markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+static void Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBox(dp_model_t *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t boxmins, const vec3_t boxmaxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ int i;
+ float segmentmins[3], segmentmaxs[3];
+ static int markframe = 0;
+ msurface_t *surface;
+ q3mbrush_t *brush;
+ colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, *thisbrush_end;
+ vec3_t boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs, boxendmins, boxendmaxs;
if (mod_q3bsp_optimizedtraceline.integer && VectorCompare(boxmins, boxmaxs))
+ vec3_t shiftstart, shiftend;
VectorAdd(start, boxmins, shiftstart);
VectorAdd(end, boxmins, shiftend);
- if (VectorCompare(shiftstart, shiftend))
- {
- // point trace
- if (model->brush.submodel)
- {
- for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)
- if (brush->colbrushf)
- Collision_TracePointBrushFloat(trace, shiftstart, brush->colbrushf);
- }
- else
- Mod_Q3BSP_TracePoint_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, shiftstart, ++markframe);
- }
+ if (VectorCompare(start, end))
+ Mod_Q3BSP_TracePoint(model, frame, trace, shiftstart, hitsupercontentsmask);
- // line trace
- segmentmins[0] = min(shiftstart[0], shiftend[0]) - 1;
- segmentmins[1] = min(shiftstart[1], shiftend[1]) - 1;
- segmentmins[2] = min(shiftstart[2], shiftend[2]) - 1;
- segmentmaxs[0] = max(shiftstart[0], shiftend[0]) + 1;
- segmentmaxs[1] = max(shiftstart[1], shiftend[1]) + 1;
- segmentmaxs[2] = max(shiftstart[2], shiftend[2]) + 1;
- if (model->brush.submodel)
- {
- for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)
- if (brush->colbrushf)
- Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(trace, shiftstart, shiftend, brush->colbrushf, brush->colbrushf);
- if (mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions.integer)
- for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface;i < model->nummodelsurfaces;i++, surface++)
- if (surface->num_collisiontriangles)
- Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace, shiftstart, shiftend, surface->num_collisiontriangles, surface->data_collisionelement3i, surface->data_collisionvertex3f, surface->num_collisionbboxstride, surface->data_collisionbbox6f, surface->texture->supercontents, surface->texture->surfaceflags, surface->texture, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- }
- else
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, shiftstart, shiftend, 0, 1, shiftstart, shiftend, ++markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine(model, frame, trace, shiftstart, shiftend, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ VectorSubtract(trace->endpos, boxmins, trace->endpos);
+ return;
- else
+ // box trace, performed as brush trace
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
+ trace->fraction = 1;
+ trace->realfraction = 1;
+ trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask;
+ segmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) + boxmins[0] - 1;
+ segmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) + boxmins[1] - 1;
+ segmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) + boxmins[2] - 1;
+ segmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + boxmaxs[0] + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + boxmaxs[1] + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + boxmaxs[2] + 1;
+ VectorAdd(start, boxmins, boxstartmins);
+ VectorAdd(start, boxmaxs, boxstartmaxs);
+ VectorAdd(end, boxmins, boxendmins);
+ VectorAdd(end, boxmaxs, boxendmaxs);
+ thisbrush_start = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs, 0, 0, NULL);
+ thisbrush_end = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, boxendmins, boxendmaxs, 0, 0, NULL);
+ if (model->brush.submodel)
- // box trace, performed as brush trace
- colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, *thisbrush_end;
- vec3_t boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs, boxendmins, boxendmaxs;
- segmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) + boxmins[0] - 1;
- segmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) + boxmins[1] - 1;
- segmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) + boxmins[2] - 1;
- segmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + boxmaxs[0] + 1;
- segmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + boxmaxs[1] + 1;
- segmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + boxmaxs[2] + 1;
- VectorAdd(start, boxmins, boxstartmins);
- VectorAdd(start, boxmaxs, boxstartmaxs);
- VectorAdd(end, boxmins, boxendmins);
- VectorAdd(end, boxmaxs, boxendmaxs);
- thisbrush_start = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs, 0, 0, NULL);
- thisbrush_end = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, boxendmins, boxendmaxs, 0, 0, NULL);
