+ #include "hud.qh"
+ #include "_all.qh"
+ #include "hud_config.qh"
+#include "mapvoting.qh"
#include "scoreboard.qh"
+ #include "sortlist.qh"
#include "teamradar.qh"
+ #include "t_items.qh"
++#include "../dpdefs/keycodes.qh"
#include "../common/buffs.qh"
+ #include "../common/constants.qh"
#include "../common/counting.qh"
+ #include "../common/deathtypes.qh"
#include "../common/mapinfo.qh"
#include "../common/nades.qh"
- #include "../server/t_items.qh"
+ #include "../common/stats.qh"
+ #include "../csqcmodellib/cl_player.qh"
+ #include "../warpzonelib/mathlib.qh"
+ if ( hud_panel_radar_temp_hidden )
+ return;
float f = 0;
for(tm = world; (tm = find(tm, classname, "radarlink")); )
draw_teamradar_link(tm.origin, tm.velocity, tm.team);
+ vector coord;
+ vector brightcolor;
for(tm = world; (tm = findflags(tm, teamradar_icon, 0xFFFFFF)); )
+ {
+ if ( hud_panel_radar_mouse )
+ if ( tm.health > 0 )
+ if ( tm.team == myteam+1 )
+ {
+ coord = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(teamradar_3dcoord_to_texcoord(tm.origin));
+ if ( vlen(mousepos-coord) < 8 )
+ {
+ brightcolor_x = min(1,tm.teamradar_color_x*1.5);
+ brightcolor_y = min(1,tm.teamradar_color_y*1.5);
+ brightcolor_z = min(1,tm.teamradar_color_z*1.5);
+ drawpic(coord - '8 8 0', "gfx/teamradar_icon_glow", '16 16 0', brightcolor, panel_fg_alpha, 0);
+ }
+ }
draw_teamradar_icon(tm.origin, tm.teamradar_icon, tm, tm.teamradar_color, panel_fg_alpha);
+ }
for(tm = world; (tm = find(tm, classname, "entcs_receiver")); )
color2 = GetPlayerColor(tm.sv_entnum);
draw_teamradar_player(view_origin, view_angles, '1 1 1');
+ if ( hud_panel_radar_mouse )
+ {
+ string message = "Click to select teleport destination";
+ if ( getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= 0 )
+ {
+ message = "Click to select spawn location";
+ }
+ drawcolorcodedstring(pos + '0.5 0 0' * (mySize_x - stringwidth(message, true, hud_fontsize)) - '0 1 0' * hud_fontsize_y * 2,
+ message, hud_fontsize, hud_panel_radar_foreground_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ hud_panel_radar_bottom = pos_y + mySize_y + hud_fontsize_y;
+ }
// Score (#7)
hud_fade_alpha = 1 - autocvar__menu_alpha;
- if(scoreboard_fade_alpha)
+ if ( HUD_Radar_Clickable() )
+ {
+ if (hud_panel_radar_bottom >= 0.96 * vid_conheight)
+ return;
+ panel_pos = eY * hud_panel_radar_bottom + eX * 0.5 * (vid_conwidth - panel_size_x);
+ panel_size_y = min(panel_size_y, vid_conheight - hud_panel_radar_bottom);
+ }
+ else if(scoreboard_fade_alpha)
hud_fade_alpha = hud_fade_alpha_save;
int panel_order[HUD_PANEL_MAX];
string hud_panelorder_prev;
-float hud_draw_maximized;
-float hud_panel_radar_maximized;
-float chat_panel_modified;
-float radar_panel_modified;
+bool hud_draw_maximized;
+bool hud_panel_radar_maximized;
+bool hud_panel_radar_mouse;
+float hud_panel_radar_bottom;
+bool hud_panel_radar_temp_hidden;
+bool chat_panel_modified;
+bool radar_panel_modified;
+void HUD_Radar_Hide_Maximized();
+ void HUD_Reset (void);
+ void HUD_Main (void);
+ int vote_yescount;
+ int vote_nocount;
+ int vote_needed;
+ int vote_highlighted; // currently selected vote
+ int vote_active; // is there an active vote?
