--- /dev/null
+#include "cl_duel.qh"
+#include <client/draw.qh>
+void HUD_Mod_Duel_Export(int fh)
+ HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_modicons_duel_enable");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_modicons_duel_borders");
+ HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_modicons_duel_spectator_healtharmor_show_status");
+void DrawDuelPlayer(vector elementPos, vector textSize, vector spectatorSize, int playerindex, int playerlocation, int spectatorItemCount) {
+ //playerlocation means left or right position of element on the screen (for scores)
+ int maxhealth = autocvar_hud_panel_healtharmor_maxhealth;
+ int maxarmor = autocvar_hud_panel_healtharmor_maxarmor;
+ float border = autocvar_hud_panel_modicons_duel_borders;
+ bool enablepbar = (entcs_IsSpectating(player_localnum) && autocvar_hud_panel_modicons_duel_spectator_healtharmor_show_status);
+ int sumval;
+ entity entcs = entcs_receiver(playerindex);
+ sumval = playerslots[playerindex].(scores(ps_primary)); //get player's score
+ vector pos1 = '0 0 0';
+ vector pos2 = '0 0 0';
+ pos1 = elementPos + eX*border + eY*border;
+ pos2 = elementPos + eY*textSize.y + eX*border - eY*border;
+ vector size1 = '0 0 0';
+ vector size2 = '0 0 0';
+ size1 = textSize - 2*(eX*border + eY*border);
+ size2 = spectatorSize - 2*eX*border;
+ if (!enablepbar) {
+ size1 = (textSize + eY*spectatorItemCount*spectatorSize.y) - 2*(eX*border + eY*border);
+ }
+ assert(getthink(entcs), eprint(entcs));
+ getthink(entcs)(entcs);
+ //Draw player's name
+ drawcolorcodedstring_aspect(pos1, entcs_GetName(playerindex), size1, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ if (enablepbar) {
+ //Background for healthbar and armorbar
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(pos2, size2, autocvar_hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_health, 1, 0, 0, '0 0 0', 0.3, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(pos2 + eY*spectatorSize.y, size2, autocvar_hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_armor, 1, 0, 0, '0 0 0', 0.3, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ //Draw player's health and armor information
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(pos2, size2, autocvar_hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_health, entcs.healthvalue /maxhealth, 0, playerlocation, autocvar_hud_progressbar_health_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(pos2 + eY*spectatorSize.y, size2, autocvar_hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_armor, GetResource(entcs, RES_ARMOR) /maxarmor, 0, playerlocation, autocvar_hud_progressbar_armor_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ //print(strcat("Pos2: ", vtos(pos2), "\n"));
+void HUD_Mod_Duel_Draw(vector myPos, vector mySize) {
+ if (!autocvar_hud_panel_modicons_duel_enable) {
+ return;
+ }
+ entity entcs;
+ int pl1, pl2;
+ int spectatorItemCount = 2;
+ pl1 = -1;
+ pl2 = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= maxclients; i++) {
+ if (!entcs_IsSpectating(i)) {
+ if (pl1 == -1) {
+ pl1 = i;
+ } else {
+ pl2 = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vector pos = '0 0 0';
+ vector textSize = vec2(3*mySize.x/8, 2*mySize.y/3);
+ vector spectatorSize = vec2(textSize.x, textSize.y/4);
+ vector partSize = vec2(mySize.x/2, mySize.y);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ pos.x = myPos.x + 2*partSize.x*i - textSize.x*i; //Start position with central breaks (left to left border, right to right border)
+ pos.y = myPos.y;
+ if (i == 0) {
+ entcs = entcs_receiver(pl1);
+ if (entcs) {
+ DrawDuelPlayer(pos, textSize, spectatorSize, pl1, 0, spectatorItemCount);
+ }
+ } else {
+ entcs = entcs_receiver(pl2);
+ if (entcs) {
+ DrawDuelPlayer(pos, textSize, spectatorSize, pl2, 1, spectatorItemCount);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void HUD_Mod_Duel(vector myPos, vector mySize) {
+ mod_active = 1; // required in each mod function that always shows something
+ HUD_Mod_Duel_Draw(myPos, mySize);
\ No newline at end of file