--- /dev/null
- print("^2Successfully exported to ", filename, "! (Note: It's saved in data/data/)\n");
+#define HUD_Write(s) fputs(fh, s)
+// q: quoted, n: not quoted
+#define HUD_Write_Cvar_n(cvar) HUD_Write(strcat("seta ", cvar, " ", cvar_string(cvar), "\n"))
+#define HUD_Write_Cvar_q(cvar) HUD_Write(strcat("seta ", cvar, " \"", cvar_string(cvar), "\"\n"))
+#define HUD_Write_PanelCvar_n(cvar_suf) HUD_Write_Cvar_n(strcat("hud_panel_", panel_name, cvar_suf))
+#define HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q(cvar_suf) HUD_Write_Cvar_q(strcat("hud_panel_", panel_name, cvar_suf))
+// Save the config
+void HUD_Panel_ExportCfg(string cfgname)
+ float fh;
+ string filename = strcat("hud_", autocvar_hud_skin, "_", cfgname, ".cfg");
+ fh = fopen(filename, FILE_WRITE);
+ if(fh >= 0)
+ {
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_skin");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_panel_bg");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_panel_bg_color");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_panel_bg_color_team");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_panel_bg_alpha");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_panel_bg_border");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_panel_bg_padding");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_panel_fg_alpha");
+ HUD_Write("\n");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_dock");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_dock_color");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_dock_color_team");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_dock_alpha");
+ HUD_Write("\n");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_progressbar_alpha");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_progressbar_strength_color");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_progressbar_shield_color");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_progressbar_health_color");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_progressbar_armor_color");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_progressbar_fuel_color");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_progressbar_nexball_color");
+ HUD_Write("\n");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("_hud_panelorder");
+ HUD_Write("\n");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_configure_grid");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_configure_grid_xsize");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("hud_configure_grid_ysize");
+ HUD_Write("\n");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar_q("scr_centerpos");
+ HUD_Write("\n");
+ // common cvars for all panels
+ float i;
+ for (i = 0; i < HUD_PANEL_NUM; ++i)
+ {
+ HUD_Panel_GetName(i);
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_n("");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_pos");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_size");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_bg");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_bg_color");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_bg_color_team");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_bg_alpha");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_bg_border");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_bg_padding");
+ switch(i) {
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_complainbubble");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_complainbubble_padding");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_complainbubble_color_outofammo");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_complainbubble_color_donthave");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_complainbubble_color_unavailable");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_ammo_color");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_ammo_alpha");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_aspect");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_timeout");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_timeout_effect");
+ break;
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_onlycurrent");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_iconalign");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_progressbar");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_progressbar_name");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_progressbar_xoffset");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_text");
+ break;
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_flip");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_iconalign");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_baralign");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_progressbar");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_progressbar_strength");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_progressbar_shield");
+ break;
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_flip");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_iconalign");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_baralign");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_progressbar");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_progressbar_health");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_progressbar_armor");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_text");
+ break;
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_flip");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_print");
+ break;
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_foreground_alpha");
+ break;
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_alreadyvoted_alpha");
+ break;
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_aspect");
+ break;
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_flip");
+ break;
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_flip");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_baralign");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_progressbar");
+ HUD_Write_PanelCvar_q("_acceleration_mode");
+ break;
+ }
+ HUD_Write("\n");
+ }
+ HUD_Write("menu_sync\n"); // force the menu to reread the cvars, so that the dialogs are updated
- print("^1Couldn't write to ", filename, "\n");
++ print(sprintf(_("^2Successfully exported to %s! (Note: It's saved in data/data/)\n"), filename));
+ fclose(fh);
+ }
+ else
++ print(sprintf(_("^1Couldn't write to %s\n"), filename));
+// check if move will result in panel being moved into another panel. If so, return snapped vector, otherwise return the given vector
+vector HUD_Panel_CheckMove(vector myPos, vector mySize)
+ float i;
+ float myCenter_x, myCenter_y, targCenter_x, targCenter_y;
+ vector myTarget;
+ myTarget = myPos;
+ for (i = 0; i < HUD_PANEL_NUM; ++i) {
+ if(i == highlightedPanel || !panel_enabled)
+ continue;
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(i);
+ panel_pos -= '1 1 0' * panel_bg_border;
+ panel_size += '2 2 0' * panel_bg_border;
+ if(myPos_y + mySize_y < panel_pos_y)
+ continue;
+ if(myPos_y > panel_pos_y + panel_size_y)
+ continue;
+ if(myPos_x + mySize_x < panel_pos_x)
+ continue;
+ if(myPos_x > panel_pos_x + panel_size_x)
+ continue;
+ // OK, there IS a collision.