+ int vote_prev; // previous state of vote_active to check for a change
+ float vote_alpha;
+ float vote_change; // "time" when vote_active changed
vector mousepos;
vector panel_click_distance; // mouse cursor distance from the top left corner of the panel (saved only upon a click)
vector panel_click_resizeorigin; // coordinates for opposite point when resizing
--const int S_MOUSE1 = 1;
--const int S_MOUSE2 = 2;
--const int S_MOUSE3 = 4;
--int mouseClicked;
--int prevMouseClicked; // previous state
--float prevMouseClickedTime; // time during previous left mouse click, to check for doubleclicks
--vector prevMouseClickedPos; // pos during previous left mouse click, to check for doubleclicks
void HUD_Panel_EnableMenu();
entity tab_panels[HUD_PANEL_MAX];
entity tab_panel;
--- /dev/null
+ #ifndef HUD_CONFIG_H
+ #define HUD_CONFIG_H
+ void HUD_Panel_ExportCfg(string cfgname);
+ void HUD_Panel_Mouse();
+ void HUD_Configure_Frame();
+ void HUD_Configure_PostDraw();
+ float HUD_Panel_InputEvent(float bInputType, float nPrimary, float nSecondary);
++const int S_MOUSE1 = 1;
++const int S_MOUSE2 = 2;
++const int S_MOUSE3 = 4;
++int mouseClicked;
++int prevMouseClicked; // previous state
++float prevMouseClickedTime; // time during previous left mouse click, to check for doubleclicks
++vector prevMouseClickedPos; // pos during previous left mouse click, to check for doubleclicks
+ #endif
+ #include "main.qh"
+ #include "_all.qh"
+ #include "casings.qh"
+#include "controlpoint.qh"
+ #include "csqcmodel_hooks.qh"
+ #include "damage.qh"
+ #include "effects.qh"
+#include "generator.qh"
+ #include "gibs.qh"
+ #include "hook.qh"
+ #include "hud.qh"
+ #include "hud_config.qh"
+ #include "laser.qh"
#include "mapvoting.qh"
#include "modeleffects.qh"
#include "particles.qh"
#include "mapvoting.qh"
+ #include "_all.qh"
+ #include "hud.qh"
#include "scoreboard.qh"
-float mv_active;
+ #include "../common/mapinfo.qh"
+ #include "../common/util.qh"
+ #include "../dpdefs/keycodes.qh"
+ int mv_num_maps;
+ string mv_maps[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
+ string mv_pics[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
+ string mv_pk3[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; // map pk3 name or gametype human readable name
+ string mv_desc[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
+ float mv_preview[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
+ float mv_votes[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
+ float mv_flags[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
+ float mv_flags_start[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
+ entity mv_pk3list;
+ float mv_abstain;
+ float mv_ownvote;
+ float mv_detail;
+ float mv_timeout;
+ float mv_top2_time;
+ float mv_top2_alpha;
+ vector mv_mousepos;
+ int mv_selection;
+ int mv_columns;
+ int mv_mouse_selection;
+ int mv_selection_keyboard;
+ float gametypevote;
+ string mapvote_chosenmap;
+ vector gtv_text_size;
+ vector gtv_text_size_small;
+ const int NUM_SSDIRS = 4;
+ string ssdirs[NUM_SSDIRS];
+ int n_ssdirs;
string MapVote_FormatMapItem(int id, string map, float _count, float maxwidth, vector fontsize)
string pre, post;
void Ent_MapVote();
void Net_MapVote_Picture();
++float mv_active;
- hud_config.qc
- laser.qc
+ hud_config.qc
const int ENT_CLIENT_TURRET = 40;
const int ENT_CLIENT_VEHICLE = 60;
- const int ENT_CLIENT_GENERATOR = 61;
+ const int ENT_CLIENT_LADDER = 61;
+ const int ENT_CLIENT_TRIGGER_PUSH = 62;
+ const int ENT_CLIENT_TARGET_PUSH = 63;
+ const int ENT_CLIENT_CONVEYOR = 64;
+ const int ENT_CLIENT_DOOR = 65;
+ const int ENT_CLIENT_TRAIN = 66;
+ const int ENT_CLIENT_PLAT = 67;
+ const int ENT_CLIENT_SWAMP = 69;
+ const int ENT_CLIENT_CORNER = 70;
+ const int ENT_CLIENT_KEYLOCK = 71;
++const int ENT_CLIENT_GENERATOR = 72;
const int ENT_CLIENT_HEALING_ORB = 80;
const int STAT_PLASMA = 84;
const int STAT_OK_AMMO_CHARGE = 85;
- const int STAT_ROUNDLOST = 87;
- // 88 empty?
- // 89 empty?
+ const int STAT_FROZEN = 87;
+ const int STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS = 88;
-// 89 empty?
++const int STAT_ROUNDLOST = 89;
// 90 empty?
// 91 empty?
// 92 empty?
