MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(SUPERWEAPON_LOST, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_POWERUP, "0 0", _("^F2Superweapons have been lost"), "")
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(SUPERWEAPON_PICKUP, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_POWERUP, "0 0", _("^F2You now have a superweapon"), "")
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(SURVIVAL_HUNTER, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_SURVIVAL, "5 0", strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, _("^BGYou are a ^K1hunter^BG! Eliminate the survivor(s) without raising suspicion!")), "")
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(SURVIVAL_HUNTER, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_SURVIVAL, "5 0", BOLD(_("^BGYou are a ^K1hunter^BG! Eliminate the survivor(s) without raising suspicion!")), "")
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(SURVIVAL_HUNTER_WIN, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_ROUND, "0 0", _("^K1Hunters^BG win the round"), "")
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(SURVIVAL_SURVIVOR, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_SURVIVAL, "5 0", strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, _("^BGYou are a ^F1survivor^BG! Identify and eliminate the hunter(s)!")), "")
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(SURVIVAL_SURVIVOR, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_SURVIVAL, "5 0", BOLD(_("^BGYou are a ^F1survivor^BG! Identify and eliminate the hunter(s)!")), "")
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(SURVIVAL_SURVIVOR_WIN, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_ROUND, "0 0", _("^F1Survivors^BG win the round"), "")
MULTITEAM_CENTER(TEAMCHANGE, N_ENABLE, 0, 1, "", CPID_TEAMCHANGE, "1 f1", _("^K1Changing to ^TC^TT^K1 in ^COUNT"), "", NAME)
LOG_HELP(" <client> can be either the name of the bot or a progressive number (not the entity number!)");
LOG_HELP(" can also be '*' or 'all' to allow sending the command to all the bots");
LOG_HELP(" For full list of commands, see bot_cmd help [<command>].");
- LOG_HELP("Examples: sv_cmd bot_cmd 1 cc \"say something\"");
+ LOG_HELP("Examples: sv_cmd bot_cmd 1 cc say something");
LOG_HELP(" sv_cmd bot_cmd 1 presskey jump");
LOG_HELP(" sv_cmd bot_cmd * pause");