+++ /dev/null
-Compiling In Windows
-**This guide has been replaced by a shorter alternative.** This guide should still work, and get you a standalone MinGW/MSYS environment with access to msysgit. The new method only makes use of msysgit and is therefore easier and faster to set up. See the [Repository Access](https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic/wikis/Repository_Access#windows) page.
-This is an unofficial updated version of the outdated [Compiling in Windows](Outdated_Compiling_in_Windows) page. There are no more automated tools in this version of the guide.
-You will need about 10 gigabytes of disk space to keep the sources (the uncompressed texture files are quite large and git keeps a backup copy, doubling the actual size of the sources).
-Step 1: installing the prerequisites
-To compile and run Xonotic in Windows, you will need to download the following. Do not install anything yet, this is covered in the next section.
-- The latest version of [MinGW](http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/). At the time of writing this guide, mingw provides an installer (mingw-get-inst). More up-to-date information on how to get MinGW can be found on http://mingw.org
-- [msysgit](https://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list). Make sure you get the latest **full installer for official Git** (not the self-contained packages). At the time of writing this, the latest installer is called Git-1.7.11-preview20120710.exe.
-### Installing MinGW
-These instructions apply to mingw-get-inst. Run the installer. When setting up the path, if you do not pick the default, make at least sure that the installation path you choose contains no space in it. Thus, Program Files is out of question.
-When you reach the “select components” section, you need to check “MSYS Basic System” (**not** “MinGW Developer Toolkit”). You will also need the C compiler, which should be selected by default.
-When the setup is complete, you will get a “MinGW Shell” in your start menu. This is a Unix-like shell that you will soon use to manage and compile the Xonotic source files. It will also be used to launch the game.
-### Installing msysgit
-Run the installer.
-At the component selection screen (screenshot), uncheck the “Associate .sh files” option.
-Windows Explorer Integration can also optionnally be unselected — it is only useful if you plan on contributing and do not like using git purely from the command line to do so.
-When you get to the PATH adjusting screen (screenshot), you need to select the second option (Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt).
-This ensures that git can be run from the MinGW shell, as we will not use the shell that comes with msysgit for this.
-Finally, in the line ending screen (screenshot), keep the first option selected unless you know what you’re doing.
-### Installing the dependencies in MinGW
-Xonotic requires a few more packages in MinGW that are not provided by default. Installing them is quite simple, just open a MinGW Shell and type the following line:
- mingw-get install msys-wget msys-unzip mingw32-libiconv mingw32-libintl msys-libopenssl
-You can paste text in the shell by right-clicking the title bar and selecting *Edit* \> *Paste*. But be careful with this, mistakes can happen!
-To close a MinGW Shell, just type
- exit
-But keep this one open, we’re going to use it some more.
-Step 2: downloading the Xonotic source files
-In this step, we will clone the Xonotic git repositories inside MinGW’s install directory.
-In your MinGW Shell, type
- git clone git://git.xonotic.org/xonotic/xonotic.git
-This will clone the base repository, which contains a script called “`all`” that will manage the subrepositories. I will call this script `./all` to avoid confusion, as this is how we will be using it in the terminal.
-Next, type
- cd xonotic
- ./all update -l best
-The `cd` line tells the Shell to go inside the `xonotic` directory, where `./all` is located. In the second line, the `-l best` part asks `./all` to pick the best available mirror. This step will download several gigabytes of data, so expect it to take a while.
-Step 3: compiling
-Compiling the game is quite simple. In your MinGW Shell, just type
- ./all compile
-This will compile gmqcc (which is a compiler for the QuakeC language), then the game code using gmqcc, then the DarkPlaces engine.
-This step can take a few minutes, so be patient! When it’s over, check the last few lines to see if it reports any errors.
-Step 4: running the game!
-To run the game, you have to use `./all` again:
- ./all run
-If you ever need to start the game in windowed mode, you can launch it this way:
- ./all run +vid_fullscreen 0
-By default, `./all` uses the SDL build (called `xonotic.exe` in releases). You can use the WGL build (`xonotic-wgl.exe`) like this:
- ./all run wgl
-You will always need to use `./all` to launch the game. Do not forget that you need to be in the `xonotic` directory when you use the `./all` command. That means you have to type
- cd xonotic
-when you start a MinGW Shell before updating, compiling, or running Xonotic.
-Keeping up to date
-To keep up to date, all you need to do is repeat some of the steps above. More precisely, here is what you will usually type in a new MinGW Shell to update Xonotic to the latest git revision:
- cd xonotic
- ./all update
- ./all compile
-You can optionally use this as the third line if the compilation does not work:
- ./all compile -c
-This will remove the partially compiled files from the previous compiles. It has been known to resolve some errors before, but it can take a little longer to recompile everything.