+ myCenter_x = myPos_x + 0.5 * mySize_x;
+ myCenter_y = myPos_y + 0.5 * mySize_y;
+ targCenter_x = panel_pos_x + 0.5 * panel_size_x;
+ targCenter_y = panel_pos_y + 0.5 * panel_size_y;
+ if(myCenter_x < targCenter_x && myCenter_y < targCenter_y) // top left (of the target panel)
+ {
+ if(myPos_x + mySize_x - panel_pos_x < myPos_y + mySize_y - panel_pos_y) // push it to the side
+ myTarget_x = panel_pos_x - mySize_x;
+ else // push it upwards
+ myTarget_y = panel_pos_y - mySize_y;
+ }
+ else if(myCenter_x > targCenter_x && myCenter_y < targCenter_y) // top right
+ {
+ if(panel_pos_x + panel_size_x - myPos_x < myPos_y + mySize_y - panel_pos_y) // push it to the side
+ myTarget_x = panel_pos_x + panel_size_x;
+ else // push it upwards
+ myTarget_y = panel_pos_y - mySize_y;
+ }
+ else if(myCenter_x < targCenter_x && myCenter_y > targCenter_y) // bottom left
+ {
+ if(myPos_x + mySize_x - panel_pos_x < panel_pos_y + panel_size_y - myPos_y) // push it to the side
+ myTarget_x = panel_pos_x - mySize_x;
+ else // push it downwards
+ myTarget_y = panel_pos_y + panel_size_y;
+ }
+ else if(myCenter_x > targCenter_x && myCenter_y > targCenter_y) // bottom right
+ {
+ if(panel_pos_x + panel_size_x - myPos_x < panel_pos_y + panel_size_y - myPos_y) // push it to the side
+ myTarget_x = panel_pos_x + panel_size_x;
+ else // push it downwards
+ myTarget_y = panel_pos_y + panel_size_y;
+ }
+ //if(cvar("hud_configure_checkcollisions_debug"))
+ //drawfill(panel_pos, panel_size, '1 1 0', .3, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ return myTarget;
+void HUD_Panel_SetPos(vector pos)
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(highlightedPanel);
+ vector mySize;
+ mySize = panel_size;
+ //if(cvar("hud_configure_checkcollisions_debug"))
+ //drawfill(pos, mySize, '1 1 1', .2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ if(autocvar_hud_configure_grid)
+ {
+ pos_x = floor((pos_x/vid_conwidth)/hud_configure_gridSize_x + 0.5) * hud_configure_realGridSize_x;
+ pos_y = floor((pos_y/vid_conheight)/hud_configure_gridSize_y + 0.5) * hud_configure_realGridSize_y;
+ }
+ if(hud_configure_checkcollisions)
+ pos = HUD_Panel_CheckMove(pos, mySize);
+ pos_x = bound(0, pos_x, vid_conwidth - mySize_x);
+ pos_y = bound(0, pos_y, vid_conheight - mySize_y);
+ string s;
+ s = strcat(ftos(pos_x/vid_conwidth), " ", ftos(pos_y/vid_conheight));
+ HUD_Panel_GetName(highlightedPanel);
+ cvar_set(strcat("hud_panel_", panel_name, "_pos"), s);
+// check if resize will result in panel being moved into another panel. If so, return snapped vector, otherwise return the given vector
+vector HUD_Panel_CheckResize(vector mySize, vector resizeorigin) {
+ float i;
+ vector targEndPos;
+ float dist_x, dist_y;
+ float ratio;
+ ratio = mySize_x/mySize_y;
+ for (i = 0; i < HUD_PANEL_NUM; ++i) {
+ if(i == highlightedPanel || !panel_enabled)
+ continue;
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(i);
+ panel_pos -= '1 1 0' * panel_bg_border;
+ panel_size += '2 2 0' * panel_bg_border;
+ targEndPos = panel_pos + panel_size;
+ // resizeorigin is WITHIN target panel, just abort any collision testing against that particular panel to produce expected behaviour!
+ if(resizeorigin_x > panel_pos_x && resizeorigin_x < targEndPos_x && resizeorigin_y > panel_pos_y && resizeorigin_y < targEndPos_y)
+ continue;
+ if (resizeCorner == 1)
+ {
+ // check if this panel is on our way
+ if (resizeorigin_x <= panel_pos_x)
+ continue;
+ if (resizeorigin_y <= panel_pos_y)
+ continue;
+ if (targEndPos_x <= resizeorigin_x - mySize_x)
+ continue;
+ if (targEndPos_y <= resizeorigin_y - mySize_y)
+ continue;
+ // there is a collision:
+ // detect which side of the panel we are facing is actually limiting the resizing
+ // (which side the resize direction finds for first) and reduce the size up to there
+ //
+ // dist is the distance between resizeorigin and the "analogous" point of the panel
+ // in this case between resizeorigin (bottom-right point) and the bottom-right point of the panel
+ dist_x = resizeorigin_x - targEndPos_x;
+ dist_y = resizeorigin_y - targEndPos_y;
+ if (dist_y <= 0 || dist_x / dist_y > ratio)
+ mySize_x = min(mySize_x, dist_x);
+ else
+ mySize_y = min(mySize_y, dist_y);
+ }
+ else if (resizeCorner == 2)
+ {
+ if (resizeorigin_x >= targEndPos_x)
+ continue;
+ if (resizeorigin_y <= panel_pos_y)
+ continue;
+ if (panel_pos_x >= resizeorigin_x + mySize_x)
+ continue;
+ if (targEndPos_y <= resizeorigin_y - mySize_y)
+ continue;
+ dist_x = panel_pos_x - resizeorigin_x;
+ dist_y = resizeorigin_y - targEndPos_y;
+ if (dist_y <= 0 || dist_x / dist_y > ratio)
+ mySize_x = min(mySize_x, dist_x);
+ else
+ mySize_y = min(mySize_y, dist_y);
+ }
+ else if (resizeCorner == 3)
