- Con_Printf("%i Command%s", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : "");
if (partial)
- Con_Printf(" beginning with \"%s\"", partial);
- Con_Print("\n\n");
+ Con_Printf("%i Command%s beginning with \"%s\"\n\n", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : "", partial);
+ else
+ Con_Printf("%i Command%s\n\n", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : "");
if (cvar->flags & CVAR_ALLOCATED)
if (developer.integer)
- Con_Printf("... replacing existing allocated cvar {\"%s\", \"%s\", %i}", cvar->name, cvar->string, cvar->flags);
+ Con_Printf("... replacing existing allocated cvar {\"%s\", \"%s\", %i}\n", cvar->name, cvar->string, cvar->flags);
// fixed variables replace allocated ones
// (because the engine directly accesses fixed variables)
// NOTE: this isn't actually used currently
- Con_Printf("%i cvar(s)", count);
if (partial)
- Con_Printf(" beginning with \"%s\"", partial);
- Con_Print("\n");
+ Con_Printf("%i cvar(s) beginning with \"%s\"\n", count, partial);
+ else
+ Con_Printf("%i cvar(s)\n", count);
// 2000-01-09 CvarList command by Maddes
if (! PK3_GetEndOfCentralDir (packfile, packhandle, &eocd))
- Con_Printf ("%s is not a PK3 file", packfile);
+ Con_Printf ("%s is not a PK3 file\n", packfile);
return NULL;
// Multi-volume ZIP archives are NOT allowed
if (eocd.disknum != 0 || eocd.cdir_disknum != 0)
- Con_Printf ("%s is a multi-volume ZIP archive", packfile);
+ Con_Printf ("%s is a multi-volume ZIP archive\n", packfile);
return NULL;
#if MAX_FILES_IN_PACK < 65535
if (eocd.nbentries > MAX_FILES_IN_PACK)
- Con_Printf ("%s contains too many files (%hu)", packfile, eocd.nbentries);
+ Con_Printf ("%s contains too many files (%hu)\n", packfile, eocd.nbentries);
return NULL;
real_nb_files = PK3_BuildFileList (pack, &eocd);
if (real_nb_files < 0)
- Con_Printf ("%s is not a valid PK3 file", packfile);
+ Con_Printf ("%s is not a valid PK3 file\n", packfile);
return NULL;
count = read (pack->handle, buffer, ZIP_LOCAL_CHUNK_BASE_SIZE);
if (count != ZIP_LOCAL_CHUNK_BASE_SIZE || BuffBigLong (buffer) != ZIP_DATA_HEADER)
- Con_Printf ("Can't retrieve file %s in package %s", pfile->name, pack->filename);
+ Con_Printf ("Can't retrieve file %s in package %s\n", pfile->name, pack->filename);
return false;
read (packhandle, (void *)&header, sizeof(header));
if (memcmp(, "PACK", 4))
- Con_Printf ("%s is not a packfile", packfile);
+ Con_Printf ("%s is not a packfile\n", packfile);
return NULL;
if (header.dirlen % sizeof(dpackfile_t))
- Con_Printf ("%s has an invalid directory size", packfile);
+ Con_Printf ("%s has an invalid directory size\n", packfile);
return NULL;
if (numpackfiles > MAX_FILES_IN_PACK)
- Con_Printf ("%s has %i files", packfile, numpackfiles);
+ Con_Printf ("%s has %i files\n", packfile, numpackfiles);
return NULL;
search->pack = FS_LoadPackPAK (com_argv[i]);
if (!search->pack)
- Con_Printf ("Couldn't load packfile: %s", com_argv[i]);
+ Con_Printf ("Couldn't load packfile: %s\n", com_argv[i]);
search->pack = FS_LoadPackPK3 (com_argv[i]);
if (!search->pack)
- Con_Printf ("Couldn't load packfile: %s", com_argv[i]);
+ Con_Printf ("Couldn't load packfile: %s\n", com_argv[i]);
// the dup() call to avoid having to close the dup_handle on error here
if (lseek (pack->handle, pfile->offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- Con_Printf ("FS_OpenPackedFile: can't lseek to %s in %s (offset: %d)",
+ Con_Printf ("FS_OpenPackedFile: can't lseek to %s in %s (offset: %d)\n",
pfile->name, pack->filename, pfile->offset);
return NULL;
dup_handle = dup (pack->handle);
if (dup_handle < 0)
- Con_Printf ("FS_OpenPackedFile: can't dup package's handle (pack: %s)", pack->filename);
+ Con_Printf ("FS_OpenPackedFile: can't dup package's handle (pack: %s)\n", pack->filename);
return NULL;
if (qz_inflateInit2 (&ztk->zstream, -MAX_WBITS) != Z_OK)
- Con_Printf ("FS_OpenPackedFile: inflate init error (file: %s)", pfile->name);
+ Con_Printf ("FS_OpenPackedFile: inflate init error (file: %s)\n", pfile->name);
return NULL;
lseek (file->handle, file->offset + (fs_offset_t)ztk->in_position, SEEK_SET);
if (read (file->handle, ztk->input, count) != count)
- Con_Printf ("FS_Read: unexpected end of file");
+ Con_Printf ("FS_Read: unexpected end of file\n");
error = qz_inflate (&ztk->zstream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
if (error != Z_OK && error != Z_STREAM_END)
- Con_Printf ("FS_Read: Can't inflate file");
+ Con_Printf ("FS_Read: Can't inflate file\n");
ztk->in_ind = ztk->in_len - ztk->zstream.avail_in;
error = qz_inflate (&ztk->zstream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
if (error != Z_OK && error != Z_STREAM_END)
- Con_Printf ("FS_Read: Can't inflate file");
+ Con_Printf ("FS_Read: Can't inflate file\n");
ztk->in_ind = ztk->in_len - ztk->zstream.avail_in;
if (numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS)
- Con_Printf ("Draw_CachePic: numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS");
+ Con_Printf ("Draw_CachePic: numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS\n");
// FIXME: support NULL in callers?
