bind m +hud_panel_radar_maximized
bind i +show_info
bind PAUSE pause
+bind F9 "cl_cmd hud minigame"
bind F10 menu_showquitdialog
bind F11 disconnect
bind F12 screenshot
set g_jetpack 0 "Jetpack mutator"
set g_running_guns 0 "... or wonder, till it drives you mad, what would have followed if you had."
-set g_bastet 0 "don't try"
+set sv_minigames 1 "Allow minigames"
+set sv_minigames_observer 1 "Force minigame players to be observers. 0: don't move them to observer, 1: move them to observer, 2: force observer"
set _urllib_nextslot 0 "temp variable"
set cl_warpzone_usetrace 1 "do not touch"
seta hud_panel_buffs_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_buffs_bg_padding ""
+seta hud_panel_minigameboard "1"
+seta hud_panel_minigameboard_pos "0.22 0.15"
+seta hud_panel_minigameboard_size "0.50 0.60"
+seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg "border_small"
+seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_color ""
+seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_color_team ""
+seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_alpha ""
+seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_border ""
+seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_padding ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamestatus "1"
+seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_pos "0.74 0.15"
+seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_size "0.2 0.60"
+seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg "border_small"
+seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_color ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_color_team ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_alpha ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_border ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_padding ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamehelp "1"
+seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_pos "0.22 0.78"
+seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_size "0.50 0.20"
+seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_color ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_color_team ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_alpha ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_border ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_padding ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamemenu "0"
+seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_pos "0 0.26"
+seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_size "0.2 0.49"
+seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg "border_small"
+seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_color ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_color_team ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_alpha ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_border ""
+seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_padding ""
"+showscores" "show scores"
"screenshot" "screen shot"
"+hud_panel_radar_maximized" "maximize radar"
+"cl_cmd hud minigame" "toggle minigame menu"
"" ""
"" "Communicate"
"messagemode" "public chat"
"+showscores" "Tabelle anzeigen"
"screenshot" "Bildschirmfoto"
"+hud_panel_radar_maximized" "Radar maximieren"
+"cl_cmd hud minigame" "Minispiel-Menu an- und ausschalten"
"" ""
"" "Kommunikation"
"messagemode" "Nachricht an alle"
"+showscores" "mostrar puntaje"
"screenshot" "captura de pantalla"
"+hud_panel_radar_maximized" "maximize radar (FIXME)"
+"cl_cmd hud minigame" "toggle minigame menu (FIXME)"
"" ""
"" "Communicación"
"messagemode" "chat público"
"+showscores" "afficher les scores"
"screenshot" "capture d'écran"
"+hud_panel_radar_maximized" "agrandir le radar"
+"cl_cmd hud minigame" "toggle minigame menu (FIXME)"
"" ""
"" "Communication"
"messagemode" "tchat public"
"+showscores" "pontszámok"
"screenshot" "kép mentés"
"+hud_panel_radar_maximized" "maximize radar (FIXME)"
+"cl_cmd hud minigame" "toggle minigame menu (FIXME)"
"" ""
"" "Kommunikáció"
"messagemode" "nyilvános beszélgetés"
"+showscores" "mostra punteggi"
"screenshot" "screenshot"
"+hud_panel_radar_maximized" "massimizza radar"
+"cl_cmd hud minigame" "attiva/disattiva il menù dei giochini"
"" ""
"" "Comunicazione"
"messagemode" "chat pubblica"
"+showscores" "показать очки"
"screenshot" "снимок экрана"
"+hud_panel_radar_maximized" "maximize radar (FIXME)"
+"cl_cmd hud minigame" "toggle minigame menu (FIXME)"
"" ""
"" "Общение"
"messagemode" "общий чат"
+ case "minigame":
+ {
+ if(HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened())
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_Close();
+ else
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_Open();
+ return;
+ }
case "save":
print(" 'configname' is the name to save to for \"save\" action,\n");
print(" 'radartoggle' is to control hud_panel_radar_maximized for \"radar\" action,\n");
print(" and 'layout' is how to organize the scoreboard columns for the set action.\n");
- print(" Full list of commands here: \"configure, save, scoreboard_columns_help, scoreboard_columns_set, radar.\"\n");
+ print(" Full list of commands here: \"configure, minigame, save, scoreboard_columns_help, scoreboard_columns_set, radar.\"\n");
+// Minigame
+#include "../common/minigames/cl_minigames_hud.qc"
Main HUD system
+float HUD_Panel_CheckFlags(float showflags)
+ if ( HUD_Minigame_Showpanels() )
+ return showflags & PANEL_SHOW_MINIGAME;
+ return showflags & PANEL_SHOW_MAINGAME;
+void HUD_Panel_Draw(entity panent)
+ panel = panent;
+ if ( HUD_Panel_CheckFlags(panel.panel_showflags) )
+ panel.panel_draw();
void HUD_Reset (void)
// reset gametype specific icons
// they must fade only when the menu does
if(scoreboard_fade_alpha == 1)
- (panel = HUD_PANEL(CENTERPRINT)).panel_draw();
if(!autocvar__hud_configure && !hud_fade_alpha)
+ {
+ hud_fade_alpha = 1;
+ HUD_Panel_Draw(HUD_PANEL(VOTE));
+ hud_fade_alpha = 0;
+ }
// Drawing stuff
if (hud_skin_prev != autocvar_hud_skin)
hud_draw_maximized = 0;
// draw panels in order specified by panel_order array
for(i = HUD_PANEL_NUM - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- (panel = hud_panel[panel_order[i]]).panel_draw();
+ HUD_Panel_Draw(hud_panel[panel_order[i]]);
hud_draw_maximized = 1; // panels that may be maximized must check this var
// draw maximized panels on top
- (panel = HUD_PANEL(RADAR)).panel_draw();
- (panel = HUD_PANEL(CHAT)).panel_draw();
+ HUD_Panel_Draw(HUD_PANEL(CHAT));
float current_player;
float GetPlayerColorForce(int i);
+float GetPlayerColor(int i);
+.float panel_showflags;
+const float PANEL_SHOW_NEVER = 0x00;
+const float PANEL_SHOW_MAINGAME = 0x01;
+const float PANEL_SHOW_MINIGAME = 0x02;
+const float PANEL_SHOW_ALWAYS = 0xff;
+float HUD_Panel_CheckFlags(float showflags);
- HUD_PANEL(WEAPONS , HUD_Weapons , weapons) \
- HUD_PANEL(AMMO , HUD_Ammo , ammo) \
- HUD_PANEL(POWERUPS , HUD_Powerups , powerups) \
- HUD_PANEL(HEALTHARMOR , HUD_HealthArmor , healtharmor) \
- HUD_PANEL(NOTIFY , HUD_Notify , notify) \
- HUD_PANEL(TIMER , HUD_Timer , timer) \
- HUD_PANEL(RADAR , HUD_Radar , radar) \
- HUD_PANEL(SCORE , HUD_Score , score) \
- HUD_PANEL(RACETIMER , HUD_RaceTimer , racetimer) \
- HUD_PANEL(VOTE , HUD_Vote , vote) \
- HUD_PANEL(MODICONS , HUD_ModIcons , modicons) \
- HUD_PANEL(PRESSEDKEYS , HUD_PressedKeys , pressedkeys) \
- HUD_PANEL(CHAT , HUD_Chat , chat) \
- HUD_PANEL(ENGINEINFO , HUD_EngineInfo , engineinfo) \
- HUD_PANEL(INFOMESSAGES , HUD_InfoMessages , infomessages) \
- HUD_PANEL(PHYSICS , HUD_Physics , physics) \
- HUD_PANEL(CENTERPRINT , HUD_CenterPrint , centerprint) \
- HUD_PANEL(BUFFS , HUD_Buffs , buffs)
-#define HUD_PANEL(NAME, draw_func, name) \
+#define HUD_PANEL(NAME, draw_func, name, showflags) \
void draw_func(void); \
void RegisterHUD_Panel_##NAME() { \
hud_panelent.classname = "hud_panel"; \
hud_panelent.panel_name = #name; \
hud_panelent.panel_id = HUD_PANEL_##NAME; \
- hud_panelent.panel_draw = draw_func; \
+ hud_panelent.panel_draw = draw_func; \
+ hud_panelent.panel_showflags = showflags; \
} \
ACCUMULATE_FUNCTION(RegisterHUD_Panels, RegisterHUD_Panel_##NAME);
+ initialize_minigames();
// precaches
if (!(calledhooks & HOOK_END))
+ deactivate_minigame();
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_Close();
.float has_team;
if (MapVote_InputEvent(bInputType, nPrimary, nSecondary))
return true;
+ if (HUD_Minigame_InputEvent(bInputType, nPrimary, nSecondary))
+ return true;
if(menu_visible && menu_action)
if(menu_action(bInputType, nPrimary, nSecondary))
return true;
case ENT_CLIENT_SPAWNEVENT: Ent_ReadSpawnEvent(bIsNewEntity); break;
case ENT_CLIENT_NOTIFICATION: Read_Notification(bIsNewEntity); break;
case ENT_CLIENT_HEALING_ORB: ent_healer(); break;
+ case ENT_CLIENT_MINIGAME: ent_read_minigame(); break;
//error(strcat(_("unknown entity type in CSQC_Ent_Update: %d\n"), self.enttype));
../common/weapons/weapons.qc // TODO
#include "scoreboard.qh"
+#include "../common/minigames/cl_minigames.qh"
float scoreboard_alpha_bg;
float scoreboard_alpha_fg;
return 1;
else if (intermission == 2)
return 0;
- else if (spectatee_status != -1 && getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= 0 && autocvar_cl_deathscoreboard && gametype != MAPINFO_TYPE_CTS)
+ else if (spectatee_status != -1 && getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= 0 && autocvar_cl_deathscoreboard && gametype != MAPINFO_TYPE_CTS && !active_minigame)
return 1;
else if (scoreboard_showscores_force)
return 1;
// crosshair goes VERY LAST
- if(!scoreboard_active && !camera_active && intermission != 2 && spectatee_status != -1 && hud == HUD_NORMAL)
+ if(!scoreboard_active && !camera_active && intermission != 2 &&
+ spectatee_status != -1 && hud == HUD_NORMAL &&
+ !HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() )
if (!autocvar_crosshair_enabled) // main toggle for crosshair rendering
+ if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() || minigame_isactive() )
+ HUD_Minigame_Mouse();
if(hud && !intermission)
const int ENT_CLIENT_TURRET = 40;
const int ENT_CLIENT_VEHICLE = 60;
+const int ENT_CLIENT_MINIGAME = 75;
const int ENT_CLIENT_HEALING_ORB = 80;
--- /dev/null
+#include "cl_minigames.qh"
+// Draw a square in the center of the avaliable area
+void minigame_hud_simpleboard(vector pos, vector mySize, string board_texture)
+ if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0" && panel.current_panel_bg != "")
+ draw_BorderPicture(pos - '1 1 0' * panel_bg_border,
+ panel.current_panel_bg,
+ mySize + '1 1 0' * 2 * panel_bg_border,
+ panel_bg_color, panel_bg_alpha,
+ '1 1 0' * (panel_bg_border/BORDER_MULTIPLIER));
+ drawpic(pos, board_texture, mySize, '1 1 1', panel_bg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+// De-normalize (2D vector) v from relative coordinate inside pos mySize
+vector minigame_hud_denormalize(vector v, vector pos, vector mySize)
+ v_x = pos_x + v_x * mySize_x;
+ v_y = pos_y + v_y * mySize_y;
+ return v;
+// De-normalize (2D vector) v from relative size inside pos mySize
+vector minigame_hud_denormalize_size(vector v, vector pos, vector mySize)
+ v_x = v_x * mySize_x;
+ v_y = v_y * mySize_y;
+ return v;
+// Normalize (2D vector) v to relative coordinate inside pos mySize
+vector minigame_hud_normalize(vector v, vector pos, vector mySize)
+ v_x = ( v_x - pos_x ) / mySize_x;
+ v_y = ( v_y - pos_y ) / mySize_y;
+ return v;
+// Check if the mouse is inside the given area
+float minigame_hud_mouse_in(vector pos, vector sz)
+ return mousepos_x >= pos_x && mousepos_x < pos_x + sz_x &&
+ mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + sz_y ;
+void initialize_minigames()
+ entity last_minig = world;
+ entity minig;
+ #define MINIGAME(name,nicename) \
+ minig = spawn(); \
+ minig.classname = "minigame_descriptor"; \
+ minig.netname = strzone(strtolower(#name)); \
+ minig.message = nicename; \
+ minig.minigame_hud_board = minigame_hud_board_##name; \
+ minig.minigame_hud_status = minigame_hud_status_##name; \
+ minig.minigame_event = minigame_event_##name; \
+ if ( !last_minig ) minigame_descriptors = minig; \
+ else last_minig.list_next = minig; \
+ last_minig = minig;
+ #undef MINIGAME
+string minigame_texture_skin(string skinname, string name)
+ return sprintf("gfx/hud/%s/minigames/%s", skinname, name);
+string minigame_texture(string name)
+ string path = minigame_texture_skin(autocvar_menu_skin,name);
+ if ( precache_pic(path) == "" )
+ path = minigame_texture_skin("default", name);
+ return path;
+#define FIELD(Flags, Type, Name) MSLE_CLEAN_##Type(self.Name)
+#define MSLE_CLEAN_String(x) strunzone(x);
+#define MSLE_CLEAN_Byte(x)
+#define MSLE_CLEAN_Char(x)
+#define MSLE_CLEAN_Short(x)
+#define MSLE_CLEAN_Coord(x)
+#define MSLE_CLEAN_Angle(x)
+#define MSLE_CLEAN_Float(x)
+#define MSLE_CLEAN_Vector(x)
+#define MSLE_CLEAN_Vector2D(x)
+#define MSLE(Name,Fields) \
+ void msle_entremove_##Name() { strunzone(self.netname); Fields }
+#undef MSLE
+#undef FIELD
+void minigame_autoclean_entity(entity e)
+ dprint("CL Auto-cleaned: ",ftos(num_for_edict(e)), " (",e.classname,")\n");
+ remove(e);
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_CurrentButton();
+float auto_close_minigamemenu;
+void deactivate_minigame()
+ if ( !active_minigame )
+ return;
+ active_minigame.minigame_event(active_minigame,"deactivate");
+ entity e = world;
+ while( (e = findentity(e, owner, self)) )
+ if ( e.minigame_autoclean )
+ {
+ minigame_autoclean_entity(e);
+ }
+ minigame_self = world;
+ active_minigame = world;
+ if ( auto_close_minigamemenu )
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_Close();
+ auto_close_minigamemenu = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_CurrentButton();
+void activate_minigame(entity minigame)
+ if ( !minigame )
+ {
+ deactivate_minigame();
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !minigame.descriptor || minigame.classname != "minigame" )
+ {
+ dprint("Trying to activate unregistered minigame ",minigame.netname," in client\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( minigame == active_minigame )
+ return;
+ if ( active_minigame )
+ {
+ entity olds = minigame_self;
+ deactivate_minigame();
+ minigame_self = olds;
+ }
+ if ( minigame_self.owner != minigame )
+ minigame_self = world;
+ active_minigame = minigame;
+ active_minigame.minigame_event(active_minigame,"activate");
+ if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() )
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_CurrentButton();
+ else
+ {
+ auto_close_minigamemenu = 1;
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_Open();
+ }
+void minigame_player_entremove()
+ if ( self.owner == active_minigame && self.minigame_playerslot == player_localentnum )
+ deactivate_minigame();
+vector ReadVector2D() { vector v; v_x = ReadCoord(); v_y = ReadCoord(); v_z = 0; return v; }
+vector ReadVector() { vector v; v_x = ReadCoord(); v_y = ReadCoord(); v_z = ReadCoord(); return v; }
+string() ReadString_Raw = #366;
+string ReadString_Zoned() { return strzone(ReadString_Raw()); }
+#define ReadFloat ReadCoord
+#define ReadString ReadString_Zoned
+#define FIELD(Flags, Type,Name) if ( sf & (Flags) ) self.Name = Read##Type();
+#define MSLE(Name,Fields) \
+ else if ( self.classname == #Name ) { \
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE ) { \
+ minigame_read_owner(); \
+ self.entremove = msle_entremove_##Name; \
+ } \
+ minigame_ent = self.owner; \
+ Fields \
+ }
+void minigame_read_owner()
+ string owner_name = ReadString_Raw();
+ self.owner = world;
+ do
+ self.owner = find(self.owner,netname,owner_name);
+ while ( self.owner && self.owner.classname != "minigame" );
+ if ( !self.owner )
+ dprint("Got a minigame entity without a minigame!\n");
+void ent_read_minigame()
+ float sf = ReadByte();
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE )
+ {
+ self.classname = msle_classname(ReadShort());
+ self.netname = ReadString_Zoned();
+ }
+ entity minigame_ent = world;
+ if ( self.classname == "minigame" )
+ {
+ minigame_ent = self;
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE )
+ {
+ self.entremove = deactivate_minigame;
+ self.descriptor = minigame_get_descriptor(ReadString_Raw());
+ if ( !self.descriptor )
+ dprint("Got a minigame without a client-side descriptor!\n");
+ else
+ self.minigame_event = self.descriptor.minigame_event;
+ }
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_UPDATE )
+ self.minigame_flags = ReadLong();
+ }
+ else if ( self.classname == "minigame_player" )
+ {
+ float activate = 0;
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE )
+ {
+ self.entremove = minigame_player_entremove;
+ minigame_read_owner();
+ float ent = ReadLong();
+ self.minigame_playerslot = ent;
+ dprint("Player: ",GetPlayerName(ent-1),"\n");
+ activate = (ent == player_localnum+1 && self.owner && self.owner != active_minigame);
+ }
+ minigame_ent = self.owner;
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_UPDATE )
+ = ReadByte();
+ if ( activate )
+ {
+ minigame_self = self;
+ activate_minigame(self.owner);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( minigame_ent )
+ minigame_ent.minigame_event(minigame_ent,"network_receive",self,sf);
+ dprint("CL Reading entity: ",ftos(num_for_edict(self)),
+ " classname:",self.classname," enttype:",ftos(self.enttype) );
+ dprint(" sf:",ftos(sf)," netname:",self.netname,"\n\n");
+#undef ReadFloat
+#undef ReadString
+#undef FIELD
+#undef MSLE
+string minigame_getWrappedLine(float w, vector theFontSize, textLengthUpToWidth_widthFunction_t tw)
+ float last_word;
+ string s;
+ float take_until;
+ float skip = 0;
+ s = getWrappedLine_remaining;
+ if(w <= 0)
+ {
+ getWrappedLine_remaining = string_null;
+ return s; // the line has no size ANYWAY, nothing would be displayed.