- if (model->brush.submodel)
- {
- for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)
- if (brush->colbrushf)
- Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, brush->colbrushf, brush->colbrushf);
- if (mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions.integer)
- for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface;i < model->nummodelsurfaces;i++, surface++)
- if (surface->num_collisiontriangles)
- Collision_TraceBrushTriangleMeshFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, surface->num_collisiontriangles, surface->data_collisionelement3i, surface->data_collisionvertex3f, surface->num_collisionbboxstride, surface->data_collisionbbox6f, surface->texture->supercontents, surface->texture->surfaceflags, surface->texture, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- }
- else
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, ++markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)
+ if (brush->colbrushf)
+ Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, brush->colbrushf, brush->colbrushf);
+ if (mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions.integer)
+ for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface;i < model->nummodelsurfaces;i++, surface++)
+ if (surface->num_collisiontriangles)
+ Collision_TraceBrushTriangleMeshFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, surface->num_collisiontriangles, surface->data_collisionelement3i, surface->data_collisionvertex3f, surface->num_collisionbboxstride, surface->data_collisionbbox6f, surface->texture->supercontents, surface->texture->surfaceflags, surface->texture, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ else
+ Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, ++markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
static int Mod_Q3BSP_PointSuperContents(struct model_s *model, int frame, const vec3_t point)
mod->soundfromcenter = true;
mod->TraceBox = Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBox;
+ mod->TraceLine = Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine;
+ mod->TracePoint = Mod_Q3BSP_TracePoint;
mod->PointSuperContents = Mod_Q3BSP_PointSuperContents;
mod->brush.TraceLineOfSight = Mod_Q1BSP_TraceLineOfSight;
mod->brush.SuperContentsFromNativeContents = Mod_Q3BSP_SuperContentsFromNativeContents;
void(*DrawLight)(struct entity_render_s *ent, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist, const unsigned char *trispvs);
// trace a box against this model
void (*TraceBox)(struct model_s *model, int frame, struct trace_s *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t boxmins, const vec3_t boxmaxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask);
+ // trace a box against this model
+ void (*TraceLine)(struct model_s *model, int frame, struct trace_s *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask);
+ // trace a point against this model (like PointSuperContents)
+ void (*TracePoint)(struct model_s *model, int frame, struct trace_s *trace, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask);
// find the supercontents value at a point in this model
int (*PointSuperContents)(struct model_s *model, int frame, const vec3_t point);
// fields belonging to some types of model
// clip start origin
if (e->clipping)
- trace = CL_Move(e->origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, e->vert[j], MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(e->origin, e->vert[j], MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false);
VectorCopy(trace.endpos, e->vert[i]);
VectorMA(e->vert[i], frametime, e->vertvel[i], end);
if (e->clipping)
- trace = CL_Move(e->vert[i], vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(e->vert[i], end, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false);
if (trace.fraction < 1)
// clip velocity against the wall
// FIXME: these traces should scan all render entities instead of cl.world
- if (CL_Move(r_refdef.view.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, rtlight->shadoworigin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false).fraction < 1)
+ if (CL_TraceLine(r_refdef.view.origin, rtlight->shadoworigin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false).fraction < 1)
VectorScale(rtlight->color, cscale, color);
if (rating >= 0.95)
rating /= (1 + 0.0625f * sqrt(DotProduct(temp, temp)));
- if (bestrating < rating && CL_Move(light->origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, r_refdef.view.origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false).fraction == 1.0f)
+ if (bestrating < rating && CL_TraceLine(light->origin, r_refdef.view.origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false).fraction == 1.0f)
bestrating = rating;
best = light;
vec3_t dest, endpos;
trace_t trace;
VectorMA(r_refdef.view.origin, r_editlights_cursordistance.value, r_refdef.view.forward, dest);
