if (accepted <= 0)
- LOG_INFO("moveplayer: ", GetClientErrorString(accepted, t), (targets ? ", skipping to next player.\n" : "."));
+ LOG_INFO("moveplayer: ", GetClientErrorString(accepted, t), ".");
else if (destination == "spectator")
- string pl_name = playername(client.netname, client.team, false);
- if (IS_SPEC(client) || IS_OBSERVER(client))
- {
- // well technically we could, but should we allow that? :P
- LOG_INFO("Can't change teams if the player isn't in the game.");
- return;
- }
if (!teamplay)
LOG_INFO("Can't change teams when currently not playing a team game.");
+ string pl_name = playername(client.netname, client.team, false);
+ if (IS_SPEC(client) || IS_OBSERVER(client))
+ {
+ // well technically we could, but should we allow that? :P
+ LOG_INFO("Player ", ftos(GetFilteredNumber(t)), " (", pl_name, ") is not in the game.");
+ continue;
+ }
// set up
int save = Player_GetForcedTeamIndex(client);
Player_SetForcedTeamIndex(client, TEAM_FORCE_DEFAULT);
if (team_num == client.team) // already on the destination team
// keep the forcing undone
- LOG_INFO("Player ", ftos(GetFilteredNumber(t)), " (", pl_name, ") is already on the ", Team_ColoredFullName(team_num), (targets ? "^7, skipping to next player.\n" : "^7."));
+ LOG_INFO("Player ", ftos(GetFilteredNumber(t)), " (", pl_name, ") is already on the ", Team_ColoredFullName(team_num), ".");
else if (team_num == 0) // auto team