git-svn-id: svn://
#define EF_UNUSED20 1048576
#define EF_UNUSED21 2197152
#define EF_LOWPRECISION 4194304 // LordHavoc: entity is low precision (integer coordinates) to save network bandwidth (serverside only)
-#define EF_OVERRIDEMODELFLAGS 8388608 // indicates the model's .effects should be ignored (allows overriding them)
+#define EF_NOMODELFLAGS 8388608 // indicates the model's .effects should be ignored (allows overriding them)
#define EF_ROCKET 16777216 // leave a trail
#define EF_GRENADE 33554432 // leave a trail
#define EF_GIB 67108864 // leave a trail