- trace = CL_Move(r_refdef.view.origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(r_refdef.view.origin, dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false);
if (trace.fraction < 1)
dist = trace.fraction * r_editlights_cursordistance.value;
light = r_refdef.scene.lights[i];
Matrix4x4_Transform(&light->matrix_worldtolight, p, v);
f = 1 - VectorLength2(v);
- if (f > 0 && CL_Move(p, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, light->shadoworigin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false).fraction == 1)
+ if (f > 0 && CL_TraceLine(p, light->shadoworigin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, true, false, NULL, false).fraction == 1)
VectorMA(ambientcolor, f, light->currentcolor, ambientcolor);
/// calculates hitsupercontentsmask for a generic qc entity
int SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(const prvm_edict_t *edict);
/// traces a box move against worldmodel and all entities in the specified area
-trace_t SV_Move(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask);
+trace_t SV_TraceBox(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask);
+trace_t SV_TraceLine(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask);
+trace_t SV_TracePoint(const vec3_t start, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask);
int SV_PointSuperContents(const vec3_t point);
start[0] = stop[0] = (mins[0] + maxs[0])*0.5;
start[1] = stop[1] = (mins[1] + maxs[1])*0.5;
stop[2] = start[2] - 2*sv_stepheight.value;
- trace = SV_Move (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, stop, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
+ trace = SV_TraceLine(start, stop, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
if (trace.fraction == 1.0)
return false;
start[0] = stop[0] = x ? maxs[0] : mins[0];
start[1] = stop[1] = y ? maxs[1] : mins[1];
- trace = SV_Move (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, stop, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
+ trace = SV_TraceLine(start, stop, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
if (trace.fraction != 1.0 && trace.endpos[2] > bottom)
bottom = trace.endpos[2];
neworg[2] += 8;
- trace = SV_Move (ent->fields.server->origin, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, neworg, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
+ trace = SV_TraceBox(ent->fields.server->origin, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, neworg, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
if (trace.fraction == 1)
VectorCopy (neworg, end);
end[2] -= sv_stepheight.value*2;
- trace = SV_Move (neworg, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
+ trace = SV_TraceBox(neworg, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
if (trace.startsolid)
neworg[2] -= sv_stepheight.value;
- trace = SV_Move (neworg, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
+ trace = SV_TraceBox(neworg, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
if (trace.startsolid)
return false;
+trace_t SV_TracePoint(const vec3_t start, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ int i, bodysupercontents;
+ int passedictprog;
+ float pitchsign = 1;
+ prvm_edict_t *traceowner, *touch;
+ trace_t trace;
+ // bounding box of entire move area
+ vec3_t clipboxmins, clipboxmaxs;
+ // size when clipping against monsters
+ vec3_t clipmins2, clipmaxs2;
+ // start and end origin of move
+ vec3_t clipstart;
+ // trace results
+ trace_t cliptrace;
+ // matrices to transform into/out of other entity's space
+ matrix4x4_t matrix, imatrix;
+ // model of other entity
+ dp_model_t *model;
+ // list of entities to test for collisions
+ int numtouchedicts;
+ prvm_edict_t *touchedicts[MAX_EDICTS];
+ VectorCopy(start, clipstart);
+ VectorClear(clipmins2);
+ VectorClear(clipmaxs2);
+ Con_Printf("move(%f %f %f)", clipstart[0], clipstart[1], clipstart[2]);
+ // clip to world
+ Collision_ClipPointToWorld(&cliptrace, sv.worldmodel, clipstart, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ cliptrace.bmodelstartsolid = cliptrace.startsolid;
+ if (cliptrace.startsolid || cliptrace.fraction < 1)
+ cliptrace.ent = prog->edicts;
+ if (type == MOVE_WORLDONLY)
+ goto finished;
+ if (type == MOVE_MISSILE)
+ {
+ // LordHavoc: modified this, was = -15, now -= 15
+ for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
+ {
+ clipmins2[i] -= 15;
+ clipmaxs2[i] += 15;
+ }
+ }
+ // create the bounding box of the entire move
+ for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
+ {
+ clipboxmins[i] = min(clipstart[i], cliptrace.endpos[i]) + clipmins2[i] - 1;
+ clipboxmaxs[i] = max(clipstart[i], cliptrace.endpos[i]) + clipmaxs2[i] + 1;
+ }
+ // debug override to test against everything
+ if (sv_debugmove.integer)
+ {
+ clipboxmins[0] = clipboxmins[1] = clipboxmins[2] = -999999999;
+ clipboxmaxs[0] = clipboxmaxs[1] = clipboxmaxs[2] = 999999999;
+ }
+ // if the passedict is world, make it NULL (to avoid two checks each time)
+ if (passedict == prog->edicts)
+ passedict = NULL;
+ // precalculate prog value for passedict for comparisons
+ passedictprog = PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(passedict);
+ // precalculate passedict's owner edict pointer for comparisons
+ traceowner = passedict ? PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(passedict->fields.server->owner) : 0;
+ // clip to entities
+ // because this uses World_EntitiestoBox, we know all entity boxes overlap
+ // the clip region, so we can skip culling checks in the loop below
+ numtouchedicts = World_EntitiesInBox(&sv.world, clipboxmins, clipboxmaxs, MAX_EDICTS, touchedicts);
+ if (numtouchedicts > MAX_EDICTS)
+ {
+ // this never happens
+ Con_Printf("SV_EntitiesInBox returned %i edicts, max was %i\n", numtouchedicts, MAX_EDICTS);
+ numtouchedicts = MAX_EDICTS;
+ }
+ for (i = 0;i < numtouchedicts;i++)
+ {
+ touch = touchedicts[i];
+ if (touch->fields.server->solid < SOLID_BBOX)
+ continue;
+ if (type == MOVE_NOMONSTERS && touch->fields.server->solid != SOLID_BSP)
+ continue;
+ if (passedict)
+ {
+ // don't clip against self
+ if (passedict == touch)
+ continue;
+ // don't clip owned entities against owner
+ if (traceowner == touch)
+ continue;
+ // don't clip owner against owned entities
+ if (passedictprog == touch->fields.server->owner)
+ continue;
+ // don't clip points against points (they can't collide)
+ if (VectorCompare(touch->fields.server->mins, touch->fields.server->maxs) && (type != MOVE_MISSILE || !((int)touch->fields.server->flags & FL_MONSTER)))
+ continue;
+ }
+ bodysupercontents = touch->fields.server->solid == SOLID_CORPSE ? SUPERCONTENTS_CORPSE : SUPERCONTENTS_BODY;
+ // might interact, so do an exact clip
+ model = NULL;
+ if ((int) touch->fields.server->solid == SOLID_BSP || type == MOVE_HITMODEL)
+ {
+ unsigned int modelindex = (unsigned int)touch->fields.server->modelindex;
+ // if the modelindex is 0, it shouldn't be SOLID_BSP!
+ if (modelindex > 0 && modelindex < MAX_MODELS)
+ model = sv.models[(int)touch->fields.server->modelindex];
+ //pitchsign = 1;
+ if (
+ ((modelindex = (int)touch->fields.server->modelindex) >= 1 && modelindex < MAX_MODELS && (model = sv.models[(int)touch->fields.server->modelindex]))
+ ?
+ model->type == mod_alias
+ :
+ (
+ (((unsigned char)PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(touch, prog->fieldoffsets.pflags)->_float) & PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC)
+ ||
+ ((gamemode == GAME_TENEBRAE) && ((unsigned int)touch->fields.server->effects & (16 | 32)))
+ )
+ )
+ pitchsign = -1;
+ }
+ if (model)
+ Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, touch->fields.server->origin[0], touch->fields.server->origin[1], touch->fields.server->origin[2], pitchsign * touch->fields.server->angles[0], touch->fields.server->angles[1], touch->fields.server->angles[2], 1);
+ else
+ Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&matrix, touch->fields.server->origin[0], touch->fields.server->origin[1], touch->fields.server->origin[2]);
+ Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&imatrix, &matrix);
+ if ((int)touch->fields.server->flags & FL_MONSTER)
+ Collision_ClipToGenericEntity(&trace, model, (int) touch->fields.server->frame, touch->fields.server->mins, touch->fields.server->maxs, bodysupercontents, &matrix, &imatrix, clipstart, clipmins2, clipmaxs2, clipstart, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ else
+ Collision_ClipPointToGenericEntity(&trace, model, (int) touch->fields.server->frame, touch->fields.server->mins, touch->fields.server->maxs, bodysupercontents, &matrix, &imatrix, clipstart, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ Collision_CombineTraces(&cliptrace, &trace, (void *)touch, touch->fields.server->solid == SOLID_BSP);
+ }
+ return cliptrace;
+trace_t SV_TraceLine(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t pEnd, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+trace_t SV_TraceLine(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ int i, bodysupercontents;
+ int passedictprog;
+ float pitchsign = 1;
+ prvm_edict_t *traceowner, *touch;
+ trace_t trace;
+ // bounding box of entire move area
+ vec3_t clipboxmins, clipboxmaxs;
+ // size when clipping against monsters
+ vec3_t clipmins2, clipmaxs2;
+ // start and end origin of move
+ vec3_t clipstart, clipend;
+ // trace results
+ trace_t cliptrace;
+ // matrices to transform into/out of other entity's space
+ matrix4x4_t matrix, imatrix;
+ // model of other entity
+ dp_model_t *model;
+ // list of entities to test for collisions
+ int numtouchedicts;
+ prvm_edict_t *touchedicts[MAX_EDICTS];
+ vec3_t end;
+ vec_t len = 0;
+ if(!VectorCompare(start, pEnd))
+ {
+ // TRICK: make the trace 1 qu longer!
