return label;
+void HUD_Scoreboard_UI_Disable()
+ scoreboard_showscores = false;
+ scoreboard_ui_enabled = 0;
+ scoreboard_selected_panel = 0;
+ scoreboard_selected_player = NULL;
+ scoreboard_selected_team = NULL;
+ scoreboard_ui_disabled_time = time;
+// mode: 0 normal, 1 team selection
+void Scoreboard_UI_Enable(int mode)
+ if (mode == 1)
+ {
+ if (scoreboard_ui_enabled == 2 || !teamplay)
+ return;
+ // Do not allow reopening the team selection for some time after it has been closed.
+ // It works around a bug caused by the server sending scoreboard_team_selection every frame
+ // until client selects a team and joins: scoreboard_team_selection gets executed even
+ // after client already joined
+ // For the record, with the menu dialog this workaround is not needed because it takes
+ // some time to fade away
+ if (time < scoreboard_ui_disabled_time + 0.5)
+ return;
+ scoreboard_ui_enabled = 2;
+ scoreboard_selected_panel = SB_PANEL_SCOREBOARD;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (scoreboard_ui_enabled == 1)
+ return;
+ scoreboard_ui_enabled = 1;
+ scoreboard_selected_panel = SB_PANEL_FIRST;
+ }
+ scoreboard_selected_player = NULL;
+ scoreboard_selected_team = NULL;
+ scoreboard_selected_panel_time = time;
int rankings_start_column;
int rankings_rows = 0;
int rankings_columns = 0;
string s;
+ if(!scoreboard_ui_enabled)
+ return false;
if(bInputType == 3)
mousepos.x = nPrimary;
// at this point bInputType can only be 0 or 1 (key pressed or released)
bool key_pressed = (bInputType == 0);
- if(scoreboard_ui_enabled)
+ // ESC to exit (TAB-ESC works too)
+ if(nPrimary == K_ESCAPE)
- // ESC to exit (TAB-ESC works too)
- if(nPrimary == K_ESCAPE)
- {
- if (!key_pressed)
- return true;
- scoreboard_showscores = false;
- scoreboard_ui_enabled = false;
- scoreboard_selected_panel = 0;
- scoreboard_selected_player = NULL;
+ if (!key_pressed)
return true;
- }
- }
- else //if(!scoreboard_ui_enabled)
- {
- // TAB-ESC to enter
- if(nPrimary == K_ESCAPE && (hudShiftState & S_TAB))
- {
- if (!key_pressed)
- return true;
- scoreboard_ui_enabled = true;
- scoreboard_selected_panel = SB_PANEL_SCOREBOARD;
- scoreboard_selected_panel_time = time;
- }
+ HUD_Scoreboard_UI_Disable();
+ return true;
// block any input while a menu dialog is fading
if(nPrimary == K_TAB) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_TAB);
- if(!scoreboard_ui_enabled)
- return false;
if(nPrimary == K_TAB)
if (!key_pressed)
return true;
+ if (scoreboard_ui_enabled == 2)
+ goto downarrow_action;
if (scoreboard_selected_panel == SB_PANEL_RANKINGS && !rankings_cnt)
if (!key_pressed)
return true;
+ LABEL(downarrow_action);
if (scoreboard_selected_panel == SB_PANEL_SCOREBOARD)
- entity pl, tm;
- entity curr_pl = NULL;
- bool scoreboard_selected_player_found = false;
- if (!scoreboard_selected_player)
- scoreboard_selected_player_found = true;
- for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next)
+ if (scoreboard_ui_enabled == 2)
- if(tm.team != NUM_SPECTATOR)
- for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next)
+ entity curr_team = NULL;
+ bool scoreboard_selected_team_found = false;
+ if (!scoreboard_selected_team)
+ scoreboard_selected_team_found = true;
+ for(entity tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next)
- if(pl.team != tm.team)
+ if(tm.team == NUM_SPECTATOR)
- curr_pl = pl;
- if (scoreboard_selected_player_found)
- goto ok_done;
- if (scoreboard_selected_player == pl)
- scoreboard_selected_player_found = true;
+ curr_team = tm;
+ if (scoreboard_selected_team_found)
