#include "tab.qc"
CLASS(XonoticJoinTab, XonoticTab)
METHOD(XonoticJoinTab, fill, void(entity))
- ATTRIB(XonoticJoinTab, title, string, _("Join"))
+ ATTRIB(XonoticJoinTab, title, string, _("Servers"))
ATTRIB(XonoticJoinTab, intendedWidth, float, 0.9)
ATTRIB(XonoticJoinTab, rows, float, 23)
ATTRIB(XonoticJoinTab, columns, float, 3)
- ATTRIB(XonoticJoinTab, name, string, "Join")
+ ATTRIB(XonoticJoinTab, name, string, "Servers")
entity makeXonoticJoinTab();
me.gotoRC(me, 0.5, 0);
me.TD(me, 1, 0.4, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Filter:")));
me.TD(me, 1, me.columns - .4, e = makeXonoticInputBox(0, string_null));
+ e.tooltip = getZonedTooltipForIdentifier("XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private/Filter");
e.onChange = PrivateServerList_onFilterBoxChange;
e.onChangeEntity = pslist;
pslist.filterBox = e;
me.gotoRC(me, me.rows - 4, 0);
me.TD(me, 1, 0.4, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Nickname:")));
me.TD(me, 1, me.columns - 0.4, e = makeXonoticInputBox(0, string_null));
+ e.tooltip = getZonedTooltipForIdentifier("XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private/Nickname:");
e.onEnter = PrivateServerList_Connect_Click;
e.onEnterEntity = pslist;
e.onChange = PrivateServerList_onAddressNicknameBoxChange;
me.TD(me, 1, 0.4, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Address:")));
me.TD(me, 1, me.columns - 0.4, e = makeXonoticInputBox(0, string_null));
+ e.tooltip = getZonedTooltipForIdentifier("XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private/Address:");
e.onEnter = PrivateServerList_Connect_Click;
e.onEnterEntity = pslist;
e.onChange = PrivateServerList_onAddressNicknameBoxChange;
e.onChangeEntity = pslist;
pslist.addressBox = e;
- me.TD(me, 1, 2.16, e = makeXonoticButton("Add", '0 0 0'));
+ me.TD(me, 1, 2.16, e = makeXonoticButton(_("Add"), '0 0 0'));
+ e.tooltip = getZonedTooltipForIdentifier("XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private/Add");
e.onClick = PrivateServerList_Add_Click;
e.onClickEntity = pslist;
pslist.addButton = e;
me.TD(me, 1, 2.16, e = makeXonoticButton(_("Update"), '0 0 0'));
+ e.tooltip = getZonedTooltipForIdentifier("XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private/Update");
e.onClick = PrivateServerList_Update_Click;
e.onClickEntity = pslist;
pslist.updateButton = e;
me.TD(me, 1, 2.16, e = makeXonoticButton("Remove", '0 0 0'));
+ e.tooltip = getZonedTooltipForIdentifier("XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private/Remove");
e.onClick = PrivateServerList_Remove_Click;
e.onClickEntity = pslist;
pslist.removeButton = e;
me.gotoRC(me, 0.5, 0);
me.TD(me, 1, 0.6, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(1, _("Filter:")));
me.TD(me, 1, 2.8, e = makeXonoticInputBox(0, string_null));
+ e.tooltip = getZonedTooltipForIdentifier("XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Public/Filter");
e.onChange = ServerList_Filter_Change;
e.onChangeEntity = slist;
slist.controlledTextbox = e;
me.gotoRC(me, me.rows - 2, 0);
me.TD(me, 1, 0.6, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Address:")));
me.TD(me, 1, 2.9, e = makeXonoticInputBox(0, string_null));
+ e.tooltip = getZonedTooltipForIdentifier("XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Public/Address");
e.onEnter = ServerList_Connect_Click;
e.onEnterEntity = slist;
e.onChange = ServerList_Update_favoriteButton;
e.onChangeEntity = slist;
slist.ipAddressBox = e;
- me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, e = makeXonoticButton("", '0 0 0'));
+ me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, e = makeXonoticButton(_("Favorite"), '0 0 0'));
e.onClick = ServerList_Favorite_Click;
e.onClickEntity = slist;
slist.favoriteButton = e;
\XonoticMultiplayerDialog\Play online, against your friends in LAN, view demos or change player settings
\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Servers\Find servers to play on
+\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Public\Public servers from Xonotic master
+\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private\Private servers added by you
+\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Public/Filter\Narrow down the list by a keyword
+\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Public/Address\Domain name or IP address, and the port of the server. Format: server.xonotic.net:26000 or or [FF80:0000:0000:0000:0202:A201:AE2E:32A0]:26001
+\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Join!\Connect to the server and start playing
+\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private/Filter\Narrow down your list with parts of your nickname or address
+\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private/Nickname:\A nickname used to identify the server
+\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private/Address:\Domain name or IP address, and the port of the server. Format: server.xonotic.net:26000 or or [FF80:0000:0000:0000:0202:A201:AE2E:32A0]:26001
+\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private/Add\Add the server with a NEW address to the list. If the address already exists, you can only update it.
+\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private/Update\Update the nickname of an EXISTING address. If it doesn't exist, you are adding a new server.
+\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Private/Remove\Remove the highlighted server
\menu_slist_showempty\Show empty servers
\menu_slist_showfull\Show full servers that have no slots available
\net_slist_pause\Pause updating the server list to prevent servers from "jumping around"
\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Info...\Show more information about the currently highlighted server
-\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Bookmark\Bookmark the currently highlighted server so that it's faster to find in the future
+\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Favorite\Mark or unmark the highlighted server as favorite
\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Create\Host your own game
\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Demos\Browse and view demos
\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Player Setup\Customize your player settings