+ VectorSubtract(pEnd, start, end);
+ len = VectorNormalizeLength(end);
+ VectorAdd(pEnd, end, end);
+ }
+ else
+ VectorCopy(pEnd, end);
+ if (VectorCompare(start, end))
+ return SV_TracePoint(start, type, passedict, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ VectorCopy(start, clipstart);
+ VectorCopy(end, clipend);
+ VectorClear(clipmins2);
+ VectorClear(clipmaxs2);
+ Con_Printf("move(%f %f %f,%f %f %f)", clipstart[0], clipstart[1], clipstart[2], clipend[0], clipend[1], clipend[2]);
+ // clip to world
+ Collision_ClipLineToWorld(&cliptrace, sv.worldmodel, clipstart, clipend, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ cliptrace.bmodelstartsolid = cliptrace.startsolid;
+ if (cliptrace.startsolid || cliptrace.fraction < 1)
+ cliptrace.ent = prog->edicts;
+ if (type == MOVE_WORLDONLY)
+ goto finished;
+ if (type == MOVE_MISSILE)
+ {
+ // LordHavoc: modified this, was = -15, now -= 15
+ for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
+ {
+ clipmins2[i] -= 15;
+ clipmaxs2[i] += 15;
+ }
+ }
+ // create the bounding box of the entire move
+ for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
+ {
+ clipboxmins[i] = min(clipstart[i], cliptrace.endpos[i]) + clipmins2[i] - 1;
+ clipboxmaxs[i] = max(clipstart[i], cliptrace.endpos[i]) + clipmaxs2[i] + 1;
+ }
+ // debug override to test against everything
+ if (sv_debugmove.integer)
+ {
+ clipboxmins[0] = clipboxmins[1] = clipboxmins[2] = -999999999;
+ clipboxmaxs[0] = clipboxmaxs[1] = clipboxmaxs[2] = 999999999;
+ }
+ // if the passedict is world, make it NULL (to avoid two checks each time)
+ if (passedict == prog->edicts)
+ passedict = NULL;
+ // precalculate prog value for passedict for comparisons
+ passedictprog = PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(passedict);
+ // precalculate passedict's owner edict pointer for comparisons
+ traceowner = passedict ? PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(passedict->fields.server->owner) : 0;
+ // clip to entities
+ // because this uses World_EntitiestoBox, we know all entity boxes overlap
+ // the clip region, so we can skip culling checks in the loop below
+ numtouchedicts = World_EntitiesInBox(&sv.world, clipboxmins, clipboxmaxs, MAX_EDICTS, touchedicts);
+ if (numtouchedicts > MAX_EDICTS)
+ {
+ // this never happens
+ Con_Printf("SV_EntitiesInBox returned %i edicts, max was %i\n", numtouchedicts, MAX_EDICTS);
+ numtouchedicts = MAX_EDICTS;
+ }
+ for (i = 0;i < numtouchedicts;i++)
+ {
+ touch = touchedicts[i];
+ if (touch->fields.server->solid < SOLID_BBOX)
+ continue;
+ if (type == MOVE_NOMONSTERS && touch->fields.server->solid != SOLID_BSP)
+ continue;
+ if (passedict)
+ {
+ // don't clip against self
+ if (passedict == touch)
+ continue;
+ // don't clip owned entities against owner
+ if (traceowner == touch)
+ continue;
+ // don't clip owner against owned entities
+ if (passedictprog == touch->fields.server->owner)
+ continue;
+ // don't clip points against points (they can't collide)
+ if (VectorCompare(touch->fields.server->mins, touch->fields.server->maxs) && (type != MOVE_MISSILE || !((int)touch->fields.server->flags & FL_MONSTER)))
+ continue;
+ }
+ bodysupercontents = touch->fields.server->solid == SOLID_CORPSE ? SUPERCONTENTS_CORPSE : SUPERCONTENTS_BODY;
+ // might interact, so do an exact clip
+ model = NULL;
+ if ((int) touch->fields.server->solid == SOLID_BSP || type == MOVE_HITMODEL)
+ {
+ unsigned int modelindex = (unsigned int)touch->fields.server->modelindex;
+ // if the modelindex is 0, it shouldn't be SOLID_BSP!