+ }
+ take_until = textLengthUpToWidth(s, w, theFontSize, tw);
+ if ( take_until > strlen(s) )
+ take_until = strlen(s);
+ float i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < take_until; i++ )
+ if ( substring(s,i,1) == "\n" )
+ {
+ take_until = i;
+ skip = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( take_until > 0 || skip > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( skip == 0 && take_until < strlen(s) )
+ {
+ last_word = take_until;
+ while(last_word > 0 && substring(s, last_word, 1) != " ")
+ --last_word;
+ if ( last_word != 0 )
+ {
+ take_until = last_word;
+ skip = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ getWrappedLine_remaining = substring(s, take_until+skip, strlen(s) - (take_until+skip));
+ if(getWrappedLine_remaining == "")
+ getWrappedLine_remaining = string_null;
+ else if (tw("^7", theFontSize) == 0)
+ getWrappedLine_remaining = strcat(find_last_color_code(substring(s, 0, take_until)), getWrappedLine_remaining);
+ return substring(s, 0, take_until);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ getWrappedLine_remaining = string_null;
+ return s;
+ }
+vector minigame_drawstring_wrapped( float maxwidth, vector pos, string text,
+ vector fontsize, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflags, float align )
+ getWrappedLine_remaining = text;
+ vector mypos = pos;
+ while ( getWrappedLine_remaining )
+ {
+ string line = minigame_getWrappedLine(maxwidth,fontsize,stringwidth_nocolors);
+ if ( line == "" )
+ break;
+ mypos_x = pos_x + (maxwidth - stringwidth_nocolors(line, fontsize)) * align;
+ drawstring(mypos, line, fontsize, color, theAlpha, drawflags);
+ mypos_y += fontsize_y;
+ }
+ mypos_x = maxwidth;
+ mypos_y -= pos_y;
+ return mypos;
+vector minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_wrapped( float maxwidth, vector pos,
+ string text, vector fontsize, float theAlpha, float drawflags, float align )
+ getWrappedLine_remaining = text;
+ vector mypos = pos;
+ while ( getWrappedLine_remaining )
+ {
+ string line = minigame_getWrappedLine(maxwidth,fontsize,stringwidth_colors);
+ if ( line == "" )
+ break;
+ mypos_x = pos_x + (maxwidth - stringwidth_colors(line, fontsize)) * align;
+ drawcolorcodedstring(mypos, line, fontsize, theAlpha, drawflags);
+ mypos_y += fontsize_y;
+ }
+ mypos_x = maxwidth;
+ mypos_y -= pos_y;
+ return mypos;
+void minigame_drawstring_trunc(float maxwidth, vector pos, string text,
+ vector fontsize, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflags )
+ string line = textShortenToWidth(text,maxwidth,fontsize,stringwidth_nocolors);
+ drawstring(pos, line, fontsize, color, theAlpha, drawflags);
+void minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_trunc(float maxwidth, vector pos, string text,
+ vector fontsize, float theAlpha, float drawflags )
+ string line = textShortenToWidth(text,maxwidth,fontsize,stringwidth_colors);
+ drawcolorcodedstring(pos, line, fontsize, theAlpha, drawflags);
+void minigame_drawpic_centered( vector pos, string texture, vector sz,
+ vector color, float thealpha, float drawflags )
+ drawpic( pos-sz/2, texture, sz, color, thealpha, drawflags );
+// Workaround because otherwise variadic arguments won't work properly
+// It could be a bug in the compiler or in darkplaces
+void minigame_cmd_workaround(float dummy, string...cmdargc)
+ string cmd;
+ cmd = "cmd minigame ";
+ float i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < cmdargc; i++ )
+ cmd = strcat(cmd,...(i,string));
+ localcmd(strcat(cmd,"\n"));
+// Prompt the player to play in the current minigame
+// (ie: it's their turn and they should get back to the minigame)
+void minigame_prompt()
+ if ( active_minigame && ! HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() )
+ {
+ HUD_Notify_Push(sprintf("minigames/%s/icon_notif",active_minigame.descriptor.netname),
+ _("It's your turn"), "");
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// Get a square in the center of the avaliable area
+// \note macro to pass by reference pos and mySize
+#define minigame_hud_fitsqare(pos, mySize) \
+ if ( mySize##_x > mySize##_y ) \
+ { \
+ pos##_x += (mySize##_x-mySize##_y)/2; \
+ mySize##_x = mySize##_y; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ pos##_y += (mySize##_y-mySize##_x)/2; \
+ mySize##_x = mySize##_x; \
+ } \
+ if(panel_bg_padding) \
+ { \
+ pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding; \
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding; \
+ }
+// Get position and size of a panel
+// \note macro to pass by reference pos and mySize
+#define minigame_hud_panelarea(pos, mySize, panelID) \
+ pos = stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", HUD_PANEL(panelID).panel_name, "_pos"))); \
+ mySize = stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", HUD_PANEL(panelID).panel_name, "_size"))); \
+ pos##_x *= vid_conwidth; pos##_y *= vid_conheight; \
+ mySize##_x *= vid_conwidth; mySize##_y *= vid_conheight;
+// draw a panel border and the given texture
+void minigame_hud_simpleboard(vector pos, vector mySize, string board_texture);
+// Normalize (2D vector) v to relative coordinate inside pos mySize
+vector minigame_hud_normalize(vector v, vector pos, vector mySize);
+// De-normalize (2D vector) v from relative coordinate inside pos mySize
+vector minigame_hud_denormalize(vector v, vector pos, vector mySize);
+// De-normalize (2D vector) v from relative size inside pos mySize
+vector minigame_hud_denormalize_size(vector v, vector pos, vector mySize);
+// Check if the mouse is inside the given area
+float minigame_hud_mouse_in(vector pos, vector sz);
+// Like drawstring, but wrapping words to fit maxwidth
+// returns the size of the drawn area
+// align selects the string alignment (0 = left, 0.5 = center, 1 = right)
+vector minigame_drawstring_wrapped( float maxwidth, vector pos, string text,
+ vector fontsize, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflags, float align );
+// Like drawcolorcodedstring, but wrapping words to fit maxwidth
+// returns the size of the drawn area
+// align selects the string alignment (0 = left, 0.5 = center, 1 = right)
+vector minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_wrapped( float maxwidth, vector pos,
+ string text, vector fontsize, float theAlpha, float drawflags, float align );
+// Like drawstring but truncates the text to fit maxwidth
+void minigame_drawstring_trunc(float maxwidth, vector pos, string text,
+ vector fontsize, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflags );
+// Like drawcolorcodedstring but truncates the text to fit maxwidth
+void minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_trunc(float maxwidth, vector pos, string text,
+ vector fontsize, float theAlpha, float drawflags );
+// like drawpic but pos represent the center rather than the topleft corner
+void minigame_drawpic_centered( vector pos, string texture, vector sz,
+ vector color, float thealpha, float drawflags );
+// Get full path of a minigame texture
+string minigame_texture(string name);
+// For minigame descriptors: hud function for the game board
+.void(vector pos, vector size) minigame_hud_board;
+// For minigame descriptors: hud function for the game status
+.void(vector pos, vector size) minigame_hud_status;
+// For minigame_player: player server slot, don't use for anything else
+.float minigame_playerslot;
+// register all minigames
+void initialize_minigames();
+// client-side minigame session cleanup
+void deactivate_minigame();
+// Currently active minigame session
+entity active_minigame;
+// minigame_player representing this client
+entity minigame_self;
+// Whethere there's an active minigame
+float minigame_isactive()
+ return active_minigame != world;
+// Execute a minigame command
+#define minigame_cmd(...) minigame_cmd_workaround(0,__VA_ARGS__)
+void minigame_cmd_workaround(float dummy, string...cmdargc);
+// Read a minigame entity from the server
+void ent_read_minigame();
+// Prompt the player to play in the current minigame
+// (ie: it's their turn and they should get back to the minigame)
+void minigame_prompt();
+float HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened();
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_Close();
+float HUD_Minigame_Showpanels();
+// Adds a game-specific entry to the menu
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_CustomEntry(entity parent, string message, string event_arg);
+#define FOREACH_MINIGAME_ENTITY(entityvar) \
+ entityvar=world; \
+ while( (entityvar = findentity(entityvar,owner,active_minigame)) )
--- /dev/null
+#include "minigames.qh"
+#include "../../client/mapvoting.qh"
+float HUD_mouse_over(entity somepanel)
+ vector pos = stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", somepanel.panel_name, "_pos")));
+ vector sz = stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", somepanel.panel_name, "_size")));
+ return mousepos_x >= pos_x*vid_conwidth && mousepos_x <= (pos_x+sz_x)*vid_conwidth &&
+ mousepos_y >= pos_y*vid_conheight && mousepos_y <= (pos_y+sz_y)*vid_conheight ;
+// ====================================================================
+// Minigame Board
+// ====================================================================
+void HUD_MinigameBoard ()
+ entity hud_minigame = world;
+ if(!autocvar__hud_configure)
+ hud_minigame = active_minigame.descriptor;
+ else
+ hud_minigame = minigame_get_descriptor("nmm");
+ if ( !hud_minigame )
+ return;
+ HUD_Panel_UpdateCvars();
+ vector pos, mySize;
+ pos = panel_pos;
+ mySize = panel_size;
+ hud_minigame.minigame_hud_board(pos,mySize);
+// ====================================================================
+// Minigame Status
+// ====================================================================
+void HUD_MinigameStatus ()
+ entity hud_minigame = world;
+ if(!autocvar__hud_configure)
+ hud_minigame = active_minigame.descriptor;
+ else
+ hud_minigame = minigame_get_descriptor("nmm");
+ if ( !hud_minigame )
+ return;
+ HUD_Panel_UpdateCvars();
+ vector pos, mySize;
+ pos = panel_pos;
+ mySize = panel_size;
+ if(panel_bg_padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding;
+ }
+ hud_minigame.minigame_hud_status(pos,mySize);
+// ====================================================================
+// Minigame Menu
+// ====================================================================
+// Minigame menu options: list head
+entity HUD_MinigameMenu_entries;
+// Minigame menu options: list tail
+entity HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry;
+// Minigame menu options: insert entry after the given location
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_InsertEntry(entity new, entity prev)
+ if ( !HUD_MinigameMenu_entries )
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_entries = new;
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry = new;
+ return;
+ }
+ new.list_prev = prev;
+ new.list_next = prev.list_next;
+ if ( prev.list_next )
+ prev.list_next.list_prev = new;
+ else
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry = new;
+ prev.list_next = new;
+// minigame menu item uder the mouse
+entity HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem;
+// Click the given item
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_Click(entity menuitem)
+ if ( menuitem )
+ {
+ entity e = self;
+ self = menuitem;
+ menuitem.use();
+ self = e;
+ }
+// Minigame menu options: Remove the given entry
+// Precondition: the given entry is actually in the list
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_EraseEntry ( entity e )
+ // remove child items (if any)
+ if ( e.flags & 2 )
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_Click(e);
+ }
+ if ( e.list_prev )
+ e.list_prev.list_next = e.list_next;
+ else
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_entries = e.list_next;
+ if ( e.list_next )
+ e.list_next.list_prev = e.list_prev;
+ else
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry = e.list_prev;
+ if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem == e )
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem = world;
+ remove(e);
+// Minigame menu options: create entry
+entity HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnEntry(string s, vector offset, vector fontsize, vector color,void() click)
+ entity entry = spawn();
+ entry.message = s;
+ entry.origin = offset;
+ entry.size = fontsize;
+ entry.colormod = color;
+ entry.flags = 0;
+ entry.use = click;
+ panel_pos_y += fontsize_y;
+ return entry;
+// Spawn a child entry of a collapsable entry
+entity HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnSubEntry(string s, void() click, entity parent)
+ vector item_fontsize = hud_fontsize*1.25;
+ vector item_offset = '1 0 0' * item_fontsize_x;
+ entity item = HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnEntry(
+ s,item_offset,item_fontsize,'0.8 0.8 0.8', click );
+ item.owner = parent;
+ return item;
+// Click action for Create sub-entries
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickCreate_Entry()
+ minigame_cmd("create ",self.netname);
+// Helper click action for collapsible entries
+// returns true when you have to create the sub-entries
+float HUD_MinigameMenu_Click_ExpandCollapse()
+ entity e;
+ if ( self.flags & 2 )
+ {
+ if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem &&
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem.owner == self )
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem = world;
+ self.flags &= ~2;
+ for ( e = self.list_next; e != world && e.owner == self; e = self.list_next )
+ {
+ if ( e.flags & 2 )
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_Click(e);
+ self.list_next = e.list_next;
+ remove(e);
+ }
+ if ( self.list_next )
+ self.list_next.list_prev = self;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for ( e = HUD_MinigameMenu_entries; e != world; e = e.list_next )
+ {
+ if ( e.flags & 2 && e.origin_x == self.origin_x)
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_Click(e);
+ }
+ self.flags |= 2;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Click action for the Create menu
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickCreate()
+ if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_Click_ExpandCollapse() )
+ {
+ entity e;
+ entity curr;
+ entity prev = self;
+ for ( e = minigame_descriptors; e != world; e = e.list_next )
+ {
+ curr = HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnSubEntry(
+ e.message, HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickCreate_Entry, self );
+ curr.netname = e.netname;
+ curr.model = strzone(minigame_texture(strcat(e.netname,"/icon")));
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_InsertEntry( curr, prev );
+ prev = curr;
+ }
+ }
+// Click action for Join sub-entries
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickJoin_Entry()
+ minigame_cmd("join ",self.netname);
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_EraseEntry(self);
+// Click action for the Join menu
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickJoin()
+ if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_Click_ExpandCollapse() )
+ {
+ entity e = world;
+ entity curr;
+ entity prev = self;
+ while( (e = find(e,classname,"minigame")) )
+ {
+ if ( e != active_minigame )
+ {
+ curr = HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnSubEntry(
+ e.netname, HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickJoin_Entry, self );
+ curr.netname = e.netname;
+ curr.model = strzone(minigame_texture(strcat(e.descriptor.netname,"/icon")));
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_InsertEntry( curr, prev );
+ prev = curr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/*// Temporary placeholder for un-implemented Click actions
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickNoop()
+ dprint("Placeholder for ",self.message,"\n");
+// Click action for Quit
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickQuit()
+ minigame_cmd("end");
+// Click action for Invite sub-entries
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickInvite_Entry()
+ minigame_cmd("invite #",self.netname);
+// Click action for the Invite menu
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickInvite()
+ if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_Click_ExpandCollapse() )
+ {
+ float i;
+ entity e;