-Getting help
-You can always ask for help in the [Xonotic forums](http://forums.xonotic.org), under the Help and Support section.
+++ /dev/null
-[Same dir plain](Outdated_Compiling_in_Windows)
-[Same dir rel](./Outdated_Compiling_in_Windows)
-[Same dir abs](/Archive/Outdated_Compiling_in_Windows)
-[Home plain](Home)
-[Home rel](../Home)
-[Home abs](/Home)
-[Subdir plain](Recording/Democapture)
-[Subdir rel](../Recording/Democapture)
-[Subdir abs](/Recording/Democapture)
-[Md plain](Recording/Democapture.md)
-[Md rel](../Recording/Democapture.md)
-[Md abs](/Recording/Democapture.md)
-[Collision root plain](Collision)
-[Collision root plain](../Collision)
-[Collision root plain](/Collision)
-[Collision sub plain](Collision/Collision)
-[Collision sub plain](../Collision/Collision)
-[Collision sub plain](/Collision/Collision)
+++ /dev/null
-Compiling in Windows
-**THIS IS OUTDATED**: the versions of MinGW and MSYS are not recent enough to compile Xonotic. **Do not use xonpatch.** If you want to set up a build environment, you will need the tools mentioned in this deprecated article in more recent versions. Feel free to ask for assistance on the forums or on ouc IRC channels. If you succeed, please consider updating this page.
-**NOTE**: there is an experimental automated building pack for Windows that uses a portable version of the tools mentioned in this article.
-If you are planning on contributing to the project, it is best to follow the tutorial. If you are just interested in running and testing the game, you can find the build system [here](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=666).
-### MinGW / MSYS
-You first need to install a compiler and a shell environment to run the build scripts. On windows, we use MinGW and MSYS. Those two work together, so you have to install MinGW first.
-It can be found [here](http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/) . Run the automated installer, and do not check any of the optional components, all you need from MinGW is its C compiler, which is always installed.
-**Important**: install MinGW in a path containing no spaces. The default path is good: `c:\mingw`
-Next, you need to install MSYS. The recent versions don’t have an installer, so it is easier to install [version 1.0.11](http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/MSYS-1.0.11.exe).
-**Important**: again, the installation path should contain no spaces. The default is `c:\msys`.
-After it is done installing, a terminal will pop up, asking you to run the post-install script. Answer yes, and when it asks for the MinGW install path, input it as `c:/mingw`.
-**Note**: If the terminal window instantly closed it self and you never got a chance to input the mingw path etc (And if you’re on Vista or Win7). Then go to `c:\msys\1.0\postinstall\` and right-click `pi.bat` and choose ‘Run as administrator’.
-### msysGit
-You will need msysGit to download the Xonotic source files from the repositories and keep them up to date. You can get msysGit [here](http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/). Download the “Full installer for official Git” file.
-The default install options should be good.
-Downloading the Xonotic sources
-Open git bash, and type those two commands:
- cd /c/msys/1.0
- git clone git://git.xonotic.org/xonotic/xonotic.git
-(Tip: you can paste text in the console with the `Shift+Insert` keyboard shortcut)
-This will install the Xonotic root repository in `c:\msys\1.0\xonotic`
-When the download is done, type
- cd xonotic
- ./all update -l best
-This will download approximately 2 gigabytes of data, and use 4 gigabytes in disk space.
-*(It's closer to 20 gigabytes, all together, in disk space in 2014 now)*
-This will take a while, but you can already get started on the next step.
-Setting up the environment
-To run and compile Xonotic, the “all” script must be able to access msysGit from MSYS, as well as wget and unzip. The xonpatch bundle patches your MSYS installation to sort this out.
-**Important**: if you have followed a previous version of this guide where the “profile” file had to be edited manually, download the original msys1.0.11 profile file from [this link](http://dev.xonotic.org/attachments/84/profile.zip), and unzip it in `c:\msys\1.0\etc` before applying the xonpatch.
-The process is simple: download the latest xonpatch from [this link](http://dev.xonotic.org/attachments/91/xonpatch_1-2.zip), and extract it in `c:\msys\1.0`. Then launch `xonpatch.bat`. This will make msysGit visible from MSYS, and add wget as well as unzip.
-Compiling and running the game
-When the cloning of all the repositories is done, open **MSYS** (not git bash this time) and type:
- cd /xonotic
- ./all compile
-This will compile the engine, QC compiler, and game progs. When this is done, you can then run the game with:
- ./all run
-To update, all you need to do is open MSYS and:
- cd /xonotic
- ./all update
- ./all compile
-The most recent Xonotic development version is then ready to run.