--- /dev/null
+ #ifndef TRIGGERS_H
+ #define TRIGGERS_H
+ const float SF_TRIGGER_INIT = 1;
+ const float SF_TRIGGER_UPDATE = 2;
+ const float SF_TRIGGER_RESET = 4;
+ const float SPAWNFLAG_NOMESSAGE = 1;
+ const float SPAWNFLAG_NOTOUCH = 1;
+ .void() trigger_touch;
+ .float antiwall_flag; // Variable to define what to do with func_clientwall
+ // 0 == do nothing, 1 == deactivate, 2 == activate
+ .float height;
+ .float nottargeted;
+ #define IFTARGETED if(!self.nottargeted && self.targetname != "")
+ .float lip;
+ // used elsewhere (will fix)
+ #ifdef SVQC
+ void trigger_common_write(bool withtarget);
+ string trigger_magicear_processmessage_forallears(entity source, float teamsay, entity privatesay, string msgin);
+ void target_voicescript_next(entity pl);
+ void target_voicescript_clear(entity pl);
+ #endif
+ .float volume, atten;
+ .vector dest;
++void FixSize(entity e);
+ #ifdef CSQC
+ void trigger_common_read(bool withtarget);
+ void trigger_remove_generic();
+ .float active;
+ .string target;
+ .string targetname;
+ const int ACTIVE_NOT = 0;
+ const int ACTIVE_ACTIVE = 1;
+ const int ACTIVE_IDLE = 2;
+ const int ACTIVE_BUSY = 2;
+ const int ACTIVE_TOGGLE = 3;
+ #endif
+ #endif
float autocvar_g_nexball_delay_start;
float autocvar_g_nexball_football_bouncefactor;
float autocvar_g_nexball_football_bouncestop;
- float autocvar_g_nexball_goalleadlimit;
+ int autocvar_g_nexball_goalleadlimit;
#define autocvar_g_nexball_goallimit cvar("g_nexball_goallimit")
- float autocvar_g_nexball_radar_showallplayers;
- float autocvar_g_nexball_sound_bounce;
- float autocvar_g_nexball_trail_color;
+ bool autocvar_g_nexball_radar_showallplayers;
+ bool autocvar_g_nexball_sound_bounce;
+ int autocvar_g_nexball_trail_color;
//float autocvar_g_nick_flood_penalty;
- float autocvar_g_nick_flood_penalty_red;
- float autocvar_g_nick_flood_penalty_yellow;
+ int autocvar_g_nick_flood_penalty_red;
+ int autocvar_g_nick_flood_penalty_yellow;
//float autocvar_g_nick_flood_timeout;
- float autocvar_g_nix_with_healtharmor;
- float autocvar_g_nix_with_blaster;
- float autocvar_g_nix_with_powerups;
- float autocvar_g_nodepthtestitems;
- float autocvar_g_nodepthtestplayers;
- float autocvar_g_norecoil;
- float autocvar_g_pickup_cells_max;
- float autocvar_g_pickup_plasma_max;
- float autocvar_g_pickup_fuel_max;
- float autocvar_g_pickup_items;
- float autocvar_g_pickup_nails_max;
- float autocvar_g_pickup_rockets_max;
- float autocvar_g_pickup_shells_max;
+ bool autocvar_g_nix_with_healtharmor;
+ bool autocvar_g_nix_with_blaster;
+ bool autocvar_g_nix_with_powerups;
+ bool autocvar_g_nodepthtestitems;
+ bool autocvar_g_nodepthtestplayers;
+ bool autocvar_g_norecoil;
-float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_buildhealth;
-float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_buildtime;
-float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_health;
-float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_regen;
-float autocvar_g_onslaught_gen_health;
+ int autocvar_g_pickup_cells_max;
+ int autocvar_g_pickup_plasma_max;
+ int autocvar_g_pickup_fuel_max;
+ int autocvar_g_pickup_items;
+ int autocvar_g_pickup_nails_max;
+ int autocvar_g_pickup_rockets_max;
+ int autocvar_g_pickup_shells_max;
float autocvar_g_player_alpha;
float autocvar_g_player_brightness;
- float autocvar_g_playerclip_collisions;
- float autocvar_g_powerups;
- float autocvar_g_projectiles_damage;
- float autocvar_g_projectiles_keep_owner;
- float autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style;
+ bool autocvar_g_playerclip_collisions;
+ int autocvar_g_powerups;
+ int autocvar_g_projectiles_damage;
+ bool autocvar_g_projectiles_keep_owner;
+ int autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style;
float autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style_2_maxfactor;
float autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style_2_minfactor;
- float autocvar_g_projectiles_spread_style;
+ int autocvar_g_projectiles_spread_style;
#define autocvar_g_race_laps_limit cvar("g_race_laps_limit")
float autocvar_g_race_qualifying_timelimit;
float autocvar_g_race_qualifying_timelimit_override;
float autocvar_g_overkill_ammo_charge_notice;
float autocvar_g_overkill_ammo_charge_limit;
float autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_distance;
- float autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint;
+ bool autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint;
float autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_delay;
float autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_delay_death;
- float autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_check_health;
- float autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_closetodeath;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_debug;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_teleport_wait;
- float autocvar_g_onslaught_spawn_at_controlpoints;
- var float autocvar_g_onslaught_spawn_at_controlpoints_chance = 0.5;
++bool autocvar_g_onslaught_spawn_at_controlpoints;
++bool autocvar_g_onslaught_spawn_at_generator;
++float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_proxydecap;
++float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_proxydecap_distance = 512;
++float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_proxydecap_dps = 100;
++float autocvar_g_onslaught_spawn_at_controlpoints_chance = 0.5;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_spawn_at_controlpoints_random;
- float autocvar_g_onslaught_spawn_at_generator;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_spawn_at_generator_chance;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_spawn_at_generator_random;
- float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_proxydecap;
- var float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_proxydecap_distance = 512;
- var float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_proxydecap_dps = 100;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_buildhealth;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_buildtime;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_health;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_regen;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_gen_health;
- var float autocvar_g_onslaught_shield_force = 100;
++float autocvar_g_onslaught_shield_force = 100;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_allow_vehicle_touch;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_round_timelimit;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_point_limit;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_warmup;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_teleport_radius;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_spawn_choose;
+float autocvar_g_onslaught_click_radius;
+ int autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_check_health;
+ bool autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_closetodeath;
+ bool autocvar_g_physics_clientselect;
+ string autocvar_g_physics_clientselect_options;
+ string autocvar_g_physics_clientselect_default;
float autocvar_g_buffs_waypoint_distance;
- float autocvar_g_buffs_randomize;
+ bool autocvar_g_buffs_randomize;
float autocvar_g_buffs_random_lifetime;
- float autocvar_g_buffs_random_location;
- float autocvar_g_buffs_random_location_attempts;
- float autocvar_g_buffs_spawn_count;
- float autocvar_g_buffs_replace_powerups;
+ bool autocvar_g_buffs_random_location;
+ int autocvar_g_buffs_random_location_attempts;
+ int autocvar_g_buffs_spawn_count;
+ bool autocvar_g_buffs_replace_powerups;
float autocvar_g_buffs_cooldown_activate;
float autocvar_g_buffs_cooldown_respawn;
float autocvar_g_buffs_resistance_blockpercent;
+++ /dev/null
-#include "../../_all.qh"
-#include "havocbot.qh"
-#include "../bot.qh"
-#include "../navigation.qh"
-#include "../waypoints.qh"
-#include "../../mutators/mutators_include.qh"
-#include "../../../common/teams.qh"
--const int HAVOCBOT_ONS_ROLE_NONE = 0;
--.int havocbot_role_flags;
--.float havocbot_attack_time;
--.void() havocbot_role;
--.void() havocbot_previous_role;
--void() havocbot_role_ons_defense;
--void() havocbot_role_ons_offense;
--void() havocbot_role_ons_assistant;
--void(entity bot) havocbot_ons_reset_role;
--void(float ratingscale, vector org, float sradius) havocbot_goalrating_items;
--void(float ratingscale, vector org, float sradius) havocbot_goalrating_enemyplayers;
--.float isshielded;
--.float iscaptured;
--.float islinked;
--.float isgenneighbor_blue, iscpneighbor_blue;
--.float isgenneighbor_red, iscpneighbor_red;
--.entity havocbot_ons_target;
--void havocbot_goalrating_ons_offenseitems(float ratingscale, vector org, float sradius)
-- entity head;
-- float t, i, c, needarmor = false, needweapons = false;
-- // Needs armor/health?
-- if(self.health<100)
-- needarmor = true;
-- // Needs weapons?
