#define TINY_AREA 1.0f
int MaxAreaIndexes(bspDrawVert_t *vert, int cnt, int *indexes)
int r, s, t, bestR = 0, bestS = 1, bestT = 2;
- int i, j;
+ int i, j, try;
double A, bestA = -1, V, bestV = -1;
vec3_t ab, ac, bc, cross;
bspDrawVert_t *buf;
printf("value was REALLY bad\n");
- if(bestA < TINY_AREA)
- /* the biggest triangle is degenerate - then every other is too, and the other algorithms wouldn't generate anything useful either */
- return 0;
- i = 0;
- indexes[i++] = bestR;
- indexes[i++] = bestS;
- indexes[i++] = bestT;
- /* uses 3 */
- /* identify the other fragments */
- /* full polygon without triangle (bestR,bestS,bestT) = three new polygons:
- * 1. bestR..bestS
- * 2. bestS..bestT
- * 3. bestT..bestR
- */
- j = i + MaxAreaIndexes(vert + bestR, bestS - bestR + 1, indexes + i);
- for(; i < j; ++i)
- indexes[i] += bestR;
- /* uses 3*(bestS-bestR+1)-6 */
- j = i + MaxAreaIndexes(vert + bestS, bestT - bestS + 1, indexes + i);
- for(; i < j; ++i)
- indexes[i] += bestS;
- /* uses 3*(bestT-bestS+1)-6 */
- /* can'bestT recurse this one directly... therefore, buffering */
- if(cnt + bestR - bestT + 1 >= 3)
+ for(try = 0; try < MAXAREA_MAXTRIES; ++try)
- buf = safe_malloc(sizeof(*vert) * (cnt + bestR - bestT + 1));
- memcpy(buf, vert + bestT, sizeof(*vert) * (cnt - bestT));
- memcpy(buf + (cnt - bestT), vert, sizeof(*vert) * (bestR + 1));
- j = i + MaxAreaIndexes(buf, cnt + bestR - bestT + 1, indexes + i);
+ if(try)
+ {
+ bestR = rand() % cnt;
+ bestS = rand() % cnt;
+ bestT = rand() % cnt;
+ if(bestR == bestS || bestR == bestT || bestS == bestT)
+ continue;
+ // bubblesort inline
+ // abc acb bac bca cab cba
+ if(bestR > bestS)
+ {
+ j = bestR;
+ bestR = bestS;
+ bestS = j;
+ }
+ // abc acb abc bca acb bca
+ if(bestS > bestT)
+ {
+ j = bestS;
+ bestS = bestT;
+ bestT = j;
+ }
+ // abc abc abc bac abc bac
+ if(bestR > bestS)
+ {
+ j = bestR;
+ bestR = bestS;
+ bestS = j;
+ }
+ // abc abc abc abc abc abc
+ VectorSubtract(vert[bestS].xyz, vert[bestR].xyz, ab);
+ VectorSubtract(vert[bestT].xyz, vert[bestR].xyz, ac);
+ CrossProduct(ab, ac, cross);
+ bestA = VectorLength(cross);
+ }
+ if(bestA < TINY_AREA)
+ /* the biggest triangle is degenerate - then every other is too, and the other algorithms wouldn't generate anything useful either */
+ continue;
+ i = 0;
+ indexes[i++] = bestR;
+ indexes[i++] = bestS;
+ indexes[i++] = bestT;
+ /* uses 3 */
+ /* identify the other fragments */
+ /* full polygon without triangle (bestR,bestS,bestT) = three new polygons:
+ * 1. bestR..bestS
+ * 2. bestS..bestT
+ * 3. bestT..bestR
+ */
+ j = MaxAreaIndexes(vert + bestR, bestS - bestR + 1, indexes + i);
+ if(j < 0)
+ continue;
+ j += i;
for(; i < j; ++i)
- indexes[i] = (indexes[i] + bestT) % cnt;
- /* uses 3*(cnt+bestR-bestT+1)-6 */
- free(buf);
- }
+ indexes[i] += bestR;
+ /* uses 3*(bestS-bestR+1)-6 */
+ j = MaxAreaIndexes(vert + bestS, bestT - bestS + 1, indexes + i);
+ if(j < 0)
+ continue;
+ j += i;
+ for(; i < j; ++i)
+ indexes[i] += bestS;
+ /* uses 3*(bestT-bestS+1)-6 */
+ /* can'bestT recurse this one directly... therefore, buffering */
+ if(cnt + bestR - bestT + 1 >= 3)
+ {
+ buf = safe_malloc(sizeof(*vert) * (cnt + bestR - bestT + 1));
+ memcpy(buf, vert + bestT, sizeof(*vert) * (cnt - bestT));
+ memcpy(buf + (cnt - bestT), vert, sizeof(*vert) * (bestR + 1));
+ j = MaxAreaIndexes(buf, cnt + bestR - bestT + 1, indexes + i);
+ if(j < 0)
+ {
+ free(buf);
+ continue;
+ }
+ j += i;
+ for(; i < j; ++i)
+ indexes[i] = (indexes[i] + bestT) % cnt;
+ /* uses 3*(cnt+bestR-bestT+1)-6 */
+ free(buf);
+ }
- /* together 3 + 3*(cnt+3) - 18 = 3*cnt-6 q.e.d. */
+ /* together 3 + 3*(cnt+3) - 18 = 3*cnt-6 q.e.d. */
+ return i;
+ }
- return i;
+ return -1;
void MaxAreaFaceSurface(mapDrawSurface_t *ds)
+ int n;
/* try to early out */
if( !ds->numVerts || (ds->type != SURFACE_FACE && ds->type != SURFACE_DECAL) )
/* do it! */
ds->numIndexes = 3 * ds->numVerts - 6;
ds->indexes = safe_malloc( ds->numIndexes * sizeof( int ) );
- ds->numIndexes = MaxAreaIndexes(ds->verts, ds->numVerts, ds->indexes);
+ n = MaxAreaIndexes(ds->verts, ds->numVerts, ds->indexes);
+ if(n < 0)
+ {
+ /* whatever we do, it's degenerate */
+ free(ds->indexes);
+ ds->numIndexes = 0;
+ StripFaceSurface(ds);
+ return;
+ }
+ ds->numIndexes = n;
/* add to count */