+ goto ok_team;
+ if (scoreboard_selected_team == tm)
+ scoreboard_selected_team_found = true;
+ LABEL(ok_team);
+ if (curr_team == scoreboard_selected_team) // loop reached the last team
+ curr_team = NULL;
+ scoreboard_selected_team = curr_team;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entity pl, tm;
+ entity curr_pl = NULL;
+ bool scoreboard_selected_player_found = false;
+ if (!scoreboard_selected_player)
+ scoreboard_selected_player_found = true;
+ for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next)
+ {
+ if(tm.team != NUM_SPECTATOR)
+ for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next)
+ {
+ if(pl.team != tm.team)
+ continue;
+ curr_pl = pl;
+ if (scoreboard_selected_player_found)
+ goto ok_done;
+ if (scoreboard_selected_player == pl)
+ scoreboard_selected_player_found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ LABEL(ok_done);
+ if (curr_pl == scoreboard_selected_player) // loop reached the last player
+ curr_pl = NULL;
+ scoreboard_selected_player = curr_pl;
- LABEL(ok_done);
- if (curr_pl == scoreboard_selected_player) // loop reached the last player
- curr_pl = NULL;
- scoreboard_selected_player = curr_pl;
else if(nPrimary == K_UPARROW)
if (!key_pressed)
return true;
- entity prev_pl = NULL;
if (scoreboard_selected_panel == SB_PANEL_SCOREBOARD)
- entity pl, tm;
- for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next)
+ if (scoreboard_ui_enabled == 2)
- if(tm.team != NUM_SPECTATOR)
- for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next)
+ entity prev_team = NULL;
+ for(entity tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next)
- if(pl.team != tm.team)
+ if(tm.team == NUM_SPECTATOR)
- if (pl == scoreboard_selected_player)
- goto ok_done2;
- prev_pl = pl;
+ if (tm == scoreboard_selected_team)
+ goto ok_team2;
+ prev_team = tm;
+ }
+ LABEL(ok_team2);
+ scoreboard_selected_team = prev_team;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entity prev_pl = NULL;
+ entity pl, tm;
+ for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next)
+ {
+ if(tm.team != NUM_SPECTATOR)
+ for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next)
+ {
+ if(pl.team != tm.team)
+ continue;
+ if (pl == scoreboard_selected_player)
+ goto ok_done2;
+ prev_pl = pl;
+ }
+ LABEL(ok_done2);
+ scoreboard_selected_player = prev_pl;
- LABEL(ok_done2);
- scoreboard_selected_player = prev_pl;
else if(nPrimary == K_RIGHTARROW)
return true;
if (scoreboard_selected_panel == SB_PANEL_SCOREBOARD)
- if (!scoreboard_selected_player || (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT))
+ if (scoreboard_ui_enabled == 2)
+ {
+ string team_name;
+ if (!scoreboard_selected_team || (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT))
+ team_name = "auto";
+ else
+ team_name = Static_Team_ColorName(scoreboard_selected_team.team);
+ localcmd(sprintf("cmd selectteam %s; cmd join", team_name));
+ HUD_Scoreboard_UI_Disable();
+ }
+ else if (!scoreboard_selected_player || (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT))
- scoreboard_ui_enabled = false;
- scoreboard_showscores = false;
- scoreboard_selected_panel = 0;
- scoreboard_selected_player = NULL;
+ HUD_Scoreboard_UI_Disable();
localcmd(sprintf("spectate %d", scoreboard_selected_player.sv_entnum + 1));
if (scoreboard_selected_player)
localcmd(sprintf("commandmode tell \"%s^7\"", entcs_GetName(scoreboard_selected_player.sv_entnum)));
- scoreboard_ui_enabled = false;
- scoreboard_showscores = false;
- scoreboard_selected_panel = 0;
- scoreboard_selected_player = NULL;