+ {
+ if (resizeorigin_x <= panel_pos_x)
+ continue;
+ if (resizeorigin_y >= targEndPos_y)
+ continue;
+ if (targEndPos_x <= resizeorigin_x - mySize_x)
+ continue;
+ if (panel_pos_y >= resizeorigin_y + mySize_y)
+ continue;
+ dist_x = resizeorigin_x - targEndPos_x;
+ dist_y = panel_pos_y - resizeorigin_y;
+ if (dist_y <= 0 || dist_x / dist_y > ratio)
+ mySize_x = min(mySize_x, dist_x);
+ else
+ mySize_y = min(mySize_y, dist_y);
+ }
+ else if (resizeCorner == 4)
+ {
+ if (resizeorigin_x >= targEndPos_x)
+ continue;
+ if (resizeorigin_y >= targEndPos_y)
+ continue;
+ if (panel_pos_x >= resizeorigin_x + mySize_x)
+ continue;
+ if (panel_pos_y >= resizeorigin_y + mySize_y)
+ continue;
+ dist_x = panel_pos_x - resizeorigin_x;
+ dist_y = panel_pos_y - resizeorigin_y;
+ if (dist_y <= 0 || dist_x / dist_y > ratio)
+ mySize_x = min(mySize_x, dist_x);
+ else
+ mySize_y = min(mySize_y, dist_y);
+ }
+ //if(cvar("hud_configure_checkcollisions_debug"))
+ //drawfill(panel_pos, panel_size, '1 1 0', .3, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ return mySize;
+void HUD_Panel_SetPosSize(vector mySize)
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(highlightedPanel);
+ vector resizeorigin;
+ resizeorigin = panel_click_resizeorigin;
+ vector myPos;
+ // minimum panel size cap
+ mySize_x = max(0.025 * vid_conwidth, mySize_x);
+ mySize_y = max(0.025 * vid_conheight, mySize_y);
+ if(highlightedPanel == HUD_PANEL_CHAT) // some panels have their own restrictions, like the chat panel (which actually only moves the engine chat print around). Looks bad if it's too small.
+ {
+ mySize_x = max(17 * autocvar_con_chatsize, mySize_x);
+ mySize_y = max(2 * autocvar_con_chatsize + 2 * panel_bg_padding, mySize_y);
+ }
+ // collision testing|
+ // -----------------+
+ // we need to know pos at this stage, but it might still change later if we hit a screen edge/other panel (?)
+ if(resizeCorner == 1) {
+ myPos_x = resizeorigin_x - mySize_x;
+ myPos_y = resizeorigin_y - mySize_y;
+ } else if(resizeCorner == 2) {
+ myPos_x = resizeorigin_x;
+ myPos_y = resizeorigin_y - mySize_y;
+ } else if(resizeCorner == 3) {
+ myPos_x = resizeorigin_x - mySize_x;
+ myPos_y = resizeorigin_y;
+ } else { // resizeCorner == 4
+ myPos_x = resizeorigin_x;
+ myPos_y = resizeorigin_y;
+ }
+ // left/top screen edges
+ if(myPos_x < 0)
+ mySize_x = mySize_x + myPos_x;
+ if(myPos_y < 0)
+ mySize_y = mySize_y + myPos_y;
+ // bottom/right screen edges
+ if(myPos_x + mySize_x > vid_conwidth)
+ mySize_x = vid_conwidth - myPos_x;
+ if(myPos_y + mySize_y > vid_conheight)
+ mySize_y = vid_conheight - myPos_y;
+ //if(cvar("hud_configure_checkcollisions_debug"))
+ //drawfill(myPos, mySize, '1 1 1', .2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ // before checkresize, otherwise panel can be snapped partially inside another panel or panel aspect ratio can be broken
+ if(autocvar_hud_configure_grid)
+ {
+ mySize_x = floor((mySize_x/vid_conwidth)/hud_configure_gridSize_x + 0.5) * hud_configure_realGridSize_x;
+ mySize_y = floor((mySize_y/vid_conheight)/hud_configure_gridSize_y + 0.5) * hud_configure_realGridSize_y;
+ }
+ if(hud_configure_checkcollisions)
+ mySize = HUD_Panel_CheckResize(mySize, resizeorigin);
+ // minimum panel size cap, do this once more so we NEVER EVER EVER have a panel smaller than this, JUST IN CASE above code still makes the panel eg negative (impossible to resize back without changing cvars manually then)
+ mySize_x = max(0.025 * vid_conwidth, mySize_x);
+ mySize_y = max(0.025 * vid_conheight, mySize_y);
+ // do another pos check, as size might have changed by now
+ if(resizeCorner == 1) {
+ myPos_x = resizeorigin_x - mySize_x;
+ myPos_y = resizeorigin_y - mySize_y;
+ } else if(resizeCorner == 2) {
+ myPos_x = resizeorigin_x;
+ myPos_y = resizeorigin_y - mySize_y;
+ } else if(resizeCorner == 3) {
+ myPos_x = resizeorigin_x - mySize_x;
+ myPos_y = resizeorigin_y;
+ } else { // resizeCorner == 4
+ myPos_x = resizeorigin_x;
+ myPos_y = resizeorigin_y;
+ }
+ //if(cvar("hud_configure_checkcollisions_debug"))
+ //drawfill(myPos, mySize, '0 1 0', .3, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetName(highlightedPanel);
+ string s;
+ s = strcat(ftos(mySize_x/vid_conwidth), " ", ftos(mySize_y/vid_conheight));
+ cvar_set(strcat("hud_panel_", panel_name, "_size"), s);
+ s = strcat(ftos(myPos_x/vid_conwidth), " ", ftos(myPos_y/vid_conheight));
+ cvar_set(strcat("hud_panel_", panel_name, "_pos"), s);
+float pressed_key_time;
+vector highlightedPanel_initial_pos, highlightedPanel_initial_size;
+void HUD_Panel_Arrow_Action(float nPrimary)
+ if (highlightedPanel == -1)
+ return;
+ hud_configure_checkcollisions = (!(hudShiftState & S_CTRL) && autocvar_hud_configure_checkcollisions);