--- /dev/null
+3D Art Roadmap
+Player Models
+|Name|Species|Thread(s)|Mesh|Textures|Animations|LOD1|LOD2|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|Priority|
+|[Umbra](Players#umbra)|Human|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/25) [2](http://www.alientrap.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6051)|COMPLETED|IN PROGRESS|COMPLETED|INCOMPLETE|INCOMPLETE|Merge pants to glow|Oblivion, tZork, DiaboliK, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|diabolik/umbraplayermodel|HIGH|
+|[Pyria](Players#pyria)|Human|[1](http://www.alientrap.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6088&p=76962&hilit=pyria#p76962)|COMPLETED|IN PROGRESS|Fix duckwalk|INCOMPLETE|INCOMPLETE|Animations, Merge pants to glow|Oblivion, tZork, DiaboliK, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|diabolik/pyriaplayermodel|HIGH|
+|[Ignis-3 versions](Players#ignis)|Human|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/39) [2](http://forums.xonotic.org//showthread.php?tid=498) [3](http://forums.xonotic.org//showthread.php?tid=500)|COMPLETED|COMPLETED|COMPLETED|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|LODs|Oblivion, tZork, DiaboliK, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|diabolik/ignisplayermodel|HIGH|
+|[Gak-3 versions](Players#gak)|Alien|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org//showthread.php?tid=497) [2](http://www.alientrap.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5997)|COMPLETED|COMPLETED|COMPLETED|INCOMPLETE|INCOMPLETE|LODs, merge pants to glow|Oblivion, tZork, DiaboliK, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|[Seraphina-2 versions](Players#seraphina)|Human||COMPLETED|COMPLETED|COMPLETED|INCOMPLETE|INCOMPLETE|LODs, use more glow|Oblivion, DiaboliK, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+Weapon Models
+|Name|Thread(s)|Concept|Mesh|Textures|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|Priority|
+|Tuba|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||HIGH|
+|Laser|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||HIGH|
+|Shotgun|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=54|Shotgun) Cannon, (possibly fireball with the reintroduction of TAG seeker)|COMPLETED|IN PROGRESS|Texture/Rigging|Lamoot|IN PROGRESS|NA|MEDIUM|
+|MachineGun|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
+|Rifle|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=219)|NA|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|Mesh|theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|MEDIUM|
+|Mortar|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
+|Electro|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
+|Crylink|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
+|Nex|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=219)|NA|COMPLETED|COMPLETED|NA|theShadow, Oblivion, DiaboliK|COMPLETED|MASTER|NA|
+|MinstaNex|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
+|Hagar|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
+|RocketLauncher|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=219)|NA|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|Mesh|theShadow, Oblivion(maybe?)|IN PROGRESS|NA|MEDIUM|
+|Seeker|||LJFHutch|IN PROGRESS|INCOMPLETE|Mesh and Textures|LJFHutch, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|HIGH|
+|Porto|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
+|HookGun|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
+|Name|Style|Thread(s)|Concept|Mesh|Textures|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|Priority|
+|25 Armor|NA|NA|Double Shoulder Pads (Shin Pads?)|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|Morphed|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|100 Armor|NA|NA|Armor w/ Shoulder Pads|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|Morphed|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|10 Health|NOT ASSIGNED|||||||||HIGH|
+|25 Health|NOT ASSIGNED|||||||||HIGH|
+|50 Health|NOT ASSIGNED|||||||||HIGH|
+|100 Health|NOT ASSIGNED|||||||||HIGH|
+|Strength|NOT ASSIGNED|||||||||HIGH|
+|Shield|NOT ASSIGNED|||||||||HIGH|
+|RocketAmmo|Futuristic|NA|[1](http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/5294/20100612xonoticammo2roc.jpg)|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|LJFHutch, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|BulletAmmo|Futuristic|NA|[1](http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1856/20100612xonoticammo2bul.jpg)|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|LJFHutch, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|ShellAmmo|Futuristic|NA|[1](http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/4475/20100612xonoticammo2she.jpg)|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|LJFHutch, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|PlasmaAmmo|Futuristic|NA|[1](http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/7389/20100612xonoticammo2cel.jpg) [2](http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/7389/20100612xonoticammo2cel.jpg)|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|LJFHutch, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|FuelAmmo|Futuristic|NA|[1](http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/1849/20100612xonoticammo2fue.jpg)|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|LJFHutch, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|Name|Gametype|Style|Thread(s)/Link(s)|Concept|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|Priority|
