set sv_spectator_speed_multiplier 1.5
seta sv_spectate 1 "if set to 1, new clients are allowed to spectate or observe the game, if set to 0 joining clients spawn as players immediately (no spectating)"
seta sv_defaultcharacter 0 "master switch, if set to 1 the further configuration for replacing all player models, skins and colors is taken from the sv_defaultplayermodel, sv_defaultplayerskin and sv_defaultplayercolors variables"
+seta sv_defaultcharacterskin 0 "if set to 1 the further configuration for replacing all skins is taken from the sv_defaultplayerskin variables"
seta sv_defaultplayermodel "models/player/erebus.iqm" "default model selection, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1; you may append a :<skinnumber> suffix to model names; you can specify multiple, separated by space, and a random one will be chosen"
seta sv_defaultplayerskin 0 "each model has 1 or more skins (combination of model and skin = character), set which skin of the model you wish the default character to have, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1; can be overriden by :<skinnumber> suffix in sv_defaultplayermodel"
seta sv_defaultplayermodel_red "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"