+ if (modelindex > 0 && modelindex < MAX_MODELS)
+ model = sv.models[(int)touch->fields.server->modelindex];
+ //pitchsign = 1;
+ if (
+ ((modelindex = (int)touch->fields.server->modelindex) >= 1 && modelindex < MAX_MODELS && (model = sv.models[(int)touch->fields.server->modelindex]))
+ ?
+ model->type == mod_alias
+ :
+ (
+ (((unsigned char)PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(touch, prog->fieldoffsets.pflags)->_float) & PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC)
+ ||
+ ((gamemode == GAME_TENEBRAE) && ((unsigned int)touch->fields.server->effects & (16 | 32)))
+ )
+ )
+ pitchsign = -1;
+ }
+ if (model)
+ Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, touch->fields.server->origin[0], touch->fields.server->origin[1], touch->fields.server->origin[2], pitchsign * touch->fields.server->angles[0], touch->fields.server->angles[1], touch->fields.server->angles[2], 1);
+ else
+ Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&matrix, touch->fields.server->origin[0], touch->fields.server->origin[1], touch->fields.server->origin[2]);
+ Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&imatrix, &matrix);
+ if (type == MOVE_MISSILE && (int)touch->fields.server->flags & FL_MONSTER)
+ Collision_ClipToGenericEntity(&trace, model, (int) touch->fields.server->frame, touch->fields.server->mins, touch->fields.server->maxs, bodysupercontents, &matrix, &imatrix, clipstart, clipmins2, clipmaxs2, clipend, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ else
+ Collision_ClipLineToGenericEntity(&trace, model, (int) touch->fields.server->frame, touch->fields.server->mins, touch->fields.server->maxs, bodysupercontents, &matrix, &imatrix, clipstart, clipend, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ Collision_CombineTraces(&cliptrace, &trace, (void *)touch, touch->fields.server->solid == SOLID_BSP);
+ }
+ if(!VectorCompare(start, pEnd))
+ Collision_ShortenTrace(&cliptrace, len / (len + 1), pEnd);
+ return cliptrace;
-trace_t SV_Move_(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t pEnd, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+trace_t SV_TraceBox_(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t pEnd, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
-trace_t SV_Move(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t pEnd, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+trace_t SV_TraceBox(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t pEnd, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
-trace_t SV_Move_(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+trace_t SV_TraceBox_(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
-trace_t SV_Move(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+trace_t SV_TraceBox(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
VectorCopy(pEnd, end);
+ if (VectorCompare(mins, maxs))
+ {
+ vec3_t shiftstart, shiftend;
+ VectorAdd(start, mins, shiftstart);
+ VectorAdd(end, mins, shiftend);
+ if (VectorCompare(start, end))
+ return SV_TracePoint(shiftstart, type, passedict, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ else
+ {
+ trace = SV_TraceLine(shiftstart, shiftend, type, passedict, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ VectorSubtract(trace.endpos, mins, trace.endpos);
+ return trace;
+ }
+ }
VectorCopy(start, clipstart);
VectorCopy(end, clipend);
VectorCopy(mins, clipmins);
-trace_t SV_Move(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+trace_t SV_TraceBox(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, prvm_edict_t *passedict, int hitsupercontentsmask)
int endstuck;
trace_t trace;
vec3_t temp;
- trace = SV_Move_(start, mins, maxs, end, type, passedict, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ trace = SV_TraceBox_(start, mins, maxs, end, type, passedict, hitsupercontentsmask);
if (passedict)
VectorCopy(trace.endpos, temp);
- endstuck = SV_Move_(temp, mins, maxs, temp, type, passedict, hitsupercontentsmask).startsolid;
+ endstuck = SV_TraceBox_(temp, mins, maxs, temp, type, passedict, hitsupercontentsmask).startsolid;
if (trace.startsolid || endstuck)
trace_t trace;
contents = SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent);
VectorAdd(ent->fields.server->origin, offset, org);
- trace = SV_Move (org, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, ent->fields.server->origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent, contents);
+ trace = SV_TraceBox(org, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, ent->fields.server->origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent, contents);
if (trace.startsupercontents & contents)
return true;
// verify if the endpos is REALLY outside solid
VectorCopy(trace.endpos, org);
- trace = SV_Move (org, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, org, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent, contents);