+ float step;
+ if(autocvar_hud_configure_grid)
+ {
+ if (nPrimary == K_UPARROW || nPrimary == K_DOWNARROW)
+ {
+ if (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT)
+ step = hud_configure_realGridSize_y;
+ else
+ step = 2 * hud_configure_realGridSize_y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT)
+ step = hud_configure_realGridSize_x;
+ else
+ step = 2 * hud_configure_realGridSize_x;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (nPrimary == K_UPARROW || nPrimary == K_DOWNARROW)
+ step = vid_conheight;
+ else
+ step = vid_conwidth;
+ if (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT)
+ step = (step / 256); // more precision
+ else
+ step = (step / 64) * (1 + 2 * (time - pressed_key_time));
+ }
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(highlightedPanel);
+ highlightedPanel_initial_pos = panel_pos;
+ highlightedPanel_initial_size = panel_size;
+ if (hudShiftState & S_ALT) // resize
+ {
+ highlightedAction = 1;
+ if(nPrimary == K_UPARROW)
+ resizeCorner = 1;
+ else if(nPrimary == K_RIGHTARROW)
+ resizeCorner = 2;
+ else if(nPrimary == K_LEFTARROW)
+ resizeCorner = 3;
+ else // if(nPrimary == K_DOWNARROW)
+ resizeCorner = 4;
+ // ctrl+arrow reduces the size, instead of increasing it
+ // Note that ctrl disables collisions check too, but it's fine
+ // since we don't collide with anything reducing the size
+ if (hudShiftState & S_CTRL) {
+ step = -step;
+ resizeCorner = 5 - resizeCorner;
+ }
+ vector mySize;
+ mySize = panel_size;
+ panel_click_resizeorigin = panel_pos;
+ if(resizeCorner == 1) {
+ panel_click_resizeorigin += mySize;
+ mySize_y += step;
+ } else if(resizeCorner == 2) {
+ panel_click_resizeorigin_y += mySize_y;
+ mySize_x += step;
+ } else if(resizeCorner == 3) {
+ panel_click_resizeorigin_x += mySize_x;
+ mySize_x += step;
+ } else { // resizeCorner == 4
+ mySize_y += step;
+ }
+ HUD_Panel_SetPosSize(mySize);
+ }
+ else // move
+ {
+ highlightedAction = 2;
+ vector pos;
+ pos = panel_pos;
+ if(nPrimary == K_UPARROW)
+ pos_y -= step;
+ else if(nPrimary == K_DOWNARROW)
+ pos_y += step;
+ else if(nPrimary == K_LEFTARROW)
+ pos_x -= step;
+ else // if(nPrimary == K_RIGHTARROW)
+ pos_x += step;
+ HUD_Panel_SetPos(pos);
+ }
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(highlightedPanel);
+ if (highlightedPanel_initial_pos != panel_pos || highlightedPanel_initial_size != panel_size)
+ {
+ // backup!
+ panel_pos_backup = highlightedPanel_initial_pos;
+ panel_size_backup = highlightedPanel_initial_size;
+ highlightedPanel_backup = highlightedPanel;
+ }
+const float S_MOUSE1 = 1;
+const float S_MOUSE2 = 2;
+const float S_MOUSE3 = 4;
+float mouseClicked;
+float prevMouseClicked; // previous state
+float prevMouseClickedTime; // time during previous left mouse click, to check for doubleclicks
+vector prevMouseClickedPos; // pos during previous left mouse click, to check for doubleclicks
+void HUD_Panel_EnableMenu();
+float tab_panels[HUD_PANEL_NUM];
+float tab_panel, tab_backward;
+vector tab_panel_pos;
+void HUD_Panel_FirstInDrawQ(float id);
+void reset_tab_panels()
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < HUD_PANEL_NUM; ++i)
+ tab_panels[i] = -1;
+float HUD_Panel_InputEvent(float bInputType, float nPrimary, float nSecondary)
+ string s;
+ if(!autocvar__hud_configure)
+ return false;
+ // allow console bind to work
+ string con_keys;
+ float keys;
+ con_keys = findkeysforcommand("toggleconsole");
+ keys = tokenize(con_keys);
+ float hit_con_bind, i;
+ for (i = 0; i < keys; ++i)
+ {
+ if(nPrimary == stof(argv(i)))
+ hit_con_bind = 1;
+ }
+ if(bInputType == 0) {
+ if(nPrimary == K_ALT) hudShiftState |= S_ALT;
+ if(nPrimary == K_CTRL) hudShiftState |= S_CTRL;
+ if(nPrimary == K_SHIFT) hudShiftState |= S_SHIFT;
+ }
+ else if(bInputType == 1) {
+ if(nPrimary == K_ALT) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_ALT);
+ if(nPrimary == K_CTRL) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_CTRL);
+ if(nPrimary == K_SHIFT) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT);
+ }
+ if(nPrimary == K_CTRL)
+ {
+ if (bInputType == 1) //ctrl has been released
+ {
+ if (tab_panel != -1)
+ {
+ //switch to selected panel
+ highlightedPanel = tab_panel;
+ highlightedAction = 0;
+ HUD_Panel_FirstInDrawQ(highlightedPanel);
+ }
+ tab_panel = -1;
+ reset_tab_panels();
+ }
+ }
+ if(nPrimary == K_MOUSE1)
+ {
+ if(bInputType == 0) // key pressed
+ mouseClicked |= S_MOUSE1;
+ else if(bInputType == 1) // key released
+ mouseClicked -= (mouseClicked & S_MOUSE1);
+ }
+ else if(nPrimary == K_MOUSE2)
+ {
+ if(bInputType == 0) // key pressed
+ mouseClicked |= S_MOUSE2;
+ else if(bInputType == 1) // key released