-- c = 0;
-- for(i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST ; ++i)
-- {
-- // Find weapon
-- if(self.weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(i))
-- if(++c>=4)
-- break;
-- }
-- if(c<4)
-- needweapons = true;
-- if(!needweapons && !needarmor)
-- return;
--// dprint(self.netname, " needs weapons ", ftos(needweapons) , "\n");
--// dprint(self.netname, " needs armor ", ftos(needarmor) , "\n");
-- // See what is around
-- head = findchainfloat(bot_pickup, true);
-- while (head)
-- {
-- // gather health and armor only
-- if (head.solid)
-- if ( ((head.health || head.armorvalue) && needarmor) || (head.weapons && needweapons ) )
-- if (vlen(head.origin - org) < sradius)
-- {
-- t = head.bot_pickupevalfunc(self, head);
-- if (t > 0)
-- navigation_routerating(head, t * ratingscale, 500);
-- }
-- head = head.chain;
-- }
--void havocbot_role_ons_setrole(entity bot, float role)
-- dprint(strcat(bot.netname," switched to "));
-- switch(role)
-- {
-- dprint("defense");
-- bot.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_ons_defense;
-- bot.havocbot_role_flags = HAVOCBOT_ONS_ROLE_DEFENSE;
-- bot.havocbot_role_timeout = 0;
-- break;
-- dprint("assistant");
-- bot.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_ons_assistant;
-- bot.havocbot_role_flags = HAVOCBOT_ONS_ROLE_ASSISTANT;
-- bot.havocbot_role_timeout = 0;
-- break;
-- dprint("offense");
-- bot.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_ons_offense;
-- bot.havocbot_role_flags = HAVOCBOT_ONS_ROLE_OFFENSE;
-- bot.havocbot_role_timeout = 0;
-- break;
-- }
-- dprint("\n");
--float havocbot_ons_teamcount(entity bot, int role)
-- float c = 0;
-- entity head;
-- if(head.team==self.team)
-- if(head.havocbot_role_flags & role)
-- ++c;
-- return c;
--void havocbot_goalrating_ons_controlpoints_attack(float ratingscale)
-- entity cp, cp1, cp2, best, pl, wp;
-- float radius, found, bestvalue, c;
-- cp1 = cp2 = findchain(classname, "onslaught_controlpoint");
-- // Filter control points
-- for (; cp2; cp2 = cp2.chain)
-- {
-- cp2.wpcost = c = 0;
-- cp2.wpconsidered = false;
-- if(cp2.isshielded)
-- continue;
-- // Ignore owned controlpoints
-- if(self.team == NUM_TEAM_1)
-- {
-- if( (cp2.isgenneighbor_blue || cp2.iscpneighbor_blue) && !(cp2.isgenneighbor_red || cp2.iscpneighbor_red) )
-- continue;
-- }
-- else if(self.team == NUM_TEAM_2)
-- {
-- if( (cp2.isgenneighbor_red || cp2.iscpneighbor_red) && !(cp2.isgenneighbor_blue || cp2.iscpneighbor_blue) )
-- continue;
-- }
-- // Count team mates interested in this control point
-- // (easier and cleaner than keeping counters per cp and teams)
-- if(pl.team==self.team)
-- if(pl.havocbot_role_flags & HAVOCBOT_ONS_ROLE_OFFENSE)
-- if(pl.havocbot_ons_target==cp2)
-- ++c;
-- // NOTE: probably decrease the cost of attackable control points
-- cp2.wpcost = c;
-- cp2.wpconsidered = true;
-- }
-- // We'll consider only the best case
-- bestvalue = 99999999999;
-- cp = world;
-- for (; cp1; cp1 = cp1.chain)
-- {
-- if (!cp1.wpconsidered)
-- continue;
-- if(cp1.wpcost<bestvalue)
-- {
-- bestvalue = cp1.wpcost;
-- cp = cp1;
-- self.havocbot_ons_target = cp1;
-- }
-- }
-- if (!cp)
-- return;
--// dprint(self.netname, " chose cp ranked ", ftos(bestvalue), "\n");
-- if(cp.goalentity)
-- {
-- // Should be attacked
-- // Rate waypoints near it
-- found = false;
-- best = world;
-- bestvalue = 99999999999;
-- for(radius=0; radius<1000 && !found; radius+=500)
-- {
-- for(wp=findradius(cp.origin,radius); wp; wp=wp.chain)
-- {
-- if(!(wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED))
-- if(wp.classname=="waypoint")
-- if(checkpvs(wp.origin,cp))
-- {
-- found = true;
-- if(wp.cnt<bestvalue)
-- {
-- best = wp;
-- bestvalue = wp.cnt;
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- if(best)
-- {
-- navigation_routerating(best, ratingscale, 10000);
-- best.cnt += 1;
-- self.havocbot_attack_time = 0;
-- if(checkpvs(self.view_ofs,cp))
-- if(checkpvs(self.view_ofs,best))
-- self.havocbot_attack_time = time + 2;
-- }
-- else
-- {
-- navigation_routerating(cp, ratingscale, 10000);
-- }
-- // dprint(self.netname, " found an attackable controlpoint at ", vtos(cp.origin) ,"\n");
-- }
-- else
-- {
-- // Should be touched
