#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# converts code like
+# ```
+# if (some_long_condition)
+# if (some_other_long_condition)
+# ```
+# into
+# ```
+# if (some_long_condition
+# && some_other_long_condition)
+# ```
import regex # needs regex instead of re for multiple captures of a group
import glob
then = match.group('then')
then_end = match.end('then')
next_code = old_code[then_end : then_end + 50] # won't error when past end
- contains_else = regex.search("[\n\t ]*else", next_code) != None
+ contains_else = regex.search("^[\n\t ]*else", next_code) != None
if then.startswith("if"):
print("WARNING - then if", count_indents(indent), count_indents(then_indent))