# changes.diff which tries to list all code changes
# since common ancestor with master branch.
-# All .cfg files which have been edited.
+# All .cfg files which have been edited
+# since the last stable release.
-# The pk3 is moved to Downloads directory for
-# easy sharing and house keeping. If the user
-# has set their xdg directories' DOWNLOAD dir
-# then it'll be respected. Second option is
-# ~/Downloads directory. If neither of those
-# exists then it's left in the current working
-# directory, the root of xonotic-data.pk3dir
+# The pk3 is moved to Downloads directory for easy
+# sharing and house keeping. If the user has set
+# their xdg directories' DOWNLOAD dir then it'll
+# be respected. Second option is ~/Downloads
+# directory. If neither of those exists then
+# it's left in the script's current working
+# directory, the root of xonotic-data.pk3dir
cp -v "$PWD/progs.dat" "progs-$HASH.dat"
printf "%s\n" "$HASH" > progs.txt
-# find list of edited cfg files
-# changes of this branch from master
-EDITEDCFGS="$(git diff --name-status master...HEAD | grep "\.cfg$" | cut -d "$(printf '\t')" -f 2)"
-# include configs which have been outdated by a change in master
-EDITEDCFGS="$EDITEDCFGS $(git diff --name-status HEAD...master | grep "\.cfg$" | cut -d "$(printf '\t')" -f 2)"
+# find list of edited cfg files since last stable release
+# this doesn't handle deleted files and they will not be overridden. FIXME?
+EDITEDCFGS="$(git diff --name-status -w "$(git tag | tail -n 1)" | grep "\.cfg$" | cut -d "$(printf '\t')" -f 2)"
# try to include list of all changes in the package
if [ "$BRANCH" = "headless" ]