set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_zscale 1
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_velocitybias 0
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_other_scale 1
+set g_balance_laser_reload_ammo 0 //default: 6
+set g_balance_laser_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ shotgun
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets 6
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_force 150
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_refire 1.1
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_animtime 1
+set g_balance_shotgun_reload_ammo 0 //default: 5
+set g_balance_shotgun_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ uzi
set g_balance_uzi_mode 0 // Activates varible spread for sustained & burst mode secondary
set g_balance_uzi_speed 18000
set g_balance_uzi_bulletconstant 115 // 13.1qu
+set g_balance_uzi_reload_ammo 0 //default: 30
+set g_balance_uzi_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ mortar
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_type 0
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_bouncefactor 0.5
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_bouncestop 0.075
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_ammo 0 //default: 12
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ minelayer
set g_balance_minelayer_damage 35
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage 40
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius 200
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_force 300
+set g_balance_minelayer_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
+set g_balance_minelayer_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ electro
set g_balance_electro_lightning 0
set g_balance_electro_combo_radius 250
set g_balance_electro_combo_comboradius 0
set g_balance_electro_combo_speed 2000
+set g_balance_electro_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
+set g_balance_electro_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ crylink
set g_balance_crylink_primary_damage 18
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_fadetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_lifetime 2 // range: 35000 full, fades to 70000
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_fadetime 2
+set g_balance_crylink_reload_ammo 0 //default: 10
+set g_balance_crylink_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ nex
set g_balance_nex_primary_damage 100
set g_balance_nex_charge_velocity_rate 0.2
set g_balance_nex_charge_minspeed 400
set g_balance_nex_charge_maxspeed 1000
+set g_balance_nex_reload_ammo 0 //default: 25
+set g_balance_nex_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ minstanex
set g_balance_minstanex_refire 1
set g_balance_minstanex_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_minstanex_ammo 10
+set g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo 0
+set g_balance_minstanex_reload_ammo 0 //default: 50
+set g_balance_minstanex_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ hagar
set g_balance_hagar_primary_damage 37
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_lifetime_rand 0
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_refire 0.15
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_ammo 1
+set g_balance_hagar_reload_ammo 0 //default: 25
+set g_balance_hagar_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ rocketlauncher
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_damage 105
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_edgedamage 40
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_radius 150
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_force 600
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_reload_ammo 0 //default: 25
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ porto
set g_balance_porto_primary_refire 1.5
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 10
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 6
+set g_balance_hlac_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
+set g_balance_hlac_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ sniperrifle
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_magazinecapacity 8
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_reloadtime 2 // matches reload anim
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_auto_reload_on_switch 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_bursttime 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_primary_tracer 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_primary_damage 60
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_bulletconstant 130 // 18.3qu
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_burstcost 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
+set g_balance_sniperrifle_reload_ammo 8 //default: 60
+set g_balance_sniperrifle_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ tuba
set g_balance_tuba_refire 0.05
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_up 100
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_z 0
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_spread 0
+set g_balance_fireball_reload_ammo 0 //default: 60
+set g_balance_fireball_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ seeker
set g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo 0.5
set g_balance_seeker_tag_refire 0.7
set g_balance_seeker_tag_speed 9000
set g_balance_seeker_tag_spread 0
+set g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
+set g_balance_seeker_reload_time 2
// End new seeker
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_zscale 1.25
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_velocitybias 0
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_other_scale 1
+set g_balance_laser_reload_ammo 0 //default: 6
+set g_balance_laser_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ shotgun
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets 5
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_force 147
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_refire 1.1
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_animtime 1
+set g_balance_shotgun_reload_ammo 0 //default: 5
+set g_balance_shotgun_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ uzi
set g_balance_uzi_mode 0 // Activates varible spread for sustained & burst mode secondary
set g_balance_uzi_speed 18000
set g_balance_uzi_bulletconstant 300 // 13.1qu
+set g_balance_uzi_reload_ammo 0 //default: 30
+set g_balance_uzi_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ mortar
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_type 0
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_bouncefactor 0.7
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_bouncestop 0.12