+ HUD_Scoreboard_UI_Disable();
vector h_pos = item_pos;
vector h_size = vec2(panel_size.x, hud_fontsize.y * 1.25);
// alternated rows highlighting
- if (scoreboard_selected_panel == SB_PANEL_SCOREBOARD)
+ if (scoreboard_selected_panel == SB_PANEL_SCOREBOARD && scoreboard_ui_enabled == 1)
if (pl == scoreboard_selected_player)
- drawfill(h_pos, h_size, rgb, 0.44, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawfill(h_pos, h_size, rgb, 0.44 * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
else if(is_self)
drawfill(h_pos, h_size, rgb, sbt_highlight_alpha_self, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if (scoreboard_selected_panel == SB_PANEL_SCOREBOARD)
+ if (scoreboard_selected_panel == SB_PANEL_SCOREBOARD && scoreboard_ui_enabled == 1)
if (pl == scoreboard_selected_player)
h_size.x = column_width + hud_fontsize.x * 0.25;
h_size.y = hud_fontsize.y;
- drawfill(pos - hud_fontsize.x * 0.25 * eX, h_size, rgb, 0.44, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawfill(pos - hud_fontsize.x * 0.25 * eX, h_size, rgb, 0.44 * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
if (scoreboard_selected_panel == SB_PANEL_SCOREBOARD)
- float fade = max(0, (1 - (time - scoreboard_selected_panel_time) * 2));
- drawfill(scoreboard_selected_hl_pos, scoreboard_selected_hl_size, '1 1 1', fade * 0.3, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ if (scoreboard_ui_enabled == 1 || (tm && scoreboard_selected_team == tm))
+ {
+ float _alpha = (scoreboard_ui_enabled == 2) ? 0.2 : 0.3 * max(0, (1 - (time - scoreboard_selected_panel_time) * 2));
+ _alpha *= panel_fg_alpha;
+ if (_alpha)
+ drawfill(scoreboard_selected_hl_pos, scoreboard_selected_hl_size, '1 1 1', _alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
panel_size.x += panel_bg_padding * 2; // restore initial width
// Game Info: Game Type
str = MapInfo_Type_ToText(gametype);
+ if (scoreboard_ui_enabled == 2)
+ {
+ if (scoreboard_selected_team)
+ str = sprintf(_("^7Press ^3%s ^7to join the selected team"), getcommandkey(_("jump"), "+jump"));
+ else
+ str = sprintf(_("^7Press ^3%s ^7to join 'best' team (auto-select)"), getcommandkey(_("jump"), "+jump"));
+ }
drawcolorcodedstring(pos + '0.5 0 0' * (panel_size.x - stringwidth(str, true, sb_gameinfo_type_fontsize)), str, sb_gameinfo_type_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ pos.y += sb_gameinfo_type_fontsize.y;
// Game Info: Game Detail
- float tl = STAT(TIMELIMIT);
- float fl = STAT(FRAGLIMIT);
- float ll = STAT(LEADLIMIT);
- float ll_and_fl = STAT(LEADLIMIT_AND_FRAGLIMIT);
- str = "";
- if(tl > 0)
- str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^3%1.0f minutes"), tl));
- if(!gametype.m_hidelimits)
- {
- if(fl > 0)
- {
- if(tl > 0)
- str = strcat(str, "^7 / "); // delimiter
- if(teamplay)
- {
- str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^5%s %s"), ScoreString(teamscores_flags(ts_primary), fl),
- (teamscores_label(ts_primary) == "score") ? CTX(_("SCO^points")) :
- (teamscores_label(ts_primary) == "fastest") ? "" :
- TranslateScoresLabel(teamscores_label(ts_primary))));
- }
- else
- {
- str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^5%s %s"), ScoreString(scores_flags(ps_primary), fl),
- (scores_label(ps_primary) == "score") ? CTX(_("SCO^points")) :
- (scores_label(ps_primary) == "fastest") ? "" :
- TranslateScoresLabel(scores_label(ps_primary))));
- }
- }
- if(ll > 0)
+ if (scoreboard_ui_enabled == 2)
+ {
+ str = sprintf(_("^7Press ^3%s ^7to select a specific team"), translate_key("TAB"));