+ mouseClicked -= (mouseClicked & S_MOUSE2);
+ }
+ else if(nPrimary == K_ESCAPE)
+ {
+ if (bInputType == 1)
+ return true;
+ menu_enabled = 1;
+ menu_enabled_time = time;
+ localcmd("menu_showhudexit\n");
+ }
+ else if(nPrimary == K_BACKSPACE && hudShiftState & S_CTRL)
+ {
+ if (bInputType == 1)
+ return true;
+ if (!menu_enabled)
+ cvar_set("_hud_configure", "0");
+ }
+ else if(nPrimary == K_TAB && hudShiftState & S_CTRL) // select and highlight another panel
+ {
+ if (bInputType == 1 || mouseClicked)
+ return true;
+ //FIXME: if a panel is highlighted, has the same pos_x and lays in the same level
+ //of other panels then next consecutive ctrl-tab will select the highlighted panel too
+ //(it should only after every other panel of the hud)
+ //It's a minor bug anyway, we can live with it
+ float starting_panel;
+ float old_tab_panel = tab_panel;
+ if (tab_panel == -1) //first press of TAB
+ {
+ if (highlightedPanel != -1)
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(highlightedPanel)
+ else
+ panel_pos = '0 0 0';
+ starting_panel = highlightedPanel; //can be -1, it means no starting panel
+ tab_panel_pos = panel_pos; //to compute level
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( ((!tab_backward) && (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT)) || (tab_backward && !(hudShiftState & S_SHIFT)) ) //tab direction changed?
+ reset_tab_panels();
+ starting_panel = tab_panel;
+ }
+ tab_backward = (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT);
+ float k, level, start_pos_x;
+ vector candidate_pos;
+ const float LEVELS_NUM = 4;
+ const float level_height = vid_conheight / LEVELS_NUM;
+ level = floor(tab_panel_pos_y / level_height) * level_height; //starting level
+ candidate_pos_x = (!tab_backward) ? vid_conwidth : 0;
+ start_pos_x = tab_panel_pos_x;
+ tab_panel = -1;
+ k=0;
+ while(++k)
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < HUD_PANEL_NUM; ++i)
+ {
+ if (i == tab_panels[i] || i == starting_panel)
+ continue;
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(i)
+ if (panel_pos_y >= level && (panel_pos_y - level) < level_height)
+ if ( ( !tab_backward && panel_pos_x >= start_pos_x && (panel_pos_x < candidate_pos_x || (panel_pos_x == candidate_pos_x && panel_pos_y <= candidate_pos_y)) )
+ || ( tab_backward && panel_pos_x <= start_pos_x && (panel_pos_x > candidate_pos_x || (panel_pos_x == candidate_pos_x && panel_pos_y >= candidate_pos_y)) ) )
+ {
+ tab_panel = i;
+ tab_panel_pos = candidate_pos = panel_pos;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tab_panel != -1)
+ break;
+ if (k == LEVELS_NUM) //tab_panel not found
+ {
+ reset_tab_panels();
+ if (old_tab_panel == -2) //this prevents an infinite loop (should not happen normally)
+ {
+ tab_panel = -1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ starting_panel = old_tab_panel;
+ old_tab_panel = -2;
+ goto find_tab_panel; //u must find tab_panel!
+ }
+ if (!tab_backward)
+ {
+ level = mod(level + level_height, vid_conheight);
+ start_pos_x = 0;
+ candidate_pos_x = vid_conwidth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ level = mod(level - level_height, vid_conheight);
+ start_pos_x = vid_conwidth;
+ candidate_pos_x = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ tab_panels[tab_panel] = tab_panel;
+ }
+ else if(nPrimary == K_SPACE && hudShiftState & S_CTRL) // enable/disable highlighted panel or dock
+ {
+ if (bInputType == 1 || mouseClicked)
+ return true;
+ if (highlightedPanel != -1)
+ {
+ HUD_Panel_GetName(highlightedPanel);
+ cvar_set(strcat("hud_panel_", panel_name), ftos(!(panel_enabled)));
+ }
+ else
+ cvar_set(strcat("hud_dock"), (autocvar_hud_dock == "") ? "dock" : "");
+ }
+ else if(nPrimary == 'c' && hudShiftState & S_CTRL) // copy highlighted panel size
+ {
+ if (bInputType == 1 || mouseClicked)
+ return true;
+ if (highlightedPanel != -1)
+ {
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(highlightedPanel);
+ panel_size_copied = panel_size;
+ highlightedPanel_copied = highlightedPanel;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(nPrimary == 'v' && hudShiftState & S_CTRL) // past copied size on the highlighted panel
+ {
+ if (bInputType == 1 || mouseClicked)
+ return true;
+ if (highlightedPanel_copied == -1 || highlightedPanel == -1)
+ return true;
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(highlightedPanel);
+ // reduce size if it'd go beyond screen boundaries
+ vector tmp_size = panel_size_copied;
+ if (panel_pos_x + panel_size_copied_x > vid_conwidth)
+ tmp_size_x = vid_conwidth - panel_pos_x;
+ if (panel_pos_y + panel_size_copied_y > vid_conheight)
+ tmp_size_y = vid_conheight - panel_pos_y;
+ if (panel_size == tmp_size)
+ return true;
+ // backup first!