return cachepics; // return the first one
if (numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS)
- Con_Printf ("Draw_NewPic: numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS");
+ Con_Printf ("Draw_NewPic: numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS\n");
// FIXME: support NULL in callers?
return cachepics; // return the first one
if (i && i + 1 < com_argc && atoi (com_argv[i+1]) >= 1)
svs.maxclients = atoi (com_argv[i+1]);
if (COM_CheckParm ("-listen"))
- Con_Printf ("Only one of -dedicated or -listen can be specified");
+ Con_Printf ("Only one of -dedicated or -listen can be specified\n");
// default sv_public on for dedicated servers (often hosted by serious administrators), off for listen servers (often hosted by clueless users)
Cvar_SetValue("sv_public", 1);
if(UI_Callback_IsSlotUsed(key_dest - 3))
UI_Callback_KeyDown (key, ascii);
- Con_Printf ("Key_Event: Bad key_dest");
+ Con_Printf ("Key_Event: Bad key_dest\n");
if(UI_Callback_IsSlotUsed(key_dest - 3))
UI_Callback_KeyDown (key, ascii);
- Con_Printf ("Key_Event: Bad key_dest");
+ Con_Printf ("Key_Event: Bad key_dest\n");
if (strlen (name) >= sizeof (sfx->name))
- Con_Printf ("S_FindName: sound name too long (%s)", name);
+ Con_Printf ("S_FindName: sound name too long (%s)\n", name);
return NULL;
// Check that we can handle one second of that sound
if (in_format->speed * in_format->channels > (1 << INTEGER_BITS))
- Con_Printf ("ResampleSfx: sound quality too high for resampling (%uHz, %u channel(s))",
+ Con_Printf ("ResampleSfx: sound quality too high for resampling (%uHz, %u channel(s))\n",
in_format->speed, in_format->channels);
return 0;
if (s->fetcher != NULL)
if (s->format.speed != shm->format.speed)
- Con_Printf ("S_LoadSound: sound %s hasn't been resampled (%uHz instead of %uHz)", s->name);
+ Con_Printf ("S_LoadSound: sound %s hasn't been resampled (%uHz instead of %uHz)\n", s->name);
return true;
if (samples < info.samples)
- Con_Printf ("Sound %s has a bad loop length", name);
+ Con_Printf ("Sound %s has a bad loop length\n", name);
info.samples = samples;
if (volume < 0 || volume > 255)
- Con_Printf ("SV_StartSound: volume = %i", volume);
+ Con_Printf ("SV_StartSound: volume = %i\n", volume);
if (attenuation < 0 || attenuation > 4)
- Con_Printf ("SV_StartSound: attenuation = %f", attenuation);
+ Con_Printf ("SV_StartSound: attenuation = %f\n", attenuation);
if (channel < 0 || channel > 7)
- Con_Printf ("SV_StartSound: channel = %i", channel);
+ Con_Printf ("SV_StartSound: channel = %i\n", channel);
SV_Physics_Toss (ent);
- Con_Printf ("SV_Physics: bad movetype %i", (int)ent->fields.server->movetype);
+ Con_Printf ("SV_Physics: bad movetype %i\n", (int)ent->fields.server->movetype);
- Con_Printf ("SV_Physics_ClientEntity: bad movetype %i", (int)ent->fields.server->movetype);
+ Con_Printf ("SV_Physics_ClientEntity: bad movetype %i\n", (int)ent->fields.server->movetype);
return &svs.clients[entnum-1].message;
- Con_Printf ("WriteDest: bad destination");
+ Con_Printf ("WriteDest: bad destination\n");
case MSG_ALL:
return &sv.reliable_datagram;
if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency (&PerformanceFreq))
- Con_Printf ("No hardware timer available");
+ Con_Printf ("No hardware timer available\n");
// fall back to timeGetTime
Cvar_SetValueQuick(&sys_usetimegettime, true);
return Sys_DoubleTime();
if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency (&PerformanceFreq))
- Con_Printf ("No hardware timer available");
+ Con_Printf ("No hardware timer available\n");
// fall back to timeGetTime
Cvar_SetValueQuick(&sys_usetimegettime, true);
return Sys_DoubleTime();
if ((qglGetString = (const GLubyte* (GLAPIENTRY *)(GLenum name))GL_GetProcAddress("glGetString")) == NULL)
- Con_Printf ("glGetString not found in %s", gl_driver);
+ Con_Printf ("glGetString not found in %s\n", gl_driver);
return false;