for( n = 0; n < serverlist_cachecount; n++ )
if( !strcmp( cname, serverlist_cache[n].info.cname ) )
- if( n == serverlist_cachecount )
- return true;
+ if( n == serverlist_cachecount ) {
+ // LAN search doesnt require an answer from the master server so we wont
+ // know the ping nor will it be initialized already...
+ // find a slot
+ if( serverlist_cachecount == SERVERLIST_TOTALSIZE )
+ return true;
+ serverquerycount++;
+ memset(&serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount], 0, sizeof(serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount]));
+ // store the data the engine cares about (address and ping)
+ strlcpy (serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].info.cname, cname, sizeof (serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].info.cname));
+ serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount] = 100000;
+ serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].querytime = realtime;
+ // if not in the slist menu we should print the server to console
+ if (serverlist_consoleoutput) {
+ Con_Printf("querying %s\n", ipstring);
+ }
+ ++serverlist_cachecount;
+ }
info = &serverlist_cache[n].info;
if ((s = SearchInfostring(string, "gamename" )) != NULL) strlcpy(info->game, s, sizeof (info->game));else info->game[0] = 0;
if ((s = SearchInfostring(string, "modname" )) != NULL) strlcpy(info->mod , s, sizeof (info->mod ));else info->mod[0] = 0;