test.o: gmqcc.h opts.def
main.o: gmqcc.h opts.def lexer.h
lexer.o: gmqcc.h opts.def lexer.h
-parser.o: parser.h gmqcc.h opts.def lexer.h ast.h ir.h intrin.h
+parser.o: parser.h gmqcc.h opts.def lexer.h ast.h ir.h
code.o: gmqcc.h opts.def
ast.o: gmqcc.h opts.def ast.h ir.h parser.h lexer.h
ir.o: gmqcc.h opts.def ir.h
* for creating the elided ast binary expression.
* Consider 'n 0 0' where y, and z need to be tested for 0, and x is
- * used as the value in a binary operation generating an INSTR_MUL instruction
+ * used as the value in a binary operation generating an INSTR_MUL instruction,
* to acomplish the indexing of the correct component value we use set[0], set[1], set[2]
* as x, y, z, where the values of those operations return 'x', 'y', 'z'. Because
* of how ASCII works we can easily deliniate: