me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, e = makeXonoticRadioButton(1, "menu_sandbox_edit_physics", "0", _("Static")));
me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, e = makeXonoticRadioButton(1, "menu_sandbox_edit_physics", "1", _("Movable")));
me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, e = makeXonoticRadioButton(1, "menu_sandbox_edit_physics", "2", _("Physical")));
+ me.TR(me);
+ me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set force:"), '0 0 0', "sandbox edit_object force $menu_sandbox_edit_force", 0));
+ me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, e = makeXonoticSlider(0, 10, 0.5, "menu_sandbox_edit_force"));
me.gotoRC(me, me.rows - 1, 0);
me.TD(me, 1, me.columns, e = makeXonoticButton(_("OK"), '0 0 0'));
e.realowner = self;
e.classname = "object";
e.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
+ e.damageforcescale = 0;
e.solid = SOLID_BBOX; // SOLID_BSP would be best, but can lag the server badly
e.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
e.frame = 0;
print_to(self, "^3frame value ^7- object animation frame, for self-animated models");
print_to(self, "^3scale value ^7- changes object scale. 0.5 is half size and 2 is double size");
print_to(self, "^3physics value ^7- object physics, 0 = static, 1 = movable, 2 = physical");
+ print_to(self, "^force value ^7- amount of force applied to objects that are shot");
print_to(self, "^7The ^1drag object ^7key can be used to grab and carry objects. Players can only grab their own objects");
return TRUE;
self.object_clipboard = strcat(self.object_clipboard, ftos(e.frame), " ");
self.object_clipboard = strcat(self.object_clipboard, ftos(e.scale), " ");
self.object_clipboard = strcat(self.object_clipboard, ftos(e.movetype), " ");
+ self.object_clipboard = strcat(self.object_clipboard, ftos(e.damageforcescale), " ");
self.object_clipboard = strzone(self.object_clipboard);
print_to(self, "Object copied to clipboard");
e.frame = stof(argv(5));
e.scale = stof(argv(6)); if(self.scale) setsize(e, e.mins * e.scale, e.maxs * e.scale); // adapt bounding box size to model size
e.movetype = stof(argv(7));
+ e.damageforcescale = stof(argv(8));
print_to(self, "Object pasted");
+ case "force":
+ e.damageforcescale = stof(argv(3));
+ break;
print_to(self, "WARNING: Invalid object property. For usage information, type 'sandbox help'");