+ drawcolorcodedstring(pos + '0.5 0 0' * (panel_size.x - stringwidth(str, true, sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize)), str, sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float tl = STAT(TIMELIMIT);
+ float fl = STAT(FRAGLIMIT);
+ float ll = STAT(LEADLIMIT);
+ float ll_and_fl = STAT(LEADLIMIT_AND_FRAGLIMIT);
+ str = "";
+ if(tl > 0)
+ str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^3%1.0f minutes"), tl));
+ if(!gametype.m_hidelimits)
- if(tl > 0 || fl > 0)
+ if(fl > 0)
- // delimiter
- if (ll_and_fl && fl > 0)
- str = strcat(str, "^7 & ");
+ if(tl > 0)
+ str = strcat(str, "^7 / "); // delimiter
+ if(teamplay)
+ {
+ str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^5%s %s"), ScoreString(teamscores_flags(ts_primary), fl),
+ (teamscores_label(ts_primary) == "score") ? CTX(_("SCO^points")) :
+ (teamscores_label(ts_primary) == "fastest") ? "" :
+ TranslateScoresLabel(teamscores_label(ts_primary))));
+ }
- str = strcat(str, "^7 / ");
+ {
+ str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^5%s %s"), ScoreString(scores_flags(ps_primary), fl),
+ (scores_label(ps_primary) == "score") ? CTX(_("SCO^points")) :
+ (scores_label(ps_primary) == "fastest") ? "" :
+ TranslateScoresLabel(scores_label(ps_primary))));
+ }
- if(teamplay)
+ if(ll > 0)
- str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^2+%s %s"), ScoreString(teamscores_flags(ts_primary), ll),
- (teamscores_label(ts_primary) == "score") ? CTX(_("SCO^points")) :
- (teamscores_label(ts_primary) == "fastest") ? "" :
- TranslateScoresLabel(teamscores_label(ts_primary))));
- }
- else
- {
- str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^2+%s %s"), ScoreString(scores_flags(ps_primary), ll),
- (scores_label(ps_primary) == "score") ? CTX(_("SCO^points")) :
- (scores_label(ps_primary) == "fastest") ? "" :
- TranslateScoresLabel(scores_label(ps_primary))));
+ if(tl > 0 || fl > 0)
+ {
+ // delimiter
+ if (ll_and_fl && fl > 0)
+ str = strcat(str, "^7 & ");
+ else
+ str = strcat(str, "^7 / ");
+ }
+ if(teamplay)
+ {
+ str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^2+%s %s"), ScoreString(teamscores_flags(ts_primary), ll),
+ (teamscores_label(ts_primary) == "score") ? CTX(_("SCO^points")) :
+ (teamscores_label(ts_primary) == "fastest") ? "" :
+ TranslateScoresLabel(teamscores_label(ts_primary))));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^2+%s %s"), ScoreString(scores_flags(ps_primary), ll),
+ (scores_label(ps_primary) == "score") ? CTX(_("SCO^points")) :
+ (scores_label(ps_primary) == "fastest") ? "" :
+ TranslateScoresLabel(scores_label(ps_primary))));
+ }
+ drawcolorcodedstring(pos + '1 0 0' * (panel_size.x - stringwidth(str, true, sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize)), str, sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // align right
+ // map name
+ str = sprintf(_("^7Map: ^2%s"), shortmapname);
+ drawcolorcodedstring(pos, str, sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // align left
- pos.y += sb_gameinfo_type_fontsize.y;
- drawcolorcodedstring(pos + '1 0 0' * (panel_size.x - stringwidth(str, true, sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize)), str, sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // align right
- // map name
- str = sprintf(_("^7Map: ^2%s"), shortmapname);
- drawcolorcodedstring(pos, str, sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // align left
// End of Game Info Section
pos.y += sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize.y + hud_fontsize.y * 0.3; // space between Game Info Section and score table