+|Space Elevator|CTF|Space|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/10)|GasolinePowered||FruitieX, Cuinnton|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|Dance(rename possibly)|CTF|Space|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/11)|Dance||FruitieX|IN PROGRESS|fruitiex/dance|HIGH|
+|Condenser|CTF|Closed|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/57)|Castles||FruitieX, Cuinnton|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|Stormkeep2|DM|Closed|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/12)|Stormkeep||FruitieX|IN PROGRESS|fruitiex/stormkeep2|HIGH|
+|Evilspace2|DM|Space|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/43)|Evilspace||Cortez666|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|Toxic2|DM|Closed|NA|Toxic||Cuinnton|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|GlowArena|DM|Closed|NA|GlowArena||tZork|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|Space|CTF|Space|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/18)|cbctf1||C. Brutail|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
+|Name|Style|Thread(s)|Concept|Mesh|Textures|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|
+|Name|Style|Thread(s)|Concept|Mesh|Textures|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|
+2D Art Roadmap
+|Name|Style|Thread(s)|Concept|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|
+|trak4x|Brick, walls, tiles|NA|trak4|NA|trak, tZork|COMPLETED|MASTER|
+|trak5x|Black futuristic|NA|trak5|NA|trak, tZork|COMPLETED|MASTER|
+|eXx|Rusty Metal|NA|eX|NA|Original Artist(unsure),tZork|COMPLETED|MASTER|
+|facility114|White clean Futuristic|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=337&highlight=facility114)|NA|NA|Oblivion|COMPLETED|MASTER|
+|techpanels|Rusty metal|NA|NA|Add gloss and two or three more textures|theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|
+|untitled|NA|NA|NA|Make textures|nifrek|IN PROGRESS|NA|
+Game Graphics
+|Name|Style|Thread(s)|Concept|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|
+|Scoreboard Background|Grunge|NA|NA|NA|-z-|COMPLETED|MASTER|
+|Accuracy Background|Grunge|NA|NA|NA|-z-|COMPLETED|MASTER|
+|Shotgun Ammo|NA|NA|NA|NA|Morphed|COMPLETED|MASTER|
+|Bullets Ammo|NA|NA|NA|NA|Morphed|COMPLETED|MASTER|
+|Rockets Ammo|NA|NA|NA|NA|Morphed|COMPLETED|MASTER|
+|Weapon Icons|NA|NA|NA|NA|Not sure|COMPLETED|MASTER|
+|HUD Border WickedX|NA|NA|NA|NA|Sev|COMPLETED|fruitiex/newpanelhud|
+|Strength Icon|NA|NA|NA|NA|Not Assigned|Not Assigned|NA|
+|Shield Icon|NA|NA|NA|NA|Not Assigned|Not Assigned|NA|
+|Armor Icon|NA|NA|NA|NA|Morphed|IN PROGRESS|NA|
+Logo and Collateral
+|Logo Refinement|The current logo is a little rough around the edges and needs more available source, problems identified more in depth in [thread 442]|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=442)|NA|-z-, others?|In Progress|
+|Icon|This can be argued to fall under the logo refinement but we need a standard size icon set in various color and black and white|NA|NA|-z-, others?|In Progress|
+Web Design/PR
+|Website Design|Branch across both mainsite and forum to give a consistant feel|NA|NA|-z- (others welcome)|In progress - refining the basic themes to segway us into a more serious overhaul|
+|Mainsite Template Slicing|Branch across both mainsite and forum to give a consistant feel|NA|NA|-z-|In progress - refining the basic themes to segway us into a more serious overhaul|
+|Forum Template Slicing|Branch across both mainsite and forum to give a consistant feel|NA|NA|-z-|In progress - refining the basic themes to segway us into a more serious overhaul|
+|Standard Size Web Banners|provide all the popular blog / myspace / facebook sized advertisments and add them to a page as a media toolkot|NA|NA|NA|NA|
+++ /dev/null
-3D Art Roadmap
-Player Models
-|Name|Species|Thread(s)|Mesh|Textures|Animations|LOD1|LOD2|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|Priority|
-|[Umbra](Players#umbra)|Human|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/25) [2](http://www.alientrap.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6051)|COMPLETED|IN PROGRESS|COMPLETED|INCOMPLETE|INCOMPLETE|Merge pants to glow|Oblivion, tZork, DiaboliK, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|diabolik/umbraplayermodel|HIGH|
-|[Pyria](Players#pyria)|Human|[1](http://www.alientrap.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6088&p=76962&hilit=pyria#p76962)|COMPLETED|IN PROGRESS|Fix duckwalk|INCOMPLETE|INCOMPLETE|Animations, Merge pants to glow|Oblivion, tZork, DiaboliK, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|diabolik/pyriaplayermodel|HIGH|
