void R_UpdateTextureInfo(const entity_render_t *ent, texture_t *t)
+ model_t *model = ent->model;
// FIXME: identify models using a better check than ent->model->brush.shadowmesh
//int lightmode = ((ent->effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT) || ent->model->brush.shadowmesh) ? 0 : 2;
// switch to an alternate material if this is a q1bsp animated material
texture_t *texture = t;
- model_t *model = ent->model;
int s = ent->skinnum;
if ((unsigned int)s >= (unsigned int)model->numskins)
s = 0;
t->currentmaterialflags = t->basematerialflags;
t->currentalpha = ent->alpha;
- if (t->basematerialflags & MATERIALFLAG_WATERALPHA)
+ if (t->basematerialflags & MATERIALFLAG_WATERALPHA && (model->brush.supportwateralpha || r_novis.integer))
t->currentalpha *= r_wateralpha.value;
if (!(ent->flags & RENDER_LIGHT))
t->currentmaterialflags |= MATERIALFLAG_FULLBRIGHT;
+qboolean Mod_Q1BSP_CheckWaterAlphaSupport(void)
+ int i, j;
+ mleaf_t *leaf;
+ const unsigned char *pvs;
+ // check all liquid leafs to see if they can see into empty leafs, if any
+ // can we can assume this map supports r_wateralpha
+ for (i = 0, leaf = loadmodel->brush.data_leafs;i < loadmodel->brush.num_leafs;i++, leaf++)
+ {
+ if ((leaf->contents == CONTENTS_WATER || leaf->contents == CONTENTS_SLIME) && (leaf->clusterindex >= 0 && loadmodel->brush.data_pvsclusters))
+ {
+ pvs = loadmodel->brush.data_pvsclusters + leaf->clusterindex * loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes;
+ for (j = 0;j < loadmodel->brush.num_leafs;j++)
+ if (leaf->contents == CONTENTS_EMPTY && CHECKPVSBIT(pvs, loadmodel->brush.data_leafs[j].clusterindex))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
static void Mod_Q1BSP_LoadClipnodes(lump_t *l, hullinfo_t *hullinfo)
dclipnode_t *in, *out;
Mod_Q1BSP_LoadClipnodes(&header->lumps[LUMP_CLIPNODES], &hullinfo);
+ // check if the map supports transparent water rendering
+ loadmodel->brush.supportwateralpha = Mod_Q1BSP_CheckWaterAlphaSupport();
if (!mod->brushq1.lightdata)
mod->brush.LightPoint = NULL;
// the MakePortals code works fine on the q3bsp data as well
+ // FIXME: shader alpha should replace r_wateralpha support in q3bsp
+ loadmodel->brush.supportwateralpha = true;
// make a single combined shadow mesh to allow optimized shadow volume creation
numshadowmeshtriangles = 0;
for (j = 0, surface = loadmodel->data_surfaces;j < loadmodel->num_surfaces;j++, surface++)
rtexture_t *solidskytexture;
rtexture_t *alphaskytexture;
+ qboolean supportwateralpha;
// QuakeWorld
int qw_md4sum;
int qw_md4sum2;
-d (steven a) bug darkplaces server: Blood Mage monsters are stuck in place apparently (steven a)
-d (yummyluv) feature darkplaces protocol: add EF_DOUBLESIDED for double sided entity rendering (disable cull face for this entity) (yummyluv)
-d (yummyluv) feature darkplaces protocol: add buttons 9-16 (yummyluv)
+-d bug darkplaces client: GAME_NEHAHRA: make sure cutscenes and movies work, got a report of seeing a black screen (NightFright)
-f (James D) bug darkplaces server: losing runes on episode completion, completing episode 1 then 2 then 3 causes it to forget 1, then 4 causes it to forget 2 and 3, making it impossible to open the boss gate (James D)
-f (Wazat) bug darkplaces: client's slowmo detection (measuring packet times and comparing to game time changes) may be making the game unpleasant (Wazat)
-0 bug darkplaces client: GAME_NEHAHRA: make sure cutscenes and movies work, got a report of seeing a black screen (NightFright)
-0 bug darkplaces client: hipnotic: health is one character to the right on the sbar, covering up the key icons (M`Shacron)
0 bug darkplaces client: it has been reported that sometimes level changes on quakeworld servers don't load a map, this may be related to downloading? (Baker)
0 bug darkplaces client: on crctf proquake servers the scoreboard does not contain exactly matching player names (READY is sometimes appended), the ping report and status parsing should ignore text after the player name
0 bug darkplaces client: svc_effect should post a warning and do nothing if given a framerate below 1 (Willis)
d bug darkplaces client: figure out why multimap demos are skipping the later portions, it's probably related to the time seeking, probably not being reset (Urre)
d bug darkplaces client: finale text during episode-end intermissions shows briefly in its entirety and all as one line (going off the screen), then disappears and begins typing slowly as it should (Sajt)
d bug darkplaces client: fix cl_bobmodel bug which momentarily jolts the gun when you pass through a trigger, pick up an item, etc, Sajt thinks this is related to console prints as well as centerprint (Sajt)
+d bug darkplaces client: hipnotic: health is one character to the right on the sbar, covering up the key icons (M`Shacron)
d bug darkplaces client: make "wait" command wait fornext network frame somehow when connected, to make frikbot .way files load properly (Transfusion, FrikaC)
d bug darkplaces client: make envmap command work with the corrected layout
d bug darkplaces client: make server queries use a queue to avoid flooding out queries too fast (Willis)