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_ammo 0 //default: 12
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ minelayer
set g_balance_minelayer_damage 65
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage 40
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius 200
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_force 300
+set g_balance_minelayer_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
+set g_balance_minelayer_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ electro
set g_balance_electro_lightning 0
set g_balance_electro_combo_radius 250
set g_balance_electro_combo_comboradius 70
set g_balance_electro_combo_speed 400
+set g_balance_electro_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
+set g_balance_electro_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ crylink
set g_balance_crylink_primary_damage 23
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_fadetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_lifetime 2 // range: 4000 full, fades to 8000
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_fadetime 2
+set g_balance_crylink_reload_ammo 0 //default: 10
+set g_balance_crylink_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ nex
set g_balance_nex_primary_damage 72
set g_balance_nex_charge_velocity_rate 0.2
set g_balance_nex_charge_minspeed ""
set g_balance_nex_charge_maxspeed ""
+set g_balance_nex_reload_ammo 0 //default: 25
+set g_balance_nex_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ minstanex
set g_balance_minstanex_refire 1
set g_balance_minstanex_animtime 0.278
set g_balance_minstanex_ammo 10
+set g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo 0
+set g_balance_minstanex_reload_ammo 0 //default: 50
+set g_balance_minstanex_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ hagar
set g_balance_hagar_primary_damage 43
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_lifetime_rand 0
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_refire 0.15
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_ammo 2
+set g_balance_hagar_reload_ammo 0 //default: 25
+set g_balance_hagar_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ rocketlauncher
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_damage 65
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_edgedamage 46
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_radius 185
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_force 590
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_reload_ammo 0 //default: 25
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ porto
set g_balance_porto_primary_refire 1.5
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 11
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 6
+set g_balance_hlac_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
+set g_balance_hlac_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ sniperrifle
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_magazinecapacity 8
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_reloadtime 2 // matches reload anim
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_auto_reload_on_switch 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_bursttime 0.85 // 0.35 - 0.1 + 0.35 - 0.1 + 0.35 = three secondaries
set g_balance_sniperrifle_primary_tracer 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_primary_damage 75
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_bulletconstant 130 // 18.3qu
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_burstcost 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_bullethail 0
+set g_balance_sniperrifle_reload_ammo 8 //default: 60
+set g_balance_sniperrifle_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ tuba
set g_balance_tuba_refire 0.05
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_up 0
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_z 0
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_spread 0
+set g_balance_fireball_reload_ammo 0 //default: 60
+set g_balance_fireball_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ seeker
set g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo 0.5
set g_balance_seeker_tag_refire 0.7
set g_balance_seeker_tag_speed 9000
set g_balance_seeker_tag_spread 0
+set g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
+set g_balance_seeker_reload_time 2
// End new seeker
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_zscale 1.25
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_velocitybias 0
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_other_scale 1
+set g_balance_laser_reload_ammo 0 //default: 6
+set g_balance_laser_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ shotgun
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets 14
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_force 150
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_refire 1.1
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_animtime 1
+set g_balance_shotgun_reload_ammo 0 //default: 5
+set g_balance_shotgun_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ uzi
set g_balance_uzi_mode 1 // Activates varible spread for sustained & burst mode secondary
set g_balance_uzi_speed 18000
set g_balance_uzi_bulletconstant 115 // 13.1qu
+set g_balance_uzi_reload_ammo 0 //default: 30
+set g_balance_uzi_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ mortar
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_type 0
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_bouncefactor 0.5
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_bouncestop 0.075
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_ammo 0 //default: 12
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ minelayer
set g_balance_minelayer_damage 40
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage 40
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius 200
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_force 300
+set g_balance_minelayer_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
+set g_balance_minelayer_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ electro
set g_balance_electro_lightning 0
set g_balance_electro_combo_radius 250
set g_balance_electro_combo_comboradius 0
set g_balance_electro_combo_speed 2000
+set g_balance_electro_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
+set g_balance_electro_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ crylink
set g_balance_crylink_primary_damage 10
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_fadetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_lifetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_fadetime 5
+set g_balance_crylink_reload_ammo 0 //default: 10
+set g_balance_crylink_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ nex
set g_balance_nex_primary_damage 90