-|[Ignis-3 versions](Players#ignis)|Human|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/39) [2](http://forums.xonotic.org//showthread.php?tid=498) [3](http://forums.xonotic.org//showthread.php?tid=500)|COMPLETED|COMPLETED|COMPLETED|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|LODs|Oblivion, tZork, DiaboliK, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|diabolik/ignisplayermodel|HIGH|
-|[Gak-3 versions](Players#gak)|Alien|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org//showthread.php?tid=497) [2](http://www.alientrap.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5997)|COMPLETED|COMPLETED|COMPLETED|INCOMPLETE|INCOMPLETE|LODs, merge pants to glow|Oblivion, tZork, DiaboliK, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|[Seraphina-2 versions](Players#seraphina)|Human||COMPLETED|COMPLETED|COMPLETED|INCOMPLETE|INCOMPLETE|LODs, use more glow|Oblivion, DiaboliK, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-Weapon Models
-|Name|Thread(s)|Concept|Mesh|Textures|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|Priority|
-|Tuba|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||HIGH|
-|Laser|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||HIGH|
-|Shotgun|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=54|Shotgun) Cannon, (possibly fireball with the reintroduction of TAG seeker)|COMPLETED|IN PROGRESS|Texture/Rigging|Lamoot|IN PROGRESS|NA|MEDIUM|
-|MachineGun|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
-|Rifle|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=219)|NA|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|Mesh|theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|MEDIUM|
-|Mortar|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
-|Electro|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
-|Crylink|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
-|Nex|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=219)|NA|COMPLETED|COMPLETED|NA|theShadow, Oblivion, DiaboliK|COMPLETED|MASTER|NA|
-|MinstaNex|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
-|Hagar|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
-|RocketLauncher|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=219)|NA|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|Mesh|theShadow, Oblivion(maybe?)|IN PROGRESS|NA|MEDIUM|
-|Seeker|||LJFHutch|IN PROGRESS|INCOMPLETE|Mesh and Textures|LJFHutch, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|HIGH|
-|Porto|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
-|HookGun|NOT ASSIGNED||||||||LOW|
-|Name|Style|Thread(s)|Concept|Mesh|Textures|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|Priority|
-|25 Armor|NA|NA|Double Shoulder Pads (Shin Pads?)|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|Morphed|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|100 Armor|NA|NA|Armor w/ Shoulder Pads|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|Morphed|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|10 Health|NOT ASSIGNED|||||||||HIGH|
-|25 Health|NOT ASSIGNED|||||||||HIGH|
-|50 Health|NOT ASSIGNED|||||||||HIGH|
-|100 Health|NOT ASSIGNED|||||||||HIGH|
-|Strength|NOT ASSIGNED|||||||||HIGH|
-|Shield|NOT ASSIGNED|||||||||HIGH|
-|RocketAmmo|Futuristic|NA|[1](http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/5294/20100612xonoticammo2roc.jpg)|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|LJFHutch, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|BulletAmmo|Futuristic|NA|[1](http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1856/20100612xonoticammo2bul.jpg)|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|LJFHutch, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|ShellAmmo|Futuristic|NA|[1](http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/4475/20100612xonoticammo2she.jpg)|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|LJFHutch, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|PlasmaAmmo|Futuristic|NA|[1](http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/7389/20100612xonoticammo2cel.jpg) [2](http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/7389/20100612xonoticammo2cel.jpg)|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|LJFHutch, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|FuelAmmo|Futuristic|NA|[1](http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/1849/20100612xonoticammo2fue.jpg)|IN PROGRESS|IN PROGRESS|NA|LJFHutch, theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|Name|Gametype|Style|Thread(s)/Link(s)|Concept|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|Priority|
-|Space Elevator|CTF|Space|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/10)|GasolinePowered||FruitieX, Cuinnton|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|Dance(rename possibly)|CTF|Space|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/11)|Dance||FruitieX|IN PROGRESS|fruitiex/dance|HIGH|
-|Condenser|CTF|Closed|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/57)|Castles||FruitieX, Cuinnton|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|Stormkeep2|DM|Closed|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/12)|Stormkeep||FruitieX|IN PROGRESS|fruitiex/stormkeep2|HIGH|
