set g_vore_keepdeadprey 0.75 "If enabled, prey remains in the stomach after dying, else the predator throws up their dead body. 0 = disabled, 1 = ernabled, anything between = probability"\r
set g_vore_neighborprey_distance 16 "Distance by which prey inside the same stomach are positioned away from each other. 0 disables seeing neighboring prey"\r
set g_vore_neighborprey_scale 1 "When neighborprey is enabled, all prey is resized by this amount"\r
-set g_vore_swallowmodel_range 200 "Distance by which the swallow model oscillates based on swallow progress"\r
+set g_vore_swallowmodel_range 100 "Distance by which the swallow model oscillates based on swallow progress"\r
set g_healthsize 100 "Players who are low on health shrink and become smaller, value specifies health at which the player has default size"\r
set g_healthsize_movementfactor 0.5 "Amount by which player size affects jumping and running"\r