+ panel_pos_backup = panel_pos;
+ panel_size_backup = panel_size;
+ highlightedPanel_backup = highlightedPanel;
+ s = strcat(ftos(tmp_size_x/vid_conwidth), " ", ftos(tmp_size_y/vid_conheight));
+ HUD_Panel_GetName(highlightedPanel);
+ cvar_set(strcat("hud_panel_", panel_name, "_size"), s);
+ }
+ else if(nPrimary == 'z' && hudShiftState & S_CTRL) // undo last action
+ {
+ if (bInputType == 1 || mouseClicked)
+ return true;
+ //restore previous values
+ if (highlightedPanel_backup != -1)
+ {
+ HUD_Panel_GetName(highlightedPanel_backup);
+ s = strcat(ftos(panel_pos_backup_x/vid_conwidth), " ", ftos(panel_pos_backup_y/vid_conheight));
+ cvar_set(strcat("hud_panel_", panel_name, "_pos"), s);
+ s = strcat(ftos(panel_size_backup_x/vid_conwidth), " ", ftos(panel_size_backup_y/vid_conheight));
+ cvar_set(strcat("hud_panel_", panel_name, "_size"), s);
+ highlightedPanel_backup = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(nPrimary == K_UPARROW || nPrimary == K_DOWNARROW || nPrimary == K_LEFTARROW || nPrimary == K_RIGHTARROW)
+ {
+ if (bInputType == 1)
+ {
+ pressed_key_time = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (pressed_key_time == 0)
+ pressed_key_time = time;
+ if (!mouseClicked)
+ HUD_Panel_Arrow_Action(nPrimary); //move or resize panel
+ }
+ else if(nPrimary == K_ENTER || nPrimary == K_SPACE || nPrimary == K_KP_ENTER)
+ {
+ if (bInputType == 1)
+ return true;
+ if (highlightedPanel != -1)
+ HUD_Panel_EnableMenu();
+ }
+ else if(hit_con_bind)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+float HUD_Panel_Check_Mouse_Pos(float allow_move)
+ float i, j, border;
+ while(j < HUD_PANEL_NUM)
+ {
+ i = panel_order[j];
+ j += 1;
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(i);
+ border = max(8, panel_bg_border); // FORCED border so a small border size doesn't mean you can't resize
+ // move
+ if(allow_move && mousepos_x >= panel_pos_x && mousepos_y >= panel_pos_y && mousepos_x <= panel_pos_x + panel_size_x && mousepos_y <= panel_pos_y + panel_size_y)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // resize from topleft border
+ else if(mousepos_x >= panel_pos_x - border && mousepos_y >= panel_pos_y - border && mousepos_x <= panel_pos_x + 0.5 * panel_size_x && mousepos_y <= panel_pos_y + 0.5 * panel_size_y)
+ {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ // resize from topright border
+ else if(mousepos_x >= panel_pos_x + 0.5 * panel_size_x && mousepos_y >= panel_pos_y - border && mousepos_x <= panel_pos_x + panel_size_x + border && mousepos_y <= panel_pos_y + 0.5 * panel_size_y)
+ {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ // resize from bottomleft border
+ else if(mousepos_x >= panel_pos_x - border && mousepos_y >= panel_pos_y + 0.5 * panel_size_y && mousepos_x <= panel_pos_x + 0.5 * panel_size_x && mousepos_y <= panel_pos_y + panel_size_y + border)
+ {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ // resize from bottomright border
+ else if(mousepos_x >= panel_pos_x + 0.5 * panel_size_x && mousepos_y >= panel_pos_y + 0.5 * panel_size_y && mousepos_x <= panel_pos_x + panel_size_x + border && mousepos_y <= panel_pos_y + panel_size_y + border)
+ {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+// move a panel to the beginning of the panel order array (which means it gets drawn last, on top of everything else)
+void HUD_Panel_FirstInDrawQ(float id)
+ float i;
+ var float place = -1;
+ // find out where in the array our current id is, save into place
+ for(i = 0; i < HUD_PANEL_NUM; ++i)
+ {
+ if(panel_order[i] == id)
+ {
+ place = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // place last if we didn't find a place for it yet (probably new panel, or screwed up cvar)
+ if(place == -1)
+ place = HUD_PANEL_NUM - 1;
+ // move all ids up by one step in the array until "place"
+ for(i = place; i > 0; --i)
+ {
+ panel_order[i] = panel_order[i-1];
+ }
+ // now save the new top id
+ panel_order[0] = id;
+ // let's save them into the cvar by some strcat trickery
+ string s;
+ for(i = 0; i < HUD_PANEL_NUM; ++i)
+ {
+ s = strcat(s, ftos(panel_order[i]), " ");
+ }
+ cvar_set("_hud_panelorder", s);
+ if(hud_panelorder_prev)
+ strunzone(hud_panelorder_prev);
+ hud_panelorder_prev = strzone(autocvar__hud_panelorder); // prevent HUD_Main from doing useless update, we already updated here
+void HUD_Panel_Highlight(float allow_move)
+ float i, j, border;