-|Evilspace2|DM|Space|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/43)|Evilspace||Cortez666|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|Toxic2|DM|Closed|NA|Toxic||Cuinnton|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|GlowArena|DM|Closed|NA|GlowArena||tZork|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|Space|CTF|Space|[1](http://dev.xonotic.org/issues/18)|cbctf1||C. Brutail|IN PROGRESS|NA|HIGH|
-|Name|Style|Thread(s)|Concept|Mesh|Textures|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|
-|Name|Style|Thread(s)|Concept|Mesh|Textures|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|
-2D Art Roadmap
-|Name|Style|Thread(s)|Concept|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|
-|trak4x|Brick, walls, tiles|NA|trak4|NA|trak, tZork|COMPLETED|MASTER|
-|trak5x|Black futuristic|NA|trak5|NA|trak, tZork|COMPLETED|MASTER|
-|eXx|Rusty Metal|NA|eX|NA|Original Artist(unsure),tZork|COMPLETED|MASTER|
-|facility114|White clean Futuristic|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=337&highlight=facility114)|NA|NA|Oblivion|COMPLETED|MASTER|
-|techpanels|Rusty metal|NA|NA|Add gloss and two or three more textures|theShadow|IN PROGRESS|NA|
-|untitled|NA|NA|NA|Make textures|nifrek|IN PROGRESS|NA|
-Game Graphics
-|Name|Style|Thread(s)|Concept|TODO|Artist(s)|Status|Git Branch|
-|Scoreboard Background|Grunge|NA|NA|NA|-z-|COMPLETED|MASTER|
-|Accuracy Background|Grunge|NA|NA|NA|-z-|COMPLETED|MASTER|
-|Shotgun Ammo|NA|NA|NA|NA|Morphed|COMPLETED|MASTER|
-|Bullets Ammo|NA|NA|NA|NA|Morphed|COMPLETED|MASTER|
-|Rockets Ammo|NA|NA|NA|NA|Morphed|COMPLETED|MASTER|
-|Weapon Icons|NA|NA|NA|NA|Not sure|COMPLETED|MASTER|
-|HUD Border WickedX|NA|NA|NA|NA|Sev|COMPLETED|fruitiex/newpanelhud|
-|Strength Icon|NA|NA|NA|NA|Not Assigned|Not Assigned|NA|
-|Shield Icon|NA|NA|NA|NA|Not Assigned|Not Assigned|NA|
-|Armor Icon|NA|NA|NA|NA|Morphed|IN PROGRESS|NA|
-Logo and Collateral
-|Logo Refinement|The current logo is a little rough around the edges and needs more available source, problems identified more in depth in [thread 442]|[1](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=442)|NA|-z-, others?|In Progress|
-|Icon|This can be argued to fall under the logo refinement but we need a standard size icon set in various color and black and white|NA|NA|-z-, others?|In Progress|
-Web Design/PR
-|Website Design|Branch across both mainsite and forum to give a consistant feel|NA|NA|-z- (others welcome)|In progress - refining the basic themes to segway us into a more serious overhaul|
-|Mainsite Template Slicing|Branch across both mainsite and forum to give a consistant feel|NA|NA|-z-|In progress - refining the basic themes to segway us into a more serious overhaul|
-|Forum Template Slicing|Branch across both mainsite and forum to give a consistant feel|NA|NA|-z-|In progress - refining the basic themes to segway us into a more serious overhaul|
-|Standard Size Web Banners|provide all the popular blog / myspace / facebook sized advertisments and add them to a page as a media toolkot|NA|NA|NA|NA|
--- /dev/null
+Artistic Style
+This is a community project, so feel free to add new keywords, and elaborate on any part of this document. The wiki keeps every version of the page around, so you can also remove stuff which doesn’t fit anymore, since we can always go back to the previous versions.
+As soon as some work is done, we can add screenshots to support the description. For now, a textual description might suffice.
+If you **do** decide to add images, use thumbnails!
+To avoid having billions of wiki-edits, discussion can be done in the forum (or IRC).
+Please discuss the keywords added here on the forum/IRC, or ask any questions about the artistic style.
+When you create a new thread, feel free to link to it from here.
+- Some guidelines and discussion: http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=81
+Some keywords which have been mentioned
+Please elaborate, add pictures, suggestions, etc..
+- Futuristic
+- Fast
+- Post-Apocalyptic
+ - Grivel and dirt on once shiny metals
+ - Broken machines everywhere
+ - Energy fields that serve no purpose anymore
+- Clean, streamlined
+ - Clean lines and silhouettes
+ - Brightly lit spaces
+ - Little grime or dirt
+++ /dev/null
-Artistic Style
-This is a community project, so feel free to add new keywords, and elaborate on any part of this document. The wiki keeps every version of the page around, so you can also remove stuff which doesn’t fit anymore, since we can always go back to the previous versions.
-As soon as some work is done, we can add screenshots to support the description. For now, a textual description might suffice.
-If you **do** decide to add images, use thumbnails!
-To avoid having billions of wiki-edits, discussion can be done in the forum (or IRC).
-Please discuss the keywords added here on the forum/IRC, or ask any questions about the artistic style.
-When you create a new thread, feel free to link to it from here.
-- Some guidelines and discussion: http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=81
-Some keywords which have been mentioned
-Please elaborate, add pictures, suggestions, etc..