set g_balance_nex_charge_velocity_rate 0
set g_balance_nex_charge_minspeed 400
set g_balance_nex_charge_maxspeed 800
+set g_balance_nex_reload_ammo 0 //default: 25
+set g_balance_nex_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ minstanex
set g_balance_minstanex_refire 1
set g_balance_minstanex_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_minstanex_ammo 10
+set g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo 0
+set g_balance_minstanex_reload_ammo 0 //default: 50
+set g_balance_minstanex_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ hagar
set g_balance_hagar_primary_damage 30
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_lifetime_rand 0
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_refire 0.15
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_ammo 1
+set g_balance_hagar_reload_ammo 0 //default: 25
+set g_balance_hagar_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ rocketlauncher
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_damage 80
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_edgedamage 35
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_radius 100
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_force 400
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_reload_ammo 0 //default: 25
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ porto
set g_balance_porto_primary_refire 1.5
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 10
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 6
+set g_balance_hlac_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
+set g_balance_hlac_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ sniperrifle
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_magazinecapacity 8 // make it pretty much useless in close combat
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_reloadtime 2 // matches reload anim
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_auto_reload_on_switch 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_bursttime 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_primary_tracer 1
set g_balance_sniperrifle_primary_damage 50
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_bulletconstant 110 // 15.5qu
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_burstcost 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
+set g_balance_sniperrifle_reload_ammo 8 //default: 60
+set g_balance_sniperrifle_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ tuba
set g_balance_tuba_refire 0.05
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_up 100
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_z 0
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_spread 0
+set g_balance_fireball_reload_ammo 0 //default: 60
+set g_balance_fireball_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ seeker
set g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo 0.5
set g_balance_seeker_tag_refire 0.7
set g_balance_seeker_tag_speed 9000
set g_balance_seeker_tag_spread 0
+set g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
+set g_balance_seeker_reload_time 2
// End new seeker
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_bulletconstant 110 // 15.5qu
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_burstcost 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_reload_ammo 60 //default: 60
+set g_balance_sniperrifle_reload_ammo 8 //default: 60
set g_balance_sniperrifle_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ tuba
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_zscale 1
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_velocitybias 0
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_other_scale 1
+set g_balance_laser_reload_ammo 0 //default: 6
+set g_balance_laser_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ shotgun
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets 10
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_force 150
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_refire 1.1
set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_animtime 1
+set g_balance_shotgun_reload_ammo 0 //default: 5
+set g_balance_shotgun_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ uzi
set g_balance_uzi_mode 1 // Activates varible spread for sustained & burst mode secondary
set g_balance_uzi_speed 18000
set g_balance_uzi_bulletconstant 115 // 13.1qu
+set g_balance_uzi_reload_ammo 0 //default: 30
+set g_balance_uzi_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ mortar
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_type 0
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_bouncefactor 0.5
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_bouncestop 0.075
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_ammo 0 //default: 12
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ minelayer
set g_balance_minelayer_damage 35
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage 40
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius 200
set g_balance_minelayer_remote_force 300
+set g_balance_minelayer_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
+set g_balance_minelayer_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ electro
set g_balance_electro_lightning 0
set g_balance_electro_combo_radius 250
set g_balance_electro_combo_comboradius 0
set g_balance_electro_combo_speed 1000
+set g_balance_electro_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
+set g_balance_electro_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ crylink
set g_balance_crylink_primary_damage 5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_fadetime 5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_lifetime 2 // range: 4000 full, fades to 8000
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_fadetime 2
+set g_balance_crylink_reload_ammo 0 //default: 10
+set g_balance_crylink_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ nex
set g_balance_nex_primary_damage 100
set g_balance_nex_charge_velocity_rate 0
set g_balance_nex_charge_minspeed 400
set g_balance_nex_charge_maxspeed 1000
+set g_balance_nex_reload_ammo 0 //default: 25
+set g_balance_nex_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ minstanex
set g_balance_minstanex_refire 1
set g_balance_minstanex_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_minstanex_ammo 10
+set g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo 0
+set g_balance_minstanex_reload_ammo 0 //default: 50
+set g_balance_minstanex_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ hagar
set g_balance_hagar_primary_damage 25
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_lifetime_rand 0
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_refire 0.15
set g_balance_hagar_secondary_ammo 1
+set g_balance_hagar_reload_ammo 0 //default: 25
