+void effectinfo_dump(int fh, bool alsoprint);
+void GenericCommand_dumpeffectinfo(float request)
+ switch (request) {
+ #ifndef MENUQC
+ string filename = argv(1);
+ bool alsoprint = false;
+ if (filename == "") {
+ filename = "effectinfo_dump.txt";
+ alsoprint = false;
+ } else if (filename == "-") {
+ filename = "effectinfo_dump.txt";
+ alsoprint = true;
+ }
+ int fh = fopen(filename, FILE_WRITE);
+ if (fh >= 0) {
+ effectinfo_dump(fh, alsoprint);
+ LOG_INFOF("Dumping effectinfo... File located at ^2data/data/%s^7.\n", filename);
+ LOG_INFOF("Reload with ^2cl_particles_reloadeffects data/%s^7.\n", filename);
+ fclose(fh);
+ } else {
+ LOG_WARNINGF("Could not open file '%s'!\n", filename);
+ }
+ #else
+ LOG_INFO(_("Effectinfo dump command only works with cl_cmd and sv_cmd.\n"));
+ #endif
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ LOG_INFO(strcat("\nUsage:^3 ", GetProgramCommandPrefix(), " dumpeffectinfo [filename]"));
+ LOG_INFO(" Where 'filename' is the file to write (default is effectinfo_dump.txt),\n");
+ LOG_INFO(" if supplied with '-' output to console as well as default,\n");
+ LOG_INFO(" if left blank, it will only write to default.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+STATIC_INIT(dumpeffectinfo) { localcmd("alias dumpeffectinfo \"qc_cmd_svcl dumpeffectinfo ${* ?}\"\n"); }
void GenericCommand_dumpitems(float request)
#define GENERIC_COMMANDS(request,arguments,command) \
GENERIC_COMMAND("addtolist", GenericCommand_addtolist(request, arguments), "Add a string to a cvar") \
GENERIC_COMMAND("dumpcommands", GenericCommand_dumpcommands(request), "Dump all commands on the program to *_cmd_dump.txt") \
+ GENERIC_COMMAND("dumpeffectinfo", GenericCommand_dumpeffectinfo(request), "Dump all effectinfo to effectinfo_dump.txt") \
GENERIC_COMMAND("dumpitems", GenericCommand_dumpitems(request), "Dump all items to the console") \
GENERIC_COMMAND("dumpnotifs", GenericCommand_dumpnotifs(request), "Dump all notifications into notifications_dump.txt") \
GENERIC_COMMAND("dumpturrets", GenericCommand_dumpturrets(request), "Dump all turrets into turrets_dump.txt") \
-void effectinfo_dump()
+void effectinfo_dump(int fh, bool alsoprint)
for (EffectInfo it = NULL; (it = findfloat(it, instanceOfEffectInfo, true)); ) {
if (it.classname == "vtbl") continue;
- print(it.dump(it));
+ string s = it.dump(it);
+ fputs(fh, s);
+ if (alsoprint) print(s);
#define MY(f) this.effectinfo_##f
#define DEF(name) EFFECTINFO(name)
#define SUB(name) \
- [[accumulate]] void effectinfo_##name(EffectInfoGroup parent, EffectInfo this) { parent = EFFECTINFO_##name; parent.children[parent.children_count++] = this = NEW(EffectInfo); } \
+ [[accumulate]] void effectinfo_##name(EffectInfoGroup parent, EffectInfo this) { parent = EFFECTINFO_##name; parent.children[parent.children_count++] = this = NEW(EffectInfo, #name); } \
[[accumulate]] void effectinfo_##name(EffectInfoGroup parent, EffectInfo this)
#include "effectinfo.inc"
#undef MY