-- Futuristic
-- Fast
-- Post-Apocalyptic
- - Grivel and dirt on once shiny metals
- - Broken machines everywhere
- - Energy fields that serve no purpose anymore
-- Clean, streamlined
- - Clean lines and silhouettes
- - Brightly lit spaces
- - Little grime or dirt
--- /dev/null
+Compiling In Windows
+**This guide has been replaced by a shorter alternative.** This guide should still work, and get you a standalone MinGW/MSYS environment with access to msysgit. The new method only makes use of msysgit and is therefore easier and faster to set up. See the [Repository Access](https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic/wikis/Repository_Access#windows) page.
+This is an unofficial updated version of the outdated [Compiling in Windows](Outdated_Compiling_in_Windows) page. There are no more automated tools in this version of the guide.
+You will need about 10 gigabytes of disk space to keep the sources (the uncompressed texture files are quite large and git keeps a backup copy, doubling the actual size of the sources).
+Step 1: installing the prerequisites
+To compile and run Xonotic in Windows, you will need to download the following. Do not install anything yet, this is covered in the next section.
+- The latest version of [MinGW](http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/). At the time of writing this guide, mingw provides an installer (mingw-get-inst). More up-to-date information on how to get MinGW can be found on http://mingw.org
+- [msysgit](https://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list). Make sure you get the latest **full installer for official Git** (not the self-contained packages). At the time of writing this, the latest installer is called Git-1.7.11-preview20120710.exe.
+### Installing MinGW
+These instructions apply to mingw-get-inst. Run the installer. When setting up the path, if you do not pick the default, make at least sure that the installation path you choose contains no space in it. Thus, Program Files is out of question.
+When you reach the “select components” section, you need to check “MSYS Basic System” (**not** “MinGW Developer Toolkit”). You will also need the C compiler, which should be selected by default.
+When the setup is complete, you will get a “MinGW Shell” in your start menu. This is a Unix-like shell that you will soon use to manage and compile the Xonotic source files. It will also be used to launch the game.
+### Installing msysgit
+Run the installer.
+At the component selection screen (screenshot), uncheck the “Associate .sh files” option.
+Windows Explorer Integration can also optionnally be unselected — it is only useful if you plan on contributing and do not like using git purely from the command line to do so.
+When you get to the PATH adjusting screen (screenshot), you need to select the second option (Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt).
+This ensures that git can be run from the MinGW shell, as we will not use the shell that comes with msysgit for this.
+Finally, in the line ending screen (screenshot), keep the first option selected unless you know what you’re doing.
+### Installing the dependencies in MinGW
+Xonotic requires a few more packages in MinGW that are not provided by default. Installing them is quite simple, just open a MinGW Shell and type the following line:
+ mingw-get install msys-wget msys-unzip mingw32-libiconv mingw32-libintl msys-libopenssl
+You can paste text in the shell by right-clicking the title bar and selecting *Edit* \> *Paste*. But be careful with this, mistakes can happen!
+To close a MinGW Shell, just type
+ exit
+But keep this one open, we’re going to use it some more.
+Step 2: downloading the Xonotic source files
+In this step, we will clone the Xonotic git repositories inside MinGW’s install directory.
+In your MinGW Shell, type
+ git clone git://git.xonotic.org/xonotic/xonotic.git
+This will clone the base repository, which contains a script called “`all`” that will manage the subrepositories. I will call this script `./all` to avoid confusion, as this is how we will be using it in the terminal.
+Next, type
+ cd xonotic
+ ./all update -l best
+The `cd` line tells the Shell to go inside the `xonotic` directory, where `./all` is located. In the second line, the `-l best` part asks `./all` to pick the best available mirror. This step will download several gigabytes of data, so expect it to take a while.
+Step 3: compiling
+Compiling the game is quite simple. In your MinGW Shell, just type
+ ./all compile
+This will compile gmqcc (which is a compiler for the QuakeC language), then the game code using gmqcc, then the DarkPlaces engine.
+This step can take a few minutes, so be patient! When it’s over, check the last few lines to see if it reports any errors.
+Step 4: running the game!
+To run the game, you have to use `./all` again:
+ ./all run
+If you ever need to start the game in windowed mode, you can launch it this way:
+ ./all run +vid_fullscreen 0
+By default, `./all` uses the SDL build (called `xonotic.exe` in releases). You can use the WGL build (`xonotic-wgl.exe`) like this:
+ ./all run wgl
+You will always need to use `./all` to launch the game. Do not forget that you need to be in the `xonotic` directory when you use the `./all` command. That means you have to type
+ cd xonotic
+when you start a MinGW Shell before updating, compiling, or running Xonotic.
+Keeping up to date
+To keep up to date, all you need to do is repeat some of the steps above. More precisely, here is what you will usually type in a new MinGW Shell to update Xonotic to the latest git revision:
+ cd xonotic
+ ./all update
+ ./all compile
+You can optionally use this as the third line if the compilation does not work:
+ ./all compile -c
+This will remove the partially compiled files from the previous compiles. It has been known to resolve some errors before, but it can take a little longer to recompile everything.