+ while(j < HUD_PANEL_NUM)
+ {
+ i = panel_order[j];
+ j += 1;
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(i);
+ border = max(8, panel_bg_border); // FORCED border so a small border size doesn't mean you can't resize
+ // move
+ if(allow_move && mousepos_x >= panel_pos_x && mousepos_y >= panel_pos_y && mousepos_x <= panel_pos_x + panel_size_x && mousepos_y <= panel_pos_y + panel_size_y)
+ {
+ highlightedPanel = i;
+ HUD_Panel_FirstInDrawQ(i);
+ highlightedAction = 1;
+ panel_click_distance = mousepos - panel_pos;
+ return;
+ }
+ // resize from topleft border
+ else if(mousepos_x >= panel_pos_x - border && mousepos_y >= panel_pos_y - border && mousepos_x <= panel_pos_x + 0.5 * panel_size_x && mousepos_y <= panel_pos_y + 0.5 * panel_size_y)
+ {
+ highlightedPanel = i;
+ HUD_Panel_FirstInDrawQ(i);
+ highlightedAction = 2;
+ resizeCorner = 1;
+ panel_click_distance = mousepos - panel_pos;
+ panel_click_resizeorigin = panel_pos + panel_size;
+ return;
+ }
+ // resize from topright border
+ else if(mousepos_x >= panel_pos_x + 0.5 * panel_size_x && mousepos_y >= panel_pos_y - border && mousepos_x <= panel_pos_x + panel_size_x + border && mousepos_y <= panel_pos_y + 0.5 * panel_size_y)
+ {
+ highlightedPanel = i;
+ HUD_Panel_FirstInDrawQ(i);
+ highlightedAction = 2;
+ resizeCorner = 2;
+ panel_click_distance_x = panel_size_x - mousepos_x + panel_pos_x;
+ panel_click_distance_y = mousepos_y - panel_pos_y;
+ panel_click_resizeorigin = panel_pos + eY * panel_size_y;
+ return;
+ }
+ // resize from bottomleft border
+ else if(mousepos_x >= panel_pos_x - border && mousepos_y >= panel_pos_y + 0.5 * panel_size_y && mousepos_x <= panel_pos_x + 0.5 * panel_size_x && mousepos_y <= panel_pos_y + panel_size_y + border)
+ {
+ highlightedPanel = i;
+ HUD_Panel_FirstInDrawQ(i);
+ highlightedAction = 2;
+ resizeCorner = 3;
+ panel_click_distance_x = mousepos_x - panel_pos_x;
+ panel_click_distance_y = panel_size_y - mousepos_y + panel_pos_y;
+ panel_click_resizeorigin = panel_pos + eX * panel_size_x;
+ return;
+ }
+ // resize from bottomright border
+ else if(mousepos_x >= panel_pos_x + 0.5 * panel_size_x && mousepos_y >= panel_pos_y + 0.5 * panel_size_y && mousepos_x <= panel_pos_x + panel_size_x + border && mousepos_y <= panel_pos_y + panel_size_y + border)
+ {
+ highlightedPanel = i;
+ HUD_Panel_FirstInDrawQ(i);
+ highlightedAction = 2;
+ resizeCorner = 4;
+ panel_click_distance = panel_size - mousepos + panel_pos;
+ panel_click_resizeorigin = panel_pos;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ highlightedPanel = -1;
+ highlightedAction = 0;
+void HUD_Panel_EnableMenu()
+ menu_enabled = 2;
+ menu_enabled_time = time;
+ HUD_Panel_GetName(highlightedPanel);
+ localcmd("menu_showhudoptions ", panel_name, "\n");
+float mouse_over_panel;
+void HUD_Panel_Mouse()
+ // TODO: needs better check... is there any float that contains the current state of the menu? _menu_alpha isn't apparently updated the frame the menu gets enabled
+ if (autocvar__menu_alpha == 0 && time - menu_enabled_time > 0.5)
+ menu_enabled = 0;
+ /*
+ print("menu_enabled: ", ftos(menu_enabled), "\n");
+ print("Highlighted: ", ftos(highlightedPanel), "\n");
+ print("Menu alpha: ", ftos(autocvar__menu_alpha), "\n");
+ */
+ // instantly hide the editor cursor if we open the HUDExit dialog
+ // as hud_fade_alpha doesn't decrease to 0 in this case
+ // TODO: find a way to fade the cursor out even in this case
+ if(menu_enabled == 1 || (menu_enabled == 2 && !hud_fade_alpha))
+ return;
+ mousepos = mousepos + getmousepos() * autocvar_menu_mouse_speed;
+ mousepos_x = bound(0, mousepos_x, vid_conwidth);
+ mousepos_y = bound(0, mousepos_y, vid_conheight);
+ if(mouseClicked)
+ {
+ if(prevMouseClicked == 0)
+ {
+ if (tab_panel != -1)
+ {
+ //stop ctrl-tab selection
+ tab_panel = -1;
+ reset_tab_panels();
+ }
+ HUD_Panel_Highlight(mouseClicked & S_MOUSE1); // sets highlightedPanel, highlightedAction, panel_click_distance, panel_click_resizeorigin
+ // and calls HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId() for the highlighted panel
+ if (highlightedPanel != -1)
+ {
+ highlightedPanel_initial_pos = panel_pos;
+ highlightedPanel_initial_size = panel_size;
+ }
+ // doubleclick check
+ if ((mouseClicked & S_MOUSE1) && time - prevMouseClickedTime < 0.4 && highlightedPanel != -1 && prevMouseClickedPos == mousepos)
+ {
+ mouseClicked = 0; // to prevent spam, I guess.