-- // dprint(self.netname, " found a touchable controlpoint at ", vtos(cp.origin) ,"\n");
-- found = false;
-- // Look for auto generated waypoint
-- if (!bot_waypoints_for_items)
-- for (wp = findradius(cp.origin,100); wp; wp = wp.chain)
-- {
-- if(wp.classname=="waypoint")
-- {
-- navigation_routerating(wp, ratingscale, 10000);
-- found = true;
-- }
-- }
-- // Nothing found, rate the controlpoint itself
-- if (!found)
-- navigation_routerating(cp, ratingscale, 10000);
-- }
--float havocbot_goalrating_ons_generator_attack(float ratingscale)
-- entity g, wp, bestwp;
-- float found, best;
-- for (g = findchain(classname, "onslaught_generator"); g; g = g.chain)
-- {
-- if(g.team == self.team || g.isshielded)
-- continue;
-- // Should be attacked
-- // Rate waypoints near it
-- found = false;
-- bestwp = world;
-- best = 99999999999;
-- for(wp=findradius(g.origin,400); wp; wp=wp.chain)
-- {
-- if(wp.classname=="waypoint")
-- if(checkpvs(wp.origin,g))
-- {
-- found = true;
-- if(wp.cnt<best)
-- {
-- bestwp = wp;
-- best = wp.cnt;
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- if(bestwp)
-- {
-- // dprint("waypoints found around generator\n");
-- navigation_routerating(bestwp, ratingscale, 10000);
-- bestwp.cnt += 1;
-- self.havocbot_attack_time = 0;
-- if(checkpvs(self.view_ofs,g))
-- if(checkpvs(self.view_ofs,bestwp))
-- self.havocbot_attack_time = time + 5;
-- return true;
-- }
-- else
-- {
-- // dprint("generator found without waypoints around\n");
-- // if there aren't waypoints near the generator go straight to it
-- navigation_routerating(g, ratingscale, 10000);
-- self.havocbot_attack_time = 0;
-- return true;
-- }
-- }
-- return false;
--void havocbot_role_ons_offense()
-- if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
-- {
-- self.havocbot_attack_time = 0;
-- havocbot_ons_reset_role(self);
-- return;
-- }
-- // Set the role timeout if necessary
-- if (!self.havocbot_role_timeout)
-- self.havocbot_role_timeout = time + 120;
-- if (time > self.havocbot_role_timeout)
-- {
-- havocbot_ons_reset_role(self);
-- return;
-- }
-- if(self.havocbot_attack_time>time)
-- return;
-- if (self.bot_strategytime < time)
-- {
-- navigation_goalrating_start();
-- havocbot_goalrating_enemyplayers(20000, self.origin, 650);
-- if(!havocbot_goalrating_ons_generator_attack(20000))
-- havocbot_goalrating_ons_controlpoints_attack(20000);
-- havocbot_goalrating_ons_offenseitems(10000, self.origin, 10000);
-- navigation_goalrating_end();
-- self.bot_strategytime = time + autocvar_bot_ai_strategyinterval;
-- }
--void havocbot_role_ons_assistant()
-- havocbot_ons_reset_role(self);
--void havocbot_role_ons_defense()
-- havocbot_ons_reset_role(self);
--void havocbot_ons_reset_role(entity bot)
-- entity head;
-- float c;
-- if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
-- return;
-- bot.havocbot_ons_target = world;
-- // TODO: Defend control points or generator if necessary
-- // if there is only me on the team switch to offense
-- c = 0;
-- if(head.team==self.team)
-- ++c;
-- if(c==1)
-- {
-- havocbot_role_ons_setrole(bot, HAVOCBOT_ONS_ROLE_OFFENSE);
-- return;
-- }
-- havocbot_role_ons_setrole(bot, HAVOCBOT_ONS_ROLE_OFFENSE);
--void havocbot_chooserole_ons()
-- havocbot_ons_reset_role(self);
-#include "role_onslaught.qh"
+ #include "../../_all.qh"
+ #include "havocbot.qh"
+ #include "role_keyhunt.qh"
+ #include "../bot.qh"
+ #include "../navigation.qh"
.float max_armorvalue;
.float havocbot_role_timeout;
.float uncustomizeentityforclient_set;
.float nottargeted;
-vector randompos(vector m1, vector m2);
+ entity eliminatedPlayers;
+ void EliminatedPlayers_Init(float(entity) isEliminated_func);
+ string admin_name(void);
+ void write_recordmarker(entity pl, float tstart, float dt);
+ void play2all(string samp);
+ void DistributeEvenly_Init(float amount, float totalweight);
+ float DistributeEvenly_Get(float weight);
+ void modeleffect_spawn(string m, float s, float f, vector o, vector v, vector ang, vector angv, float s0, float s2, float a, float t1, float t2);
+ void shockwave_spawn(string m, vector org, float sz, float t1, float t2);
+ void play2team(float t, string filename);
+ void GetCvars_handleFloat(string thisname, float f, .float field, string name);
+ float spamsound(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float _atten);
