// ==========================================================
// commented out commands are really only intended for internal use
alias blurtest "qc_cmd_cl blurtest ${* ?}" // Feature for testing blur postprocessing
+alias create_scrshot_ent "qc_cmd_cl create_scrshot_ent ${* ?}" // Create an entity at this location for automatic screenshots
alias debugmodel "qc_cmd_cl debugmodel ${* ?}" // Spawn a debug model manually
//alias handlevote "qc_cmd_cl handlevote ${* ?}" // System to handle selecting a vote or option
alias hud "qc_cmd_cl hud ${* ?}" // Commands regarding/controlling the HUD system
+void LocalCommand_create_scrshot_ent(float request)
+ switch(request)
+ {
+ {
+ float fh;
+ string filename = strcat(MapInfo_Map_bspname, "_scrshot_ent.txt");
+ fh = fopen(filename, FILE_WRITE);
+ if(fh >= 0)
+ {
+ fputs(fh, "{\n");
+ fputs(fh, strcat("\"classname\" \"info_autoscreenshot\"\n"));
+ fputs(fh, strcat("\"origin\" \"", vtos(view_origin), "\"\n"));
+ fputs(fh, strcat("\"angles\" \"", vtos(view_angles), "\"\n"));
+ fputs(fh, "}\n");
+ print("Completed screenshot entity dump in ^2data/data/", MapInfo_Map_bspname, "_scrshot_ent.txt^7.\n");
+ fclose(fh);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print("^1Error: ^7Could not dump to file!\n");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ print("\nUsage:^3 cl_cmd create_scrshot_ent\n");
+ print(" No arguments required.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
void LocalCommand_debugmodel(float request, float argc)
// but for 0.5 compat, we need vyes and vno here as they were replaced... REMOVE THEM AFTER 0.6 RELEASE!!!!
#define CLIENT_COMMANDS(request,arguments) \
CLIENT_COMMAND("blurtest", LocalCommand_blurtest(request), "Feature for testing blur postprocessing") \
+ CLIENT_COMMAND("create_scrshot_ent", LocalCommand_create_scrshot_ent(request), "Create an entity at this location for automatic screenshots") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("debugmodel", LocalCommand_debugmodel(request, arguments), "Spawn a debug model manually") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("handlevote", LocalCommand_handlevote(request, arguments), "System to handle selecting a vote or option") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("hud", LocalCommand_hud(request, arguments), "Commands regarding/controlling the HUD system") \