int i, j, x, y, z, mod, step, numCon, numStyles;
float d;
- vec3_t baseOrigin, cheapColor, color;
+ vec3_t baseOrigin, cheapColor, color, thisdir;
rawGridPoint_t *gp;
bspGridPoint_t *bgp;
contribution_t contributions[ MAX_CONTRIBUTIONS ];
/* try to nudge the origin around to find a valid point */
VectorCopy( trace.origin, baseOrigin );
- for( step = 9; step <= 18; step += 9 )
+ for( step = 0.05; step <= 0.5; step += 0.05 )
for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
VectorCopy( baseOrigin, trace.origin );
if( i & 1 )
- trace.origin[ 0 ] += step;
+ trace.origin[ 0 ] += step * gridSize[0];
- trace.origin[ 0 ] -= step;
+ trace.origin[ 0 ] -= step * gridSize[0];
if( i & 2 )
- trace.origin[ 1 ] += step;
+ trace.origin[ 1 ] += step * gridSize[1];
- trace.origin[ 1 ] -= step;
+ trace.origin[ 1 ] -= step * gridSize[1];
if( i & 4 )
- trace.origin[ 2 ] += step;
+ trace.origin[ 2 ] += step * gridSize[2];
- trace.origin[ 2 ] -= step;
+ trace.origin[ 2 ] -= step * gridSize[2];
/* ydnar: changed to find cluster num */
trace.cluster = ClusterForPointExt( trace.origin, VERTEX_EPSILON );
/* can't find a valid point at all */
- if( step > 18 )
+ if( step > 0.5 )
/* normalize to get primary light direction */
- VectorNormalize( gp->dir, gp->dir );
+ VectorNormalize( gp->dir, thisdir );
/* now that we have identified the primary light direction,
go back and separate all the light into directed and ambient */
for( i = 0; i < numCon; i++ )
/* get relative directed strength */
- d = DotProduct( contributions[ i ].dir, gp->dir );
+ d = DotProduct( contributions[ i ].dir, thisdir );
/* we map 1 to gridDirectionality, and 0 to gridAmbientDirectionality */
d = gridAmbientDirectionality + d * (gridDirectionality - gridAmbientDirectionality);
if( d < 0.0f )
/* store direction */
- if( !bouncing )
- NormalToLatLong( gp->dir, bgp->latLong );
+ NormalToLatLong( thisdir, bgp->latLong );
else if( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-gridambientdirectionality" ) )
f = atof( argv[ i + 1 ] );
- if(f > gridDirectionality) f = gridDirectionality
+ if(f > gridDirectionality) f = gridDirectionality;
if(f > 1) f = 1;
Sys_Printf( "Grid ambient directionality is %f\n", f );
gridAmbientDirectionality *= f;