+ HUD_Panel_EnableMenu();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (mouseClicked & S_MOUSE1)
+ {
+ prevMouseClickedTime = time;
+ prevMouseClickedPos = mousepos;
+ }
+ mouse_over_panel = HUD_Panel_Check_Mouse_Pos(mouseClicked & S_MOUSE1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(highlightedPanel);
+ if (highlightedPanel != -1)
+ {
+ drawfill(panel_pos - '1 1 0' * panel_bg_border, panel_size + '2 2 0' * panel_bg_border, '1 1 1', .1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ if (highlightedPanel_initial_pos != panel_pos || highlightedPanel_initial_size != panel_size)
+ {
+ hud_configure_checkcollisions = (!(hudShiftState & S_CTRL) && autocvar_hud_configure_checkcollisions);
+ // backup!
+ panel_pos_backup = highlightedPanel_initial_pos;
+ panel_size_backup = highlightedPanel_initial_size;
+ highlightedPanel_backup = highlightedPanel;
+ }
+ else
+ // in case the clicked panel is inside another panel and we aren't
+ // moving it, avoid the immediate "fix" of its position/size
+ // (often unwanted and hateful) by disabling collisions check
+ hud_configure_checkcollisions = false;
+ }
+ if(highlightedAction == 1)
+ HUD_Panel_SetPos(mousepos - panel_click_distance);
+ else if(highlightedAction == 2)
+ {
+ vector mySize;
+ if(resizeCorner == 1) {
+ mySize_x = panel_click_resizeorigin_x - (mousepos_x - panel_click_distance_x);
+ mySize_y = panel_click_resizeorigin_y - (mousepos_y - panel_click_distance_y);
+ } else if(resizeCorner == 2) {
+ mySize_x = mousepos_x + panel_click_distance_x - panel_click_resizeorigin_x;
+ mySize_y = panel_click_distance_y + panel_click_resizeorigin_y - mousepos_y;
+ } else if(resizeCorner == 3) {
+ mySize_x = panel_click_resizeorigin_x + panel_click_distance_x - mousepos_x;
+ mySize_y = mousepos_y + panel_click_distance_y - panel_click_resizeorigin_y;
+ } else { // resizeCorner == 4
+ mySize_x = mousepos_x - (panel_click_resizeorigin_x - panel_click_distance_x);
+ mySize_y = mousepos_y - (panel_click_resizeorigin_y - panel_click_distance_y);
+ }
+ HUD_Panel_SetPosSize(mySize);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(menu_enabled == 2)
+ mouse_over_panel = 0;
+ else
+ mouse_over_panel = HUD_Panel_Check_Mouse_Pos(TRUE);
+ if (mouse_over_panel && tab_panel == -1)
+ drawfill(panel_pos - '1 1 0' * panel_bg_border, panel_size + '2 2 0' * panel_bg_border, '1 1 1', .1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ // draw cursor after performing move/resize to have the panel pos/size updated before mouse_over_panel
+ const vector cursorsize = '32 32 0';
+ if(!mouse_over_panel)
+ drawpic(mousepos, strcat("gfx/menu/", autocvar_menu_skin, "/cursor.tga"), cursorsize, '1 1 1', hud_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ else if(mouse_over_panel == 1)
+ drawpic(mousepos - cursorsize * 0.5, strcat("gfx/menu/", autocvar_menu_skin, "/cursor_move.tga"), cursorsize, '1 1 1', hud_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ else if(mouse_over_panel == 2)
+ drawpic(mousepos - cursorsize * 0.5, strcat("gfx/menu/", autocvar_menu_skin, "/cursor_resize.tga"), cursorsize, '1 1 1', hud_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ else
+ drawpic(mousepos - cursorsize * 0.5, strcat("gfx/menu/", autocvar_menu_skin, "/cursor_resize2.tga"), cursorsize, '1 1 1', hud_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ prevMouseClicked = mouseClicked;
+const float hlBorderSize = 4;
+const string hlBorder = "gfx/hud/default/border_highlighted";
+const string hlBorder2 = "gfx/hud/default/border_highlighted2";
+void HUD_Panel_HlBorder(float myBorder, vector color, float alpha)
+ drawfill(panel_pos - '1 1 0' * myBorder, panel_size + '2 2 0' * myBorder, '0 0.5 1', .5 * alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawpic_tiled(panel_pos - '1 1 0' * myBorder, hlBorder, '8 1 0' * hlBorderSize, eX * (panel_size_x + 2 * myBorder) + eY * hlBorderSize, color, alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawpic_tiled(panel_pos - '1 1 0' * myBorder + eY * (panel_size_y + 2 * myBorder - hlBorderSize), hlBorder, '8 1 0' * hlBorderSize, eX * (panel_size_x + 2 * myBorder) + eY * hlBorderSize, color, alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawpic_tiled(panel_pos - '1 1 0' * myBorder + eY * hlBorderSize, hlBorder2, '1 8 0' * hlBorderSize, eY * (panel_size_y + 2 * myBorder - 2 * hlBorderSize) + eX * hlBorderSize, color, alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawpic_tiled(panel_pos - '1 1 0' * myBorder + eY * hlBorderSize + eX * (panel_size_x + 2 * myBorder - hlBorderSize), hlBorder2, '1 8 0' * hlBorderSize, eY * (panel_size_y + 2 * myBorder - 2 * hlBorderSize) + eX * hlBorderSize, color, alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);