+ entity prev = self;
+ for(i = 0; i < maxclients; ++i)
+ {
+ if ( player_localnum != i && playerslots[i] && GetPlayerName(i) != "" &&
+ !findfloat(world,minigame_playerslot,i+1) && playerslots[i].ping )
+ {
+ e = HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnSubEntry(
+ strzone(GetPlayerName(i)), HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickInvite_Entry,
+ self );
+ e.flags |= 1;
+ e.netname = strzone(ftos(i+1));
+ e.origin_x *= 2;
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_InsertEntry(e,prev);
+ prev = e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickCustomEntry()
+ if ( active_minigame )
+ active_minigame.minigame_event(active_minigame,"menu_click",self.netname);
+// Adds a game-specific entry to the menu
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_CustomEntry(entity parent, string menumessage, string event_arg)
+ entity e = HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnSubEntry(
+ menumessage, HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickCustomEntry, parent );
+ e.netname = event_arg;
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_InsertEntry(e, parent);
+ dprint("CustomEntry ",ftos(num_for_edict(parent))," ",menumessage," ",event_arg,"\n");
+// Click action for the Current Game menu
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickCurrentGame()
+ if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_Click_ExpandCollapse() )
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_InsertEntry( HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnSubEntry(
+ _("Quit"), HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickQuit, self ), self);
+ active_minigame.minigame_event(active_minigame,"menu_show",self);
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_InsertEntry( HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnSubEntry(
+ _("Invite"), HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickInvite, self), self);
+ }
+// Whether the minigame menu panel is open
+float HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened()
+ return !!HUD_MinigameMenu_entries;
+// Close the minigame menu panel
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_Close()
+ if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() )
+ {
+ entity e, p;
+ for ( e = HUD_MinigameMenu_entries; e != world; e = p )
+ {
+ p = e.list_next;
+ remove(e);
+ }
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_entries = world;
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry = world;
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem = world;
+ if(autocvar_hud_cursormode)
+ if ( !autocvar__hud_configure )
+ setcursormode(0);
+ }
+// toggle a button to manage the current game
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_CurrentButton()
+ entity e;
+ if ( active_minigame )
+ {
+ for ( e = HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry; e != world; e = e.list_prev )
+ if ( e.classname == "hud_minigamemenu_exit" )
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_EraseEntry(e);
+ break;
+ }
+ entity currb = HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnEntry(
+ _("Current Game"), '0 0 0', hud_fontsize*1.5,'0.7 0.84 1', HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickCurrentGame );
+ currb.classname = "hud_minigamemenu_current";
+ currb.model = strzone(minigame_texture(strcat(active_minigame.descriptor.netname,"/icon")));
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_InsertEntry(currb,HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry);
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_Click(currb);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entity p;
+ for ( e = HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry; e != world; e = p.list_prev )
+ {
+ p = e;
+ if ( e.classname == "hud_minigamemenu_current" )
+ {
+ p = e.list_next;
+ if ( !p )
+ p = HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry;
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_EraseEntry(e);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( e = HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry; e != world; e = e.list_prev )
+ if ( e.classname == "hud_minigamemenu_exit" )
+ return;
+ entity exit = HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnEntry(
+ _("Exit Menu"),'0 0 0',hud_fontsize*1.5,'0.7 0.84 1', HUD_MinigameMenu_Close);
+ exit.classname = "hud_minigamemenu_exit";
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_InsertEntry ( exit, HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry );
+ }
+// Open the minigame menu panel
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_Open()
+ if ( !HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() )
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_InsertEntry( HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnEntry(
+ _("Create"), '0 0 0', hud_fontsize*1.5,'0.7 0.84 1', HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickCreate),
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry );
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_InsertEntry ( HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnEntry(
+ _("Join"),'0 0 0',hud_fontsize*1.5,'0.7 0.84 1', HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickJoin),
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry );
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_CurrentButton();
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem = world;
+ if(autocvar_hud_cursormode)
+ setcursormode(1);
+ }
+// Handles mouse input on to minigame menu panel
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_MouseInput()
+ HUD_Panel_UpdateCvars();
+ if(panel_bg_padding)
+ {
+ panel_pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding;
+ panel_size -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding;
+ }
+ entity e;
+ panel_pos_y += hud_fontsize_y*2;
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem = world;
+ vector sz;
+ for ( e = HUD_MinigameMenu_entries; e != world; e = e.list_next )
+ {
+ sz = eX*panel_size_x + eY*e.size_y;
+ if ( e.model )
+ sz_y = 22;
+ if ( !HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem && mousepos_y >= panel_pos_y && mousepos_y <= panel_pos_y + sz_y )
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem = e;
+ }
+ panel_pos_y += sz_y;
+ }
+// Draw a menu entry
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_DrawEntry(vector pos, string s, vector fontsize, vector color)
+ minigame_drawstring_trunc(panel_size_x-pos_x+panel_pos_x, pos, s,
+ fontsize, color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+// Draw a color-coded menu
+void HUD_MinigameMenu_DrawColoredEntry(vector pos, string s, vector fontsize)
+ minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_trunc(panel_size_x-pos_x+panel_pos_x, pos, s,
+ fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+// minigame menu panel UI
+void HUD_MinigameMenu ()
+ if ( !HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() )
+ return;
+ HUD_Panel_UpdateCvars();
+ HUD_Panel_DrawBg(1);
+ if(panel_bg_padding)
+ {
+ panel_pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding;
+ panel_size -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding;
+ }
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_DrawEntry(panel_pos,_("Minigames"),hud_fontsize*2,'0.25 0.47 0.72');
+ panel_pos_y += hud_fontsize_y*2;
+ entity e;
+ vector color;
+ vector offset;
+ float itemh;
+ vector imgsz = '22 22 0'; // NOTE: if changed, edit where HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem is selected
+ for ( e = HUD_MinigameMenu_entries; e != world; e = e.list_next )
+ {
+ color = e.colormod;
+ offset = e.origin;
+ itemh = e.size_y;
+ if ( e.model )
+ itemh = imgsz_y;
+ if ( e.flags & 2 )
+ {
+ drawfill(panel_pos, eX*panel_size_x + eY*itemh, e.colormod,
+ panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ color = '0 0 0';
+ }
+ if ( e.model )
+ {
+ drawpic( panel_pos+offset, e.model, imgsz, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL );
+ offset_x += imgsz_x;
+ offset_y = (imgsz_y-e.size_y) / 2;
+ }
+ if ( e.flags & 1 )
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_DrawColoredEntry(panel_pos+offset,e.message,e.size);
+ else
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_DrawEntry(panel_pos+offset,e.message,e.size,color);
+ if ( e == HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem )
+ drawfill(panel_pos, eX*panel_size_x + eY*itemh,'1 1 1', 0.25, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ panel_pos_y += itemh;
+ }
+// ====================================================================
+// Minigame Help Panel
+// ====================================================================
+void HUD_MinigameHelp()
+ string help_message;
+ if(!autocvar__hud_configure)
+ help_message = active_minigame.message;
+ else
+ help_message = "Minigame message";
+ if ( !help_message )
+ return;
+ HUD_Panel_UpdateCvars();
+ vector pos, mySize;
+ pos = panel_pos;
+ mySize = panel_size;
+ if(panel_bg_padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding;
+ }
+ minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_wrapped( mySize_x, pos, help_message,
+ hud_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, 0.5 );
+// ====================================================================
+// Minigame Panel Input
+// ====================================================================
+float HUD_Minigame_InputEvent(float bInputType, float nPrimary, float nSecondary)
+ if( !HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() || autocvar__hud_configure )
+ return false;
+ if(bInputType == 3)
+ {
+ mousepos_x = nPrimary;
+ mousepos_y = nSecondary;
+ if ( minigame_isactive() && HUD_mouse_over(HUD_PANEL(MINIGAME_BOARD)) )
+ active_minigame.minigame_event(active_minigame,"mouse_moved",mousepos);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bInputType == 0) {
+ if(nPrimary == K_ALT) hudShiftState |= S_ALT;
+ if(nPrimary == K_CTRL) hudShiftState |= S_CTRL;
+ if(nPrimary == K_SHIFT) hudShiftState |= S_SHIFT;
+ if(nPrimary == K_MOUSE1) mouseClicked |= S_MOUSE1;
+ if(nPrimary == K_MOUSE2) mouseClicked |= S_MOUSE2;
+ }
+ else if(bInputType == 1) {
+ if(nPrimary == K_ALT) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_ALT);
+ if(nPrimary == K_CTRL) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_CTRL);
+ if(nPrimary == K_SHIFT) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT);
+ if(nPrimary == K_MOUSE1) mouseClicked -= (mouseClicked & S_MOUSE1);
+ if(nPrimary == K_MOUSE2) mouseClicked -= (mouseClicked & S_MOUSE2);
+ }
+ // allow some binds
+ string con_keys;
+ float keys;
+ float i;
+ con_keys = findkeysforcommand("toggleconsole", 0);
+ keys = tokenize(con_keys); // findkeysforcommand returns data for this
+ for (i = 0; i < keys; ++i)
+ {
+ if(nPrimary == stof(argv(i)))
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( minigame_isactive() && ( bInputType == 0 || bInputType == 1 ) )
+ {
+ string device = "";
+ string action = bInputType == 0 ? "pressed" : "released";
+ if ( nPrimary >= K_MOUSE1 && nPrimary <= K_MOUSE16 )
+ {
+ if ( HUD_mouse_over(HUD_PANEL(MINIGAME_BOARD)) )
+ device = "mouse";
+ }
+ else
+ device = "key";
+ if ( device && active_minigame.minigame_event(
+ active_minigame,strcat(device,"_",action),nPrimary) )
+ return true;
+ /// TODO: bInputType == 2?
+ }
+ if ( bInputType == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( nPrimary == K_MOUSE1 && HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem &&
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_Click(HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( nPrimary == K_UPARROW || nPrimary == K_KP_UPARROW )
+ {
+ if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem && HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem.list_prev )
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem = HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem.list_prev;
+ else
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem = HUD_MinigameMenu_last_entry;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if ( nPrimary == K_DOWNARROW || nPrimary == K_KP_DOWNARROW )
+ {
+ if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem && HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem.list_next )
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem = HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem.list_next;
+ else
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem = HUD_MinigameMenu_entries;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if ( nPrimary == K_HOME || nPrimary == K_KP_HOME )
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem = HUD_MinigameMenu_entries;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if ( nPrimary == K_END || nPrimary == K_KP_END )
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem = HUD_MinigameMenu_entries;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if ( nPrimary == K_KP_ENTER || nPrimary == K_ENTER || nPrimary == K_SPACE )
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_Click(HUD_MinigameMenu_activeitem);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if ( nPrimary == K_ESCAPE )
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_Close();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void HUD_Minigame_Mouse()
+ if( !HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() || autocvar__hud_configure || mv_active )
+ return;
+ if(!autocvar_hud_cursormode)
+ {
+ mousepos = mousepos + getmousepos() * autocvar_menu_mouse_speed;
+ mousepos_x = bound(0, mousepos_x, vid_conwidth);
+ mousepos_y = bound(0, mousepos_y, vid_conheight);
+ }
+ if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() && HUD_mouse_over(HUD_PANEL(MINIGAME_MENU)) )
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_MouseInput();
+ vector cursorsize = '32 32 0';
+ drawpic(mousepos-'8 4 0', strcat("gfx/menu/", autocvar_menu_skin, "/cursor.tga"),
+ cursorsize, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+float HUD_Minigame_Showpanels()
+ return HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() && ( autocvar__hud_configure || minigame_isactive() );
--- /dev/null
+#if defined(SVQC)
+#include "../sv_minigames.qh"
+#elif defined(CSQC)
+#include "../cl_minigames.qh"
+How to create a minigame
+Create a file for your minigame in this directory and #include it here.
+(ttt.qc implements tic tac toe and can be used as an example)
+and add your minigame to REGISTERED_MINIGAMES (see below)
+Required functions
+ float minigame_event_<id>(entity minigame, string event, ...count)
+ see ../minigames.qh for a detailed explanation
+ void minigame_hud_board_<id>(vector pos, vector mySize)
+ draws the main game board inside the rectangle defined by pos and mySize
+ (That rectangle is expressed in window coordinates)
+ void minigame_hud_status_<id>(vector pos, vector mySize)
+ draws the game status panel inside the rectangle defined by pos and mySize
+ (That rectangle is expressed in window coordinates)
+ This panel shows eg scores, captured pieces and so on
+ float minigame_event_<id>(entity minigame, string event, ...count)
+ see ../minigames.qh for a detailed explanation
+Managing entities
+You can link entities without having to worry about them if their classname
+has been defined in MINIGAME_SIMPLELINKED_ENTITIES (see below)
+Such entities can be spawned with msle_spawn and the system
+will handle networking and cleanup automatically.
+You'll still need to set .SendFlags according to what you specified in FIELD
+in order for them to be sent, ../minigames.qh defines some constants to be
+used as send flags for minigame entities:
+ Used when creating a new object, you can use this to define fields that don't change
+ A miscellaneous update, can be safely used if the entity has just a few fields
+ Starting value for custom flags, since there are bit-wise flags,
+ the following values shall be MINIG_SF_CUSTOM*2, MINIG_SF_CUSTOM*4 and MINIG_SF_CUSTOM*8.
+ Maximum flag value that will be networked
+ Mask matching all possible flags
+Note: As of now, flags are sent as a single byte
+Even for non-networked entities, the system provides a system to remove
+automatically unneeded entities when the minigame is over, the requirement is
+that .owner is set to the minigame session entity and .minigame_autoclean is true.
