//sv_gravity 800 // for low gravity, set this somewhere between 50 and 400
// select AT MOST one of these arena mutators (if you didn't select g_minstagib)
-//g_nixnex 0 // set to 1 for No Items Xonotic
-//g_nixnex_with_laser 0 // set to 1 to always give players the laser in NixNex
+//g_nix is "0" ["0"] No Items Xonotic - instead of pickup items, everyone plays with the same weapon. After some time, a countdown will start, after which everyone will switch to another weapon, and so on
+//g_nix_with_healtharmor is "0" ["0"] when 1, health and armor still show up in NIX
+//g_nix_with_laser is "0" ["0"] always carry the laser as an additional weapon in NIX
+//g_nix_with_powerups is "0" ["0"] when 1, powerups still show up in NIX