- Helper system. A voice will talk in the background when the player is in a dangerous situation (similar to the suit in Half Life, which warns you when you're low on health).\r
-- Footstep sounds accommodate to player size. A micro player will have no footstep / landing sounds, while a macro will have additional walking sounds to simulate that giantess effect.\r
+- Footstep sounds accommodate to player size. A micro player will have no footstep / landing sounds, while a macro will have additional walking sounds to simulate that giantess effect. The ground will also visibly shake when a macro walks nearby.\r
- Bootable subsystems. The crosshair, HUD, and helper voice will take 2 seconds to startup when the player spawns. Also, if armor (now considered charge) is below 5, you will not have enough energy to run your subsystems, and must wait for your armor to recharge.\r