setorigin(e, org);
tracetoss(e, e);
+ if(trace_startsolid)
+ return false;
if(e.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE)
tracebox(trace_endpos, e.mins, e.maxs, trace_endpos - eZ * 1500, true, jp);
// starting from the jumppad origin can't reach the real destination
// and destination waypoint ends up near the jumppad itself
vector flatdir = normalize(dist - eZ * dist.z);
- vector ofs = flatdir * 0.5 * min(fabs(this.absmax.x - this.absmin.x), fabs(this.absmin.x - this.absmax.x));
+ vector ofs = flatdir * 0.5 * min(fabs(this.absmax.x - this.absmin.x), fabs(this.absmax.y - this.absmin.y));
new_org = org + ofs;
e.velocity = trigger_push_calculatevelocity(new_org, t, this.height);
if (trigger_push_testorigin(e, t, this, new_org) && (!valid_best_target || trace_endpos.z > best_target.z + 50))