+#include "nmm.qc"
+#include "ttt.qc"
+ * Registration:
+ * MINIGAME(id,"Name")
+ * id (QuakeC symbol) Game identifier, used to find the functions explained above
+ * "Name"(String) Human readable name for the game, shown in the UI
+ */
+ MINIGAME(nmm, "Nine Men's Morris") \
+ MINIGAME(ttt, "Tic Tac Toe") \
+ /*empty line*/
+ * Set up automatic entity read/write functionality
+ * To ensure that everything is handled automatically, spawn on the server using msle_spawn
+ * Syntax:
+ * MSLE(classname,Field...) \
+ * classname: Identifier used to recognize the type of the entity
+ * (must be set as .classname on the sent entities)
+ * Field... : List of FIELD calls
+ * FIELD(sendflags, Type, field)
+ * sendflags: Send flags that signal when this field has to be sent
+ * Type : Type of the entity field. Used to determine WriteX/ReadX functions.
+ * Follows a list of accepted values
+ * Byte
+ * Char
+ * Short
+ * Long
+ * Coord
+ * Angle
+ * String Note: strzoned on client
+ * Float Note: implemented as Write/Read Coord
+ * Vector Note: implemented as Write/Read Coord on _x _y _z
+ * Vector2D Note: implemented as Write/Read Coord on _x _y
+ * Note:
+ * classname and netname are always sent
+ * MSLE stands for Minigame Simple Linked Entity
+ */
+ MSLE(minigame_board_piece,FIELD(MINIG_SF_CREATE,Byte,team) FIELD(MINIG_SF_UPDATE, Short, minigame_flags) FIELD(MINIG_SF_UPDATE, Vector2D,origin)) \
+ /*empty line*/
--- /dev/null
+const float NMM_TURN_PLACE = 0x0100; // player has to place a piece on the board
+const float NMM_TURN_MOVE = 0x0200; // player has to move a piece by one tile
+const float NMM_TURN_FLY = 0x0400; // player has to move a piece anywhere
+const float NMM_TURN_TAKE = 0x0800; // player has to take a non-mill piece
+const float NMM_TURN_TAKEANY=0x1000; // combine with NMM_TURN_TAKE, can take mill pieces
+const float NMM_TURN_WIN = 0x2000; // player has won
+const float NMM_TURN_TYPE = 0xff00;
+const float NMM_TURN_TEAM1 = 0x0001;
+const float NMM_TURN_TEAM2 = 0x0002;
+const float NMM_TURN_TEAM = 0x00ff;
+const float NMM_PIECE_DEAD = 0x0; // captured by the enemy
+const float NMM_PIECE_HOME = 0x1; // not yet placed
+const float NMM_PIECE_BOARD = 0x2; // placed on the board
+.float nmm_tile_distance;
+.entity nmm_tile_piece;
+.string nmm_tile_hmill;
+.string nmm_tile_vmill;
+// build a string containing the indices of the tile to check for a horizontal mill
+string nmm_tile_build_hmill(entity tile)
+ float number = minigame_tile_number(tile.netname);
+ float letter = minigame_tile_letter(tile.netname);
+ if ( number == letter || number+letter == 6 )
+ {
+ float add = letter < 3 ? 1 : -1;
+ return strcat(tile.netname," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(letter+add*tile.nmm_tile_distance,number)," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(letter+add*2*tile.nmm_tile_distance,number) );
+ }
+ else if ( letter == 3 )
+ return strcat(minigame_tile_buildname(letter-tile.nmm_tile_distance,number)," ",
+ tile.netname," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(letter+tile.nmm_tile_distance,number) );
+ else if ( letter < 3 )
+ return strcat(minigame_tile_buildname(0,number)," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(1,number)," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(2,number) );
+ else
+ return strcat(minigame_tile_buildname(4,number)," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(5,number)," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(6,number) );
+// build a string containing the indices of the tile to check for a vertical mill
+string nmm_tile_build_vmill(entity tile)
+ float letter = minigame_tile_letter(tile.netname);
+ float number = minigame_tile_number(tile.netname);
+ if ( letter == number || letter+number == 6 )
+ {
+ float add = number < 3 ? 1 : -1;
+ return strcat(tile.netname," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(letter,number+add*tile.nmm_tile_distance)," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(letter,number+add*2*tile.nmm_tile_distance) );
+ }
+ else if ( number == 3 )
+ return strcat(minigame_tile_buildname(letter,number-tile.nmm_tile_distance)," ",
+ tile.netname," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(letter,number+tile.nmm_tile_distance) );
+ else if ( number < 3 )
+ return strcat(minigame_tile_buildname(letter,0)," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(letter,1)," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(letter,2) );
+ else
+ return strcat(minigame_tile_buildname(letter,4)," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(letter,5)," ",
+ minigame_tile_buildname(letter,6) );
+// Create an new tile
+// \param id Tile index (eg: a1)
+// \param minig Owner minigame instance
+// \param distance Distance from adjacent tiles
+void nmm_spawn_tile(string id, entity minig, float distance)
+ // TODO global variable + list_next for simpler tile loops
+ entity e = spawn();
+ e.origin = minigame_tile_pos(id,7,7);
+ e.classname = "minigame_nmm_tile";
+ e.netname = id;
+ e.owner = minig;
+ = 0;
+ e.nmm_tile_distance = distance;
+ e.nmm_tile_hmill = strzone(nmm_tile_build_hmill(e));
+ e.nmm_tile_vmill = strzone(nmm_tile_build_vmill(e));
+// Create a tile square and recursively create inner squares
+// \param minig Owner minigame instance
+// \param offset Index offset (eg: 1 to start the square at b2, 0 at a1 etc.)
+// \param skip Number of indices to skip between tiles (eg 1: a1, a3)
+void nmm_spawn_tile_square( entity minig, float offset, float skip )
+ float letter = offset;
+ float number = offset;
+ float i, j;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+ {
+ number = offset;
+ for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
+ {
+ if ( i != 1 || j != 1 )
+ nmm_spawn_tile(strzone(minigame_tile_buildname(letter,number)),minig, skip+1);
+ number += skip+1;
+ }
+ letter += skip+1;
+ }
+ if ( skip > 0 )
+ nmm_spawn_tile_square(minig,offset+1,skip-1);
+// Remove tiles of a NMM minigame
+void nmm_kill_tiles(entity minig)
+ entity e = world;
+ while ( ( e = findentity(e,owner,minig) ) )
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_nmm_tile" )
+ {
+ strunzone(e.netname);
+ strunzone(e.nmm_tile_hmill);
+ strunzone(e.nmm_tile_vmill);
+ remove(e);
+ }
+// Create the tiles of a NMM minigame
+void nmm_init_tiles(entity minig)
+ nmm_spawn_tile_square(minig,0,2);
+// Find a tile by its id
+entity nmm_find_tile(entity minig, string id)
+ entity e = world;
+ while ( ( e = findentity(e,owner,minig) ) )
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_nmm_tile" && e.netname == id )
+ return e;
+ return world;
+// Check whether two tiles are adjacent
+float nmm_tile_adjacent(entity tile1, entity tile2)
+ float dnumber = fabs ( minigame_tile_number(tile1.netname) - minigame_tile_number(tile2.netname) );
+ float dletter = fabs ( minigame_tile_letter(tile1.netname) - minigame_tile_letter(tile2.netname) );
+ return ( dnumber == 0 && ( dletter == 1 || dletter == tile1.nmm_tile_distance ) ) ||
+ ( dletter == 0 && ( dnumber == 1 || dnumber == tile1.nmm_tile_distance ) );
+// Returns 1 if there is at least 1 free adjacent tile
+float nmm_tile_canmove(entity tile)
+ entity e = world;
+ while ( ( e = findentity(e,owner,tile.owner) ) )
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_nmm_tile" && !e.nmm_tile_piece
+ && nmm_tile_adjacent(e,tile) )
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Check if the given tile id appears in the string
+float nmm_in_mill_string(entity tile, string s)
+ float argc = tokenize(s);
+ float i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
+ {
+ entity e = nmm_find_tile(tile.owner,argv(i));
+ if ( !e || !e.nmm_tile_piece || != )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Check if a tile is in a mill
+float nmm_in_mill(entity tile)
+ return tile.nmm_tile_piece && (
+ nmm_in_mill_string(tile,tile.nmm_tile_hmill) ||
+ nmm_in_mill_string(tile,tile.nmm_tile_vmill) );
+#ifdef SVQC
+// Find a NMM piece matching some of the given flags and team number
+entity nmm_find_piece(entity start, entity minigame, float teamn, float pieceflags)
+ entity e = start;
+ while ( ( e = findentity(e,owner,minigame) ) )
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_board_piece" &&
+ (e.minigame_flags & pieceflags) && == teamn )
+ return e;
+ return world;
+// Count NMM pieces matching flags and team number
+float nmm_count_pieces(entity minigame, float teamn, float pieceflags)
+ float n = 0;
+ entity e = world;
+ while (( e = nmm_find_piece(e,minigame, teamn, pieceflags) ))
+ n++;
+ return n;
+// required function, handle server side events
+float minigame_event_nmm(entity minigame, string event, ...)
+ if ( event == "start" )
+ {
+ minigame.minigame_flags = NMM_TURN_PLACE|NMM_TURN_TEAM1;
+ nmm_init_tiles(minigame);
+ float i;
+ entity e;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
+ {
+ e = msle_spawn(minigame,"minigame_board_piece");
+ = 1;
+ e.minigame_flags = NMM_PIECE_HOME;
+ e = msle_spawn(minigame,"minigame_board_piece");
+ = 2;
+ e.minigame_flags = NMM_PIECE_HOME;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if ( event == "end" )
+ {
+ nmm_kill_tiles(minigame);
+ }
+ else if ( event == "join" )
+ {
+ float n = 0;
+ entity e;
+ for ( e = minigame.minigame_players; e; e = e.list_next )
+ n++;
+ if ( n >= 2 )
+ return 0;
+ if ( minigame.minigame_players && == 1 )
+ return 2;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if ( event == "cmd" )
+ {
+ entity e = ...(0,entity);
+ float argc = ...(1,float);
+ entity tile = world;
+ entity piece = world;
+ float move_ok = 0;
+ if ( e && argc >= 2 && argv(0) == "move" &&
+ ( minigame.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_TEAM ) == )
+ {
+ tile = nmm_find_tile(minigame,argv(1));
+ if ( !tile )
+ {
+ move_ok = 0;
+ }
+ else if ( minigame.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_PLACE )
+ {
+ piece = nmm_find_piece(world,minigame,,NMM_PIECE_HOME);
+ if ( !tile.nmm_tile_piece && piece )
+ {
+ tile.nmm_tile_piece = piece;
+ piece.minigame_flags = NMM_PIECE_BOARD;
+ piece.origin = tile.origin;
+ piece.SendFlags |= MINIG_SF_UPDATE;
+ move_ok = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( minigame.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_MOVE )
+ {
+ if ( tile.nmm_tile_piece && == )
+ {
+ piece = tile.nmm_tile_piece;
+ entity tile2 = nmm_find_tile(minigame,argv(2));
+ if ( tile2 && nmm_tile_adjacent(tile,tile2) && !tile2.nmm_tile_piece )
+ {
+ tile.nmm_tile_piece = world;
+ tile2.nmm_tile_piece = piece;
+ piece.origin = tile2.origin;
+ piece.SendFlags |= MINIG_SF_UPDATE;
+ tile = tile2;
+ move_ok = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( minigame.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_FLY )
+ {
+ if ( tile.nmm_tile_piece && == )
+ {
+ piece = tile.nmm_tile_piece;
+ entity tile2 = nmm_find_tile(minigame,argv(2));
+ if ( tile2 && !tile2.nmm_tile_piece )
+ {
+ tile.nmm_tile_piece = world;
+ tile2.nmm_tile_piece = piece;
+ piece.origin = tile2.origin;
+ piece.SendFlags |= MINIG_SF_UPDATE;
+ tile = tile2;
+ move_ok = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( minigame.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_TAKE )
+ {
+ piece = tile.nmm_tile_piece;
+ if ( piece && != )
+ {
+ tile.nmm_tile_piece = world;
+ piece.minigame_flags = NMM_PIECE_DEAD;
+ piece.SendFlags |= MINIG_SF_UPDATE;
+ move_ok = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ float nextteam = % 2 + 1;
+ float npieces = nmm_count_pieces(minigame,nextteam,NMM_PIECE_HOME|NMM_PIECE_BOARD);
+ if ( npieces < 3 )
+ {
+ minigame.minigame_flags = NMM_TURN_WIN |;
+ minigame.SendFlags |= MINIG_SF_UPDATE;
+ }
+ else if ( move_ok)
+ {
+ if ( !(minigame.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_TAKE) && nmm_in_mill(tile) )
+ {
+ minigame.minigame_flags = NMM_TURN_TAKE|;
+ float takemill = NMM_TURN_TAKEANY;
+ entity f = world;
+ while ( ( f = findentity(f,owner,minigame) ) )
+ if ( f.classname == "minigame_nmm_tile" && f.nmm_tile_piece &&
+ == nextteam && !nmm_in_mill(f) )
+ {
+ takemill = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ minigame.minigame_flags |= takemill;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( nmm_find_piece(world,minigame,nextteam,NMM_PIECE_HOME) )
+ minigame.minigame_flags = NMM_TURN_PLACE|nextteam;
+ else if ( npieces == 3 )
+ minigame.minigame_flags = NMM_TURN_FLY|nextteam;
+ else
+ {
+ minigame.minigame_flags = NMM_TURN_WIN|;
+ entity f = world;
+ while ( ( f = findentity(f,owner,minigame) ) )
+ if ( f.classname == "minigame_nmm_tile" && f.nmm_tile_piece &&
+ == nextteam && nmm_tile_canmove(f) )
+ {
+ minigame.minigame_flags = NMM_TURN_MOVE|nextteam;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minigame.SendFlags |= MINIG_SF_UPDATE;
+ }
+ else
+ dprint("Invalid move: ",...(2,string),"\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+#elif defined(CSQC)
+entity nmm_currtile;
+entity nmm_fromtile;
+vector nmm_boardpos;
+vector nmm_boardsize;
+// whether the given tile is a valid selection
+float nmm_valid_selection(entity tile)
+ if ( ( tile.owner.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_TEAM ) != )
+ return 0; // not our turn
+ if ( tile.owner.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_PLACE )
+ return !tile.nmm_tile_piece; // need to put a piece on an empty spot
+ if ( tile.owner.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_MOVE )
+ {
+ if ( tile.nmm_tile_piece && == &&
+ nmm_tile_canmove(tile) )
+ return 1; // movable tile
+ if ( nmm_fromtile ) // valid destination
+ return !tile.nmm_tile_piece && nmm_tile_adjacent(nmm_fromtile,tile);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( tile.owner.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_FLY )
+ {
+ if ( nmm_fromtile )
+ return !tile.nmm_tile_piece;
+ else
+ return tile.nmm_tile_piece && ==;
+ }
+ if ( tile.owner.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_TAKE )
+ return tile.nmm_tile_piece && != &&