+ void GetCvars_handleString(string thisname, float f, .string field, string name);
+ void precache_all_playermodels(string pattern);
+ void soundat(entity e, vector o, float chan, string samp, float vol, float _atten);
+ void defer(float fdelay, void() func);
+ void UncustomizeEntitiesRun();
+ void InitializeEntitiesRun();
+ void stopsoundto(float _dest, entity e, float chan);
+ void soundtoat(float _dest, entity e, vector o, float chan, string samp, float vol, float _atten);
+ float ExponentialFalloff(float mindist, float maxdist, float halflifedist, float d);
+ vector shotorg_adjust(vector vecs, float y_is_right, float visual);
float DistributeEvenly_amount;
float DistributeEvenly_totalweight;
+ #include "../_all.qh"
+ #include "gamemode.qh"
+#include "../controlpoint.qh"
+#include "../generator.qh"
-float autocvar_g_onslaught_spawn_at_controlpoints;
-float autocvar_g_onslaught_spawn_at_generator;
-float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_proxydecap;
-float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_proxydecap_distance = 512;
-float autocvar_g_onslaught_cp_proxydecap_dps = 100;
++vector randompos(vector m1, vector m2)
++ vector v;
++ m2 = m2 - m1;
++ v_x = m2_x * random() + m1_x;
++ v_y = m2_y * random() + m1_y;
++ v_z = m2_z * random() + m1_z;
++ return v;
-void onslaught_generator_updatesprite(entity e);
-void onslaught_controlpoint_updatesprite(entity e);
-void onslaught_link_checkupdate();
+// =======================
+// CaptureShield Functions
+// =======================
-.entity sprite;
-.string target2;
-.float iscaptured;
-.float islinked;
-.float isgenneighbor_red;
-.float isgenneighbor_blue;
-.float iscpneighbor_red;
-.float iscpneighbor_blue;
-.float isshielded;
-.float lasthealth;
-.float lastteam;
-.float lastshielded;
-.float lastcaptured;
+bool ons_CaptureShield_Customize()
+ entity e = WaypointSprite_getviewentity(other);
-entity ons_red_generator;
-entity ons_blue_generator;
+ if(!self.enemy.isshielded && (ons_ControlPoint_Attackable(self.enemy, e.team) > 0 || self.enemy.classname != "onslaught_controlpoint")) { return false; }
+ if(SAME_TEAM(self, e)) { return false; }
-void ons_gib_damage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, int deathtype, vector hitloc, vector vforce)
- self.velocity = self.velocity + vforce;
+ return true;
-.float giblifetime;
-void ons_throwgib_think()
+void ons_CaptureShield_Touch()
- float d;
+ if(!self.enemy.isshielded && (ons_ControlPoint_Attackable(self.enemy, other.team) > 0 || self.enemy.classname != "onslaught_controlpoint")) { return; }
+ if(!IS_PLAYER(other)) { return; }
+ if(SAME_TEAM(other, self)) { return; }
- self.nextthink = time + 0.05;
+ vector mymid = (self.absmin + self.absmax) * 0.5;
+ vector othermid = (other.absmin + other.absmax) * 0.5;
- d = self.giblifetime - time;
+ Damage(other, self, self, 0, DEATH_HURTTRIGGER, mymid, normalize(othermid - mymid) * ons_captureshield_force);
- if(d<0)
+ if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(other))
- self.think = SUB_Remove;
- return;
+ play2(other, "onslaught/damageblockedbyshield.wav");
+ if(self.enemy.classname == "onslaught_generator")
+ else
- if(d<1)
- self.alpha = d;
- if(d>2)
- if(random()<0.6)
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum("onslaught_generator_gib_flame"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+void ons_CaptureShield_Reset()
+ self.colormap = self.enemy.colormap;
+ self.team = self.enemy.team;
-void ons_throwgib(vector v_from, vector v_to, string smodel, float f_lifetime, float b_burn)
+void ons_CaptureShield_Spawn(entity generator, bool is_generator)
- entity gib;
+ entity shield = spawn();
+ shield.enemy = generator;
+ shield.team = generator.team;
+ shield.colormap = generator.colormap;
+ shield.reset = ons_CaptureShield_Reset;
+ shield.touch = ons_CaptureShield_Touch;
+ shield.customizeentityforclient = ons_CaptureShield_Customize;
+ shield.classname = "ons_captureshield";
+ shield.effects = EF_ADDITIVE;
+ shield.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
+ shield.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
+ shield.avelocity = '7 0 11';
+ shield.scale = 1;