+Getting help
+You can always ask for help in the [Xonotic forums](http://forums.xonotic.org), under the Help and Support section.
-If you want write access, just ask for it at [#xonotic on FreeNode](https://webchat.freenode.net/). There is currently no way to allow annoynmous editing on GitLab.
+If you want write access, please ask for it at [#xonotic on FreeNode](https://webchat.freenode.net/), we'll gladly give it to you. There is no way to allow annoynmous editing on GitLab.
-TODO structure
+Use dashes, not underscores - dashes get converted to spaces in titles
+Ok to use for images and other assets
+Don't use for pages (the .md files) - GitHub doesn't support them properly (it flattens everything - this can cause collisions, plus there is no way to link from subdir to another subdir that works on both GitLab and GitHub)
+Use standard markdown links: `[Text](link)`, don't prefix `link` with either ".." or "/" - both break on GitHub. Using "." seems ok but is unnecessary since we have to put everything in root anyway.
+TODO(martin-t): check that this renders properly everywhere
--- /dev/null
+[just testing](My Test)
--- /dev/null
+Compiling in Windows
+**THIS IS OUTDATED**: the versions of MinGW and MSYS are not recent enough to compile Xonotic. **Do not use xonpatch.** If you want to set up a build environment, you will need the tools mentioned in this deprecated article in more recent versions. Feel free to ask for assistance on the forums or on ouc IRC channels. If you succeed, please consider updating this page.
+**NOTE**: there is an experimental automated building pack for Windows that uses a portable version of the tools mentioned in this article.
+If you are planning on contributing to the project, it is best to follow the tutorial. If you are just interested in running and testing the game, you can find the build system [here](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=666).
+### MinGW / MSYS
+You first need to install a compiler and a shell environment to run the build scripts. On windows, we use MinGW and MSYS. Those two work together, so you have to install MinGW first.
+It can be found [here](http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/) . Run the automated installer, and do not check any of the optional components, all you need from MinGW is its C compiler, which is always installed.
+**Important**: install MinGW in a path containing no spaces. The default path is good: `c:\mingw`
+Next, you need to install MSYS. The recent versions don’t have an installer, so it is easier to install [version 1.0.11](http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/MSYS-1.0.11.exe).
+**Important**: again, the installation path should contain no spaces. The default is `c:\msys`.
+After it is done installing, a terminal will pop up, asking you to run the post-install script. Answer yes, and when it asks for the MinGW install path, input it as `c:/mingw`.
+**Note**: If the terminal window instantly closed it self and you never got a chance to input the mingw path etc (And if you’re on Vista or Win7). Then go to `c:\msys\1.0\postinstall\` and right-click `pi.bat` and choose ‘Run as administrator’.
+### msysGit
+You will need msysGit to download the Xonotic source files from the repositories and keep them up to date. You can get msysGit [here](http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/). Download the “Full installer for official Git” file.
+The default install options should be good.
+Downloading the Xonotic sources
+Open git bash, and type those two commands:
+ cd /c/msys/1.0
+ git clone git://git.xonotic.org/xonotic/xonotic.git
+(Tip: you can paste text in the console with the `Shift+Insert` keyboard shortcut)
+This will install the Xonotic root repository in `c:\msys\1.0\xonotic`
+When the download is done, type
+ cd xonotic
+ ./all update -l best
+This will download approximately 2 gigabytes of data, and use 4 gigabytes in disk space.
+*(It's closer to 20 gigabytes, all together, in disk space in 2014 now)*
+This will take a while, but you can already get started on the next step.
+Setting up the environment
+To run and compile Xonotic, the “all” script must be able to access msysGit from MSYS, as well as wget and unzip. The xonpatch bundle patches your MSYS installation to sort this out.
+**Important**: if you have followed a previous version of this guide where the “profile” file had to be edited manually, download the original msys1.0.11 profile file from [this link](http://dev.xonotic.org/attachments/84/profile.zip), and unzip it in `c:\msys\1.0\etc` before applying the xonpatch.
+The process is simple: download the latest xonpatch from [this link](http://dev.xonotic.org/attachments/91/xonpatch_1-2.zip), and extract it in `c:\msys\1.0`. Then launch `xonpatch.bat`. This will make msysGit visible from MSYS, and add wget as well as unzip.
+Compiling and running the game
+When the cloning of all the repositories is done, open **MSYS** (not git bash this time) and type:
+ cd /xonotic
+ ./all compile
+This will compile the engine, QC compiler, and game progs. When this is done, you can then run the game with:
+ ./all run
+To update, all you need to do is open MSYS and:
+ cd /xonotic
+ ./all update
+ ./all compile
+The most recent Xonotic development version is then ready to run.