+ trace = SV_TraceBox(org, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, org, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent, contents);
Con_Printf("SV_TestEntityPosition: trace.endpos detected to be in solid. NOT using it.\n");
start[2] += 3;//0.03125;
VectorMA(ent->fields.server->origin, time_left, ent->fields.server->velocity, end);
end[2] += 3;//0.03125;
- testtrace = SV_Move(start, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ testtrace = SV_TraceBox(start, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, hitsupercontentsmask);
if (trace.fraction < testtrace.fraction && !testtrace.startsolid && (testtrace.fraction == 1 || DotProduct(trace.plane.normal, ent->fields.server->velocity) < DotProduct(testtrace.plane.normal, ent->fields.server->velocity)))
Con_Printf("got further (new %f > old %f)\n", testtrace.fraction, trace.fraction);
VectorMA(ent->fields.server->origin, time_left, ent->fields.server->velocity, end);
VectorMA(start, 3, planes[i], start);
VectorMA(end, 3, planes[i], end);
- testtrace = SV_Move(start, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ testtrace = SV_TraceBox(start, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, hitsupercontentsmask);
if (trace.fraction < testtrace.fraction)
trace = testtrace;
// LordHavoc: fix the 'fall to your death in a wedge corner' glitch
// flag ONGROUND if there's ground under it
- trace = SV_Move(ent->fields.server->origin, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ trace = SV_TraceBox(ent->fields.server->origin, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, hitsupercontentsmask);
- *trace = SV_Move (ent->fields.server->origin, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, type, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
+ *trace = SV_TraceBox(ent->fields.server->origin, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, type, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
if (trace->bmodelstartsolid && failonbmodelstartsolid)
return true;
#if 0
- if(SV_Move (ent->fields.server->origin, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, ent->fields.server->origin, type, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent)).startsolid)
+ if(SV_TraceBox(ent->fields.server->origin, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, ent->fields.server->origin, type, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent)).startsolid)
Con_Printf("something eeeeevil happened\n");
if (!((int)check->fields.server->flags & FL_ONGROUND) || PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(check->fields.server->groundentity) != pusher)
Collision_ClipToGenericEntity(&trace, pushermodel, (int) pusher->fields.server->frame, pusher->fields.server->mins, pusher->fields.server->maxs, SUPERCONTENTS_BODY, &pusherfinalmatrix, &pusherfinalimatrix, check->fields.server->origin, check->fields.server->mins, check->fields.server->maxs, check->fields.server->origin, checkcontents);
- //trace = SV_Move(check->fields.server->origin, check->fields.server->mins, check->fields.server->maxs, check->fields.server->origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, check, checkcontents);
+ //trace = SV_TraceBox(check->fields.server->origin, check->fields.server->mins, check->fields.server->maxs, check->fields.server->origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, check, checkcontents);
if (!trace.startsolid)
//Con_Printf("- not in solid\n");
bottom[1] = top[1];
bottom[2] = top[2] - 160;
- tr = SV_Move (top, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, bottom, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, host_client->edict, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID);
+ tr = SV_TraceLine(top, bottom, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, host_client->edict, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID);
// if looking at a wall, leave ideal the way is was
if (tr.startsolid)
start[2] = host_client->edict->fields.server->origin[2] + host_client->edict->fields.server->mins[2];
stop[2] = start[2] - 34;
- trace = SV_Move (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, stop, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, host_client->edict, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(host_client->edict));
+ trace = SV_TraceLine(start, stop, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, host_client->edict, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(host_client->edict));
if (trace.fraction == 1.0)
friction = sv_friction.value*sv_edgefriction.value;
if (IS_NAN(v1[0]) || IS_NAN(v1[1]) || IS_NAN(v1[2]) || IS_NAN(v2[0]) || IS_NAN(v2[1]) || IS_NAN(v2[2]))
PRVM_ERROR("%s: NAN errors detected in traceline('%f %f %f', '%f %f %f', %i, entity %i)\n", PRVM_NAME, v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], move, PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(ent));
- trace = SV_Move (v1, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, v2, move, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
