return color;
+float HUD_GetRowCount(float item_count, vector size, float item_aspect)
+ float aspect = size_y/size_x;
+ return bound(1, floor((sqrt(4 * item_aspect * aspect * item_count + aspect * aspect) + aspect + 0.5) / 2), item_count);
float stringwidth_colors(string s, vector theSize)
return stringwidth(s, TRUE, theSize);
// NOTE: the goal is to use the all-weapons layout and remove unneeded cells
// this way weapon icons always have the same size regardless of owned weapon count
// get the all-weapons layout
- rows = old_panel_size_y/old_panel_size_x;
- rows = bound(1, floor((sqrt(4 * aspect * rows * WEP_COUNT + rows * rows) + rows + 0.5) / 2), WEP_COUNT);
+ rows = HUD_GetRowCount(WEP_COUNT, old_panel_size, aspect);
columns = ceil(WEP_COUNT/rows);
weapon_size_x = old_panel_size_x / columns;
weapon_size_y = old_panel_size_y / rows;
if(!rows) // if rows is > 0 onlyowned code has already updated these vars
- rows = panel_size_y/panel_size_x;
- rows = bound(1, floor((sqrt(4 * aspect * rows * weapon_count + rows * rows) + rows + 0.5) / 2), weapon_count);
+ rows = HUD_GetRowCount(weapon_count, panel_size, aspect);
columns = ceil(weapon_count/rows);
weapon_size = eX * panel_size_x*(1/columns) + eY * panel_size_y*(1/rows);
nade_prevstatus = nade_prevframe = nade_statuschange_time = 0;
- rows = mySize_y/mySize_x;
- rows = bound(1, floor((sqrt(4 * (3/1) * rows * (total_ammo_count) + rows * rows) + rows + 0.5) / 2), (total_ammo_count));
- // ^^^ ammo item aspect goes here
+ rows = HUD_GetRowCount(total_ammo_count, mySize, 3);
columns = ceil((total_ammo_count)/rows);
ammo_size = eX * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * mySize_y*(1/rows);
local vector offset = '0 0 0'; // fteqcc sucks
float newSize;
if(spectatee_status == -1)
- rows = mySize_y/mySize_x;
- rows = bound(1, floor((sqrt(4 * (3/1) * rows * team_count + rows * rows) + rows + 0.5) / 2), team_count);
- // ^^^ ammo item aspect goes here
+ rows = HUD_GetRowCount(team_count, mySize, 3);
columns = ceil(team_count/rows);
score_size = eX * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * mySize_y*(1/rows);
float newSize;
else //if(gametype == MAPINFO_TYPE_FREEZETAG)
layout = autocvar_hud_panel_modicons_freezetag_layout;
float rows, columns, aspect_ratio;
- rows = mySize_y/mySize_x;
aspect_ratio = (layout) ? 2 : 1;
- rows = bound(1, floor((sqrt((4 * aspect_ratio * team_count + rows) * rows) + rows + 0.5) / 2), team_count);
+ rows = HUD_GetRowCount(team_count, mySize, aspect_ratio);
columns = ceil(team_count/rows);
int i;
float layout = autocvar_hud_panel_modicons_dom_layout;
float rows, columns, aspect_ratio;
- rows = mySize_y/mySize_x;
aspect_ratio = (layout) ? 3 : 1;
- rows = bound(1, floor((sqrt((4 * aspect_ratio * team_count + rows) * rows) + rows + 0.5) / 2), team_count);
+ rows = HUD_GetRowCount(team_count, mySize, aspect_ratio);
columns = ceil(team_count/rows);
int i;