set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_zscale 1.25
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_velocitybias 0
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_other_scale 0
-set g_balance_laser_reload_ammo 5
+set g_balance_laser_reload_ammo 6
set g_balance_laser_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ shotgun
// might still be loaded. The reload code takes care of complaining and forced switching
entity e;
e = get_weaponinfo(wpn);
+ if(wpn != WEP_TUBA && wpn != WEP_PORTO && wpn != WEP_HOOK) // skip non-reloadable weapons, or we access undefined cvars
if(cvar(strcat("g_balance_", e.netname, "_reload_ammo")))
f = 1;
// might still be loaded. The reload code takes care of complaining and forced switching
entity e;
e = get_weaponinfo(self.weapon);
+ if(self.weapon != WEP_TUBA && self.weapon != WEP_PORTO && self.weapon != WEP_HOOK) // skip non-reloadable weapons, or we access undefined cvars
if(cvar(strcat("g_balance_", e.netname, "_reload_ammo")))
return FALSE;