+ trace = SV_TraceLine(v1, v2, move, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
if (IS_NAN(v1[0]) || IS_NAN(v1[1]) || IS_NAN(v1[2]) || IS_NAN(v2[0]) || IS_NAN(v2[1]) || IS_NAN(v2[2]))
PRVM_ERROR("%s: NAN errors detected in tracebox('%f %f %f', '%f %f %f', '%f %f %f', '%f %f %f', %i, entity %i)\n", PRVM_NAME, v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], m1[0], m1[1], m1[2], m2[0], m2[1], m2[2], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], move, PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(ent));
- trace = SV_Move (v1, m1, m2, v2, move, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
+ trace = SV_TraceBox(v1, m1, m2, v2, move, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
VectorMA (tossent->fields.server->angles, 0.05, tossent->fields.server->avelocity, tossent->fields.server->angles);
VectorScale (tossent->fields.server->velocity, 0.05, move);
VectorAdd (tossent->fields.server->origin, move, end);
- trace = SV_Move (tossent->fields.server->origin, tossent->fields.server->mins, tossent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, tossent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(tossent));
+ trace = SV_TraceBox(tossent->fields.server->origin, tossent->fields.server->mins, tossent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, tossent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(tossent));
VectorCopy (trace.endpos, tossent->fields.server->origin);
tossent->fields.server->velocity[2] -= gravity;
if (sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect.integer)
- trace = SV_Move (ent->fields.server->origin, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
+ trace = SV_TraceBox(ent->fields.server->origin, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
if (trace.startsolid && sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid.integer)
vec3_t offset, org;
VectorSet(offset, 0.5f * (ent->fields.server->mins[0] + ent->fields.server->maxs[0]), 0.5f * (ent->fields.server->mins[1] + ent->fields.server->maxs[1]), ent->fields.server->mins[2]);
VectorAdd(ent->fields.server->origin, offset, org);
- trace = SV_Move (org, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
+ trace = SV_TraceLine(org, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
VectorSubtract(trace.endpos, offset, trace.endpos);
if (trace.startsolid)
// try sending a trace straight
VectorCopy (prog->globals.server->v_forward, dir);
VectorMA (start, 2048, dir, end);
- tr = SV_Move (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY);
if (tr.ent && ((prvm_edict_t *)tr.ent)->fields.server->takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM
&& (!teamplay.integer || ent->fields.server->team <=0 || ent->fields.server->team != ((prvm_edict_t *)tr.ent)->fields.server->team) )
dist = DotProduct (dir, prog->globals.server->v_forward);
if (dist < bestdist)
continue; // to far to turn
- tr = SV_Move (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY);
if (tr.ent == check)
{ // can shoot at this one
bestdist = dist;
chase_dest[1] = vieworg[1] - forward[1] * camback + up[1] * camup;
chase_dest[2] = vieworg[2] - forward[2] * camback + up[2] * camup;
#if 0
- //trace = CL_Move(vieworg, eyeboxmins, eyeboxmaxs, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false);
- trace = CL_Move(vieworg, camboxmins, camboxmaxs, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false);
+ //trace = CL_TraceBox(vieworg, eyeboxmins, eyeboxmaxs, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(vieworg, camboxmins, camboxmaxs, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false);
VectorCopy(trace.endpos, vieworg);
vieworg[2] -= 8;
// trace from first person view location to our chosen third person view location
- trace = CL_Move(vieworg, camboxmins, camboxmaxs, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(vieworg, camboxmins, camboxmaxs, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false);
VectorCopy(trace.endpos, bestvieworg);
offset[2] = 0;
for (offset[0] = -16;offset[0] <= 16;offset[0] += 8)
chase_dest[0] = vieworg[0] - forward[0] * camback + up[0] * camup + offset[0];
chase_dest[1] = vieworg[1] - forward[1] * camback + up[1] * camup + offset[1];
chase_dest[2] = vieworg[2] - forward[2] * camback + up[2] * camup + offset[2];
- trace = CL_Move(vieworg, camboxmins, camboxmaxs, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(vieworg, camboxmins, camboxmaxs, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false);
if (bestvieworg[2] > trace.endpos[2])
bestvieworg[2] = trace.endpos[2];
chase_dest[0] = vieworg[0] + forward[0] * dist;
chase_dest[1] = vieworg[1] + forward[1] * dist;
chase_dest[2] = vieworg[2] + forward[2] * dist + camup;
- trace = CL_Move(vieworg, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(vieworg, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, true, false, NULL, false);
VectorMAMAM(1, trace.endpos, 8, forward, 4, trace.plane.normal, vieworg);