set g_hitplots 0 "when set to 1, hitplots are stored by the server to provide a means of proving that a triggerbot was used"
seta g_hitplots_individuals "" "the individuals, by IP, that should have their hitplots recorded"
-set menu_updatecheck 1
+set menu_updatecheck 1 "check for updates"
+set menu_updatecheck_getpacks 1 "get update packs from update server"
set bot_navigation_ignoreplayers 0 // FIXME remove this once the issue is solved
set bot_sound_monopoly 0 "when enabled, only bots can make any noise"
float _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_Queried;
string _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo;
string _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateToURL;
+string _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_Packs;
+float _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_PacksStep;
void URI_Get_Callback(float id, float status, string data)
_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_BannedServers = strzone(argv(3));
_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_BannedServersNeedsRefresh = 1;
+ if(n >= 5)
+ {
+ if(cvar("menu_updatecheck_getpacks"))
+ {
+ _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_Packs = strzone(argv(4));
+ _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_PacksStep = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_PacksStep > 0)
+ {
+ float n;
+ float allgood;
+ n = tokenize_console(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_Packs);
+ allgood = TRUE;
+ for(i = 0; i+1 < n; i += 2)
+ {
+ if(fexists(argv(i+1)))
+ continue;
+ allgood = FALSE;
+ if(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_PacksStep == 1) // first run
+ localcmd("\ncurl --pak \"", argv(i), "\"\n");
+ }
+ if(allgood)
+ {
+ if(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_PacksStep == 2)
+ localcmd("\nmenu_restart\n");
+ _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_PacksStep = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_PacksStep = 2;
+ }
if(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo != "")
// TODO rather turn this into a dialog