return this.bot_strategytime < time;
bool navigation_goalrating_timeout_can_be_anticipated(entity this)
if(time > this.bot_strategytime - (IS_MOVABLE(this.goalentity) ? 3 : 2))
// if it can reach the goal there is nothing more to do
set_tracewalk_dest(e, startposition, true);
- if (trace_ent == this || tracewalk(this, startposition, STAT(PL_MIN, this), STAT(PL_MAX, this),
- tracewalk_dest, tracewalk_dest_height, bot_navigation_movemode))
+ if ((!IS_MOVABLE(this.goalcurrent) || vdist(tracewalk_dest - this.origin, <, MAX_CHASE_DISTANCE))
+ && (trace_ent == this || tracewalk(this, startposition, STAT(PL_MIN, this), STAT(PL_MAX, this),
+ tracewalk_dest, tracewalk_dest_height, bot_navigation_movemode)))
return true;
return false;
+// shorten path by removing intermediate goals
+void navigation_shortenpath(entity this)
+ if (!this.goalstack01 || wasfreed(this.goalstack01))
+ return;
+ if (this.bot_tracewalk_time > time)
+ return;
+ this.bot_tracewalk_time = max(time, this.bot_tracewalk_time) + 0.25;
+ bool cut_allowed = false;
+ entity next = this.goalentity;
+ // evaluate whether bot can discard current route and chase directly a player, trying to
+ // keep waypoint route as long as possible, as it is safer and faster (bot can bunnyhop)
+ if (IS_MOVABLE(next))
+ {
+ set_tracewalk_dest(next, this.origin, true);
+ if (vdist(this.origin - tracewalk_dest, <, 200))
+ cut_allowed = true;
+ else if (vdist(tracewalk_dest - this.origin, <, MAX_CHASE_DISTANCE)
+ && vdist(tracewalk_dest - this.goalcurrent.origin, >, 200)
+ && vdist(this.origin - this.goalcurrent.origin, >, 100)
+ && checkpvs(this.origin + this.view_ofs, next))
+ {
+ if (vlen2(next.origin - this.origin) < vlen2(this.goalcurrent.origin - this.origin))
+ cut_allowed = true;
+ else
+ {
+ vector deviation = vectoangles(this.goalcurrent.origin - this.origin) - vectoangles(next.origin - this.origin);
+ while (deviation.y < -180) deviation.y += 360;
+ while (deviation.y > 180) deviation.y -= 360;
+ if (fabs(deviation.y) > 25)
+ cut_allowed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cut_allowed)
+ {
+ if (trace_ent == this || tracewalk(this, this.origin, this.mins, this.maxs,
+ tracewalk_dest, tracewalk_dest_height, bot_navigation_movemode))
+ {
+ LOG_DEBUG("path optimized for ", this.netname, ", route cleared");
+ do
+ {
+ navigation_poproute(this);
+ }
+ while (this.goalcurrent != next);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ next = this.goalstack01;
+ // if for some reason the bot is closer to the next goal, pop the current one
+ if (!IS_MOVABLE(next) // already checked in the previous case
+ && vlen2(this.goalcurrent.origin - next.origin) > vlen2(next.origin - this.origin)
+ && checkpvs(this.origin + this.view_ofs, next))
+ {
+ set_tracewalk_dest(next, this.origin, true);
+ cut_allowed = true;
+ }
+ if (cut_allowed)
+ {
+ if (trace_ent == this || tracewalk(this, this.origin, this.mins, this.maxs,
+ tracewalk_dest, tracewalk_dest_height, bot_navigation_movemode))
+ {
+ LOG_DEBUG("path optimized for ", this.netname, ", removed a goal from the queue");
+ navigation_poproute(this);
+ }
+ }
// removes any currently touching waypoints from the goal stack
// (this is how bots detect if they reached a goal)
int navigation_poptouchedgoals(entity this)
return removed_goals;
- // If for some reason the bot is closer to the next goal, pop the current one
- // randomness should help to get unstuck bot on certain hard paths with climbs and tight corners
- if (this.goalstack01 && !wasfreed(this.goalstack01) && random() < 0.7)
- {
- entity next = IS_PLAYER(this.goalentity) ? this.goalentity : this.goalstack01;
- if (vlen2(this.goalcurrent.origin - next.origin) > vlen2(next.origin - this.origin)
- && checkpvs(this.origin + this.view_ofs, next))
- {
- set_tracewalk_dest(next, this.origin, true);
- if (trace_ent == this || tracewalk(this, this.origin, this.mins, this.maxs,
- tracewalk_dest, tracewalk_dest_height, bot_navigation_movemode))
- {
- LOG_DEBUG("path optimized for ", this.netname, ", removed a goal from the queue");
- do
- {
- // loop clears the whole route if next is a player
- navigation_poproute(this);
- ++removed_goals;
- }
- while (this.goalcurrent == next);
- if (this.goalcurrent && this.goalcurrent.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT)
- return removed_goals;
- // TODO this may also be a nice idea to do "early" (e.g. by
- // manipulating the vlen() comparisons) to shorten paths in
- // general - this would make bots walk more "on rails" than
- // "zigzagging" which they currently do with sufficiently
- // random-like waypoints, and thus can make a nice bot
- // personality property
- }
- }
- }
// Loose goal touching check when running
if(this.aistatus & AI_STATUS_RUNNING)