+ shield.model = ((is_generator) ? "models/onslaught/generator_shield.md3" : "models/onslaught/controlpoint_shield.md3");
+ precache_model(shield.model);
+ setorigin(shield, generator.origin);
+ setmodel(shield, shield.model);
+ setsize(shield, shield.scale * shield.mins, shield.scale * shield.maxs);
- gib = spawn();
- setmodel(gib, smodel);
- setorigin(gib, v_from);
- gib.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
- gib.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
- gib.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
- gib.event_damage = ons_gib_damage;
- gib.health = -1;
- gib.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION;
- gib.flags = FL_NOTARGET;
- gib.velocity = v_to;
- gib.giblifetime = time + f_lifetime;
+// ==========
+// Junk Pile
+// ==========
- if (b_burn)
+void ons_debug(string input)
+ switch(autocvar_g_onslaught_debug)
- gib.think = ons_throwgib_think;
- gib.nextthink = time + 0.05;
+ case 1: dprint(input); break;
+ case 2: print(input); break;
- else
- SUB_SetFade(gib, gib.giblifetime, 2);
- void FixSize(entity e)
- {
- e.mins_x = rint(e.mins_x);
- e.mins_y = rint(e.mins_y);
- e.mins_z = rint(e.mins_z);
- e.maxs_x = rint(e.maxs_x);
- e.maxs_y = rint(e.maxs_y);
- e.maxs_z = rint(e.maxs_z);
- }
- vector randompos(vector m1, vector m2)
- {
- vector v;
- m2 = m2 - m1;
- v_x = m2_x * random() + m1_x;
- v_y = m2_y * random() + m1_y;
- v_z = m2_z * random() + m1_z;
- return v;
- }
+void setmodel_fixsize(entity e, string m)
+ setmodel(e, m);
+ FixSize(e);
void onslaught_updatelinks()
--- /dev/null
- #define CPGEN_SPAWN_OFFSET ('0 0 1' * (PL_MAX_z - 13))
+// these are needed since mutators are compiled last
+#ifdef SVQC
+.entity ons_toucher; // player who touched the control point
+// control point / generator constants
+const float ONS_CP_THINKRATE = 0.2;
+const float GEN_THINKRATE = 1;
++#define CPGEN_SPAWN_OFFSET ('0 0 1' * (PL_MAX_CONST.z - 13))
+const vector CPGEN_WAYPOINT_OFFSET = ('0 0 128');
+const vector CPICON_OFFSET = ('0 0 96');
+// list of generators on the map
+entity ons_worldgeneratorlist;
+.entity ons_worldgeneratornext;
+.entity ons_stalegeneratornext;
+// list of control points on the map
+entity ons_worldcplist;
+.entity ons_worldcpnext;
+.entity ons_stalecpnext;
+// list of links on the map
+entity ons_worldlinklist;
+.entity ons_worldlinknext;
+.entity ons_stalelinknext;
+// definitions
+.entity sprite;
+.string target2;
+.int iscaptured;
+.int islinked;
+.int isshielded;
+.float lasthealth;
+.int lastteam;
+.int lastshielded;
+.int lastcaptured;
+.bool waslinked;
+bool ons_stalemate;
+.float teleport_antispam;
+.bool ons_roundlost;
+// waypoint sprites
+.entity bot_basewaypoint; // generator waypointsprite
+.bool isgenneighbor[17];
+.bool iscpneighbor[17];
+float ons_notification_time[17];
+.float ons_overtime_damagedelay;
+.vector ons_deathloc;
+.entity ons_spawn_by;
+// declarations for functions used outside gamemode_onslaught.qc
+void ons_Generator_UpdateSprite(entity e);
+void ons_ControlPoint_UpdateSprite(entity e);
+bool ons_ControlPoint_Attackable(entity cp, int teamnumber);
+// CaptureShield: Prevent capturing or destroying control point/generator if it is not available yet
+float ons_captureshield_force; // push force of the shield
+// bot player logic
+const int HAVOCBOT_ONS_ROLE_NONE = 0;
+.entity havocbot_ons_target;
+.int havocbot_role_flags;
+.float havocbot_attack_time;
+void havocbot_role_ons_defense();
+void havocbot_role_ons_offense();
+void havocbot_role_ons_assistant();
+void havocbot_ons_reset_role(entity bot);
+void havocbot_goalrating_items(float ratingscale, vector org, float sradius);
+void havocbot_goalrating_enemyplayers(float ratingscale, vector org, float sradius);
+// score rule declarations
+const int ST_ONS_CAPS = 1;
+const int SP_ONS_CAPS = 4;
+const int SP_ONS_TAKES = 6;
- cl_physics.qc
- // ctf.qc
- // domination.qc
- func_breakable.qc
- g_triggers.qc
- t_jumppads.qc
- t_plats.qc
- t_swamp.qc
- t_teleporters.qc
+ bot/aim.qc
+ bot/navigation.qc
+ bot/scripting.qc
+ bot/waypoints.qc
- command/banning.qc
- command/cmd.qc
- command/common.qc
- command/getreplies.qc
- command/radarmap.qc
- command/sv_cmd.qc
- command/vote.qc
+ bot/havocbot/havocbot.qc
+ bot/havocbot/role_keyhunt.qc
+ bot/havocbot/roles.qc
+ command/all.qc