+ ( (tile.owner.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_TAKEANY) || !nmm_in_mill(tile) );
+ return 0;
+// whether it should highlight valid tile selections
+float nmm_draw_avaliable(entity tile)
+ if ( ( tile.owner.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_TEAM ) != )
+ return 0;
+ if ( (tile.owner.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_TAKE) )
+ return 1;
+ if ( (tile.owner.minigame_flags & (NMM_TURN_FLY|NMM_TURN_MOVE)) && nmm_fromtile )
+ return !tile.nmm_tile_piece;
+ return 0;
+// Required function, draw the game board
+void minigame_hud_board_nmm(vector pos, vector mySize)
+ minigame_hud_fitsqare(pos, mySize);
+ nmm_boardpos = pos;
+ nmm_boardsize = mySize;
+ minigame_hud_simpleboard(pos,mySize,minigame_texture("nmm/board"));
+ vector tile_size = minigame_hud_denormalize_size('1 1 0'/7,pos,mySize);
+ vector tile_pos;
+ entity e;
+ {
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_nmm_tile" )
+ {
+ tile_pos = minigame_hud_denormalize(e.origin,pos,mySize);
+ if ( e == nmm_fromtile )
+ {
+ minigame_drawpic_centered( tile_pos, minigame_texture("nmm/tile_active"),
+ tile_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL );
+ }
+ else if ( nmm_draw_avaliable(e) && nmm_valid_selection(e) )
+ {
+ minigame_drawpic_centered( tile_pos, minigame_texture("nmm/tile_available"),
+ tile_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL );
+ }
+ if ( e == nmm_currtile )
+ {
+ minigame_drawpic_centered( tile_pos, minigame_texture("nmm/tile_selected"),
+ tile_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE );
+ }
+ if ( e.nmm_tile_piece )
+ {
+ minigame_drawpic_centered( tile_pos,
+ minigame_texture(strcat("nmm/piece",ftos(,
+ tile_size*0.8, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL );
+ }
+ //drawstring(tile_pos, e.netname, hud_fontsize, '1 0 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( active_minigame.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_WIN )
+ {
+ vector winfs = hud_fontsize*2;
+ string playername = "";
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_player" &&
+ == (active_minigame.minigame_flags & NMM_TURN_TEAM) )
+ playername = GetPlayerName(e.minigame_playerslot-1);
+ vector win_pos = pos+eY*(mySize_y-winfs_y)/2;
+ vector win_sz;
+ win_sz = minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_wrapped(mySize_x,win_pos,
+ sprintf("%s^7 won the game!",playername),
+ winfs, 0, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, 0.5);
+ drawfill(win_pos-eY*hud_fontsize_y,win_sz+2*eY*hud_fontsize_y,'1 1 1',0.5,DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_wrapped(mySize_x,win_pos,
+ sprintf("%s^7 won the game!",playername),
+ winfs, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, 0.5);
+ }
+// Required function, draw the game status panel
+void minigame_hud_status_nmm(vector pos, vector mySize)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawBg(1);
+ vector ts;
+ ts = minigame_drawstring_wrapped(mySize_x,pos,active_minigame.descriptor.message,
+ hud_fontsize * 2, '0.25 0.47 0.72', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL,0.5);
+ pos_y += ts_y;
+ mySize_y -= ts_y;
+ vector player_fontsize = hud_fontsize * 1.75;
+ ts_y = ( mySize_y - 2*player_fontsize_y ) / 2;
+ ts_x = mySize_x;
+ float player1x = 0;
+ float player2x = 0;
+ vector piece_sz = '48 48 0';
+ float piece_space = piece_sz_x + ( ts_x - 7 * piece_sz_x ) / 6;
+ vector mypos;
+ float piece_light = 1;
+ entity e = world;
+ mypos = pos;
+ if ( (active_minigame.minigame_flags&NMM_TURN_TEAM) == 2 )
+ mypos_y += player_fontsize_y + ts_y;
+ drawfill(mypos,eX*mySize_x+eY*player_fontsize_y,'1 1 1',0.5,DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ mypos_y += player_fontsize_y;
+ drawfill(mypos,eX*mySize_x+eY*piece_sz_y,'1 1 1',0.25,DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ {
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_player" )
+ {
+ mypos = pos;
+ if ( == 2 )
+ mypos_y += player_fontsize_y + ts_y;
+ minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_trunc(mySize_x,mypos,
+ GetPlayerName(e.minigame_playerslot-1),
+ player_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ else if ( e.classname == "minigame_board_piece" )
+ {
+ mypos = pos;
+ mypos_y += player_fontsize_y;
+ if ( == 2 )
+ {
+ mypos_x += player2x;
+ player2x += piece_space;
+ mypos_y += player_fontsize_y + ts_y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mypos_x += player1x;
+ player1x += piece_space;
+ }
+ if ( e.minigame_flags == NMM_PIECE_HOME )
+ piece_light = 0.5;
+ else if ( e.minigame_flags == NMM_PIECE_BOARD )
+ piece_light = 1;
+ else
+ piece_light = 0.15;
+ drawpic(mypos, minigame_texture(strcat("nmm/piece",ftos(, piece_sz,
+ '1 1 1'*piece_light, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL );
+ }
+ }
+// Make the correct move
+void nmm_make_move(entity minigame)
+ if ( nmm_currtile )
+ {
+ if ( minigame.minigame_flags & (NMM_TURN_PLACE|NMM_TURN_TAKE) )
+ {
+ minigame_cmd("move ",nmm_currtile.netname);
+ nmm_fromtile = world;
+ }
+ else if ( (minigame.minigame_flags & (NMM_TURN_MOVE|NMM_TURN_FLY)) )
+ {
+ if ( nmm_fromtile == nmm_currtile )
+ {
+ nmm_fromtile = world;
+ }
+ else if ( nmm_currtile.nmm_tile_piece && == )
+ {
+ nmm_fromtile = nmm_currtile;
+ }
+ else if ( nmm_fromtile )
+ {
+ minigame_cmd("move ",nmm_fromtile.netname," ",nmm_currtile.netname);
+ nmm_fromtile = world;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nmm_fromtile = world;
+string nmm_turn_to_string(float turnflags)
+ if ( turnflags & NMM_TURN_WIN )
+ {
+ if ( (turnflags&NMM_TURN_TEAM) != )
+ return _("You lost the game!");
+ return _("You win!");
+ }
+ if ( (turnflags&NMM_TURN_TEAM) != )
+ return _("Wait for your opponent to make their move");
+ if ( turnflags & NMM_TURN_PLACE )
+ return _("Click on the game board to place your piece");
+ if ( turnflags & NMM_TURN_MOVE )
+ return _("You can select one of your pieces to move it in one of the surrounding places");
+ if ( turnflags & NMM_TURN_FLY )
+ return _("You can select one of your pieces to move it anywhere on the board");
+ if ( turnflags & NMM_TURN_TAKE )
+ return _("You can take one of the opponent's pieces");
+ return "";
+// Required function, handle client events
+float minigame_event_nmm(entity minigame, string event, ...)
+ if ( event == "activate" )
+ {
+ nmm_fromtile = world;
+ nmm_init_tiles(minigame);
+ minigame.message = nmm_turn_to_string(minigame.minigame_flags);
+ }
+ else if ( event == "deactivate" )
+ {
+ nmm_fromtile = world;
+ nmm_kill_tiles(minigame);
+ }
+ else if ( event == "key_pressed" && (minigame.minigame_flags&NMM_TURN_TEAM) == )
+ {
+ switch ( ...(0,float) )
+ {
+ if ( ! nmm_currtile )
+ nmm_currtile = nmm_find_tile(active_minigame,"a7");
+ else
+ {
+ string tileid = nmm_currtile.netname;
+ nmm_currtile = world;
+ while ( !nmm_currtile )
+ {
+ tileid = minigame_relative_tile(tileid,1,0,7,7);
+ nmm_currtile = nmm_find_tile(active_minigame,tileid);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ if ( ! nmm_currtile )
+ nmm_currtile = nmm_find_tile(active_minigame,"g7");
+ else
+ {
+ string tileid = nmm_currtile.netname;
+ nmm_currtile = world;
+ while ( !nmm_currtile )
+ {
+ tileid = minigame_relative_tile(tileid,-1,0,7,7);
+ nmm_currtile = nmm_find_tile(active_minigame,tileid);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ case K_UPARROW:
+ case K_KP_UPARROW:
+ if ( ! nmm_currtile )
+ nmm_currtile = nmm_find_tile(active_minigame,"a1");
+ else
+ {
+ string tileid = nmm_currtile.netname;
+ nmm_currtile = world;
+ while ( !nmm_currtile )
+ {
+ tileid = minigame_relative_tile(tileid,0,1,7,7);
+ nmm_currtile = nmm_find_tile(active_minigame,tileid);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ if ( ! nmm_currtile )
+ nmm_currtile = nmm_find_tile(active_minigame,"a7");
+ else
+ {
+ string tileid = nmm_currtile.netname;
+ nmm_currtile = world;
+ while ( !nmm_currtile )
+ {
+ tileid = minigame_relative_tile(tileid,0,-1,7,7);
+ nmm_currtile = nmm_find_tile(active_minigame,tileid);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ case K_ENTER:
+ case K_KP_ENTER:
+ case K_SPACE:
+ nmm_make_move(minigame);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if ( event == "mouse_pressed" && ...(0,float) == K_MOUSE1 )
+ {
+ nmm_make_move(minigame);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if ( event == "mouse_moved" )
+ {
+ nmm_currtile = world;
+ vector tile_pos;
+ vector tile_size = minigame_hud_denormalize_size('1 1 0'/7,nmm_boardpos,nmm_boardsize);
+ entity e;
+ {
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_nmm_tile" )
+ {
+ tile_pos = minigame_hud_denormalize(e.origin,nmm_boardpos,nmm_boardsize)-tile_size/2;
+ if ( minigame_hud_mouse_in(tile_pos, tile_size) && nmm_valid_selection(e) )
+ {
+ nmm_currtile = e;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if ( event == "network_receive" )
+ {
+ if ( self.classname == "minigame_board_piece" && ( ...(1,float) & MINIG_SF_UPDATE ) )
+ {
+ entity e;
+ string tileid = "";
+ if ( self.minigame_flags & NMM_PIECE_BOARD )
+ tileid = minigame_tile_name(self.origin,7,7);
+ {
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_nmm_tile" )
+ {
+ if ( e.nmm_tile_piece == self )
+ e.nmm_tile_piece = world;
+ if ( e.netname == tileid )
+ e.nmm_tile_piece = self;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( self.classname == "minigame" && ( ...(1,float) & MINIG_SF_UPDATE ) )
+ {
+ self.message = nmm_turn_to_string(self.minigame_flags);
+ if ( self.minigame_flags & )
+ minigame_prompt();
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+const float TTT_TURN_PLACE = 0x0100; // player has to place a piece on the board
+const float TTT_TURN_WIN = 0x0200; // player has won
+const float TTT_TURN_DRAW = 0x0400; // no moves are possible
+const float TTT_TURN_NEXT = 0x0800; // a player wants to start a new match
+const float TTT_TURN_TYPE = 0x0f00; // turn type mask
+const float TTT_TURN_TEAM1 = 0x0001;
+const float TTT_TURN_TEAM2 = 0x0002;
+const float TTT_TURN_TEAM = 0x000f; // turn team mask
+// send flags
+const float TTT_SF_PLAYERSCORE = MINIG_SF_CUSTOM; // send minigame_player scores (won matches)
+const float TTT_SF_SINGLEPLAYER = MINIG_SF_CUSTOM<<1;// send minigame.ttt_ai
+.float ttt_npieces; // (minigame) number of pieces on the board (simplifies checking a draw)
+.float ttt_nexteam; // (minigame) next team (used to change the starting team on following matches)
+.float ttt_ai; // (minigame) when non-zero, singleplayer vs AI
+// find tic tac toe piece given its tile name
+entity ttt_find_piece(entity minig, string tile)
+ entity e = world;
+ while ( ( e = findentity(e,owner,minig) ) )
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_board_piece" && e.netname == tile )
+ return e;
+ return world;
+// Checks if the given piece completes a row
+float ttt_winning_piece(entity piece)
+ float number = minigame_tile_number(piece.netname);
+ float letter = minigame_tile_letter(piece.netname);
+ if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(0,number)).team == )
+ if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(1,number)).team == )
+ if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(2,number)).team == )
+ return 1;
+ if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(letter,0)).team == )
+ if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(letter,1)).team == )
+ if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(letter,2)).team == )
+ return 1;
+ if ( number == letter )
+ if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(0,0)).team == )
+ if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(1,1)).team == )
+ if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(2,2)).team == )
+ return 1;
+ if ( number == 2-letter )
+ if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(0,2)).team == )
+ if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(1,1)).team == )
+ if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(2,0)).team == )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+// check if the tile name is valid (3x3 grid)
+float ttt_valid_tile(string tile)
+ if ( !tile )
+ return 0;
+ float number = minigame_tile_number(tile);
+ float letter = minigame_tile_letter(tile);
+ return 0 <= number && number < 3 && 0 <= letter && letter < 3;
+// make a move
+void ttt_move(entity minigame, entity player, string pos )
+ if ( minigame.minigame_flags & TTT_TURN_PLACE )
+ if ( pos && == (minigame.minigame_flags & TTT_TURN_TEAM) )
+ {
+ if ( ttt_valid_tile(pos) )
+ if ( !ttt_find_piece(minigame,pos) )
+ {
+ entity piece = msle_spawn(minigame,"minigame_board_piece");
+ =;
+ piece.netname = strzone(pos);
+ minigame_server_sendflags(piece,MINIG_SF_ALL);
+ minigame_server_sendflags(minigame,MINIG_SF_UPDATE);
+ minigame.ttt_npieces++;
+ minigame.ttt_nexteam = minigame_next_team(,2);
+ if ( ttt_winning_piece(piece) )
+ {
+ player.minigame_flags++;
+ minigame_server_sendflags(player, TTT_SF_PLAYERSCORE);
+ minigame.minigame_flags = TTT_TURN_WIN |;
+ }
+ else if ( minigame.ttt_npieces >= 9 )
+ minigame.minigame_flags = TTT_TURN_DRAW;
+ else
+ minigame.minigame_flags = TTT_TURN_PLACE | minigame.ttt_nexteam;
+ }
+ }
+// request a new match
+void ttt_next_match(entity minigame, entity player)
+#ifdef SVQC
+ // on multiplayer matches, wait for both players to agree
+ if ( minigame.minigame_flags & (TTT_TURN_WIN|TTT_TURN_DRAW) )
+ {
+ minigame.minigame_flags = TTT_TURN_NEXT |;
+ minigame.SendFlags |= MINIG_SF_UPDATE;
+ }
+ else if ( (minigame.minigame_flags & TTT_TURN_NEXT) &&
+ !( minigame.minigame_flags & ) )
+ {
+ minigame.minigame_flags = TTT_TURN_PLACE | minigame.ttt_nexteam;
+ minigame_server_sendflags(minigame,MINIG_SF_UPDATE);
+ minigame.ttt_npieces = 0;
+ entity e = world;
+ while ( ( e = findentity(e,owner,minigame) ) )
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_board_piece" )
+ remove(e);
+ }
+#ifdef SVQC
+// required function, handle server side events
+float minigame_event_ttt(entity minigame, string event, ...)