+set g_balance_hagar_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ rocketlauncher
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_damage 120
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_edgedamage 20
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_radius 125
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_force 350
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_reload_ammo 0 //default: 25
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ porto
set g_balance_porto_primary_refire 1.5
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime 0.7
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 10
set g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 6
+set g_balance_hlac_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
+set g_balance_hlac_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ sniperrifle
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_magazinecapacity 8 // make it pretty much useless in close combat
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_reloadtime 2 // matches reload anim
-set g_balance_sniperrifle_auto_reload_on_switch 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_bursttime 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_primary_tracer 1
set g_balance_sniperrifle_primary_damage 40
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_bulletconstant 110 // 15.5qu
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_burstcost 0
set g_balance_sniperrifle_secondary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
+set g_balance_sniperrifle_reload_ammo 8 //default: 60
+set g_balance_sniperrifle_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ tuba
set g_balance_tuba_refire 0.05
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_up 100
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_z 0
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_spread 0
+set g_balance_fireball_reload_ammo 0 //default: 60
+set g_balance_fireball_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ seeker
set g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo 0.5
set g_balance_seeker_tag_refire 1
set g_balance_seeker_tag_speed 9000
set g_balance_seeker_tag_spread 0
+set g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
+set g_balance_seeker_reload_time 2
// End new seeker
// TrueAim check
float shottype;
- float weapon_clipload, weapon_clipsize, ring_scale;
// wcross_origin = '0.5 0 0' * vid_conwidth + '0 0.5 0' * vid_conheight;
wcross_origin = project_3d_to_2d(view_origin + MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE * view_forward);
wcross_origin_z = 0;
wcross_alpha *= 1 - autocvar__menu_alpha;
wcross_size = drawgetimagesize(wcross_name) * wcross_scale;
- float ring_value, ring_scale, ring_alpha, ring_inner_value, ring_inner_alpha;
- string ring_image, ring_inner_image;
- vector ring_rgb, ring_inner_rgb;
- // normal crosshair ring
+ // crosshair rings for weapon stats
if (autocvar_crosshair_ring)
+ // declarations and stats
+ float ring_value, ring_scale, ring_alpha, ring_inner_value, ring_inner_alpha;
+ string ring_image, ring_inner_image;
+ vector ring_rgb, ring_inner_rgb;
ring_scale = autocvar_crosshair_ring_size;
+ float weapon_clipload, weapon_clipsize;
+ weapon_clipload = getstati(STAT_WEAPON_CLIPLOAD);
+ weapon_clipsize = getstati(STAT_WEAPON_CLIPSIZE);
float nex_charge, nex_chargepool;
nex_charge = getstatf(STAT_NEX_CHARGE);
nex_chargepool = getstatf(STAT_NEX_CHARGEPOOL);
if(nex_charge_movingavg == 0) // this should only happen if we have just loaded up the game
nex_charge_movingavg = nex_charge;
+ // handle the values
if (activeweapon == WEP_NEX && nex_charge && autocvar_crosshair_ring_nex) // ring around crosshair representing velocity-dependent damage for the nex
if (nex_chargepool || use_nex_chargepool) {
// draw the outer ring to show the current charge of the weapon
ring_value = nex_charge;
ring_alpha = wcross_alpha * autocvar_crosshair_ring_nex_alpha;
- ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring_nexgun.tga";
ring_rgb = wcross_color;
+ ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring_nexgun.tga";
else if (activeweapon == WEP_MINE_LAYER && minelayer_maxmines && autocvar_crosshair_ring_minelayer)
ring_value = bound(0, getstati(STAT_LAYED_MINES) / minelayer_maxmines, 1); // if you later need to use the count of bullets in another place, then add a float for it. For now, no need to.
ring_alpha = wcross_alpha * autocvar_crosshair_ring_minelayer_alpha;
- ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
ring_rgb = wcross_color;
+ ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
- if (autocvar_crosshair_ring_inner && ring_inner_value) // lets draw a ring inside a ring so you can ring while you ring
- DrawCircleClippedPic(wcross_origin, wcross_size_x * ring_scale, ring_inner_image, ring_inner_value, ring_inner_rgb, ring_inner_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- if (ring_value)
- DrawCircleClippedPic(wcross_origin, wcross_size_x * ring_scale, ring_image, ring_value, ring_rgb, ring_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- }
- // ammo crosshair ring
- if(autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload)
- {
- weapon_clipload = getstati(STAT_WEAPON_CLIPLOAD);
- if (weapon_clipload) // ring around crosshair representing ammo left in the weapon clip
+ if(autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload && weapon_clipsize) // forces there to be only an ammo ring
- weapon_clipsize = getstati(STAT_WEAPON_CLIPSIZE);
ring_value = bound(0, weapon_clipload / weapon_clipsize, 1);
ring_scale = autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload_size;
ring_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload_alpha;
- ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
ring_rgb = wcross_color;
+ // Note: This is to stop Taoki from complaining that the image doesn't match all potential balances.
+ // if a new image for another weapon is added, add the code (and its respective file/value) here
+ if ((activeweapon == WEP_SNIPERRIFLE) && (weapon_clipsize == 8))
+ ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring_sniperrifle.tga";
+ else
+ ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
+ }
+ if (autocvar_crosshair_ring_inner && ring_inner_value) // lets draw a ring inside a ring so you can ring while you ring
+ DrawCircleClippedPic(wcross_origin, wcross_size_x * ring_scale, ring_inner_image, ring_inner_value, ring_inner_rgb, ring_inner_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ if (ring_value)
DrawCircleClippedPic(wcross_origin, wcross_size_x * ring_scale, ring_image, ring_value, ring_rgb, ring_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- }
#define CROSSHAIR_DO_BLUR(M,sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha) \