return FALSE;\r
-float Prey_Mass(entity prey)\r
- float vore_mass;\r
- vore_mass = cvar("g_balance_vore_load_prey_mass");\r
- if(cvar("g_healthsize"))\r
- vore_mass *= prey.scale;\r
- vore_mass = ceil(vore_mass);\r
- return vore_mass;\r
float Stomach_TeamMates_check(entity pred)\r
// checks if a player's stomach contains any team mates\r
-void Vore_WeightApply(entity e)\r
+void Vore_StomachLoad_Apply()\r
- // apply stomach weight that makes you heavier the more you eat\r
+ // apply stomach weight that makes you heavier and larger the more you eat\r
// slowing the player is done in cl_physics.qc\r
- if(e.stomach_load != e.vore_oldstomachload)\r
- e.gravity += 1 + (e.stomach_load / e.stomach_maxload * cvar("g_balance_vore_load_pred_weight") - e.vore_oldstomachload);\r
- if(e.gravity == 0)\r
- e.gravity = 0.00001; // 0 becomes 1 for gravity, so do this to allow 0 gravity\r
- e.vore_oldstomachload = e.stomach_load;\r
+ entity e;\r
+ float vore_mass;\r
+ self.stomach_load = 0; // start from zero\r
+ {\r
+ if(e.predator == self && e.classname == "player")\r
+ {\r
+ vore_mass = cvar("g_balance_vore_load_prey_mass");\r
+ if(cvar("g_healthsize"))\r
+ vore_mass *= self.scale;\r
+ self.stomach_load += floor(vore_mass);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if(self.stomach_load != self.vore_oldstomachload)\r
+ self.gravity += 1 + (self.stomach_load / self.stomach_maxload * cvar("g_balance_vore_load_pred_weight") - self.vore_oldstomachload);\r
+ if(self.gravity == 0)\r
+ self.gravity = 0.00001; // 0 becomes 1 for gravity, so do this to allow 0 gravity\r
+ self.vore_oldstomachload = self.stomach_load;\r
+ // apply the stomach capacity of the predator\r
+ self.stomach_maxload = cvar("g_balance_vore_load_pred_capacity");\r
+ if(cvar("g_healthsize"))\r
+ self.stomach_maxload *= self.scale;\r
+ self.stomach_maxload = floor(self.stomach_maxload);\r
void Vore_AutoDigest(entity e)\r
PlayerSound(e.predator, playersound_swallow, CHAN_VOICE, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND);\r
setanim(e.predator, e.predator.anim_pain1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); // looks good for swallowing / regurgitating\r
e.predator.punchangle_x -= cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_punchangle");\r
- e.predator.stomach_load += Prey_Mass(e);\r
e.predator.regurgitate_prepare = 0;\r
e.predator.spawnshieldtime = 0; // lose spawn shield when we vore\r
e.predator.hitsound += 1; // play this for team mates too, as we could be swallowing them to heal them\r
- Vore_WeightApply(e.predator);\r
// block firing for a small amount of time, or we'll be firing the next frame after we swallow\r
setanim(e.predator, e.predator.anim_pain1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); // looks good for swallowing / regurgitating\r
pointparticles(particleeffectnum("vore_regurgitate"), e.predator.origin, '0 0 0', 1);\r
e.predator.punchangle_x += cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_punchangle");\r
- e.predator.stomach_load -= Prey_Mass(e);\r
e.predator.regurgitate_prepare = 0;\r
e.predator.action_delay = time + cvar("g_balance_vore_action_delay");\r
- Vore_WeightApply(e.predator);\r
// block firing for a small amount of time, or we'll be firing the next frame\r
e.weapon_delay = time + button_delay_time;\r
// first release the prey from the predator, as dead prey needs to be attached differently\r
// the predator's stomach load is also decreased, as dead prey doesn't count any more\r
- e.predator.stomach_load -= Prey_Mass(e);\r
- Vore_WeightApply(e.predator);\r
e.predator = world;\r
// now put our dead prey inside the predator's stomach, but only as an effect\r
entity prey;\r
prey = Swallow_player_check();\r
- // set the predator's stomach capacity\r
- self.stomach_maxload = cvar("g_balance_vore_load_pred_capacity");\r
- if(cvar("g_healthsize"))\r
- self.stomach_maxload *= self.scale;\r
- self.stomach_maxload = floor(self.stomach_maxload);\r
+ // set the predator's stomach load and capacity\r
+ Vore_StomachLoad_Apply();\r
// attempt to swallow our new prey if we pressed the attack button, and there's any in range\r
self.stat_canswallow = 0;\r