+ switch(event)
+ {
+ case "start":
+ {
+ minigame.minigame_flags = (TTT_TURN_PLACE | TTT_TURN_TEAM1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ case "end":
+ {
+ entity e = world;
+ while( (e = findentity(e, owner, minigame)) )
+ if(e.classname == "minigame_board_piece")
+ {
+ if(e.netname) { strunzone(e.netname); }
+ remove(e);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ case "join":
+ {
+ float pl_num = minigame_count_players(minigame);
+ // Don't allow joining a single player match
+ if ( (minigame.ttt_ai) && pl_num > 0 )
+ return false;
+ // Don't allow more than 2 players
+ if(pl_num >= 2) { return false; }
+ // Get the right team
+ if(minigame.minigame_players)
+ return minigame_next_team(, 2);
+ // Team 1 by default
+ return 1;
+ }
+ case "cmd":
+ {
+ switch(argv(0))
+ {
+ case "move":
+ ttt_move(minigame, ...(0,entity), ...(1,float) == 2 ? argv(1) : string_null );
+ return true;
+ case "next":
+ ttt_next_match(minigame,...(0,entity));
+ return true;
+ case "singleplayer":
+ if ( minigame_count_players(minigame) == 1 )
+ {
+ minigame.ttt_ai = minigame_next_team(, 2);
+ minigame.SendFlags = TTT_SF_SINGLEPLAYER;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ case "network_send":
+ {
+ entity sent = ...(0,entity);
+ float sf = ...(1,float);
+ if ( sent.classname == "minigame_player" && (sf & TTT_SF_PLAYERSCORE ) )
+ {
+ WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY,sent.minigame_flags);
+ }
+ else if ( sent.classname == "minigame" && (sf & TTT_SF_SINGLEPLAYER) )
+ {
+ WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY,sent.ttt_ai);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+#elif defined(CSQC)
+string ttt_curr_pos; // identifier of the tile under the mouse
+vector ttt_boardpos; // HUD board position
+vector ttt_boardsize;// HUD board size
+.float ttt_checkwin; // Used to optimize checks to display a win
+// Required function, draw the game board
+void minigame_hud_board_ttt(vector pos, vector mySize)
+ minigame_hud_fitsqare(pos, mySize);
+ ttt_boardpos = pos;
+ ttt_boardsize = mySize;
+ minigame_hud_simpleboard(pos,mySize,minigame_texture("ttt/board"));
+ vector tile_size = minigame_hud_denormalize_size('1 1 0'/3,pos,mySize);
+ vector tile_pos;
+ if ( (active_minigame.minigame_flags & TTT_TURN_TEAM) == )
+ if ( ttt_valid_tile(ttt_curr_pos) )
+ {
+ tile_pos = minigame_tile_pos(ttt_curr_pos,3,3);
+ tile_pos = minigame_hud_denormalize(tile_pos,pos,mySize);
+ minigame_drawpic_centered( tile_pos,
+ minigame_texture(strcat("ttt/piece",ftos(,
+ tile_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha/2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL );
+ }
+ entity e;
+ {
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_board_piece" )
+ {
+ tile_pos = minigame_tile_pos(e.netname,3,3);
+ tile_pos = minigame_hud_denormalize(tile_pos,pos,mySize);
+ if ( active_minigame.minigame_flags & TTT_TURN_WIN )
+ if ( !e.ttt_checkwin )
+ e.ttt_checkwin = ttt_winning_piece(e) ? 1 : -1;
+ float icon_color = 1;
+ if ( e.ttt_checkwin == -1 )
+ icon_color = 0.4;
+ else if ( e.ttt_checkwin == 1 )
+ {
+ icon_color = 2;
+ minigame_drawpic_centered( tile_pos, minigame_texture("ttt/winglow"),
+ tile_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE );
+ }
+ minigame_drawpic_centered( tile_pos,
+ minigame_texture(strcat("ttt/piece",ftos(,
+ tile_size, '1 1 1'*icon_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL );
+ }
+ }
+// Required function, draw the game status panel
+void minigame_hud_status_ttt(vector pos, vector mySize)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawBg(1);
+ vector ts;
+ ts = minigame_drawstring_wrapped(mySize_x,pos,active_minigame.descriptor.message,
+ hud_fontsize * 2, '0.25 0.47 0.72', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL,0.5);
+ pos_y += ts_y;
+ mySize_y -= ts_y;
+ vector player_fontsize = hud_fontsize * 1.75;
+ ts_y = ( mySize_y - 2*player_fontsize_y ) / 2;
+ ts_x = mySize_x;
+ vector mypos;
+ vector tile_size = '48 48 0';
+ entity e;
+ {
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_player" )
+ {
+ mypos = pos;
+ if ( == 2 )
+ mypos_y += player_fontsize_y + ts_y;
+ minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_trunc(mySize_x,mypos,
+ (e.minigame_playerslot ? GetPlayerName(e.minigame_playerslot-1) : _("AI")),
+ player_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ mypos_y += player_fontsize_y;
+ drawpic( mypos,
+ minigame_texture(strcat("ttt/piece",ftos(,
+ tile_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL );
+ mypos_x += tile_size_x;
+ drawstring(mypos,ftos(e.minigame_flags),tile_size,
+ '0.7 0.84 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ }
+// Turn a set of flags into a help message
+string ttt_turn_to_string(float turnflags)
+ if ( turnflags & TTT_TURN_DRAW )
+ return _("Draw");
+ if ( turnflags & TTT_TURN_WIN )
+ {
+ if ( (turnflags&TTT_TURN_TEAM) != )
+ return _("You lost the game!\nSelect \"^1Next Match^7\" on the menu for a rematch!");
+ return _("You win!\nSelect \"^1Next Match^7\" on the menu to start a new match!");
+ }
+ if ( turnflags & TTT_TURN_NEXT )
+ {
+ if ( (turnflags&TTT_TURN_TEAM) != )
+ return _("Select \"^1Next Match^7\" on the menu to start a new match!");
+ return _("Wait for your opponent to confirm the rematch");
+ }
+ if ( (turnflags & TTT_TURN_TEAM) != )
+ return _("Wait for your opponent to make their move");
+ if ( turnflags & TTT_TURN_PLACE )
+ return _("Click on the game board to place your piece");
+ return "";
+const float TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A1 = 0x0001;
+const float TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A2 = 0x0002;
+const float TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A3 = 0x0004;
+const float TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B1 = 0x0008;
+const float TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B2 = 0x0010;
+const float TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B3 = 0x0020;
+const float TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C1 = 0x0040;
+const float TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C2 = 0x0080;
+const float TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C3 = 0x0100;
+// convert a flag to a position
+string ttt_ai_piece_flag2pos(float pieceflag)
+ switch(pieceflag)
+ {
+ return "a1";
+ return "a2";
+ return "a3";
+ return "b1";
+ return "b2";
+ return "b3";
+ return "c1";
+ return "c2";
+ return "c3";
+ default:
+ return string_null;
+ }
+float ttt_ai_checkmask(float piecemask, float checkflags)
+ return checkflags && (piecemask & checkflags) == checkflags;
+// get the third flag if the mask matches two of them
+float ttt_ai_1of3(float piecemask, float flag1, float flag2, float flag3)
+ if ( ttt_ai_checkmask(piecemask,flag1|flag2|flag3) )
+ return 0;
+ if ( ttt_ai_checkmask(piecemask,flag1|flag2) )
+ return flag3;
+ if ( ttt_ai_checkmask(piecemask,flag3|flag2) )
+ return flag1;
+ if ( ttt_ai_checkmask(piecemask,flag3|flag1) )
+ return flag2;
+ return 0;
+// Select a random flag in the mask
+float ttt_ai_random(float piecemask)
+ if ( !piecemask )
+ return 0;
+ float i;
+ float f = 1;
+ RandomSelection_Init();
+ for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( piecemask & f )
+ RandomSelection_Add(world, f, string_null, 1, 1);
+ f <<= 1;
+ }
+ dprint(sprintf("TTT AI: selected %x from %x\n",
+ RandomSelection_chosen_float, piecemask) );
+ return RandomSelection_chosen_float;
+// Block/complete a 3 i na row
+float ttt_ai_block3 ( float piecemask, float piecemask_free )
+ float r = 0;
+ r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A1,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A3);
+ r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B1,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B3);
+ r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C1,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C3);
+ r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A1,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B1,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C1);
+ r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C2);
+ r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A3,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B3,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C3);
+ r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A1,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C3);
+ r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A3,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C1);
+ dprint(sprintf("TTT AI: possible 3 in a rows in %x: %x (%x)\n",piecemask,r, r&piecemask_free));
+ r &= piecemask_free;
+ return ttt_ai_random(r);
+// Simple AI
+// 1) tries to win the game if possible
+// 2) tries to block the opponent if they have 2 in a row
+// 3) places a piece randomly
+string ttt_ai_choose_simple(float piecemask_self, float piecemask_opponent, float piecemask_free )
+ float move = 0;
+ dprint("TTT AI: checking winning move\n");
+ if (( move = ttt_ai_block3(piecemask_self,piecemask_free) ))
+ return ttt_ai_piece_flag2pos(move); // place winning move
+ dprint("TTT AI: checking opponent's winning move\n");
+ if (( move = ttt_ai_block3(piecemask_opponent,piecemask_free) ))
+ return ttt_ai_piece_flag2pos(move); // block opponent
+ dprint("TTT AI: random move\n");
+ return ttt_ai_piece_flag2pos(ttt_ai_random(piecemask_free));
+// AI move (if it's AI's turn)
+void ttt_aimove(entity minigame)
+ if ( minigame.minigame_flags == (TTT_TURN_PLACE|minigame.ttt_ai) )
+ {
+ entity aiplayer = world;
+ while ( ( aiplayer = findentity(aiplayer,owner,minigame) ) )
+ if ( aiplayer.classname == "minigame_player" && !aiplayer.minigame_playerslot )
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Build bit masks for the board pieces
+ * .---.---.---.
+ * | 4 | 32|256| 3
+ * |---+---+---|
+ * | 2 | 16|128| 2
+ * |---+---+---|
+ * | 1 | 8 | 64| 1
+ * '---'---'---'
+ * A B C
+ */
+ float piecemask_self = 0;
+ float piecemask_opponent = 0;
+ float piecemask_free = 0;
+ float pieceflag = 1;
+ string pos;
+ float i,j;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+ for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
+ {
+ pos = minigame_tile_buildname(i,j);
+ entity piece = ttt_find_piece(minigame,pos);
+ if ( piece )
+ {
+ if ( == )
+ piecemask_self |= pieceflag;
+ else
+ piecemask_opponent |= pieceflag;
+ }
+ else
+ piecemask_free |= pieceflag;
+ pieceflag <<= 1;
+ }
+ // TODO multiple AI difficulties
+ dprint(sprintf("TTT AI: self: %x opponent: %x free: %x\n",
+ piecemask_self, piecemask_opponent, piecemask_free));
+ pos = ttt_ai_choose_simple(piecemask_self, piecemask_opponent, piecemask_free);
+ dprint("TTT AI: chosen move: ",pos,"\n\n");
+ if ( !pos )
+ dprint("Tic Tac Toe AI has derped!\n");
+ else
+ ttt_move(minigame,aiplayer,pos);
+ }
+ minigame.message = ttt_turn_to_string(minigame.minigame_flags);
+// Make the correct move
+void ttt_make_move(entity minigame)
+ if ( minigame.minigame_flags == (TTT_TURN_PLACE| )
+ {
+ if ( minigame.ttt_ai )
+ {
+ ttt_move(minigame, minigame_self, ttt_curr_pos );
+ ttt_aimove(minigame);
+ }
+ else
+ minigame_cmd("move ",ttt_curr_pos);
+ }
+void ttt_set_curr_pos(string s)
+ if ( ttt_curr_pos )
+ strunzone(ttt_curr_pos);
+ if ( s )
+ s = strzone(s);
+ ttt_curr_pos = s;
+// Required function, handle client events
+float minigame_event_ttt(entity minigame, string event, ...)
+ switch(event)
+ {
+ case "activate":
+ {
+ ttt_set_curr_pos("");
+ minigame.message = ttt_turn_to_string(minigame.minigame_flags);
+ return false;
+ }
+ case "key_pressed":
+ {
+ if((minigame.minigame_flags & TTT_TURN_TEAM) ==
+ {
+ switch ( ...(0,float) )
+ {
+ if ( ! ttt_curr_pos )
+ ttt_set_curr_pos("a3");
+ else
+ ttt_set_curr_pos(minigame_relative_tile(ttt_curr_pos,1,0,3,3));
+ return true;
+ if ( ! ttt_curr_pos )
+ ttt_set_curr_pos("c3");
+ else
+ ttt_set_curr_pos(minigame_relative_tile(ttt_curr_pos,-1,0,3,3));
+ return true;
+ case K_UPARROW:
+ case K_KP_UPARROW:
+ if ( ! ttt_curr_pos )
+ ttt_set_curr_pos("a1");
+ else
+ ttt_set_curr_pos(minigame_relative_tile(ttt_curr_pos,0,1,3,3));
+ return true;
+ if ( ! ttt_curr_pos )
+ ttt_set_curr_pos("a3");
+ else
+ ttt_set_curr_pos(minigame_relative_tile(ttt_curr_pos,0,-1,3,3));
+ return true;
+ case K_ENTER:
+ case K_KP_ENTER:
+ case K_SPACE:
+ ttt_make_move(minigame);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ case "mouse_pressed":
+ {
+ if(...(0,float) == K_MOUSE1)
+ {
+ ttt_make_move(minigame);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ case "mouse_moved":
+ {
+ vector mouse_pos = minigame_hud_normalize(mousepos,ttt_boardpos,ttt_boardsize);
+ if ( minigame.minigame_flags == (TTT_TURN_PLACE| )
+ ttt_set_curr_pos(minigame_tile_name(mouse_pos,3,3));
+ if ( ! ttt_valid_tile(ttt_curr_pos) )
+ ttt_set_curr_pos("");
+ return true;
+ }
+ case "network_receive":
+ {
+ entity sent = ...(0,entity);
+ float sf = ...(1,float);
+ if ( sent.classname == "minigame" )
+ {
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_UPDATE )
+ {
+ sent.message = ttt_turn_to_string(sent.minigame_flags);
+ if ( sent.minigame_flags & )
+ minigame_prompt();
+ }
+ if ( (sf & TTT_SF_SINGLEPLAYER) )
+ {
+ float ai = ReadByte();
+ float spawnai = ai && !sent.ttt_ai;
+ sent.ttt_ai = ai;
+ if ( spawnai )
+ {
+ entity aiplayer = spawn();
+ aiplayer.classname = "minigame_player";
+ aiplayer.owner = minigame;
+ = ai;
+ aiplayer.minigame_playerslot = 0;
+ aiplayer.minigame_autoclean = 1;
+ ttt_aimove(minigame);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( sent.classname == "minigame_player" && (sf & TTT_SF_PLAYERSCORE ) )
+ {
+ sent.minigame_flags = ReadByte();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ case "menu_show":
+ {
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_CustomEntry(...(0,entity),_("Next Match"),"next");
+ HUD_MinigameMenu_CustomEntry(...(0,entity),_("Single Player"),"singleplayer");
+ return false;
+ }
+ case "menu_click":
+ {
+ if(...(0,string) == "next")
+ {
+ if ( minigame.ttt_ai )
+ {
+ ttt_next_match(minigame,minigame_self);
+ ttt_aimove(minigame);
+ }
+ else
+ minigame_cmd("next");
+ }
+ else if ( ...(0,string) == "singleplayer" && !minigame.ttt_ai )
+ {
+ if ( minigame_count_players(minigame) == 1 )
+ minigame_cmd("singleplayer");
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#include "minigames.qh"
+entity minigame_get_descriptor(string id)
+ entity e;
+ for ( e = minigame_descriptors; e != world; e = e.list_next )
+ if ( e.netname == id )
+ return e;
+ return world;
+// Get letter index of a tile name
+float minigame_tile_letter(string id)
+ return str2chr(substring(id,0,1),0)-'a';
+// Get number index of a tile name
+// Note: this is 0 based, useful for mathematical operations
+// Note: Since the tile notation starts from the bottom left,
+// you may want to do number_of_rows - what_this_function_returns or something
+float minigame_tile_number(string id)
+ return stof(substring(id,1,-1)) -1 ;
+// Get relative position of the center of a given tile
+vector minigame_tile_pos(string id, float rows, float columns)
+ return eX*(minigame_tile_letter(id)+0.5)/columns +
+ eY - eY*(minigame_tile_number(id)+0.5)/rows;
+// Get a tile name from indices
+string minigame_tile_buildname(float letter, float number)
+ return strcat(chr2str('a'+letter),ftos(number+1));
+// Get the id of a tile relative to the given one
+string minigame_relative_tile(string start_id, float dx, float dy, float rows, float columns)
+ float letter = minigame_tile_letter(start_id);
+ float number = minigame_tile_number(start_id);
+ letter = (letter+dx) % columns;
+ number = (number+dy) % rows;
+ if ( letter < 0 )
+ letter = columns + letter;
+ if ( number < 0 )
+ number = rows + number;
+ return minigame_tile_buildname(letter, number);
+// Get tile name from a relative position (matches the tile covering a square area)
+string minigame_tile_name(vector pos, float rows, float columns)
+ if ( pos_x < 0 || pos_x > 1 || pos_y < 0 || pos_y > 1 )
+ return ""; // no tile
+ float letter = floor(pos_x * columns);
+ float number = floor((1-pos_y) * rows);
+ return minigame_tile_buildname(letter, number);
+// Get the next team number (note: team numbers are between 1 and n_teams, inclusive)
+float minigame_next_team(float curr_team, float n_teams)
+ return curr_team % n_teams + 1;
+// set send flags only when on server
+// (for example in game logic which can be used both in client and server
+void minigame_server_sendflags(entity ent, float mgflags)
+ #ifdef SVQC
+ ent.SendFlags |= mgflags;
+ #endif
+// Spawn linked entity on the server or local entity on the client
+// This entity will be removed automatically when the minigame ends
+entity msle_spawn(entity minigame_session, string class_name)
+ entity e = spawn();
+ e.classname = class_name;
+ e.owner = minigame_session;
+ e.minigame_autoclean = 1;
+ #ifdef SVQC
+ e.customizeentityforclient = minigame_CheckSend;
+ Net_LinkEntity(e, false, 0, minigame_SendEntity);
+ #endif
+ return e;
+const float msle_base_id = 2;
+float msle_id(string class_name)
+ if ( class_name == "minigame" ) return 1;
+ if ( class_name == "minigame_player" ) return 2;
+ float i = msle_base_id;
+#define MSLE(Name, Fields) i++; if ( class_name == #Name ) return i;
+#undef MSLE
+ return 0;
+string msle_classname(float id)
+ if ( id == 1 ) return "minigame";
+ if ( id == 2 ) return "minigame_player";
+ float i = msle_base_id;
+#define MSLE(Name, Fields) i++; if ( id == i ) return #Name;
+#undef MSLE
+ return "";
+float minigame_count_players(entity minigame)
+ float pl_num = 0;
+ entity e;
+#ifdef SVQC
+ for(e = minigame.minigame_players; e; e = e.list_next)
+#elif defined(CSQC)
+ e = world;
+ while( (e = findentity(e,owner,minigame)) )
+ if ( e.classname == "minigame_player" )
+ pl_num++;
+ return pl_num;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef MINIGAMES_H
+#define MINIGAMES_H
+entity minigame_descriptors;
+// previous node in a doubly linked list
+.entity list_prev;
+// next node in a linked list
+.entity list_next;
+entity minigame_get_descriptor(string id);
+// Get letter index of a tile name
+float minigame_tile_letter(string id);
+// Get number index of a tile name
+// Note: this is 0 based, useful for mathematical operations
+// Note: Since the tile notation starts from the bottom left,
+// you may want to do number_of_rows - what_this_function_returns or something
+float minigame_tile_number(string id);
+// Get relative position of the center of a given tile
+vector minigame_tile_pos(string id, float rows, float columns);
+// Get a tile name from indices
+string minigame_tile_buildname(float letter, float number);
+// Get the id of a tile relative to the given one
+string minigame_relative_tile(string start_id, float dx, float dy, float rows, float columns);
+// Get tile name from a relative position (matches the tile covering a square area)
+string minigame_tile_name(vector pos, float rows, float columns);
+// Get the next team number (note: team numbers are between 1 and n_teams, inclusive)
+float minigame_next_team(float curr_team, float n_teams);
+// set send flags only when on server
+// (for example in game logic which can be used both in client and server
+void minigame_server_sendflags(entity ent, float mgflags);
+// count the number of players in a minigame session
+float minigame_count_players(entity minigame);
+/// For minigame sessions: minigame descriptor object
+.entity descriptor;
+/// For minigame sessions/descriptors: execute the given event
+/// Client events:
+/// mouse_moved(vector mouse_pos)
+/// return 1 to handle input, 0 to discard
+/// mouse_pressed/released(float K_Keycode)
+/// return 1 to handle input, 0 to discard
+/// note: see dpdefs/keycodes.qc for values
+/// key_pressed/released(float K_Keycode)
+/// return 1 to handle input, 0 to discard
+/// note: see dpdefs/keycodes.qc for values
+/// activate()
+/// executed when the minigame is activated for the current client
+/// deactivate()
+/// executed when the minigame is deactivated for the current client
+/// network_receive(entity received,float flags)
+/// executed each time a networked entity is received
+/// note: when this is called self == ...(0,entity)
+/// You can use the MINIG_SF_ constants to check the send flags
+/// IMPORTANT: always read in client everything you send from the server!
+/// menu_show(entity parent_menu_item)
+/// executed when the Current Game menu is shown, used to add custom entries
+/// Call HUD_MinigameMenu_CustomEntry to do so (pass ...(0,entity) as first argument)
+/// menu_click(string arg)
+/// executed when a custom menu entry is clicked
+/// Server events:
+/// start()
+/// executed when the minigame session is starting
+/// end()
+/// executed when the minigame session is shutting down
+/// join(entity player)
+/// executed when a player wants to join the session
+/// return the player team number to accept the new player, 0 to discard
+/// part(entity player)
+/// executed when a player is going to leave the session
+/// network_send(entity sent,float flags)
+/// executed each time a networked entity is sent
+/// note: when this is called self == ...(0,entity)
+/// You can use the MINIG_SF_ constants to check the send flags
+/// IMPORTANT: always read in client everything you send from the server!
+/// cmd(entity minigame_player, float argc, string command)
+/// self = client entity triggering this
+/// argv(n) = console token
+/// argc: number of console tokens
+/// command: full command string
+/// triggered when a player does "cmd minigame ..." with some unrecognized command
+/// return 1 if the minigame has handled the command
+/// impulse(entity minigame_player,float impulse)
+/// self = client entity triggering this
+/// triggered when a player does "impulse ..."
+/// return 1 if the minigame has handled the impulse
+.float(entity,string,...) minigame_event;
+// For run-time gameplay entities: Whether to be removed when the game is deactivated
+.float minigame_autoclean;
+// For run-time gameplay entities: some place to store flags safely
+.float minigame_flags;
+// Send flags, set to .SendFlags on networked entities to send entity information
+// Flag values for customized events must be powers of 2 in the range
+// [MINIG_SF_CUSTOM, MINIG_SF_MAX] (inclusive)
+const float MINIG_SF_CREATE = 0x01; // Create a new object
+const float MINIG_SF_UPDATE = 0x02; // miscellaneous entity update
+const float MINIG_SF_CUSTOM = 0x10; // a customized networked event
+const float MINIG_SF_MAX = 0x80; // maximum flag value sent over the network
+const float MINIG_SF_ALL = 0xff; // use to resend everything
+// Spawn linked entity on the server or local entity on the client
+// This entity will be removed automatically when the minigame ends
+entity msle_spawn(entity minigame_session, string class_name);
+#include "minigame/all.qh"
+float msle_id(string class_name);
+string msle_classname(float id);
--- /dev/null
+#include "minigames.qh"
+void player_clear_minigame(entity player)
+ player.active_minigame = world;
+ if ( IS_PLAYER(player) )
+ player.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
+ else
+ player.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY;
+ player.team_forced = 0;
+void minigame_rmplayer(entity minigame_session, entity player)
+ entity e;
+ entity p = minigame_session.minigame_players;
+ if ( p.minigame_players == player )
+ {
+ if ( p.list_next == world )
+ {
+ end_minigame(minigame_session);
+ return;
+ }
+ minigame_session.minigame_event(minigame_session,"part",player);
+ GameLogEcho(strcat(":minigame:part:",minigame_session.netname,":",
+ ftos(num_for_edict(player)),":",player.netname));
+ minigame_session.minigame_players = p.list_next;
+ remove ( p );
+ player_clear_minigame(player);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for ( e = p.list_next; e != world; e = e.list_next )
+ {
+ if ( e.minigame_players == player )
+ {
+ minigame_session.minigame_event(minigame_session,"part",player);
+ GameLogEcho(strcat(":minigame:part:",minigame_session.netname,":",
+ ftos(num_for_edict(player)),":",player.netname));
+ p.list_next = e.list_next;
+ remove(e);
+ player_clear_minigame(player);
+ return;
+ }
+ p = e;
+ }
+ }
+#define FIELD(Flags, Type,Name) if ( sf & (Flags) ) Write##Type(MSG_ENTITY, self.Name);
+#define WriteVector(to,Name) WriteCoord(to,Name##_x); WriteCoord(to,Name##_y); WriteCoord(to,Name##_z)
+#define WriteVector2D(to,Name) WriteCoord(to,Name##_x); WriteCoord(to,Name##_y)
+#define WriteFloat WriteCoord
+#define MSLE(Name,Fields) \
+ else if ( self.classname == #Name ) { \
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE ) WriteString(MSG_ENTITY,self.owner.netname); \
+ Fields }
+// Send an entity to a client
+// only use on minigame entities or entities with a minigame owner
+float minigame_SendEntity(entity to, float sf)
+ WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sf);
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE )
+ {
+ WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY,msle_id(self.classname));
+ WriteString(MSG_ENTITY,self.netname);
+ }
+ entity minigame_ent = self.owner;
+ if ( self.classname == "minigame" )
+ {
+ minigame_ent = self;
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE )
+ WriteString(MSG_ENTITY,self.descriptor.netname);
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_UPDATE )
+ WriteLong(MSG_ENTITY,self.minigame_flags);
+ }
+ else if ( self.classname == "minigame_player" )
+ {
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE )
+ {
+ WriteString(MSG_ENTITY,self.owner.netname);
+ WriteLong(MSG_ENTITY,num_for_edict(self.minigame_players));
+ }
+ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_UPDATE )
+ WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY,;
+ }
+ minigame_ent.minigame_event(minigame_ent,"network_send",self,sf);
+ return 1;
+#undef FIELD
+#undef MSLE
+#undef WriteFloat
+// Force resend all minigame entities
+void minigame_resend(entity minigame)
+ minigame.SendFlags = MINIG_SF_ALL;
+ entity e = world;
+ while (( e = findentity(e,owner,minigame) ))
+ {
+ e.SendFlags = MINIG_SF_ALL;
+ }
+float minigame_CheckSend()
+ entity e;
+ for ( e = self.owner.minigame_players; e != world; e = e.list_next )
+ if ( e.minigame_players == other )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+float minigame_addplayer(entity minigame_session, entity player)
+ if ( player.active_minigame )
+ {
+ if ( player.active_minigame == minigame_session )
+ return 0;
+ minigame_rmplayer(player.active_minigame,player);
+ }
+ float mgteam = minigame_session.minigame_event(minigame_session,"join",player);
+ if ( mgteam )
+ {
+ entity player_pointer = spawn();
+ player_pointer.classname = "minigame_player";
+ player_pointer.owner = minigame_session;
+ player_pointer.minigame_players = player;
+ = mgteam;
+ player_pointer.list_next = minigame_session.minigame_players;
+ minigame_session.minigame_players = player_pointer;
+ player.active_minigame = minigame_session;
+ player_pointer.customizeentityforclient = minigame_CheckSend;
+ Net_LinkEntity(player_pointer, false, 0, minigame_SendEntity);
+ if ( !IS_OBSERVER(player) && autocvar_sv_minigames_observer )
+ {
+ entity e = self;
+ self = player;
+ PutObserverInServer();
+ self = e;
+ }
+ if ( autocvar_sv_minigames_observer == 2 )
+ player.team_forced = -1;
+ minigame_resend(minigame_session);
+ }
+ GameLogEcho(strcat(":minigame:join",(mgteam?"":"fail"),":",minigame_session.netname,":",
+ ftos(num_for_edict(player)),":",player.netname));
+ return mgteam;
+entity start_minigame(entity player, string minigame )
+ if ( !autocvar_sv_minigames || !IS_REAL_CLIENT(player) )
+ return world;
+ entity e = minigame_get_descriptor(minigame);
+ if ( e )
+ {
+ entity minig = spawn();
+ minig.classname = "minigame";
+ minig.netname = strzone(strcat(e.netname,"_",ftos(num_for_edict(minig))));
+ minig.descriptor = e;
+ minig.minigame_event = e.minigame_event;
+ minig.minigame_event(minig,"start");
+ GameLogEcho(strcat(":minigame:start:",minig.netname));
+ if ( ! minigame_addplayer(minig,player) )
+ {
+ dprint("Minigame ",minig.netname," rejected the first player join!\n");
+ end_minigame(minig);
+ return world;
+ }
+ Net_LinkEntity(minig, false, 0, minigame_SendEntity);
+ if ( !minigame_sessions )
+ minigame_sessions = minig;
+ else
+ {
+ minigame_sessions.owner = minig;
+ minig.list_next = minigame_sessions;
+ minigame_sessions = minig;
+ }
+ return minig;
+ }
+ return world;
+entity join_minigame(entity player, string game_id )
+ if ( !autocvar_sv_minigames || !IS_REAL_CLIENT(player) )
+ return world;
+ entity minig;
+ for ( minig = minigame_sessions; minig != world; minig = minig.list_next )
+ {
+ if ( minig.netname == game_id )
+ if ( minigame_addplayer(minig,player) )
+ return minig;
+ }
+ return world;
+void part_minigame(entity player )
+ entity minig = player.active_minigame;
+ if ( minig && minig.classname == "minigame" )
+ minigame_rmplayer(minig,player);
+void end_minigame(entity minigame_session)
+ if ( minigame_session.owner )
+ minigame_session.owner.list_next = minigame_session.list_next;
+ else
+ minigame_sessions = minigame_session.list_next;
+ minigame_session.minigame_event(minigame_session,"end");
+ GameLogEcho(strcat(":minigame:end:",minigame_session.netname));
+ entity e = world;
+ while( (e = findentity(e, owner, minigame_session)) )
+ if ( e.minigame_autoclean )
+ {
+ dprint("SV Auto-cleaned: ",ftos(num_for_edict(e)), " (",e.classname,")\n");
+ remove(e);
+ }
+ entity p;
+ for ( e = minigame_session.minigame_players; e != world; e = p )
+ {
+ p = e.list_next;
+ player_clear_minigame(e.minigame_players);
+ remove(e);
+ }
+ strunzone(minigame_session.netname);
+ remove(minigame_session);
+void end_minigames()
+ while ( minigame_sessions )
+ {
+ end_minigame(minigame_sessions);
+ }
+void initialize_minigames()
+ entity last_minig = world;
+ entity minig;
+ #define MINIGAME(name,nicename) \
+ minig = spawn(); \
+ minig.classname = "minigame_descriptor"; \
+ minig.netname = #name; \
+ minig.message = nicename; \
+ minig.minigame_event = minigame_event_##name; \
+ if ( !last_minig ) minigame_descriptors = minig; \
+ else last_minig.list_next = minig; \
+ last_minig = minig;
+ #undef MINIGAME
+string invite_minigame(entity inviter, entity player)
+ if ( !inviter || !inviter.active_minigame )
+ return "Invalid minigame";
+ if ( !VerifyClientEntity(player, true, false) )
+ return "Invalid player";
+ if ( inviter == player )
+ return "You can't invite yourself";
+ if ( player.active_minigame == inviter.active_minigame )
+ return strcat(player.netname," is already playing");
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_INFO, INFO_MINIGAME_INVITE,
+ inviter.active_minigame.netname, inviter.netname );
+ GameLogEcho(strcat(":minigame:invite:",inviter.active_minigame.netname,":",
+ ftos(num_for_edict(player)),":",player.netname));
+ return "";
+entity minigame_find_player(entity client)
+ if ( ! client.active_minigame )
+ return world;
+ entity e;
+ for ( e = client.active_minigame.minigame_players; e; e = e.list_next )
+ if ( e.minigame_players == client )
+ return e;
+ return world;
+float MinigameImpulse(float imp)
+ entity e = minigame_find_player(self);
+ if ( imp && self.active_minigame && e )
+ {
+ return self.active_minigame.minigame_event(self.active_minigame,"impulse",e,imp);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void ClientCommand_minigame(float request, float argc, string command)
+ if ( !autocvar_sv_minigames )
+ {
+ sprint(self,"Minigames are not enabled!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (request == CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND )
+ {
+ string minig_cmd = argv(1);
+ if ( minig_cmd == "create" && argc > 2 )
+ {
+ entity minig = start_minigame(self, argv(2));
+ if ( minig )
+ sprint(self,"Created minigame session: ",minig.netname,"\n");
+ else
+ sprint(self,"Cannot start minigame session!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( minig_cmd == "join" && argc > 2 )
+ {
+ entity minig = join_minigame(self, argv(2));
+ if ( minig )
+ sprint(self,"Joined: ",minig.netname,"\n");
+ else
+ {
+ sprint(self,"Cannot join given minigame session!\n");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( minig_cmd == "list" )
+ {
+ entity e;
+ for ( e = minigame_descriptors; e != world; e = e.list_next )
+ sprint(self,e.netname," (",e.message,") ","\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( minig_cmd == "list-sessions" )
+ {
+ entity e;
+ for ( e = minigame_sessions; e != world; e = e.list_next )
+ sprint(self,e.netname,"\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( minig_cmd == "end" || minig_cmd == "part" )
+ {
+ if ( self.active_minigame )
+ {
+ part_minigame(self);
+ sprint(self,"Left minigame session\n");
+ }
+ else
+ sprint(self,"You aren't playing any minigame...\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( minig_cmd == "invite" && argc > 2 )
+ {
+ if ( self.active_minigame )
+ {
+ entity client = GetIndexedEntity(argc, 2);
+ string error = invite_minigame(self,client);
+ if ( error == "" )
+ {
+ sprint(self,"You have invited ",client.netname,
+ " to join your game of ", self.active_minigame.descriptor.message, "\n");
+ }
+ else
+ sprint(self,"Could not invite: ", error, ".\n");
+ }
+ else
+ sprint(self,"You aren't playing any minigame...\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( self.active_minigame )
+ {
+ entity e = minigame_find_player(self);
+ string subcommand = substring(command,argv_end_index(0),-1);
+ float arg_c = tokenize_console(subcommand);
+ if ( self.active_minigame.minigame_event(self.active_minigame,"cmd",e,arg_c,subcommand) )
+ return;
+ }
+ else sprint(self,strcat("Wrong command:^1 ",command,"\n"));
+ }
+ sprint(self, "\nUsage:^3 cmd minigame create <minigame>\n");
+ sprint(self, " Start a new minigame session\n");
+ sprint(self, "Usage:^3 cmd minigame join <session>\n");
+ sprint(self, " Join an exising minigame session\n");
+ sprint(self, "Usage:^3 cmd minigame list\n");
+ sprint(self, " List available minigames\n");
+ sprint(self, "Usage:^3 cmd minigame list-sessions\n");
+ sprint(self, " List available minigames sessions\n");
+ sprint(self, "Usage:^3 cmd minigame part|end\n");
+ sprint(self, " Leave the current minigame\n");
+ sprint(self, "Usage:^3 cmd minigame invite <player>\n");
+ sprint(self, " Invite the given player to join you in a minigame\n");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+/// Initialize the minigame system
+void initialize_minigames();
+/// Create a new minigame session
+/// \return minigame session entity
+entity start_minigame(entity player, string minigame );
+/// Join an existing minigame session
+/// \return minigame session entity
+entity join_minigame(entity player, string game_id );
+/// Invite a player to join in a minigame
+/// \return Error string
+string invite_minigame(entity inviter, entity player);
+// Part minigame session
+void part_minigame(entity player);
+// Ends a minigame session
+void end_minigame(entity minigame_session);
+// Ends all minigame sessions
+void end_minigames();
+// Only sends entities to players who joined the minigame
+// Use on customizeentityforclient for gameplay entities
+float minigame_CheckSend();
+// Check for minigame impulses
+float MinigameImpulse(float imp);
+// Parse a client command ( cmd minigame ... )
+void ClientCommand_minigame(float request, float argc, string command);
+// Find the minigame_player entity for the given client entity
+entity minigame_find_player(entity client);
+/// For players: Minigame being played
+.entity active_minigame;
+/// For minigame sessions: list of players
+/// For minigame_player: client entity
+.entity minigame_players;
+entity minigame_sessions;
+float minigame_SendEntity(entity to, float sf);
+var void remove(entity e);
#ifdef CSQC
if(notif.nent_icon != "")
+ if ( notif.nent_iconargs != "" )
+ {
+ notif.nent_icon = Local_Notification_sprintf(
+ notif.nent_icon,notif.nent_iconargs,
+ s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4);
+ // remove the newline added by Local_Notification_sprintf
+ notif.nent_icon = strzone(substring(notif.nent_icon,0,strlen(notif.nent_icon)-1));
+ }
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(1, INFO_RACE_NEW_IMPROVED, 1, 3, "s1 race_col f1ord race_col f2race_time race_diff", "s1 f2race_time", "race_newtime", _("^BG%s^BG improved their %s%s^BG place record with %s%s %s"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(1, INFO_RACE_NEW_MISSING_UID, 1, 1, "s1 f1race_time", "s1 f1race_time", "race_newfail", _("^BG%s^BG scored a new record with ^F2%s^BG, but unfortunately lacks a UID and will be lost."), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(1, INFO_RACE_NEW_SET, 1, 2, "s1 race_col f1ord race_col f2race_time", "s1 f2race_time", "race_newrecordserver", _("^BG%s^BG set the %s%s^BG place record with %s%s"), "") \
+ MULTIICON_INFO(1, INFO_MINIGAME_INVITE, 2, 0, "s2 minigame1_name s1","s2", "minigame1_d", "minigames/%s/icon_notif",_("^F4You have been invited by ^BG%s^F4 to join their game of ^F2%s^F4 (^F1%s^F4)"), "") \
MULTITEAM_INFO(1, INFO_SCORES_, 4, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^TC^TT ^BGteam scores!"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(1, INFO_SPECTATE_WARNING, 0, 1, "f1secs", "", "", _("^F2You have to become a player within the next %s, otherwise you will be kicked, because spectating isn't allowed at this time!"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(1, INFO_SUPERWEAPON_PICKUP, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "superweapons", _("^BG%s^K1 picked up a Superweapon"), "") \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(1, CENTER_TIMEOUT_BEGINNING, 0, 1, "", CPID_TIMEOUT, "1 f1", _("^F4Timeout begins in ^COUNT"), "") \
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(1, CENTER_TIMEOUT_ENDING, 0, 1, "", CPID_TIMEOUT, "1 f1", _("^F4Timeout ends in ^COUNT"), "") \
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(1, CENTER_WEAPON_MINELAYER_LIMIT, 0, 1, "f1", NO_CPID, "0 0", _("^BGYou cannot place more than ^F2%s^BG mines at a time"), "")
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(1, CENTER_WEAPON_MINELAYER_LIMIT, 0, 1, "f1", NO_CPID, "0 0", _("^BGYou cannot place more than ^F2%s^BG mines at a time"), "") \
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(1, CENTER_JOIN_PREVENT_MINIGAME, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, "0 0", _("^K1Cannot join given minigame session!"), "" )
#define MULTITEAM_MULTI2(default,prefix,anncepre,infopre,centerpre) \
MSG_MULTI_NOTIF(default, prefix##RED, anncepre##RED, infopre##RED, centerpre##RED) \
item_centime: amount of time to display weapon message in centerprint
item_buffname: return full name of a buff from buffid
death_team: show the full name of the team a player is switching from
+ minigame1_name: return human readable name of a minigame from its id(s1)
+ minigame1_d: return descriptor name of a minigame from its id(s1)
const float NOTIF_MAX_ARGS = 7;
ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV, "item_wepammo", (s1 != "" ? sprintf(_(" with %s"), s1) : "")) \
ARG_CASE(ARG_DC, "item_centime", ftos(autocvar_notification_item_centerprinttime)) \
ARG_CASE(ARG_SV, "death_team", Team_ColoredFullName(f1)) \
- ARG_CASE(ARG_CS, "death_team", Team_ColoredFullName(f1 - 1))
+ ARG_CASE(ARG_CS, "death_team", Team_ColoredFullName(f1 - 1)) \
+ ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV_HA, "minigame1_name",find(world,netname,s1).descriptor.message) \
+ ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV_HA, "minigame1_d", find(world,netname,s1).descriptor.netname)
#define NOTIF_HIT_MAX(count,funcname) do { \
if(sel_num == count) { backtrace(sprintf("%s: Hit maximum arguments!\n", funcname)); break; } \
} \
ACCUMULATE_FUNCTION(RegisterNotifications, RegisterNotification_##name);
+.string nent_iconargs;
+#define MULTIICON_INFO(default,name,strnum,flnum,args,hudargs,iconargs,icon,normal,gentle) \
+ NOTIF_ADD_AUTOCVAR(name, default) \
+ float name; \
+ void RegisterNotification_##name() \
+ { \
+ Create_Notification_Entity( \
+ /* COMMON ======================== */ \
+ default, /* var_default */ \
+ ACVNN(name), /* var_cvar */ \
+ MSG_INFO, /* typeid */ \
+ name, /* nameid */ \
+ strtoupper(#name), /* namestring */ \
+ strnum, /* strnum */ \
+ flnum, /* flnum */ \
+ /* ANNCE =========== */ \
+ NO_MSG, /* channel */ \
+ "", /* snd */ \
+ NO_MSG, /* vol */ \
+ NO_MSG, /* position */ \
+ /* INFO & CENTER === */ \
+ args, /* args */ \
+ hudargs, /* hudargs */ \
+ icon, /* icon */ \
+ NO_MSG, /* cpid */ \
+ "", /* durcnt */ \
+ normal, /* normal */ \
+ gentle, /* gentle */ \
+ /* MULTI ============= */ \
+ NO_MSG, /* anncename */ \
+ NO_MSG, /* infoname */ \
+ NO_MSG, /* centername */ \
+ /* CHOICE ============== */ \
+ NO_MSG, /* challow_def */ \
+ NO_MSG, /* challow_var */ \
+ NO_MSG, /* chtype */ \
+ NO_MSG, /* optiona */ \
+ NO_MSG); /* optionb */ \
+ msg_info_notifs[name - 1].nent_iconargs = iconargs; \
+ } \
+ ACCUMULATE_FUNCTION(RegisterNotifications, RegisterNotification_##name);
#define MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(default,name,strnum,flnum,args,cpid,durcnt,normal,gentle) \
NOTIF_ADD_AUTOCVAR(name, default) \
float name; \
float(float minimum, float val, float maximum) bound = #96;
float(float f, float f) pow = #97;
entity(entity start, .float fld, float match) findfloat = #98;
+entity(entity start, .entity fld, entity match) findentity = #98;
float(string s) checkextension = #99;
// FrikaC and Telejano range #100-#199
float autocvar_g_buffs_invisible_alpha;
float autocvar_g_buffs_flight_gravity;
float autocvar_g_buffs_jump_height;
+bool autocvar_sv_minigames;
+bool autocvar_sv_minigames_observer;
#include "../common/net_notice.qh"
+#include "../common/minigames/sv_minigames.qh"
#include "../common/monsters/sv_monsters.qh"
#include "../warpzonelib/server.qh"
+ if ( self.active_minigame )
+ part_minigame(self);
if(IS_PLAYER(self)) { pointparticles(particleeffectnum("spawn_event_neutral"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1); }
+float ChatBubbleCustomize()
+ entity e = WaypointSprite_getviewentity(other), own = self.owner;
+ if(!own.deadflag && IS_PLAYER(own))
+ {
+ if(own.BUTTON_CHAT) { = 0; return true; }
+ if(own.active_minigame) { = 1; return true; }
+ if(SAME_TEAM(own, e) && e != own) { = 2; return true; }
+ }
+ return false;
void ChatBubbleThink()
self.nextthink = time;
- if (self.owner.BUTTON_CHAT && !self.owner.deadflag)
- self.model = self.mdl;
- else
- self.model = "";
void UpdateChatBubble()
self.chatbubbleentity = spawn();
self.chatbubbleentity.owner = self;
self.chatbubbleentity.exteriormodeltoclient = self;
+ self.chatbubbleentity.alpha = 1;
+ self.chatbubbleentity.customizeentityforclient = ChatBubbleCustomize;
self.chatbubbleentity.think = ChatBubbleThink;
self.chatbubbleentity.nextthink = time;
setmodel(self.chatbubbleentity, "models/misc/chatbubble.spr"); // precision set below
setorigin(self.chatbubbleentity, '0 0 15' + self.maxs.z * '0 0 1');
setattachment(self.chatbubbleentity, self, ""); // sticks to moving player better, also conserves bandwidth
self.chatbubbleentity.mdl = self.chatbubbleentity.model;
- self.chatbubbleentity.model = "";
+ //self.chatbubbleentity.model = "";
self.chatbubbleentity.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION;
void ObserverThink()
+ if ( self.impulse )
+ {
+ MinigameImpulse(self.impulse);
+ self.impulse = 0;
+ }
float prefered_movetype;
if (self.flags & FL_JUMPRELEASED) {
if (self.BUTTON_JUMP && !self.version_mismatch) {
void SpectatorThink()
+ if ( self.impulse )
+ {
+ MinigameImpulse(self.impulse);
+ self.impulse = 0;
+ }
if (self.flags & FL_JUMPRELEASED) {
if (self.BUTTON_JUMP && !self.version_mismatch) {
self.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED;
#include "weapons/throwing.qh"
+#include "../common/minigames/sv_minigames.qh"
#include "../common/weapons/weapons.qh"
self.impulse = 0;
+ if ( self.active_minigame )
+ if ( MinigameImpulse(imp) )
+ return;
// allow only weapon change impulses when not in round time
if(round_handler_IsActive() && !round_handler_IsRoundStarted())
if(imp == 17 || (imp >= 20 && imp < 200) || imp > 253)
#include "g_violence.qh"
#include "miscfunctions.qh"
+#include "../common/minigames/sv_minigames.qh"
#include "weapons/weaponstats.qh"
void CopyBody_Think(void)
if(cmsgstr != "")
centerprint(privatesay, cmsgstr);
+ else if ( teamsay && source.active_minigame )
+ {
+ sprint(source, sourcemsgstr);
+ dedicated_print(msgstr); // send to server console too
+ if(head != source)
+ if(head.active_minigame == source.active_minigame)
+ sprint(head, msgstr);
+ }
else if(teamsay > 0) // team message, only sent to team mates
sprint(source, sourcemsgstr);
CLIENT_COMMAND("suggestmap", ClientCommand_suggestmap(request, arguments), "Suggest a map to the mapvote at match end") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("tell", ClientCommand_tell(request, arguments, command), "Send a message directly to a player") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("voice", ClientCommand_voice(request, arguments, command), "Send voice message via sound") \
+ CLIENT_COMMAND("minigame", ClientCommand_minigame(request, arguments, command), "Start a minigame") \
/* nothing */
void ClientCommand_macro_help()
+ initialize_minigames();
ServerProgsDB = db_load(strcat("server.db", autocvar_sessionid));
TemporaryDB = db_create();